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Language: (12 marks)

1) Fill in the blanks with words from the box. There are 2 extra words. (4 marks)

contributio financial if peace at creative will awarded canceled for


Every year in October, committees in Sweden and Norway grant six Nobel Prizes, each recognizing a
revolutionary 1- …………………… by an individual or organization in a specific field. Prizes are given for
physiology or medicine, physics, chemistry, economic science, literature and 2-………………work. Winners
receive a diploma and a medal, and each prize winner is also 3-………………….10 million Swedish krona, or
about $900,000, which is divided 4-………………..there are multiple winners. In 2020 and 2021, and because
of the pandemic, some events were 5-……………… favor of a digital ceremony for the winners. On
October 10th, 2022 the prize 6-…………………economic science was awarded to Ben S. Bernanke, the former
Federal Reserve chair, and two other academics for their research into banks and
7-…………………crises. In fact, the economics award, among the highest honors in the field, is not,
technically, a Nobel Prize. It is called the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred
Nobel because it wasn’t among the original categories that Alfred Nobel set out in his 8-……………….in 1895.

2) Put the words between parentheses in the right tense or form. (4 marks)

Nurses are a major group of healthcare workers (HCWs) who are essential to health systems considering their
frequent contact with patients. Nevertheless, the brain drain of healthcare workers (HCWs) leads to
1-(equal)…………………distribution of nurses around the world, which affects the quality of care provided to
patients. This phenomenon should 2-(treat)……………… a global problem as it highlights staff shortages
in the health system. Every year, thousands of workers 3-(to leave)………………their country because of a
lack of professional opportunities, low income or the presence of an armed conflict. These reasons are
considered as “push factors”. Added to this, countries attracting 4-(this)………………….. workers have “pull
factors” such as a large offer of jobs with favorable 5-(economy)……………………conditions. The issues
around the global 6-(migrate)………………….…of nurses, generally from poorer or less stable to
7-(rich)…………………or more stable countries, has a profound effect on the way health systems can be
organized and ultimately on the quality of patient care. The so-called “brain drain” of HCWs is a phenomenon
that should be taken 8-(serious)………………. .

3) Circle the right option. ( 4 marks)

A growing body of evidence shows that video gaming can affect the brain and cause changes in its many
parts. Scientists have recently collected and 1-(summarize / summarized / summarizing) results from 116
scientific studies to show how video games can 2-(to influence / influenced / influence) gamers’ brains and
behaviors. For example, the studies demonstrate that video game players show 3-(improvements / improve /
improving) in concentration. Furthermore, the parts of the brain that play a role in concentration are
4-( efficient / more efficient / most efficient) in gamers compared with non-gamers. Evidence also demonstrates
that playing video games 5-(to increase / increases / increased the size and competence of parts of the brain
responsible for visuo-spatial skills. On the other hand, in gaming addicts, there are changes in the neural system;
a phenomenon 6-(known / know / knew) as “Internet gaming disorder.” 7-(Besides, / Because / Therefore), it’s
possible that video games have both positive (on attention, visual and motor skills) and negative aspects (risk of
addiction), and it is essential that we 8-(accept / have accepted / will accept) this complexity.

El Haouaria High School Mid-Term Test Name: ………………………

Teacher : Mrs. Cheikh Nb 2 Class: 4 Eco 1
February 2023
Level: 4th Form / Eco-stream Mark:

I. Listening Comprehension: (8 marks)

1) Listen and tick (√) the correct answer: (1 mark)

The listening passage is about:

a- the low percentage of emigrating women

b- the impact of the pandemic on children
c- the high percentage of women leaving the workforce.

2) Listen and circle the right option. (3 marks)

a- (300 / 3000 / 30000) women left the work force in September.

b- The number of women who are working for work or work is down to (20.7 / 12.7 / 2.7) million.
c- The leading factor of women leaving their jobs is:
( the lack of safe and unaffordable day care / gender discrimination / low payment)

3) Listen and correct the following false statement with details from the passage. (1 mark)

Women members who work in “CINCINATI WORKS” are rich and hate working.
4) Listen and complete the following extract with 2 missing words. (1 mark)
“The region’s largest day care providers have 900 seats empty right now because of the staff………………… .
Each of those empty day care slots is a tough choice for job ………………… .

5) Listen and underline the right function of the following utterance. (1 mark)

“ It may mean having to work in different shifts.”

a- Possibility / b- Past Habit / c- Purpose

6) Listen and circle 2 words you hear in the passage. (1mark)

organization / say / participation / see / payment / glass-ceiling

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