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January 2023 ISSUE 02 #CEX trend radar

CEX trend radar

Annual Report 2023


pl HC
PE upstairs Y


Nils Hafner & Harald Henn

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3 foreword
4 Management summary
11 How to read the CEX trend radar
12 What 20 trends will we see in 2023
15 Our levels of maturity
77 lighthouse projects
78 DPD (with BSI)
81BLKB (with BSI)
84 Helvetia Germany (with FOUR)
87 Läderach (with
95 Partner presentation
99 Author introduction
100 bibliography

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by Prof. Dr. Nils Hafner

and Harald Henn

CEX trend radar 2023

Just in time, as always, at the beginning of the year, Customer Experience is currently in economically
we publish our CEX Trend Radar 2023. With the fourth turbulent waters. In the past year, we've seen setbacks
edition after the premiere in 2020, it is particularly in CX initiatives. This applies above all where the
exciting to register how trends are developing, how benefits of projects and initiatives have not been seen
priorities are shifting and how the speed at which or communicated poorly. In doing so, one often finds
topics are changing prevail in companies. Our results that the strategic view and the business management
are still based on many conversations, discussions, assessment were lacking in advance. This is especially
projects and of course our own studies. true for solutions that have focused almost exclusively
on the introduction of technology.

The Customer Experience Trends 2023 are strongly

influenced and superimposed by inflation, global
crises and the resulting changes in consumer behavior. For this year, however, we are more optimistic than
As a result, some of our assumptions for 2022 did not so many expert forecasts who predict the great doom
materialize as expected and developed more slowly of the topic of customer experience or want to reduce
than expected; for some topics, the momentum was the topic to the use of MarTech.
greater than forecast. The latter applies above all to
developments in the field of conversational automation. This year we would particularly like to point out the
deep dive on the subject of customer centricity
measurement. We think this topic requires special
We will continue the business partnership with leading management attention to steer the CX culture.
providers that we started last year in 2023. The
trusting and cooperative partnership with our partners
SAP, BSI and VIER gives us valuable insights into We would like to thank Sophie Hundertmark and Inka
technology development and customer projects. A Grabowsky for their support in creating this trend radar
description of new lighthouse projects can be found in and Jannik Wüster for the design.
a separate chapter.

We wish you a successful year 2023 and lots of

inspiration while reading.

Nils Hafner and Harald Henn

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Management summary
Customer Experience: The big opportunity in
Times of crisis - CX as a strategic tool
A turbulent 2022 is behind us - and a dynamic 2023 is ahead of us

Customer Experience is in turbulent macroeconomic waters. If they are useful, the CX projects quickly run the risk of being
In the past year, we've seen setbacks in CX initiatives. This discontinued - even more radically and quickly than usual in
applies above all where the benefits of projects and initiatives times of crisis. Those companies with a clear CX roadmap
have not been seen or communicated poorly. In doing so, one focus on measurable results of personalized customer
often finds that the strategic view and the business management experiences based on well-founded analyzes and a uniform
assessment were lacking in advance. This is especially true for customer data platform. Customer data platforms, customer
solutions that have focused almost exclusively on the analytics and customer journey management are becoming the
introduction of technology. technological infrastructure in CX management, without which
further development of the processes no longer seems
conceivable. For this, however, the strategic question must be
answered. Because if you don't want to or can't position yourself
based on price, CX 2023 offers you the opportunity to do so
The moment CX has arrived in management (this was our through excellent customer experiences.
forecast for 2022), the questions about the value proposition
of CX will also be asked. Missing strategy or concrete
statements on What do we expect for 2023?

