V1 Suggested Solution FyANVCO09 Ch6

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Suggested solution: V1 Test Ch 6 Physics A: Work, Energy, and Power.



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Test time Resources 9:05-10:25 22 September 2010

The test:

Calculators, and Formulas for the National Test in Mathematics Courses A & B, and the formula sheet for Physics A, FYANV-College. You may also use one page of your own formula sheet. The page must have your name and no calculations or solution to any problem are supposed to be on the paper. The test consists of a total of 8 problems. For the problems short answers are not enough. They require: that you write down what you do, that you explain your train of thought, that you, when necessary, draw figures. When you solve problems graphically/numerically please indicate how you have used your resources. Problem 8 is a larger problems which may take up to 25 minutes to solve completely. Problems 7 and 8 are of the greatest importance for the highest grade, MVG. It is important that you try to solve them. A description of what I will consider when evaluating your work, is attached to the problem. Try all of the problems. It can be relatively easy, even towards the end of the test, to receive some points for partial solutions. A positive evaluation can be given even for unfinished solutions.


The maximum score is 30 points 15 of them VG points. There are 3 marked problems. Mark levels The maximum number of points you can receive for each solution is indicated after each problem. If a problem can give 2 Pass-points and 1 Pass with distinction- point this is written (2/1). Some problems are marked with , which means that they more than other problems offer opportunities to show knowledge that can be related to the criteria for Pass with Special Distinction in Assessment Criteria 2000. Maximum score: 30: 15/15/ G: 10 points VG: 20 points/ at least 5VG points: MVG: 22 points/ at least 10 VG points; 2 MVG-quality works Have Fun Behzad Only the marked problems in the box below will be graded. 1 2 3 4a 4b 5 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 6i 6ii 2 2 7 8a 8b 8c Grade Limits 1 1 15 10 4 2 2 15 20 /(min 5 VG) 22 /(min10 VG)/


behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes


Suggested solution: V1 Test Ch 6 Physics A: Work, Energy, and Power. FyANVC09


Calculate the work done and the power used by 70.0 kg Adam climbing a flight of stairs 25.0 m high in 1.50 min . [3/0] Suggested solution: Answer: W 17.2 kJ ; P 191 W Data: m = 70.0 kg , h = 25.0 m , t = 1.50 min = 1.50 60 s = 90.0 s , g = 9.80 m / s 2 W = mgh = 70.0 9.80 25.0 = 17150 J 17.2 kJ W 17150 = P= W 191 W 90 t Answer: Adam worked W 17.2 kJ against the gravity increasing his potential energy by EP 17.2 kJ . He used P 191 W in the process. 1. Two cars, one of total mass 1200 kg and traveling at 90 km / h , the other of total mass 1800 kg and traveling at 72 km / h , collide on a plane road head-on and come to rest. How much thermal energy is produced in this collision? [3/0] Suggested solution: 1000 Data: m1 = 1200 kg , v01 = 90 km / h = 90 m / s = 25 m / s , 3600 1000 m2 = 1800 kg , v02 = 72 km / h = 72 m / s = 20 m / s , v = 0.0 3600 The total energy of the system, i.e. in this case the total kinetic energy of the system which is the sum of the kinetic energy of the cars involved in the collision is converted to heat: 1 1 1200 25 2 1800 20 2 2 E = m1v12 + m2 v2 = + = 735 000 J = 740 kJ 2 2 2 2 Answer: The total energy of the system: E = 740 kJ is converted to the thermal energy. 2. Fredrik exerts an average force of 750.0 N on a rope to lift a 65.0 kg box a vertical distance of 4.00 m up. a) Calculate the gravitational potential energy gained [1/0] by the 65.0 kg box. b) Calculate the work done by Fredrik in lifting the 65.0 kg box a vertical distance of 4.00 m up. [1/0] 4 .00 m c) Find the difference between the two forms of energy 750 .0 N calculated above. Which one of the energy forms calculated above is larger? Where did the excess 65 .0 kg energy, if any, go? Explain. [0/1] Suggested solution: Answer: W EPE = 452 J Data: F = 750.0 N , h = 4.00 m , m = 65.0 kg The potential energy gained by the box is: EPE = mgh = 65.0 9.80 4.00 = 2 548 J 2 550 J EPE 2 550 J The work done by Fredrik is: r r W = F x = 750.0 4.00 = 3 000 J W = 3 000 J W EPE = 3 000 J 2 548 J = 452 J Answer: W EPE = 452 J The excess energy, i.e. W EPE = 452 J is possibly, due to friction, converted to heat which is considered a waste, and reduces the efficiency of the system. 3. behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes 2/7

