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dF?rt:d !

Government of Karnataka

6od€o& eeodo.o€eqf? adtod oe'Bsg

olrseagdo €e*O (BIAAPA)

2O2O-21 de uoegd oodssd ddo

(ousod Ol-O/ -2o2O eod sl-oA-2021 dddri)
do.3s8/l dsodede drde' a'd' soo€{'
sooedrld, doesa3e, d{' dedddg foe'
rpd:oodd es€-562 11o
a3oil9o& erodcto .bco$ adDd Oe>t*so Slded
o3.oeaoo rgQroO (nra.Lrl)

2020-21 al
v rd dda
Aet : d0.333/1, d,rodEde d)dB, A.d.aoff voogddd,
nJoOr,3c, d$ dedddso tPoe, eJorl$o& rgdroodd dg-s62110.
q-d>eer :
esEeEEto: www.biaapa.tpa.
Bangalore International Airport Area Planning Authoritv

Annual Report for the vear of2020-21

l. Preamble.

The Bangalore International Airport Area Planning Authority (BIAAPA)

is a statutory Planning Authority established on 1210111996 vide Govt
Notifrcation No. HUD142MNX95, dated: 1210111996 under provisions there under
iection 4(c) of Kamataka Town & Country Planning Act 1961. The Bangalore
Intemational Airport Area Planning Authority is located within Bangalore
Metropolitan Region.

1.1. Obiective & Functions of the Plannins Authoritv.

The Planning Authority is to provide for the regulation of planned growth

of land use and develbpment and for the making and execution of town planning
schemes within the Local Planning Area.

l. To create conditions favorable for planning and replanning of the urban and
rural areas in the Local Planning Area, with a view to providing full civic and
social amenities for the people in the Local Planning Area.
2. To stop uncontrolled development of land due to land speculation and
profiteering in land.
3. to preserve and improve existing recreational facilities and other amenities
contributing towards balanced use of land; and
4. to direct the future growth of populated areas in the local Plaruring Area, with
a view to ensuring desirable standards of environmental health and hygiene
and creating facilities for the orderly growth of indusfi and commerce,
thereby promoting general standards of living in the Local Planning Area.

2. Composition of the Plannins Authoritv and its committee:

The BIAAPA - Planning authority consists of a Chairman appointed by

the State Government and a Town Planning Officer ie., Joint Director of Town
and Country Planning appointed by the State Govemment as Member Secretary.
The Member Secretary of the Planning Authority is the Chief Executive and
Technical Officer of the Planning Authority. The BIAA- Planning Authority is
reconstituted vide Govt. Notification No. UDDI29BMR 2018 dated 06/08/2018
as per provisions there under section 4-C (3) of Kamataka Town and Country
Planning Act 1961, as follows.
Sl No Description Designation
I. Chairman,
Bangalore Intemational Airport Area Local Planning Chairman
2. Joint Director, ',:
Member Secretary
Town and Country Planning
J. Chief Executive Offi cer,
Zilla Panchyath. Bangalore rural District.
4. ExecutiVe Member,
Kamataka Industridl Area Development Board, Member
5. G.M (ATM), Bangalore Intemational Airport,
6. Asst. Commissioner,
within iurisdiction of LPA
7. Chairman. Viiayapura TMC Member
8. Chief Officer, Devanahalli TMC. Member
9. Chief Officer, Viiayapura TMC. Member

Sri A.Ravi s/o Anjinappa, clo N.Kempanna has been appointed as Chairman
of the Planning Authority as per provisions there under section (4.c.3i) of KTCP
Act 1961 vide notification No. UDD 09 BMR 2019 (E-Office), Dated :

2.1. Jurisdiction - Local Plannins Area

The Bangalore International Airport Area Local Planning Area covers an

extent of about 451.22 and comprises of 228 villages originally, the State
Govemment vide Notification No. HUD142MNX95, dated: 1210111996 and
1410511997 has declared the Bangalore Intemational Airport Area Local Planning
Area comprising 347 villages in Taluks of Devanahalli, Doddaballapur and
Bangalore North. The extent of Bangalore Intemational Airport Area Local
Planning Area was 792

The State Government subsequently, vides Notification No.

UDDI75BMR2015 dated 2910212016 has extended the existing BIAA - Local'
Planning Area by adding Doddabelavangala, Sasalu and Tubgere hobli's of
Doddaballapura Taluk and the extended BIAA-LPA was about 1330.11 sq.kms
comprising of 564 villages.

As per provisions, there under section 4(B) of Kamataka Town & Country
Planning Act 1961, the State Govemment has withdrawn 79 villages from BIAA-
LPA for creation of Satellite Town Ring Road Local Planning Area" vide
Notification No. UDD36BMR20I6 dated 2410612016 and 257 villaees from
BIAA-LPA for creation of 'Doddaballapura Local Planning Area' vide
NotificationNo. UDD 95 BMR dated 30111.12017.

The State Govemment vide Addendum No: UDD/I15/MNJ/2019 Dated:

lll0ll202l has withdrawn 6 villages of Jala Hobli Bangalore North Taluk from
BIAA-LPA and included them in LPA of BDA.
With above reorganizations, the BIAA-LPA currently comprises of 222
villages with an area of 437.89 sq.kms. The BIAA-LPA spreads partly in two
districts- Bangalore Rural and Bangalore Urban. Forty three (34) Villages of Jala
Hobli of Bangalore North Taluk are located in Bangalore Urban District, while
188 Villages of Devanahalli Taluk are located in Bangalore Rural District. There
are two urban local bodies in the Local Planning Area, namely Devanahalli TMC
and Vijayapura TMC

1.2. Staff position :-

3. The sanctioned staff strength of the Authority as on 3ll0ll202l is 06 no of
post have been filled through deputation and in 07 Posts have been filled
through outsource basis. Detailed staff position during the year ending on
3110312021 as follows.