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1. People: CX strategy becomes a game changer. Even if they are technologically mature, functions are not
Employee Experience grows and is the necessarily accepted and used by customers very quickly.
winner in 2022 The customer adaptation curve is difficult to predict. The
introduction of a self-service at the Globus retail group with
At the end of 2021, we realized that CX had arrived in the "Scan&Go" procedure, in which the customer scans the
management - and that the questions of profitability in CX purchased goods himself and saves himself having to put
projects were becoming more pressing. The economic things in and out or wait at the checkout, is accepted only
crises and turbulence have once again accelerated this hesitantly. The hype topic "Me taverse" shows a few
development. Customer experience has to prove itself in attempts by companies from the areas of fashion or banking.
the tough day-to-day business. Isolated tactical measures
have been integrated and must fit into strategy. The CX
strategy thus becomes a game changer. Strategy beats However, Metaverse applications have been generating
tactics. Accelerated by the general economic conditions, real returns in gaming for years.
good CX strategies will open up new opportunities for
companies in the crisis in 2023. CX governance is certainly the trend topic that is developing
the slowest, although from our point of view the potential
benefit for companies is greatest. It's not exactly the topic
that CX executives are clamoring for, because there is an
CX innovation management
enormous need for change here. At the same time, it is
Companies are making progress here very slowly, and about consistently aligning corporate decisions with the
much more slowly than expected. The small steps can be customer. The mere question: “Are the customer
counted on one hand; the economic pressure obviously perspectives taken into account in every investment and
slows down the courage of the companies to really dare savings decision?” can do a lot
something new. On top of that, Innova

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move. On the other hand, CX governance clarifies the According to our forecast, methods and processes –
responsibilities for CX in the company. And here, as with especially software-based – are therefore constantly
the investment decision, experience has shown that (too) being developed.
many departments want to have a say. Good CX
governance therefore requires clear rules of the game,
and introducing them often means creating winners and In addition to a better understanding of the customer
losers around the decision-making authority on this topic. journey through the use of attitude-related KPIs such as
Decision-makers still shy away from this in large numbers. the NPS, CSAT or the Customer Effort Score, which
unfortunately is still underused, there is still a major lack
in this category. In part, that's because the market
Employee Experience is one of the 2023 winners
research department at the company still does market
Our lighthouse projects show a very clearly recognizable research, not customer research. Above all, customer
contribution to the success of good employee orientation. satisfaction is queried anonymously in large, representative
A more than clear indication of how employee experience samples based on attributes. The insight value for the
works, and at the same time a multifaceted topic with a individual journey is often not given. This is because you
multitude of different approaches and design options for neither know which customer said what, nor which are
companies! It's nice for us to see how much attention the critical attributes to be inquired about. When it comes
and commitment is being devoted to the topic. to the question of what should be measured and how,
every practitioner currently feels compelled to give an
In 2023, too, Employee Experience will continue to gain opinion.
momentum as a "long runner" among the trends.
In our opinion, it is more important that companies learn,
2. Process: Customer Journey Management:
on the one hand, to use event-oriented surveys and to
The workhorse in CX management. The
ask an associated open question after an NPS, CSAT or
strong focus on the economic contribution of
CES question: “Why did you give us this rating?” It is
CX puts even more focus on value management
important to ask such open questions but also to be able
and the CX management cockpit. Newly added:
to evaluate and process. This trend will stagnate until
CX ecosystems/platforms
this capability is built up across the board by a majority
of companies.

In many companies, a systematic and interdisciplinary

working method has developed from the pure visualization CX cockpit
of customer journeys. Customer journeys are the
crystallization point at which the results from customer “The hunger for data is growing,” was our thesis at the
analytics and the content of the marketing or sales end of 2021. As the hunger for data grows, so does the
concepts come together via the IT systems for digital appetite for insights from that data. That is our thesis for
implementation with the customer data from the customer 2023. Customer analytics provides the basis for
data platform. optimization in customer journeys, for targeted addressing.
As a result, a customer journey is the operational We see an increase in the measurement methods, the
implementation of many ideas that customers can measurement points and the standardization of the
experience - the litmus test, so to speak. Whether analyses. The networking of the topics, which is already
customers are satisfied, enthusiastic, frustrated or angry forecast for the end of 2021, also includes the networking
can be seen at the touchpoints along the customer journey. of the data. Customer analytics and outside insights are
It also shows whether customers order or cancel the the main data suppliers; the CX cockpit will increasingly
shopping process. Customer journey management has assume the role of the CX control center. More networked
become an integral part of everyday CX life; it has a and accessible data sources also open up access to
direct impact on sales, repeat purchases, willingness to previously uncollected indicators and the possibility of
recommend and satisfaction. the me relating indicators