Suggested solution: V1 Test Ch 6 Physics A: Work, Energy, and Power. FyANVC09



A skier is on a 20 slope of length 200 m . The coefficient of friction between her skis and the snow is 0.2 . a) If she starts from rest, what is her velocity at the bottom of the slope? [1/2] b) If the snow is level at the foot of the incline and has the same coefficient of friction of friction, how far will she travel along the level? Use energy method. [2/0]

200 m

= 20
Suggested solution: Answer: v 25 m / s ; d 154 m Data: = 20 , x = 200 m , = 0.20 ; Problem: v = ? (a) Answer: v 25 m / s The friction force is F f = FN = mg cos where the normal force is FN = mg cos If the potential energy of the bottom of the slope is taken to be the ground zero, the skiers initial total energy is her initial potential energy mgh = mg x sin . Conservation of energy requires that skiers initial potential energy to be converted into her final kinetic energy and the work done against the friction: E PE = EKE + W f
1 2 mv + mg cos x / / 2 2 g x sin = v 2 + 2 g cos x mgh = /

v 2 = 2 g x sin 2 g cos x v 2 = 2 g x (sin cos )

v = 2 g x (sin cos )

v = 2 9.8 200 (sin 20 0.2 cos 20) v = 24.58 m / s 25 m / s Answer: v 25 m / s (b) Answer: d 154 m The total energy of the skier at the bottom of the slope is her kinetic energy. This energy will be completely converted to heat as work done against friction. If we denote the distance travelled on the level snow by d , the conservation of energy requires that: v2 (24.58)2 154 m 1 2 d= Answer: d 154 m mv = mg d d = / / 2 g 2(0.2) 9.80 2

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes


Suggested solution: V1 Test Ch 6 Physics A: Work, Energy, and Power. FyANVC09


A passenger car may use 0.080 L / km gas for a given speed. Every litter gas in use may produce 30 MJ . The engines efficiency is 20% . Calculate the driving force of the engine. [0/3] Suggested solution: Data: 0.080 L / km , E = 30 MJ , F = ? 5. One litter gas is sufficient for
1 km = 12.5 km = 12.5 103 m 0.080

On the other hand every litter gas produces 30 MJ . But only 20% of this energy is converted to the mechanical energy of the system. Therefore, the useful part of the energy produced is: 30 0.20 MJ = 6 MJ . Therefore to travel 12.5 km the passenger car needs 6 MJ energy. F= 6. Eout 6 106 = = 480 N x 12.5 103

F = 480 N

The x component of the force on an object varies as shown below. Determine the work done by the force to move the object i from x = 0.0 to x = 80.0 m , [2/0] ii from x = 0.0 to x = 130.0 m . [0/2]
400 300 200 100 F [N] 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 x [m]

Suggested solution: The work done is the area under the curve of (x-component of the) force vs. displacement between the desired boundaries: I. Answer: 16.5 kJ work is done by the force to move the object from x = 0.0 to x = 80.0 m : 30 + 80 W0 a 80 = (300 ) = 16 500 J = 16.5 kJ 2 II. Answer: 12.0 kJ work is done by the force to move the object from x = 0.0 to 1 x = 130.0 m . W0 a130 = W0 a 80 + W80 a130 = 16 500 + ( 300 )(30 ) = 12 000 J 2

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes


Suggested solution: V1 Test Ch 6 Physics A: Work, Energy, and Power. FyANVC09


At the aspect assessment of your work with problems 7 and 8 I will consider 7. the depth of understanding of physics you have demonstrated how well you have carried through the task how well you have explained your work and motivated your conclusions how well you have accounted for your work.

Calculate the spring constant of a spring designed to bring a 1100 kg car to rest from a top speed of 90.0 km / h so that the driver of the car undergoes a maximum deceleration of 5.00 g . [0/4/] Suggested solutions: m = 1 100 kg ; v0 = 90. km / h = 90. 1000 km / h = 25. m / s , amax = 5.0 g 3600 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 mv0 = 2 kx mv0 = kx m2a ma ma / ma / 2 2 2 k= 2 mv0 = k mv0 = k 2 v0 = k k v0 k kx = ma x = ma k
1100 (5 g ) ma = 44 g 2 = 4 225 N / m 4.2 kN / m k= 2 k= 2 25 v0
2 2

Answer: The spring constant should be k 4.2 kN / m .


