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Consumer Behavior

Tutorial 5

1) Which of the following is true of the relationship between consumers'

perceptions and their motives?
A) In general, there is a heightened awareness of stimuli that are irrelevant to
consumers' needs.
B) The stronger the consumer's need, the greater the tendency to ignore related
stimuli in the environment.
C) In general, there is decreased awareness of stimuli that are relevant to
consumers' needs.
D) The stronger the consumer's need, the greater the tendency to pay attention to
related stimuli in the environment.
E) Consumers tend to pay equal attention to all advertising, regardless of their
needs at any given time.
Answer: D

2) ________ is a concept related to perception. People actively seek out messages

that they find pleasant and actively avoid painful or threatening ones.
A) Selective attention
B) Selective exposure
C) Perceptual defense
D) Perceptual blocking
E) Perceptual organization
Answer: B

3) After buying a Mini Cooper, Kate began paying more attention to

advertisements for Mini and spent more time on websites reading about how much
Mini drivers love their cars. This is an example of ________.
A) selective attention
B) selective exposure
C) perceptual defense
D) perceptual blocking
E) perceptual organization
Answer: B
4) ________ refers to consumers' heightened awareness of stimuli that meet their
needs or interests, and minimal awareness of stimuli irrelevant to their needs.
A) Selective attention
B) Selective exposure
C) Perceptual defense
D) Perceptual blocking
E) Perceptual organization
Answer: A

5) Listening to the radio on the way home from work, Paul is particularly aware of
an ad for McDonalds because he is getting hungry. This is an example of
A) selective attention
B) selective exposure
C) perceptual defense
D) perceptual blocking
E) perceptual organization
Answer: A

6) Which of the following is true of selective perception?

A) Consumers actively seek out messages that are painful or threatening.
B) Consumers selectively expose themselves to advertisements that reassure them
of the wisdom of their purchase decisions.
C) Consumers have a heightened awareness of stimuli irrelevant to their needs and
minimal awareness of stimuli that meet their needs or interests.
D) Threatening stimuli are more likely to be consciously perceived than are neutral
E) Consumers are unable to block excessive stimuli from conscious awareness.
Answer: B

7) In the figure and ground principle of Gestalt psychology, ________.

A) the ground is usually perceived as distinct and central to the image
B) the common line that separates the figure and the ground is generally attributed
to the ground
C) figure-and-ground relationships are always interpreted in the same way
D) figure typically appears to be subordinate to ground and, therefore, less
E) the ground is usually perceived as indefinite, hazy, and continuous
Answer: E

8) In product placement scenarios, marketers place an advertised product into a TV

show or film by having it used by the cast, integrated into the plot, or associated
with a character. In product placements, the product is considered the ________
and the show is the ________.
A) entertainment; brand
B) figure; ground
C) ground; perceptual organization
D) perceptual block; perceptual organization
E) ground; figure
Answer: B

9) Individuals express their need for ________ by organizing their perceptions so

that they form a complete picture.
A) closure
B) interpretation
C) grouping
D) figure-ground patterns
E) exposure
Answer: A

10) When stimuli are highly ambiguous, an individual will usually ________.
A) ignore them
B) block them out
C) interpret them according to one's own needs, wishes and interests
D) take extra time to understand the intentions of the source
E) consult others as to their meaning
Answer: C

True and False

1) People perceive all stimuli to which they are exposed.

Answer: FALSE
2) People usually see what they expect to see, and what they expect to see is
usually based on familiarity, previous experience, or expectations.
Answer: TRUE

3) People tend to experience the numerous stimuli they select from the
environment as separate and discrete sensations.
Answer: FALSE

4) Completed messages or tasks are better remembered than those that are
Answer: FALSE

5) Products and brands have symbolic value for individuals, who evaluate them on
the basis of their consistency with their personal pictures of themselves.
Answer: TRUE

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