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Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

Cambridge IGCSE – March 2015 0610 32

Question Expected answers Mark Additional Guidance

1 (a) (i) A palisade / mesophyll (layer/cells) ;

B guard (cell) ; [2]

(ii) (palisade cells)

contain many chloroplasts / lots of chloroplasts ; ignore large vacuole / large
are tightly packed ; surface area
are located near the top of the leaf ;
arranged ‘on end’ / vertically / lengthways / columnar ; [max 2]

(b) (i) through stomata ;

by diffusion ;
from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration ; A down a concentration gradient
guard cells bend / become turgid ; [3]

(ii) glucose and oxygen ; [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015

Page 4 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE – March 2015 0610 32

Question Expected answers Mark Additional Guidance

(c) 1 submerged leaves are divided ;

2 providing large area for, photosynthesis / absorption ; Accept any adaptation but
OR explanation must be linked to
3 leaves have large surface area ; the correct adaptation
4 to float ;
5 (floating leaves so) little xylem / little lignin ;
6 water provides support ;
7 little / no roots / root hairs ; A short roots
8 roots for anchorage only / no need for roots to absorb water or mineral ions ;
9 little / no, cuticle ;
10 no need to conserve water ;
11 stomata only on upper surface ;
12 only upper surface exposed to air / to allow diffusion of gases ;
13 lots of air spaces (between cells) ;
14 for flotation / buoyancy ;
15 floating leaves ;
16 to allow, diffusion / AW of (named) gas(es) ;
17 aerial roots ;
18 to allow roots to receive oxygen ; [max 2]

2 (a) (i) both alleles are expressed ; A answers in terms of any

correct example
neither allele is dominant / recessive to the other ;
ignore incomplete dominance
the phenotype of the heterozygote is intermediate ;
A both alleles are half dominant
[max 2] / equally dominant

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Page 5 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE – March 2015 0610 32

Question Expected answers Mark Additional Guidance

(ii) correct gametes ; CB , CW + CB , CW ;

correct offspring genotypes ; CBCB, CBCW, CBCW, CWCW ; A CBCB, CBCW, CWCW in any
correct offspring phenotypes ; brown, roan, roan, white ; order

correct ratio / percentage ; 1 brown : 2 roan : 1 white ; ignore 1:2:1 without reference
[4] to phenotypes

(b) (i) cows with best milk yield chosen ;

bull linked to cows with high milk yield chosen ;
these are mated / artificial insemination used / AI used ;
offspring checked / chosen for improved milk yield ;
these cows are then used to breed the next generation / AW / process repeated ; [max 3]

(ii) resistance to disease ;

good temperament ;
milk quality / example ; A improved taste / improved
rapid / fast growth / development ; nutritional content
meat quality / increase in meat quantity ; AVP ;
[max 1]

(c) 1 consumer concerns about hormones in the milk ;

2 possible effects on human health / allergies / side effects ;
3 reference to animal welfare / health of cattle ;
4 concerns about lack of consumer choice / unable to avoid consuming milk produced
from cows which have been injected with BST ;
5 unnecessary when there is no shortage of milk / already an overproduction of milk ;
6 AVP ;
[max 3]

3 (a) carbon dioxide ;

urea ; [2]

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Page 9 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE – March 2015 0610 32

Question Expected answers Mark Additional Guidance

(iii) reduces the pH of rivers / lakes / soils ;

(low pH) kills / harms, fish / invertebrates ;
(low pH) causes aluminium compounds to become soluble ;
aluminium compounds toxic to aquatic life ;
kills / harms, trees / lichens / plants ;
mineral / s / ions / salts, washed out of soil ;
damages limestone, buildings / statues / rock ; [max 2]

3 (a) (i) production of genetically identical offspring ;

from one parent ;
no gametes / (only) mitosis ; [max 2]

(ii) advantage max 1 from advantage and 1

fast ; from disadvantage
colonise new areas quickly ;
if the parent is well adapted to the environment the offspring will be also / AW ;
only one individual needed ;
little / no, variation ;
disease / change in environmental conditions, likely to kill all organisms / AW ;
limited ability to adapt to environmental changes / AW ;
no dispersal, so competition (with parent / others) likely ; [max 2]