A 750 .0 g wood block is firmly attached to a very light horizontal spring. The wooden block can slide along a long wooden desk where the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.2 . A force of 30.0 N compresses the spring 20 .0 cm . a) Find the spring constant. [1/0] b) If the spring is released from this position, how far beyond its equilibrium position will it stretch on its first swing? [1/2/] c) Calculate the total distance travelled by the block, in swinging back and fort, before it comes to a complete stop? [0/2/]

Suggested solution: Data: m = 750 .0 g = 0.750 kg , = 0.2 , F = 30.0 N , x = 20 .0 cm = 0.200 m Problem: x = ? a) Answer: The spring constant is k = 150 N / m . r F r 30.0 N k= F = kx k = = 150 N / m 0.200 m x b) Answer: If the spring is released from this position, on its first swing the wooden block is able to reach only x 0.18 m = 18.0 cm from the equilibrium position of the spring. The total energy stored as the elastic potential energy of the system is 1 1 2 EPE = kx 2 = (150 N / m )(0.200 m ) = 3.00 J 2 2

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes


Suggested solution: V1 Test Ch 6 Physics A: Work, Energy, and Power. FyANVC09


Part of this potential energy is going to be converted into the heat due to the dissipative friction force on its swing to the other end; the other part is going to be stored in the system as the new potential energy of the system as the spring stretches to the other extreme. Lets denote the maximum elongation (from the equilibrium position of the string) in the first swing by x . The energy principle requires: 1 3 J = mg (0.200 + x ) + kx 2 2 1 3 = 0.2 0.750 9.80(0.200 + x ) + 150 x 2 2 1 / 2 3 = 2 0.2 0.750 9.80(0.200 + x ) + 2 150 x 2 2.94(0.200 + x ) + 150 x 2 = 6 / 2 2 2 150x + 2.94 x + 0.588 6 = 0 150 x + 2.94 x 5.412 = 0
2.94 57.06 x 0.18 m = 18.0 cm 2 150 2 150 Answer: On its first swing the wooden block is able to reach only x 0.18 m = 18.0 cm from the equilibrium position of the spring. Note: Generalization: Renaming xmax A 1 2 1 F 2 1 1 Etot = E pot = kxmax = xmax = F xmax = F A 2 2 xmax 2 2 F 1 1 F F A = x 2 + mg ( x + A) x 2 + 2 mg ( x + A) F A = 0 2 2 A A A A x 2 + 2 mg ( x + A) F A = 0 / F F / 2 mgA 2 mg x2 + x + A2 1 = 0 F F which may be solved for x . c) If the total distance travelled by the block is called xtot , and realize the fact that the total x= = 2.94

(2.94 )2 + 4 150 5.412

energy of the system stored in the spring, i.e. 3.00 J is converted totally to heat as the work done against the friction, we may express this fact mathematically as: 3.00 Etot = 3.00 J = mg xtot 0.2 0.750 9.80 xtot = 3.00 xtot = m = 2.04 m 1.47 Answer: The block will travel a total distance of xtot = 2.04 m , swinging back and fort, before totally coming to full stop.

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes


Suggested solution: V1 Test Ch 6 Physics A: Work, Energy, and Power. FyANVC09


CE: KE: gPE: ePE: W: Wf: P: eff: nF: fF: kF: FxG: k: a: Prob 1 2 3 4a 4b 5 6i 6ii 7 8a 8b 8c

Conservation of energy Kinetic energy Gravitational Potential Energy Elastic Potential Energy (Spring, Hooks) Work Work done against friction force Power Efficiency Normal Force Friction Force Hooks Force Force vs. Displacement graph Spring Constant Acceleration Wf P P Wf Wf Wf eff F nF fF kF FxG k a G 3 3 eff F 3 nF fF 1 nF fF eff F FxG 2 FxG kF k a kF k 1 nF fF k 1 nF fF k VG


1 2 2 3 2 4 2 2

Wf Wf


nF Wf fF W W gPE

fF W

eff FxG FxG k F kF W W W a

k k kF kF W fF nF

fF Wf

KE CE 1 2 3 3

KE CE CE 3 4a 4b 5 2 1 2 2 3

KE CE CE CE 6i 6ii 7 8a 8b 8c Grade Limits 2 1 1 15 10 2 4 2 2 15 20 /5 22 /10

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes


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