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to set each other - customer journey behavior Experience in the field of designing self-service tools
depending on the customer value, for example. means that more and more business transactions can
This trend is currently booming. Hardly a congress, be automated. Bots are now already taking over parts
hardly a meeting with practitioners where we of the sale, and customer analytics qualify customer
weren't asked: "What would you measure, how dialogues for buying affinity. The “value-adding”
exactly and how often?" (NPS, CSAT, CES) as dialogues in the sense of the authors of the Value-
well as at the level of business indicators. We did Irritant-Matrix Bill Price and David Jaffe are therefore
intensive research on this at the Lucerne University being prepared more and more specifically and more
of Applied Sciences and Arts in 2022 and will now and more successfully. It is therefore more worthwhile
test various key figures and their effects in a long- to classify customer dialogues according to the degree
term study in 2023. For 2023, we therefore forecast of added value for customers and companies. More is
growth in linked indicators in particular. also known about the design of automated dialogues
and the possibilities for simplification, e.g. through
simple authentication. In 2023, this instrument will

Value Irritant Matrix reach the "standard" level of maturity in the first sectors.

CX ecosystems/platforms
We've been talking about using the Value Irritant
Matrix for a number of years. Especially in times of This trend is new this year.
tight budgets, this strategic tool is more important We talked for a long time about what this is about
than ever. And above all through the growing and sharpened this trend in countless one-on-one
capabilities of chat and voice bots as well as increasingconversations. It seems important to us that

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It is precisely the providers of large CX systems that are 3. Technology: CDP, customer analytics and
able to develop communities that exchange and network conversational automation continue to grow.
with each other on the basis of concrete work results. This CIAM – Customer Identity and Access Management
networking takes place in an ecosystem. For example, our – is newly included as an important trend.
partner BSI collects the AI applications (called brains) and
the marketing automation steps in its customer suite that Qualitative growth in customer data platforms (CDP) and
were developed together with customers or technology customer analytics, exponential growth in conversational
partners, and thus makes them available again to the user automation: This is how the development for 2023 can be
community . The ecosystem is therefore developing summarized. At first glance, this cannot be deduced from
successively via the expansions within the BSI Customer the trend radar.
Suite, but also based on the exchange in industry
communities. Thanks to no- or low-code applications, users Many companies are already using a customer data
can develop process steps and automations in a configurable platform - often under a different name - and therefore the
manner, which can then flow back into the standard. This classification of CDP in the standard sector is correct, but
topic is interesting when the ecosystems are opened up to does not adequately reflect the dynamics in the companies.
third parties using APIs. The lighthouse project from last Existing CDP platforms will be expanded in 2023 or replaced
year at smart Europe clearly shows that technology is often by new systems. Historically, CDPs are located in marketing
only able to support multi-experience setups in real time if and are intended to support those responsible in carrying
(even large) providers are able to network their solutions out operative marketing measures (e.g. marketing
with each other and to To get it running so that integrated automation systems) without the IT department. However,
processes from the company's point of view and reduced- customer experience is not limited to marketing, and
effort journeys from the customer's point of view become customer journeys do not stop at departmental boundaries.
possible. The new orientation is called the end-to-end approach and
includes marketing, sales and customer service. We already
outlined this development in our lighthouse projects last
year. In the coming year, this trend will become even more
Also on the macro level determine the content of the brand dynamic.
Cross-cutting ecosystems are increasingly changing the
customer experience. In healthcare, the benefits of an
ecosystem for customers are particularly evident.
Health insurance companies, clinics, doctors, pharmacies
and many other stakeholders play an important role for the We see a comparable development in the customer
customer. Fragmented individual solutions or incompatible analytics trend . Many companies already use standalone
systems ensure that the effort involved in obtaining data is or isolated systems to measure customer behavior. The
passed on to the customer, which involves a great deal of next phase - starting next year - will be the expansion of
time and trouble. Networking these participants in an the measurement methods, networking and the systematic
ecosystem brings many advantages for customers. This and generally understandable processing of the data.
development will also pick up speed after 2023. In individual
In the case of macro-ecosystems (such as our example
from the healthcare sector), developments will only progress The situation is different with conversational automation.
very slowly due to the political, legal and, above all, data The turbulent development that we see for 2023 is played
protection framework conditions. into the cards by several things. Technology is improving in
leaps and bounds.
Thanks to OpenAI - a non-profit organization that researches
artificial intelligence - many components such as speech
recognition, language models or intent recognition are
freely accessible and who