Working on Working on The period in which the

Sl.No Sanctioned
Post & Designlrhotr Deputstions Outsource government has ordered
basis basis the resumDtion of Dosts
t. Joint Dilector ofTown 0l-Post 0l -Post Permanent Post
and countrv Plannins
2. Deputy Director of 0l- Post 0l- Post 0v04D020To
Town and country 3!03D022
3. Asst. Director of Toun 0l- Post 0l - Post 0r/04/2020 To
and countrv Plannine 31t03/2022
4. 03-Posts 02-Posts 0l - Post 0r/04/2020 To
Town Planner
5. 0l- Post 01- Post 0t /04/2020 To
Asst. Toun Planner
6. 0l - Post 0l- Post 0t/04/2020To
7. 01- Post 01- Post 0t/04/2020 To
8. 0l- Posts 0l- Posts 0r/04t2020To
9. 01- Posts 0l - Posts 0t/04t2020 To
10. 0l- Post 0l- Post 0t/04D020To
11. 0l- Posts 0l - Posts 0l t04n020 To
Group D
12. 0l - Posts 0l- Posts 0t/04/2020 To
Group D
3t /12/2021
t3 01- Post 0l - Post 0r/04/2020 To
Data Entry Operator
3l /12/2021
Total 15- Posts 06- Pffts 09- Posts
3.1. Administrative Exnenditure
Details of Expenditure of the Authority for the Year of 2020-21 is
Annexed as Annexure- 1 .

3.2. Web Site:-

In order to facility dissemination of information to the General public about

the activities of the Authority, the website of the created on Intemet as, as,of now the website contains the followine information.

l. General Information.
2. Plar'.
3. Financing.
4. Accounting.
5. Terms & Condition.
6. GovernmentNotification.
7. Tender and Fee.
8. Technical Opinion.
9. Frequently asked questions.
10. Images.
I 1. Related Links.

1) The annual maintenance of the BIAAPA website in done bv Kamataka

Municipal Data Council.
2) Public can send their quarries to E-mail ID -
biaapa. devanahalli@gmai1. com
3. Work Prosress:
3.1 Master Plan - 2021

2021 ofBIAA - LPA has been approved by the
The Final Master Plan
State Government vide order No. UDD157BMR2005, dated: 2710112009 afi

3.2 Revision of Master Plan - i.e: Preparation of Revised Master Plan - 2031
The BIAAPA has initiated the revision of Master Plan i.e; preparation of
revised Master Plan - 203 I .

Notification for 'Declaration of intention to prepare Master Plan, inviting

public suggestions for a period of 60 days as per provisions under section (10) of
Kamataka Town and Country Planning 'Act 196l was published in
'Vijayakarnataka, Praj aavani & Indian Express' newspapers on 1610312016 and,
in the State Gazette on2810412016. Tender process for selection of consultant has
been taken up through TECSOK. The bid proposal received by tWS Sky Group
., of Rs.94,22,890.00 was comparatively least and L-1. Work order was issued to
IWS Sky Group on 2910612019.lnception Report and Concept Report of Revised
Master Plan-203 I have been prepared at present different surveys and collections
of data are in progress.

The Satellite imagery of the current year was procured by BMRDA from
National Remote Sensing Centre. Space Department, Government of India
Hyderabad. Satellite Imagery of BIAAPA-LPA was procured from BMRDA at a
cost of Rs. 57,62,799-00 for preparation of Revised Master Plan.

3.3 Details of Reeulatorv Work under Karnataka Town and countrv Planning
1) Change of land use proposals submitted to Govemment tbrough BMRDA
under Section 14 (A) Of KTCP Act - 37 Nos & Extent of 229A-34G.
2) Change of land use proposal approved by Govemment under Section 14
(A) of KTCP Act - 27Nos & Extent of 185A-07G
3) Land use Opinions given for Land Conversion under Revenue Act to
Deputy Commissioner. 289 Nos & Extent of 304A-37G.
4) Provisional layouts approved as per provisions under l7(2A) of KTCP
. Act. 26 Nos & Extent of 1l4A-13G.
5) Final Layouts approved as per provisions under section 17 (28) of KTCP
' Act. 17 Nos & Extent of 125A-l3Gu
6) Group housing Projects / Development plans approved as per provisions
under section l5 of KTCP Act. 06 Nos & Extent of l504-110Gu
7) Grant of Commencements Certificates issued for construction of buildings
as per provisions under section l5 of KTCP Act. 129 Nos.
8) Meeting of the Authority during the year 2020-21 - 03 Meetings held
during the year of2020-21.

3.4RTI Act- status and report

The following officers have been designated as Public information officer

Assistant Public information officer and Appellate Authorities, and accordingly
they are performing their Duties

Public information Assistant Public Appellate

u/s 5(1) information officer Authorities
n/s 5 (2) u/s 19 (1)
Public information Offi cer Public information Joint Director, Town
and Deputy Director of Officer and Asst. and Country Planning
Town and Country Director of Town and & Member Secretary
Planning, Country Planning,
Under the RTI act 146 no of application have been received during the
period of 2020-21. 141 no of application have been disposed off; Closing
balance by the end ofthe year is 05.

Mobilisation of Resources:

3.5Details of Fee collected from 0110412020 to 3110312021 for year 2020-21

under section 18 Karnataka Town & Country Planning Act 1961 in BIAAPA
is enclosed in Amexuie - 2.
Demand Collection & Balance Municipal fund - Not Applicable.

3.6 Budeet of the Authoritv:-

4. Budget ofthe Authorify for the year 2020-21 has been sanctioned by deputy
commissioner Bangalore Rural District vide no ACTCR:2712020-21, dated:
1111112020 sanctioned budget - 2020-21 has been submitted to the state
sovernment on Date :0610212021Absfact of the budget annexed'

5. Exoenditure for the vear 2020-21

Details of Expenditure of the Authority for the Year of 2020-21 is Annexed as
Annexure- I .

6. Phvsical Prosress

and R,D.P.R Departments,

Total Paid Payable Details of work Government order & date Approval
amount amount
1 Development works TIDDIIlTIBMRJ2OIT, 51,54,00,000 4r.58,39, t 24 9,95,6U,21t)
(Vadous road, UGD Bengaluru, Dated:
works, Community 12/01/2018.
Hall, Govemment
Collage Buldings &
Grama Panchayath
Buildings, sewers,
OHT) in the jurisdiction
ofthe Devanahalli
TMC, Vijayapura TMC,
2. Railway Unde Pass Preparation of estimates and J,UU,UO,UUU
(RUB) Near DPR Stage Dat€d :

Channahalli Village, 20trU2018.

