Failed Jedi

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Character Name: 3

Type: Failed Jedi
Gend er/ Sp ecies: /Hum an
Age: Height: W e ig h t:
Physical Description:_______

D e x te rity 2D+2 P e r c e p t i o n ___ OD+1

B laster____ B arg a in _____
D o d g e ____ Com m and___
L ightsaber. Investigation.
Running _____________ P e r s u a s i o n _________ ,
S e a rc h ______
Sneak ______
Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), robes, bottle of liquor,
250 credits
Background: A long, long time ago, back in the days
of the Old Republic, you were an aspiring Jedi. Sure, you
K n o w le d g e D+ S tre n g th ________ 2 D + 2 remember Skywalker and Kenobi and all that crew. But
A lien sp ecies________ B raw ling_____________ you failed. You couldn't hack it. The dark side kept
Intim idation__________ Climbing/jumping_____ calling, and things never worked quite the way you
wanted them to. You turned to drink, and things went
Languages____________ Stam ina______________ downhill from there. Then, the Empire came, and sud
P lan etary Swimming____________ denly it wasn't healthy to be a Jedi, or even to know
sy stem s____________ anything about them.
19% LurasJilm Ltd. (LFL). Ail Rights Re*ervvd. Trsd

Survival______________ You spent a lot of years drinking heavily. It's not very
W illpow er____________ pleasant to remember.
Now, you've got one more chance. You've got a kid
who wants to learn about the Force. You're not sure you
can teach him much, but you can try ... try to do
M echonical _____ 2D T ech n ical 2D something worthwhile before you die.
A stro g a tio n ____ C om puter program - Personality: Cynical, foul-mouthed and pessimistic
Beast rid in g m in g /re p a ir_____ — but with a heart of gold.
Repulsorlift D roid program O b jectiv e s: To make up for your past mistakes by
o p e ra tio n _____ m ing____________ teaching a kid about the F orce... and perhaps somehow
Space tra n sp o rts D roid repair redeem yourself in the process.
S tarship shields _ First aid____
®, TM & ■■

Connection W ith Characters: Choose another

player character as your student (by mutual agree

S p e c ia l A b ilitie s Move __________

Control sense l o. You Force S e n sitiv e ? ___ Yes
may select two Force pow
ers. Force Points____ ______2
D a rk Side Points _ ___ 1

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page lor (K’rso nal use. The S ta r W ars Roleplaying Game

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