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Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


Directions Please Write your name on all of the papers on your table, NOW! Test time Resources 14:00-15:20 November 4, 2009 Calculators, and Formulas for the National Test in Mathematics Courses A & B, and the formula sheet for Physics A, FYANV-College. You may also use your personalized blue-booklet. The booklet must have your name and no calculations or solution to any problem are supposed to be on it. The test is a G-level test and consists of a total of 25 questions. Most of problems are multiple-choice. Answer all of questions. Below each problem some space is provided. You are required to show your calculations. The VG-MVG-level test is given on Friday November 9, 2009.

The test:


The maximum score is 53 points.

Mark levels The maximum number of points you can receive for each solution is indicated after each problem. G: 28 points VG: MVG: Have Fun Behzad Only the marked problems in the box below will be graded.
Electrostatics:ES DC DC DC DC DC DC ES ES ES Ch 16-19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total Minimum G 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 28 14 2 15 2 16 2 17 2 18 2 19 2 20 3 21 1 22 2 23 3 24 2 25 2
53 25 26,5

ES ES ES ES DC DC DC ES ES ES ES DC ELECTRICITY Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


Base your answers to the problems 1-4 on the figure below which illustrates two point charges Q1 = 5.0 C and Q2 = 5.0 C . The charges are pinned to the page of the paper,

Q1 = 5.0 C 5.0 cm and therefore are stationary.

Q2 = 5.0 C

5.0 cm

1. At which point the magnitude of the electric field is zero? a. b. c. d. e.




None [1] Answer: Alternative:_______________

Why? Explain.

2. At which point the electric potential is zero? a. b. c. d. e.




None [1] Answer: Alternative:_______________

Why? Explain. Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity

NV-College Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


3. If a unit positive charge move from the point A to the point C , the potential energy of the charge [2] a. b. c. d. e. increases decreases first increases, then decreases first decreases, then increases remains constant through out the journey. Answer: Alternative:_______________

4. Moving Q1 = 5.0 C and Q2 = 5.0 C away from each other would cause their electric potential energy to [1] a. b. c. d. e. increase decrease first increases, then decrease first decreases, then increase remains constant through out the journey. [1] Answer: Alternative:_______________

Why? Explain. Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


Answer questions 5-8 based on the circuit below where R1 = R2 = R3 = 2.0 , and

R4 = R5 = 4.0 .

R1 V = 8.0 V





5. The equivalent resistance of the circuit is a. b. c. d. e.


16.0 0.50 2.0 0.25 4.0

Answer: Alternative:_______________

Why? Show your calculations below. [2]

6. The Ammeter A shows: a. b. c. d. e.


2.0 A 4.0 A 8.0 A 16.0 A 1.0 A

Answer: Alternative:_______________

Why? Show your calculations below. [1] Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


7. The Ammeter A1 shows: a. b. c. d. e.


2.0 A 4.0 A 8.0 A 16.0 A 1.0 A

Why? Show your calculations below. [2] Answer: Alternative:_______________

8. The Ammeter A5 shows: a. b. c. d. e.


2.0 A 4.0 A 8.0 A 16.0 A 1.0 A

[2] Answer: Alternative:_______________

Why? Show your calculations below.

9. The power and voltage on the light bulb read 400 W 240V. How many amperes will follow through the light bulb if it is connected to 220 V ? [1] a. b. c. d. e.

88 000 A 1.8 A 0.55 A 2.5 A 0.55 mA

Answer: Alternative:_______________

Why? Show your calculations below. [1] Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


10. At 0.9 kr / kwh , what does it cost to use a 2000 W hair dryer for 30 min ? [1] a. b. c. d. e.

0.9 kr 1.8 kr 5.4 kr 6 kr 2.7 kr

Why? Show your calculations below.[1] Answer: Alternative:_______________

11. What is the approximate electrostatic force between the electron and proton of a Hydrogen atom? We may assume the average distance of the electron from the nucleus of hydrogen atom is 0.53 1010 m . [1/0] a. 8.2 10 8 N attractive. b. 8.2 10 8 N repulsive. c. 8.2 10 8 N attractive. d. 8.2 10 8 N repulsive. Answer: Alternative:_______________ Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


12. Two identical metallic sphere carry charges Q1 = 10.0 mC and Q2 = 4.0 mC . The spheres are brought together, and then separated. The final charge on each sphere will be: [1] a. b. c. d. e.