Jala Hobli, Bangalore
north taluk, Bangalore
Urban District.
3. 03 Lakes (Shivapura UDD/7 1/BMR/20 1 6, Dated 2,50,00,000 193,79,640 56,20,360
Amanikere, : 14/ll/2016.
Amanikere & Jogahalli
Lal<e) Development
work from the
jurisdiction of
Doddaballapura Taluk
^ Various road, sewers, UDD/132IBMR/2015, 22,29,00,000 15687 6325 66023675
OHT, Community water Dated : 11/01/2016.
supply in the
jurisdiction of the
Devanahalli TMC,
Vijayapura TMC,
building constnrction
Development works
5. 47 Z.P Lakes proposal Kamataka Tank
Submitted for technical Conservation &
approval by the Development Authority
Kamataka Tank vide No.
Conservation & ddioeaS/e.Jo/60ogd/
Development Authority 26 /2020-21n298,
for Development work
from the jurisdiction of
the Authority. t8/03 /202r
Kamataka Tank
Conservation &
Development Authority
given technical approval
to 16 lakes in Jaala and
hesarugatta Hobli,
Bangalore north taluk,
Bangalore Urban
6. 24 I-akes from ZP 04 Lakes Minor Irrigation , /5,0u,000
Deparhnent Estimate Department Estimate
amount (15,25,00,000) amount Development work
and 04 Lakes Minor proposal Submitted for
Irigation Department Technical approval by the
Estimate amount Karnataka Tank
(4,7s,00,000) Conservation &
Development work Development Authority
from the jurisdiction of , vide No.
the Authority aoca,i ddq/
& D /eJsD /d. e 4
03 /2020 -21 /23 4T dI;aad:

7. Construction of ortrn Details estimates submitted 1,75,00,000
Office building ofthe to PWD for technical
Plaaning Authority in sanction on 12.11.2020
C.A site in 11A-01G of
approved layout in R.S
No. 386/2, 389 of
Devanahalli Village and
S.No. l/2 of
Village of Devanahalli
7. Prosress in welfare schemes : No welfare schemes in Planning Authority.

8. Special Achievements / Awards: Nil.

9. Tarset for the vear-2020 -21: Preparation ofRevised Master Plan - 2031 of
the Bangalore lntemational Airport Area Local Planningufirea.

ht Director of Town and Country

Planning and Member Secretary,
Bangalore Intemational Airport
Area Plarning Authority,



1. Payment to ZP & PWD division for development works t5576699
2. Salary of staff 4709940
J. Paper publications 4354156
Outsources Salary 2234300
5. Outsources vehicle 606576
6. insurance/ Reoair Office vehicles 209845
7. Diesel bill of Office Vehicles 311027
8. Office Rent '705720
9. TDS returns filins fees 768295
10. Purchase of stationary / Printing Is cards etc 302798
ll. Telephone & broad band 38232
12. Electrical Bill '7 t 758

13. Remuneration of Chairman t93935

t4. Stamp 30000
15. Cleaning 44000
16. law fee 15500
'l'7 Income tax deduct from staff payment 406166
18. chartered accountant fee 415520
19. vehicles insurancerenewal 34807
20. Master plan & Z.R Book Print 27685
2t. Pa\.rnent towards scanning and Xerox of approved plans 52574
22. Office partition 3t8299
zJ. Office Building plan blue print preparation fee 722370
"lA 2019-20 financial TDS & GST retum Da\.rnent fee to CA 63300
25. Par,.'rnent of Leave Salaries and pension contribution to AG 818103
26. CM Relieftund 30012856
27. Govt Audit fee 448221
28. Comouter annual Maintained 124955
29. Others 323769
30. FD investment 7800000
Total 7.17,41,406

Planning & Member Secretary,
Bangalore Intemational Airport
Planning Authority,
\'- Devanahaili )

e\accountsv.rshika v.Edi\2021-22\in&ex.OOCX
:. , ANNEXIiRE- 02




1. Reiuvenation of Tank Fees r92t0650
2. Betterment fee 840t4512
3. Securitv Deoosit for STP works 261500
A 3823t71
Fees for Paoer Publications
5. Security Deposit for Buildins Plan Approval 126s6150
o. Fees and Fine for Releasing Sites
7. Buildine PIan Approval Fees 4618s0
8. Sale of Master Plan and Z.R 56300
o Certified copy fee 16301
10. MRTS Cess 4298L200
11. Water Supply Scheme Cess 17198100
t2. Rine Road Cess i 7198100
lJ- Improving Slums Cess 8603850
14. Verification fee 3618535
15. RTI l4)Jf
16. Sale ofApplications 7468
t7. FD interest received t32323201
18. Ouarterlv bank interest received 13941784
19. Others 229r39
Total 35,66.16,346

Planning & Member Secretary,

B angalore International Airport
Area Planning Authority,
\-' oevanitratti!

e:V..ou.tsvarshika va6di\2021-22\in&eLOOCX
(.ro"tsoA -o:
thc lttl.n|t d Budgot For thc 2020-21

(repair, fuel charges Services &

Division Bangalore Urban and Rural District for Road

other Development works (Spill over) approved by

reseNed for Roads,

(Reserved Amount)

iorming, Culverts, Drain, Lighting, Water supply,

Schools. U.G.D Works and others (Reserved

Dlrector of Town
Planning & Member secretary,
Bangalore International Airport
.Area Plannlng Authority,
U-- Devanahall'
a3orl$o& epodo&eo$ AdJod Seroro dded oloerNo
e,Qaodd 2020-21 de roOd oo&.d ddA
1. "?re?d
sSodd,jad) eogoo$eo$ adrod Oerooro gided alnezsoa BQEDdd duoF[3d dild
d:{ n3d:oodd osroeeiuo dDoq 1961 d deo 4 ($) d (9ao$g iaordd eiQnnr3d
io : d?^fo$ra 142 "ioasract 95 6Food : 1210111996 d ead)g Foa&d6-od
uandu$ r,iorigodl eroduo"geo$ adrad
oiroeaJd? a3Qdodd-dnddd. 0erooro Eided
o3oeesoo @Q6Ddd e,iori$od: d:6"drld gided aorao$Q .a6{d.

