Acceptable Use Policy For Public and Free AI Tools

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Acceptable Use Policy for Public and Free AI Tools

This Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") outlines the permitted and prohibited uses of public and
free AI tools such as ChatGPT and Bard (collectively, "AI Tools") within our company. This
policy aims to ensure responsible and ethical use of these tools while minimizing potential legal,
cybersecurity, and privacy risks.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and any other individuals who access or use AI
Tools on behalf of the company.

General Policy Statement

AI Tools are provided for professional purposes and should be used only for authorized business
activities. Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as this AUP.

Prohibited Uses
The following uses of AI Tools are strictly prohibited:

 Creating or disseminating harmful or offensive content: This includes content that is

discriminatory, hateful, harassing, threatening, violent, or otherwise illegal or harmful.
 Violating data privacy and security: This includes accessing, processing, or storing
sensitive information without proper authorization.
 Engaging in unauthorized activities: This includes using AI Tools for personal gain,
violating intellectual property rights, or engaging in any other activity that is not
permitted by this policy.
 Misrepresenting oneself or the company: This includes using AI Tools to impersonate
others or to create false or misleading information.
 Using AI Tools for unlawful or unethical purposes: This includes activities that violate
any applicable laws or regulations or that could harm individuals, organizations, or
 Unapproved content creation
o Writing code or design blueprints.
o Creating infringing content that borrows heavily from existing copyrighted
 Uploading sensitive data to these tools without proper security measures in place.
 Independent Decision-Making
o Treating these tools as decision-making authorities for critical matters related to
intellectual property or business strategy.
o Relying solely on AI-generated insights without human oversight and critical
o Allowing these tools to dictate the direction of research or development projects.
 Sharing Confidential Information
o Exposing trade secrets, proprietary formulas, unpublished product features, or
sensitive company data.
o Discussing confidential business plans, strategies, or financial information.
o Using these tools to generate content based on confidential research or
development projects.
 Use of AI related plugins in devtools, browser or any other tools that requires to enter
credentials of AWS, Github, Jira, Jenkins or any other tools used internally for the
execution of the daily job, without explicit approval from management and legal area.

Permitted Uses
AI Tools may be used for the following purposes:

 Brainstorming and idea generation

o Use these tools to spark new ideas for product features, or research projects.
o Generate diverse and creative options to explore before investing resources in
further development.
 Content creation
o Generations of drafts or outlines for internal or external documents like user
manuals or other documents.
o Translating languages in text and audio.
o Generation of images for presentations.
 Facilitations of some development and testing tasks
o Generation of user stories.
o Automating test tasks like creating test cases.
o Revision of logs to look for causes of errors.
 Communication and collaborations
o Generation of scripts or talking points for presentations or meetings.
o Translation of documents or to communicate with diverse audiences.
 Education and Training
o Creation of engaging and interactive learning materials.
o Generation of practice questions or case studies for training purposes.
o Answering questions in an informative way.
 Performing research and analysis.
o Utilize these tools to summarize large amounts of data, identify trends, and extract
key insights.
o Generate hypotheses and research questions to explore in further investigations.

Data Security and Confidentiality

 Users must adhere to all data security and confidentiality policies when using AI Tools.
 Sensitive or personal data should be anonymized or encrypted before being processed
through AI Tools.
 Users should be aware of the potential for AI Tools to generate biased or inaccurate
 Avoid uploading sensitive personal data or information subject to privacy regulations to
these tools.

Monitoring and Reporting

 The company reserves the right to monitor the use of AI Tools to ensure compliance with
this AUP.
 Users should report any suspicious activity or concerns to the IT department or their

Violations of this AUP may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of

Additional Resources
 Cybersecurity and Information Security Risk Policy: Link
 Information Security Policy: Link

Effective Date
This AUP is effective immediately.

Revision History
[Date]: Initial version

Contact Information
For questions or concerns regarding this AUP, please contact the IT department or the Legal

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