(b) (i) increase in, size / length / mass / volume / AW ; increase in dry mass = 2 marks
increase in cell number ;
A reference to cell
division / mitosis / reproduction of
[max 2] cells / tissues

(ii) sucrose transported (to underground stems) ;

through phloem / translocation ;
sucrose converted to starch ; A sucrose stored as starch
stem swells ;
AVP ; [max 3]

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Page 10 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE – March 2015 0610 32

Question Expected answers Mark Additional Guidance

(c) (i) – (negative); 1 mark for a number in range

25 — 40 ; [2] from 25 – 40 inclusive.

(ii) Accept the following 3 marking points written anywhere in response: marking points 1, 2 and 3 need
1 correct reference to osmosis ; to be in correct context
2 cell membrane is, partially / semi / selectively permeable ;
3 reference to movement of water down a water potential gradient ;

between 0.0 mol dm–3–0.4 mol dm–3

4 water moves into the potato ;
5 potato has a lower water potential than surroundings / ora ;
6 increasing the potato’s mass ;

at 0.4 mol dm–3

7 potato has the same water potential as the surroundings ; A there is no water potential
8 there is no net movement of water ; gradient at 0.4 mol dm-3

between 0.4 mol dm–3 – 1.0 mol dm–3

9 potato has a higher water potential than the surroundings ora;
10 water moves out of the potato ;
11 decreasing the potato’s mass ; [max 5]

(d) (i) long filaments ;

anthers / stamens, hang outside / anthers / stamens, easily exposed to the wind ;
anthers loosely attached to the filaments ;
small / light, pollen ;
large / feathery / hairy, stigma ;
stigma / style, hangs outside ;
no / reduced, petals ; [max 2]

(ii) self-pollination is within the same, plant / flower ;

cross-pollination is between different plants ; [max 1]

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Page 11 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE – March 2015 0610 32

Question Expected answers Mark Additional Guidance

(iii) more chances of fertilisation ;

no need for pollinators ;
useful if plants are, geographically isolated / on their own / AW ;
if well suited to the environment the traits are kept / AW ;
less energy required for reproduction / less wastage of pollen ;
AVP ; [max 1]

6 (a) (i) selective breeding qualified with feature e.g. increase in crop yield ; must have correct explanation
agricultural machinery, to work larger fields / AW ; for the second ‘explanation’
fertilisers, to increase plant growth / provide mineral ions / salts / (named) nutrient ; mark
pesticides / insecticides to kill pests to prevent crop destruction ;
herbicides to kills weeds to reduce competition ;
fungicides, to kill fungi to stop disease / reduce crop destruction ;
genetic engineering qualified with a correct feature ;
use of antibiotics to increase yield (in livestock) ;
AVP ; [max 2]

(ii) better / AW, medical care / medicine / drugs / antibiotics ;

clean / treated, water ;
drainage / sewage treatment / sanitation ;
vaccination ;
improved housing conditions ;
improved food, storage / transport / availability ; [max 1]

(b) 1 shorter food chain / plants at first trophic level / plants are producers / animals are at a
higher trophic level ;
2 energy lost, at each trophic level / along food chain ;
3 energy from plants goes (directly) to humans instead of via animals ;
4 animals / named animal, use up energy so less available ;
5 example of energy loss from animals in food chain ; [max 3]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2015
Page 4 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE – October/November 2016 0610 43

Question Answer Mark Guidance

4(a) 1 enzymes are proteins; 6

2 enzymes can be reused / are unchanged in a
3 enzymes are specific;
4 (enzymes are) catalyst / speeds up reaction;
5 lowers (activation) energy needed for the reaction;
6 successful collisions;
7 enzyme-substrate complex / ESC;
8 active site;
9 (enzyme and substrate) complementary shape / AW;
10 ref. to optimum, temperature / pH;
11 too much heat results in denatured enzymes;
12 too little kinetic energy / heat, less (successful)
13 incorrect pH results in denatured enzymes;
14 (substrate) is pectin / cell wall; R cellulose
15 results / product, is clear juice;
16 mass / cheaper / more (volume) / yield, juice