1.1 eruded dr* ao3:ragtod$ddgc:- 49eo$ osoez;o.o gideddQ Oad

qloerudoloerlrid o3,oedd d$ddii 6$dl cpddq aorto drld o3oerd
tedtrd$$4 drr&& od)6"odrirr
> {eco$ os.oeard? ddeddgd zgddzi Flrloed d)dl Fodrodd
fddo$Fild$d z,dhiod ie>rd-on drid $d> rgdnodd 6idedii$ o3oeesd
air6 d:ooo3necdnofl iod dodd a'osoddeod$o dO-iodd:.
eroqJ dd) nQJg ooraad w{e dd cOo$ogd qira cQdda;o$$4
d?.lx6 rlr<\21\

4iaaJo$ id:doeOd al$dnoh 6"00 adod, dailoed Sdo$ril$$, $d:

.add idoarld$d nod$lDdjdr d$d) eQddqdexbdd.

d9eo3: oloexoa 4ideddQd e;ddedd $qd$d iDADolDdg edeSd

rbro$qd dond, udoerl dldl drabro, n&g ddnDod $d) aordz;"
dt$dr.3dil9 3*Dq ai$drdri dddE*oeddrooad a3ddie qidedii$ 4ladgd
dSdr'duio$&4 bdeF giD dd:.

ziodCo$ erodoogeo$ Adrod Oeqso gided o3oee;oo agQrodd iaordd

deo0rod ded)ddrooad)d eddid) $4 drid oSroeardo €eroaJo$ dild dJd)
rtsdaodd o3oeasoo e30[.3 OdrFddd) ddd) idi6 6-oo$FdgFilsb erR
s"ddrooadgd. o3neesd--o egQEDdd -di6 roo3rrd9rdsb o3oezgdo
eQtodd dDeD6 6oo$F0a'ordd d:d: sDogt eQdooo$Dnd)sgd. do?Fe,ld
drld d)d) rgdaodd oSoeesil-o 6DoU 1961 d deo 4-& (3) d eao$q
iFoFdd coira?3d io : o$)aa 129 EDoero' 2018 auood : 06/08/2018
dg r.Jorldrod) eodoogeo! Ddrod nerooro {ided aloeeroa agQadd$o dr
d$dodod a$dddr^:& sdegisDRdd"d.
1. e)d^dd) -w,5&*
a3orldod) oogooseo$ edsd h%€o gided
*9eo$ o3oeauo do.odod
2. d?1d d)d) rTo.droodd o5Jaead-o 330t3 bdfF5dd) idid 6-oo$FdgF
3. d)8Dd dooJJFOdoFdd (,QdoO, eioilSrod) rgd'oogd dwddw

deA do?goo$d
4. fooJJFdoO 5dFr6d), 6tt0FtJd delrDod 66es??i%q
$odg, doildradr '

cM (ATM) r"joriS.odl eodd@dSeo$ edDd 0er*€0,

o. €,Qtodd D,rtdfl Dd)d eru*&$r0rt0QdoO71sr. idf,rdJ
7. eQgoJ, 6JoF3p, a6o$6)o, 8iong,rdo) rBdrdogo xdxbd>
8. dD8rodQfooils), dJd58i, df dd69c ndr6d>
9. d)Jat0".Q6Do?1sb, dDdn4J, &a o$03Jd -dX,rda

iaordd eQnrodd io. de€09$Doero62019 , (€-er4reF ) aoDod:

27/01/2020 dg ddoFo3d dild $d) rtsdaodd osrae?;d? 6!oU 1961 d deo
4-,1-3(0 d eBo$g gr o.da aFo eroddd Eeoo66 ao6.dodq ddd&o
osoeroo ilgQdDdd efrgidooon ded)d drodeoRcbdd.

2.1 @o$F-odg- 4eQo$ oSro(6F gided :- asozl$ra& erodao"geo$ ad:od

osDaso Eided
4eeo$ oSroesdo gided$ 451.22 e!.E.aoe eleroFadl, 228
rBd)ri$do4ddrDoad)dd. d)"aeg8 ooeid idoFdd erQnndd io: dzso$Da
142 Doadact 95 Ad--ood : 12/01/1996 d)d) 14103/1997 de: dedddge,
dode.tvgdod 6orlo ?.3orldrrd> etDdd @erg$rl$ 347 rts$rlddnodilood
siod$.ad) erodoogeo3l edad 0er*ro qided deeo$ o3oeego-o gidedd&o
eQdnrJierdRa. e.3orldodr ooduogeo$ adrDd oeroaro {ided 49eo3)
o3oexuo Eidedd At)eeoF 792 d.8.eoe sndl.
dodddg ooe3d idoFdd) erQdotSd io : o$DaE 175 ulooerd 2015
ooood : 29/02/2016 dQ dodusaSod sDo€3d dodeJ$dodei, miep
d)d) doerzid doealgrlSdru iedrdd,69r) dodstDd) uodoogeo$ adrod
Osgeo qideU 49co$ o3oeeso-o gidedd$o aio:ldl. o{d dodg{odl
ercdoag:o$ adrod Oerooro Eided 49eo$ o3oeesoo gided$ 1330.11 d.8.aoe
OAesoFOdI 564 rtsddddn4$rlno6d:.

ooes, irord{
eruddrld d$re.: di {9eo$ oSoealilo {idedd6b4
dzsi,,rd ie)6on dFlF$d drld d)dl rgdoodd oJoee3d"o dDoSo 1961 d doo
4 (E) d eao$g doi'l$.nd) erodoog:o$ adrod 0erooco 5ided deedl
o3oee3d? gidedaod 79 rgd)rl$$r erQnodd io : ojDaa 36 Eaoeror
2016 aN-ood : 24/06/2016 dg d)q drDqelsrD#aDd
4eeo$ ol"oesrdD €ided
da3ie.D a3od$tJDd eoduo"&eo$ Aajrod Osi*so Eided ofuae&o.o qidedAod
257 rgd)dd&* oQn€rJd !o o$DAA 95 siDo(Jd 2016 66r-ood :
30 Al /2017 de) &odiidd.rrscDRcbdd.

doqddrl$ dodd, EFbd dorl$od: eodcroseo$ adod

Oergso Eided
deeoJl o3oeeroa {idedd 22S rgd:rtdd.o*ddnoad} 4s1.22
d.E.Aoe A&emFAdrdd. a3orl$:Ddr eodoD.Ueo$ Adrod Oeeso qided
49eo$ olnea3dD ddeUd) r,:oild: a3orlgocb drld drdr aioiiCod: rgdoodd
dgrl$g r6{d. eSorlCnd: QDqd ddqg$, esoo doeereoJr 43 rgdddc
giorldrocb drld dgo$g aoiln deddde" ooerqsd 1s5 rg$rl$ asodCod:
rgdoodd dgo$g n&{d. r3ori$,o$ eod@Seo$ eduod Ougro gided
deeo3l oSoez;m gided motdQ dedddeo abdn4j $d: c&o$dDd
dDdneJ odd> dild
{eeo3l lo{dsb e$dd.
ddoaspddq €qoajoc)od Ooood: 28/0t/2021 dod> €-dxef
drcpraodd osood: 13 /01/2021 dodt dJodaisDR$d Government
Addendum No: uon/1 15,&4NJ12019, Dated: lll0ll202l ee6drf.ooada,
ido Addendum dod aJoddnd: w{d sDe.€do zsoe d6eDeo$ drrids",
drqdded tueBnodd9e, dDdrlddge, dJooooedge, ziedod: rg$rl$&o
p,Joristrod: erodoogeo$ S*Dd hergro ipeo$ o3oea;uo
ddedd dld&ocrod
&oildd esoridJDcb 49eo$ oSneegN,'o €idedd (S.A.a) a-or"yi