6.0 mC 3.0 mC 14.0 mC 6.0 mC 0.0

Answer: Alternative:_______________

Why? Show your calculations below. [1]

13. Both the Van de Graff generator and the lady in the picture are charged. Why does her hair stands out? Explain. [2/0] Answer:

14. When you bring a charged insulator rod close to a thin stream of tap water. The stream [2/0] of water is affected by the charged rod. Why? Explain. Answer: Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


15. Two charged Ping-Pong balls separated by a distance of 2.00 m exert an electric force of 10.00 mN on each other. What will be the force if the Ping-Pong balls are brought closer, to a separation of 50.0 cm from each other? [1] a. 2.50 mN . b. 40.00 mN . c. 160.00 mN . d. 10.00 mN . Explain your reasoning: [1] Answer: Alternative:_______________

16. How much work is required to move a single electron through a potential difference of 1.0 kV ? [1/0] a. 1.6 10 19 J . b. 1.6 10 22 J . c. 1.6 10 16 J . d. 1.0 10 3 J . Why? Show your calculations below. [1] Answer: Alternative:_______________ Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


17. Which circuit diagram shows voltmeter V and ammeter A correctly positioned to measure the total potential difference of the circuit and the current through each resistor? [2/0] A:

R1 R2










Answer: Alternative:_______________ 18. The internal resistance of an excellent voltmeter must be: a. Very small. b. Very large. Why? Explain. [1] Answer: Alternative:_______________ [1/0] Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


19. The diagram below represents currents in a segment of an electric circuit. What is the reading of the ammeter A ? [1/0] a. 1 mA . b. 2 mA . c. 3 mA . d. 4 mA e. 5 mA Why? Show your calculations below. Answer: Alternative:_______________ [1]
7 mA 3 mA

2 mA

4 mA 5 mA

1 mA

20. A positive charge Q1 = 5.0 C and a negative charge Q2 = 5.0 C are placed on a plane surface as illustrated in the figure below. A positive point charge is placed at the point P. The distance between PQ1 is exactly equal to the distance PQ2 . What is the direction of the resultant force on the point charge P? Explain [1] a. Towards a. b. Towards b. c. Towards c.
f g h a P d b c Q1

d. Towards d. e. Towards e. f. Towards f. g. Towards g. h. Towards h. Why? Show your calculations below. [2]

Answer: Alternative:_______________ Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


Base your answers to the problems 21-24 on the figure below which illustrates an electron projected into the region between two parallel charged plates which are 2.0 mm apart. The MN electric field between the plates is E = 2.0 C

2.0 mm

21. In which direction will be deflected? a. Toward the bottom of the page. b. Toward the top of the page. c. Into the page d. Out of the page. e. It is not going to be deflected.


Answer: Alternative:_______________

22. The force experienced by the electron during the time it is moving between the plates is: a. 3.2 1013 N Downward toward the bottom of the page. b. 3.2 1013 N Toward the top of the page. c. 3.2 1019 N Toward the top of the page. d. 3.2 1019 N Downward toward the bottom of the page. e. The electron is not going to be deflected. Therefore, the total force on the electron is zero. Why? Show your calculations below. [2] Answer: Alternative:________________ [1] Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


23. The electron is replaced by a proton. Compared to the magnitude of the force on the electron, the magnitude of the force on the proton will be a. greater. b. the same. c. less. Why? Explain. [1]


Answer: Alternative:________________

24. The potential difference across the two plates is: a. V = 4.0 kV . b. V = 1.0 kV . c. V = 4.0 MV d. V = 4.0 V e. V = 4.0 mV Why? Show your calculations below. [1]


Answer: Alternative:________________ Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Test Ch6FyANVC08 Test Ch 16-19 Electricity


25. The power and voltage on the light bulb read 400 W 240V. We take it to the USA where the electricity used in a common house is 110 V . When it is connected to the power source [1] a. the light bulb will burn. b. It will work normally as a 400 W light bulb. c. It will work as a 100 W light bulb. d. It will work as a 800 W light bulb. e. It will not work at all. Why? Show your calculations below. [1] Answer: Alternative:________________ Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


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