2(b) read at eye level / avoid error of parallax; 2 A parallel / horizontal to meniscus
read bottom of meniscus;
place measuring cylinder on a level / flat, surface;
remove funnel / ensure all drops have fallen to the bottom;

2(c)(i) 19 ÷ 10 or 17.5 ÷10; 2

2 (cm3 per min);

© UCLES 2016
Page 5 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE – October/November 2016 0610 43

Question Answer Mark Guidance

2(c)(ii) A / 0.5 (cm3 cubes); 2 A smallest cubes

large(st) surface area (to volume);

Total: 12

Question Answer Mark Guidance

3(a) human / largest mammal, has the longest / bat has the 3 A relative to body mass bat much larger than other three
shortest (small intestine); animals / smallest length relative to body mass is in humans
(small intestine of) rat and cat are very similar in length;
comparative data, quote / calculation with units at least once;
negative correlation between length and length relative to
body mass;

3(b) movement into / out of / through, (epithelial) cells / villi; 3 I walls

into, capillaries; I into blood
across cell membranes;
by active transport;
through protein carriers;
against a concentration gradient;
using energy;

3(c)(i) (insect-eating) bat; 1

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Page 6 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE – October/November 2016 0610 43

Question Answer Mark Guidance

3(c)(ii) ratios are higher in the duodenum; 3

higher (inner) surface area (than ileum);
data comparison (for any one animal);
more villi;
more microvilli;

3(d) emulsification; 4
increased surface area of fat (globules);
faster, digestion / break down (of fat by enzymes); I faster break down of fats unqualified
by lipase / to fatty acids and glycerol;
neutralises (stomach) acid / chyme;
provides alkaline medium for, pancreatic enzymes / lipase;
denatures, pepsin / stomach, enzymes;

Total: 14

Question Answer Mark Guidance

4(a) (nicotine is) a (chemical) substance taken into the body; 2

that modifies / affects / influences, (chemical reactions in) the
addictive / can cause withdrawal symptoms (when
stopped) / AW;

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Page 9 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE – October/November 2016 0610 43

Question Answer Mark Guidance

6(a)(i) double helix; 3 A labelled drawing or description

(strands) contain, bases / A and T and C and G;
A joins with T / C joins with G;
strands / bases, join / pair up, by crosslinks / hydrogen bonds;

5(a)(ii) codes for a protein; 1

5(b) respiration; 2
aerobic (respiration);
release energy / make ATP; R produce energy

5(c) cytoplasm; 2
cell membrane;
single celled / unicellular;
no (true) nucleus / no nuclear membrane; A nucleoid
loop of DNA / chromosome / naked DNA;
no, (membrane-bound) organelles / mitochondria
/ chloroplasts;
(peptidoglycan / murein) cell wall; R cellulose cell wall
AVP; e.g. plasmids I flagella, pili, mesosomes, capsules

5(d) B and D in box 1 and 2 (any order); 3

C in box 3;
A and F in box 6 and box 7 (any order);

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Cambridge IGCSE – October/November 2016 0610 43

Question Answer Mark Guidance

5(e) it is (more) accurate (than traditional classification systems); 1

easi(er) / cheap(er) / quick(er) / (more) efficient / to use (than
other (named) identification methods); ora
allows large-scale identification (of many species A samples do not need to purified
simultaneously); A early identification of (pathogenic bacteria) for infections
only trace samples are required;
(DNA sequences) within a species are very similar;

Total: 12

Question Answer Mark Guidance

6(a) (branching) veins; ora 1 I petioles

shape / broad (leaves); ora

6(b) it is (made of a group of) tissues working together to perform 1

specific function(s);

6(c) 6CO2 + 6H2O (LHS); 3

C6H12O6 + 6O2 (RHS);
energy / light / chlorophyll;

6(d)(i) palisade (mesophyll / tissue / cells / parenchyma); 2

tightly packed / contain many chloroplast / stacked upright; A lots of chlorophyll

6(d)(ii) (upper) epidermis / epidermal cells; 2

transparent / allows light to pass through / thin;

© UCLES 2016

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