2.2 oS.roeauo €Q@dd cQFooricr & ,s,?doa &dd:- 6oood: 3l/03/2021 c elodrd*
oSoea;oo €Qdoddgd d)oa3roood drqilgg 6 $qild$d 0oloeagd
d>edd aorto 7 d)darld$4 dodrb,gd erpodd$ qj.gF dodsoRdrdd.
AF-ood: 31/03/2021 d eoddE+ o3oeesuo agQEaddg ddrd, odrbxirgcbd
eQfoorlst & A,z*oA Add d9 dSdodod "ad:dd.
ScEbd*nod sroo .4&d 51016B06 6)6dqts4
d)d ddd?* Eddrict) ddrlCr d:Dodddicio
{edcg!$d edQ
l. dno 6)6) iE6roo6o 0t/04 /2020 ood
oiDcaioD sio{J 0l-6q 01-d)d 31/03 /2022 dddii
2. Fno a5J6) rBdt 06o ot/04 /2o2u ood
o3Jore$-o sDd 01-d)d 01-$d 3t/0312022 dddii
3. Fno d)g) rBdSDogo 0I/04 l2tJztJ oo6

il i.
ol,af?ifd d6Do$d 01-d)d 0l-d)q 31/03 /2022 dddii
4. 0t/04/ 2o2t) oo6
drld oirDes.d& o3-&* 02-dq 0l-d)d 31/03 /2022 dddui

5. 56aO$6 d?10 UUU4|LUZ\] OOE I'
0l-d)q 01-d+
oijae13d6. 3r/03/2022 dddd
6. 0t/04/202r ood,
Ei6& ddF ndoood 01-d)* 01-d*
31/03/2022 dd6rt

Qseo! daF 0l-d)d 01-d*

0t/04/2tJ2t 006
n60o$* 31/12/202r dd6d
E. 0t/u4/202x ood
e,iddz.*n'od ol-d)d 01-ddo
31/03/2022 6d6d
o1/u4/202|J Oad
eJdc4Jiad 01-dq o1-s*
3l/03/2022 dddtl
10. ot/04/2o20 oad
urodd z5aodd) 01-dd ol-d*
3r/r2/202r 6ddfi
11. 0t/041202u 006
ieddd 01-dd
3r/r2/202r dd6^
t2. 0r104/2u2u 006
i(ddd) 0l-d)* 01-dq
3r/03/2022 dd6t1
13. 0I/04/2021) 006
deao oog rJddrtJo. 01-drq 01-d)*
3l/03/2022 dddrt
s.t* 1s-dd 06-dd 0e-dd

erdeoded d4 ,- @Q@dd 2020-21 de xoOd ddii€ .)ddrlS$d

o$elofd$ e.:d3ienAd. (e$Dod - 1)

oog?yo.o (Website):

o3neruo e3Qad 6oo$F ?3u$dtsErlg $od) radFaod xadod, e$dQE

ie:rdoR a"od: erodzsore(Website) ddo3:soR$dd.
di ercdesore.:dQ dr dddodod oddrlg$qd.

1. FDd'ods d'o&,g
2. o3Jaea3d
3. dtordi})
4. ej{dodioedd
5. 6o01} aorto oo$dlrlet>
6. XEDFdd erQnnz3d
7. t3odor dr{ d:e.:*
R Fnogd eeLldbo3)
9. dldood€rd 6id*rl*1:
10. dgri$c
11. ioDoddel ioddrriqi)

o3neagoo os3Q@dd erod?rore (Website) d 6-o&Fd Sdrddo$d1 doosttd

dJ)O:JaiDet deu'o Xo€Jo' d,gcoood 0dFencDrbes)d^d.

oSoeegd"d E3Q6Ddd .a-d)eef oca
arqo$gdB, rodrar0dd: dd1 nodTd:odl erDddrld&a e-d)es d)atoodd

4 aaabr giiS :-
- 2021i-
3.1 *6?o3Joc6d
idoFdd qdfd io:o$oca 157 aooero"2005 AF'ood: 2j /0L/2009 6JgJ
29/01/2009 dQ e.3orldndl, ooduogeo$ adrod ocroaco qided
deedl oSneasoD
qidedd aboooSneard -2021 eogd) e$doeddo$Dn&d-d.

3.2 d)6ooi,/oe6d d04dd- 'doqd 6$60o3.@e6d-2031' d doj:oo*:-

?,Sorlstrocb adrDd Oegro @ded o3oeaioo EigedDdd)
drooo3oetdoi) do4d# eodd dodd d:aoo3oead- 2031 d doirDod

aoo$ rd dro Ee)ri qaroo a $ gd.

49eo$ ofuaeeido gidedt* doorod diJd dr6 rgd:oodd oloealoo uoo\

1961 d deo 10d oao3:g 'a3raoo3oeacd doStoOdo$ droo6$d Dd
'aao$ ddDF[^]d, Eizoaoed d)6 aoao$6f oE{F
addgdris oooo*:
16/03/2016 d noddrl$$ alrg) buood: 20/04/2016 d ddoFrid oDB6 deidg 60
add$ erdQd FodF60d ie;drl$dlo ei6g0A), ddt^rdo$$4 bederoR$gd.
airaoo3neer$ doSooie.:l erdr id:oeloez3dd eJo$+nDR €-dgdJa6o"$ot^i"dg
dode gi!o$oJ:dr* 'dqr' no{o$ droerd EddroqeDncbqd. d)ir"F 4.ldgtr
ddd dn. 94,2t,890/- dJozi$ ?16. dBddo$D d)ouogsddoR dad) rd)a,
$X"F 4dibs" ddOd Ooood: 29/06/2019 d$ rooJrordedd$d OederoRcbdd.
dodgd dlaooloe8d-203l d ilgdoepd dda (Inception Report) abdl doded
ddo (Concept Report) ri$$+ do1Doedtr, d{d aa6 idrr(cb $A abobe
noddd doddQdrdd.
dFq roOd sDdlid (satellite Imagery) o$&d s3orl$,rrcb
ercdoo.geo3l ed'od oerooco gided o3oeagd? a3Q6odd Crodd irordd
aroao^rod .ae)Dejo$ aod.(Jd.aFr.x, (National Remote sensing centre)
nodcolod ddo$dd. ilod5d dloooloea3d-2o3l do$Dodii ier6?R a3oriS,od>
eod@teo$ &drod 0eroo0o Eided olJaea3o'o gidedd wd1i6 dF&,g (satellite
Imagery) d$o dra. 57,62,799'00 ii$ d*dg ajorlslodl a3:oodiid
Eldesospdoq d3Qdodd dgooood ddo$eroRd:dd.

3.3 diloFssd drid *S rD.dsodd oioervo rooie 1961 d eBo$gd c$ilBd
1) ddDF€^:d dzld $6 nD.dlDodd o3oeagd"o doo$o 1961 d doo 14
eao$g e,sodcla6 dr6"drld Eideuoqtddq agQaodd drood irordA
nef,ne)Dn$d qlowdalnerl d5oddd$b 37 {iddsorlst d)$ c,teroF 229a-
2) do'oFt"3d drld $d) rBd'oogd o3oeeso-o 6Do$o 1961 d deo 14 (o) d
eao$g idDFdd 4,goeood cadrd.oedd ernd)d qJJasudo3oed e^ldendd
d5Dddri$ 27 {iddtod$ d)d) O:,re*oF 185a-07r1)
q1o dooooJr dDoSA (9Bo$g eirododgFdrrdn dcaQrdoi'ls;b ddori Oead)d
qloetDdoloed oqlego$risb, 289 {idd0orl$t E$d) APreeoF 304a-37rb
4) dd-oFo3d dzid $d rgdnogd o3oe6o-o dDaA 1961 d deo 17 (2D) d
eao$q oooo*Od dig adDdn e$drDeddri$c 26 €iddro a&esoF 114a-13rb.
s) dd-dFt^td $$ rgdFodd oSoeesuo 6oou 1961 d deo 17 (28) d
eaq$g eog$ dig Ad"osi ed)d,,oeddrl$! 17 Eiddto O,leroF 125a-13rb.
ol do'oFo3ddild d)d) rgd:oodd o3nea;oo 6Do3I 1961 d deo 15 d eBo$e:
edJdoeaieod rbodl die oloez;drlst/ oq)ddq o3"aeBdzl*t 6 qiddeo
&&eroF 150n-110rb.
7) duoFeid drld $6
rts*Dodd o3oeago-o dDo$o 1961 d doo 15 d eGo$g
dt^id OdroFroE+ &ederond)d agdoed Eid'o0o dgFsb l2gEiddrorl$t.
8) 2020:21 de roOdS ddd o3oe8N-o @Qtrodd nao.g nqjdsb-o3.
3.4 dF6eg d$.f too$oea,g ddA.
dr ddAo$ edQong *S$dod eQtoodsb *Db.g d$+ rooqo$A
d)eeedO e3Qdod, FodF&Od dlDbg eQ6Do d)d) i6oo$d FDdF60d drDbe
eQadorisdn dDo$F 0dF&logp6op.

9xo. 6oo s(1) d e@o6)g deo 5(2) d oBo$9 6eo r9(1) d eaos)g
FodF60d dD&E FodFnod dD&g eoroo d)ee)oda sQsog
1 FodFe3&d dtoeoe 50dF?3&d dTobe 6no dJgJ rBdroogo aoul
(,Qaoo 6-or!a dild \TqJOOU @crrNcj Nl)l) bdeFddd) dofiro idid
--.?\;\ F.-.l-.^i,l troo$FdAFrlsb
oj.o€aF-d osjae 23610 tdoo$d
erud0deFddd) 0deFdd&

dl ddao$ eidQo$Q d)o&e dd:* ao1tr eao$g s,"r^l 146 odFrl$b

eeddddDRd)a, 141 odrd$$d Aeied-oo drDdcrDnd. erDgd 05 giddrorl$d:o 2021-22
de roe)dQ egef drDdo$g Ode drodohd.

4.1 ajorldod: erodoogeoSl adirDd oeroa0o Eided oiroe83oo &geE?ddg z02o-21
de mOdQ 6oood: 01/04/2020 ood 31/03/2021 dddd erdQo$e2 dd?Ft^ld
drld ild) rgd:oodd oloeacd? EDo3A 1961 deo 18 d c8o$g noliddorbd
$odrl$ addrlsJ&* Ei redaon e$eroCdg ozic&d. (e&Dod - 2)

€Q@dd 2020-21 de xoOd uotl-dno3l:-

4.2 oiroe6Fo
oSoeasso E3Qdodd 2020-21 de xoOd elo$-dro$d deeedoorl$b
ajorlCodr rgdoodd dg ddood d$ XoaSr: 27/2020-21 A.rdodl
lllll/2020 dS e&d.oedddran$dd. e$drread so$-dp$-2020-21 e$d
gd.grl$g iu-ordd* ed;ao& 06/02/2021 dg ngnsDndgd. uo$-dro3rd io.e>
eddti$$d ud:el oQdS EiddedaJoR erl g:)d. ((,$eiod-3 )

dodd.ndl codooseo$ O*Dd Oergso gided o3oeroo €edDddg zozo-21

de noods 6Food: 01/04/2020 ood 3t/03/2021 dddTi qjoA&d aad d4.d9
Adddib4 er$a;oddQ orlgieFRd. (ud:uod - 1)

6. &cl gtrls:
e.SoriCod: eodoogeo3l adrod &erooro gideg oSoealoo 6gQ6oddg 2020-21
de roe)d$ Adood: 0l/0412020 ood 3110312021 dddd xoQxrd qP,gd dd.g
iroFdd erdcd ioeld dod,9icrod edgiaieEod
940 @$rioorlli oddrlca otDd 6aa
Sq auood
t-u:3 d,,og e'ot dJod
t. E% r5oarooJDd dcdl Ed.dFdd (Jdfg io9l6: 51,54,00,000 4t,58,39,t24 9,95,60.276
sloeEoedoiJo(R .aeropJ d(,q /177l aao(Jd
d)rred trfraoa*d
/1n 1" 6{^rl.l
t.w L I qet t@cw^rl\
dcddded draq$euFd, 6Food: l2l012018
o$edod 6oo€$r1d
Do{dP d)d) dedddee
abdnqJ, eao$dDd abdn?i,
dodr"ttro#Dd ddd nddd
-o*d9 aad d& dd
D6 ajdoB, 2.S?^JdoA
(o$oda), bed) idDuo6)
Ldztr[,3. idD6oo$ sidd,
nEoFo €idab ddr aoejead)
ePdo?, d)dl rgd)
doz'oc$,g dqd OdloFro
c?pddq do$noorld)

2. 5odgJoo) EDgO 6oere$, eo6o8o dg golJDod 3,00,00,000 3,00,00,000
aDe djoeuJ9oi 2Jd4d9e doddgdqd.
rtsd)d zJP RUB (deJdde 6o'ood: 20l11/2018
eodd oD:rc) trod)noo
3. 6J0qDega0o 6oerg6) 56-oFo6 eJ6eu xoald : 2,50,00,000 193,79,640 56,20,360
s:l"i\zi plJ:{'r-r:\tzl dc€ 71 aoocrd 2016
droqsreo#Dd oorld dd. d:14 /11/2O16
drorrl69e 03 dddd eqsddoo
ED d) nD o rlsl)
4. 8ea do2,'oo$s6 d)d] Frorod (JcJ(s xosJd : 22,29 ,00 ,000
15,68,./6,325 6,60,23,6',/5
elJae8roedo3reR €soai O(9€ lJ2 Ac)O(Je 2Ul5
dlaed Eeiriraoad)d 6:11/01/2016
deddd9e, dro€avo$od.
oiedod sDerg$rld
Dotd9 $d) d(dddee
-'?\'.{!lo{ \P^l\-t?\'.? i{\rlr'!o{
c4vdqJr w@wwv cdv^<c!
dra€r.reDFDd ddd nddd
motd9 eed d4 di
ajo ddoa. &ed) idaJoo6)
i.datru3, id)6Don ?tdd.
e4d")q ED$noorl$lo
5. tscto *o?"'000)e q('DgJiI do rorrfdo roog6 E,JE,20,000/-
s"ddq&d 47 ddrl$ d)dl eCldoq EgQEDdd
o4ddq EDd)noodezi dd dqJeoo$ dg ioald:
ld,ocdd nodgd $dl ddiocag,/e.3o/saogd/
vwwowQ .e,Qt0d6od 26 /2020-2111298,
€oug,o e$d,oeddd od'Dod:
iOie)Dnd) xd0 dod) Eoogd
dod)I'oodv &0* dod. e$draedd Aederdnd.
18.19.00,000/- dorlsb eJd96og€d
sdd$g ejoridJo$ erDgd s$draeddnoR i6DFdE+
doq€6d 16 Eddgd drDg ngnsieEDnd)gd.
6oogd e&dro(dd
OcderDnd)o. ido
6Dd)nD0rld 2"uu dr?g.
8.38,20,000/- dorlsl)
6. dea doesooJJd Eeroaj xE &eoodo .aerDaj 20,00,00,{J00
6-o6"vi r-dddd a"r^* 24 6Dd&ri ?.sdc$d e"r,l 05
Eddd AAd EDd)noo Sd)d *dneJ F6rll A
crPddq dane) d-oddo$ 6o$nooi19ri Ed
Eojroo3rars3d/i agQdodd idraedd Xodgd $dl
nqjo$g e44q EgQdodood
edJdoeddo$DR$o, sdogd e$d"acddzi
p5^.r-rr-,-\:i[ qTieiir
'-*'**:t'"'*a nelnerDnd.
do$ooie> doo$Fdoed dqicoob dgFoal6:
pirl^l\^Cnnl *-;
rqprr a6CAOcrA /eJ5o/d-9?5d.6 /
doaroo$d qodoaboonr 03 /2020-2r /23 47 ,A;iaatl
Aqrdii, ajo/lg.rod) rtsdrDodd 23-03-2020
ddori dg zJdo$soRddd.

x6o fodJnaong a,q arog
- 1s,2s,00,000/-
iE beuodo €eJaeJ 6od"9Jii
r.dddd z"tu 05 Edrlc
c?pde)q fod)ndorl9d fd
!&oedd nodgd $dl
c4doq 63Qdod6od
soogd e$droeddfi
ignetonq , ido
Ead)noorld r"q drq.
- 4,7s,00,000/-
6edF69e 6osrgdD, 6FAro &dd6?d 4,75,00,000
doeal9, Sdemddd9e erooaarcdulrld$u
rgdd l/2 dorl$ eloeE'aedo3Jaen
dedddge rgsd qe)orjo$ ddogd
380/2, 389 dgd &u* 11a- ed)drocddnon 6F-ood:
olrb a&(mFd dne 12A112020 dg ng,s,d.
ad-odndgd o?rloed Sdo$F
Odetddg o3roee3d-d
F3Qaodd Aod dqjco duld

7. desa,p aaa$rd.&deb : o3oee;uo BQtDddg

_......-- deto,rto roo$Fjid)rl9cb{69.:
"' .*t'
8. aEed eoCd eQ gid?tlsb:- ecb$ag.

9. 2020-21 de xo0d tbod€c

dodCodJ eodo-o$eo$ adtod oetooto deeo3l o3oeeroD €idedd 'dotd
draooLoead-203l' d do$Dod rtJo drooad)g_d.

d3 @doodd oloeavo tsou3 odcFdSo
aodo idio aoo$rdbrdd,:,
ajorldnd: eoodoogeo$ ad>d
oergro ddeu o3oeego-o @Qtod.
V deddde., I


a3orlgJo$ ercddao"leo$ $ded oloerm o3Qtod' deddd9+

sdod OelBso
2020-21de xoOd aiEod: 01i04/2020 ood 3r/03/2021dddnd ae{ da!,rldc
1. den dozood:.g dJdJ eloea.,ordoJtJeR qetoaj/l dode5etod 15576699
rod)nood$ (,d)6Dd sroDJ-

2. EO-dD6-e0600dr6) &aloorld dedd 60dgtrd zloa) 4709940

3. 5dd$-219
gdod zoarg 4354t56
4. eC-m€ilF*lEEadti $Dd s d A gtoD: 2234300
5. edrbgd 6Dddil,S tDAIi/ sDd3:)d ?roD) 6065'76
6:' . dSfO 6-oddrl9 d)dAA cloD) 209845
EFeo dDdddg .aoCd stoa)) FDdgAd s:E8.\) 3tt027
8. ddFoddD:,d ztoad slD?.\)^ 705720
*.BiF" 6odg ?tdl)) 768295
10. di$-FDdro1sOoeotrdeldzJ) 302798
11. EileooS: dloddord ER d)q sBc6ala6o66 Ee:d aloDg 38232
T2, Steod) ad)dd Egd aDul 71758
13. 6q caffid ndd ioq:odd a d)d 8toad ddd e?dgAd aroN. 193935

14. eoilrieutrls sDoea 9JD2.D- 30000

t5. Edao dt?sooo$ #*d *"g 44000
16. dEeO SJed dod.gAd stoD) 15500
v. e6doo d)d) A?JoOrlg
(J6-00$ dor( dt,'oocoBd stoDJ 406166
18. e,Q6Ddd crQFd eJd3 OdFddIl :, D ddod FDdgPJd drtg 4t5520
19. doBEd a$ daeddsod atoe^!- 34807
20. d:aoo3oeacd di dq 0d)a1tod9 d))xd d)gtod stoan 27685
T. sEtB_]FoFoF-Sqdoofl 52574
22. drt€o dodBrld (d06ad)rl9 aodddr( Fodgtud sra&)) 318299
23. ESi6-S€dEF EdoJa doJtooE &eJ 722370
24. @Qdodd 2019-20 dc Food s6ao$
gorl otidrF' so5r[,3 dods 63300
ioDod &a ddoli dodgtd atdDl^.
25. ag06Ddd eQ6oo d)dl Ae*oarlg 2019-20 J( 509d 06e)€ desd 818103
$d)^ dd dedd eodoodrled:, d:ooe3eaoroeozi 6od,9Ard atoD)
26. Sd dJJFog?1# do6od SQd Fodgietod derdd d€g 30012856
2t. @d)e*60d,9 448221
28. rtodJa"tJd 6o&Fd bdFdFd sroaD 124955
.qdd dl
'{r I.

d:dr rodoodd
odoodd oSoeroo
zio$ oderdd& 6"tfJo td4 too$FdgFti$r,
sioiiCo$ oodoogeo$ adJDd
oeD^so dFed oloeaqo BQtoO.
U deddde.Z
e:\aaounrsvaRhik. v.Edr\2021-22\rn&ex,dOCX
a.Sorl9odr €oEd@"beo$ asod oerg$ gided oiaez;oo €QE?dd, dedddge
2020-21 de poOd a-Food: 01/04/2020 ood 3l/03/2021 dddd lo{doondrd

9x Lee
I ddd$ nodli6? $e+ r92t06s0
2 er'Ddd)i?i d)oJ 84014512
3 af.Q,3.&. dod)n-ooi1g ?tgsD oedrd $e+ 261500
4 addgdr{$o 6d86 8P?rg 382317r
5 dqd dg c$drDedd qJeis-o dedrd drei 12656t50
o e$d.raea6 ado# dgd
odegd dv ?16)716 FoDoQ
ia-ordd &drrdd dod dod &e.
7 dt3d dE e$d.!edd dre, 461850
8 dg d)q oo$drodg dJ{dilg dr0q0i.3 5re+ 56300
ddQ€%s Eefignond $e*/€drDfo dg &er 16301

t( Do.(Jd.!"3.DFd. eQd dd 42981200

11 aed) xdeJooao dd 17198100
'12 d6)Fe dx eQd dd 17198 100
13 E"ogzs bd)JaFed dd 86038s0
14 dogred $ed 3618535
15 (jd.t3.€c 14535
16 a)od cdFd$ droo"t^l dJe-. '7468

11 132323201
Ogd dedrdc0rod eeddgd'od Dq dJag
srododood efddddDd 93abol,* Dq droq t394t784
l9 qdd 229t39
eetl} 35,66,16,346

830$ 0deF. i& 6"r(10 idid

zjoilgodr oodoo.beo$ AdJod
€dr5 oroeauo BQaoo.
V- deddd{ !

e:\IcountsN.Ehika vaEdi\20:r-zr1rna",.dOCX
2tt20*2l d (,OFd SdFt dorld/.6 (,oJo"rg:d asod nEso
Eidet o&ac6Ra BFDd, dcdddgo$ scs4o$d
oociE s6ocs $+ eoqd d{d cddfiS)
lE- dr)ta dJog 9to. dr*d add {oE
$$sipcsr6cs EEEoo! 8ss! I rrtslJ, &d!),9 d(gd dedd d)d)
2230000000 Aego6 dedd, 6 11000000
ddd66eo6 drid ab6dad.9
2 lrDsqs sod 50000000 2 e6romgn do6dd9 tDaf{ FDdg 6-0rlr sdd 1000000
3 EHjWFg (rodrDedF lbe)d 4000000 idF 6e)d
3 100000
4' .Dg"so.r.J.dn', (,Q6 !o 25000000 &dnfdddrodsb d)$^ qdd sDoeo
4 1500000
5 plcb xdoooa$ td raddzld ddt dS qoCd dd Eortra e-
10000000 5 1000000
6, drs_Jo d{ (9Qt 6d 10000000 6 d€eo &raafl mdg 800000
7 eopE odsFe)- 60 5000000 7 Cq EOAraeqN'o Sed dodo 2000000
8 o€F719 6('dt3 Sod 30000 rneoo u)od 6odt €Fdo$ gorl 6ag Eadc
8 1000000
dEd $e).
9 DE'.l5.dJ Sguo Oedtd gJor 0 -rlo a$6 rEdJaogd o1De2io0 rSodpd 5% dd)
9 3000000
do.g€ Dd,g

t0 qJEiEa dedr6 scl 30000000 10 95ao$ gorl ;AEd aDd.g dd 2000000

11 0t ?Jg 140000000 11 rL q)) cje3)d FadJaods ED.fd laE€FdC
t2 E6 ddrt*fdd tbo{ 30000000 t2 a) d)ogto 6Ddra E6rJt5odt d{dci 200000
13 od696o6 g;Lu!go$ $or 5000000 13 r,) dod g d)6lolneddo$ dEo$ 10000000
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