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driven by software developers worldwide. The In contrast, augmented reality/virtual reality/

level of performance is thus raised across the metaverse are currently stuck in further penetrating
board by tools such as ChatGPT-3. A lot of the market. Less in the B2B sector; there it is used
research is also being done at various universities efficiently, especially in customer service for capital
on the possibilities of conversational automation, goods or real estate, for customers it saves time
be it in the form of chat or voice bots. Topics such and is established. Many experiments with gaming
as emotional enrichment of the bot to make it approaches have been tried out in the B2C market.
appear more human-like or a stronger focus on Many of them do not generate a directly verifiable
sales play a major role. return on investment and were discontinued in the
crisis year 2022. The "metaverse" can be found as
The second driver for the dynamic is the shortage a classic B2C approach in almost all CX-relevant
of skilled workers. Finding employees for customer "Hype Cycle" representations of the year 2022.
service departments is difficult. Simple, However, basic definitions are still missing.
homogeneous inquiries can be handled very well In any case, the central idea is to move an avatar
by digital chat or voice bot colleagues, and through virtual worlds. It's been in gaming for 20
customers from municipal utilities, online retailers years. However, all of these systems will only gain
or insurance companies have very quickly got used new impetus when the applications also
to this technology. This acceptance will inspire demonstrably lead to more sales outside of gaming
other industries to use conversational automation or are a “must have” for a specific target group. For
to counter the shortage of skilled workers. 2023 we see a stagnant development here.

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Last but not least, we welcome CIAM - Customer

Identity and Access Management - to the
technology trends. After CRM has developed into
a hygiene factor and we have therefore retired it in
terms of trend technology, CIAM is now a new
addition. Digital customer journeys across multiple
touchpoints require customers to authenticate and/
or identify themselves. Trust in the provider,
compliance with data protection guidelines on the
one hand and the simplest possible steps for the
customer on the other represent a tension between
a safe and simple customer experience. Classically,
therefore, a case for “simplification” in the value
Irritant Matrix. This is where CIAM solutions come
in. CIAM solutions are indispensable for complex
customer journeys with a strong focus on digital
touchpoints. A trend that doesn't exactly come
across as sexy; However, the appeal lies in
designing legal regulations, data protection and
the necessary queries in such a way that customers
experience security, trust and simplicity at the
same time. Overall, we believe that 2023 will be a
year of fundamental work. Just like when building
a house, the architect first has to draw up a plan
(CX strategy), then the foundation is poured
(customer data platform) and then you start building
the first floor (customer analytics, customer journey
management, CX cockpit, …) starts, it is the same
with CX. The economic crises will make CX
builders act more cautiously. Ideas have an
accelerating effect that also lead to more successful
automation (conversational automation) in customer
contact and to simple self-service tools (Value-
Irritant-Matrix, CIAM) in the short term. Otherwise,
solid concepts and implementations will dominate.

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How to read the CEX trend radar

Description of methodology and usage

The CEX trend radar is a joint development by Prof. prioritized for customer experience management.
Dr. Nils Hafner, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences We have divided the CX trends into the following three
and Harald Henn, Marketing Resultant. The CEX trend dimensions, which have been known from customer
radar is based on interviews with international relationship management for years:
technology, CX and finance experts, researchers at
• People
universities and future institutes, public studies,
exchanges with our business partners and, above all,
• Process
our own project experiences. From the large number
of trends, we have the most important technologies,
methods and instruments according to their current relevance • Technologies

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What 20 trends will we see in 2023:

1 CX culture: Does the company have a defined CX culture

that also includes, for example, the recruitment policy and is
systematically geared towards the customer with pleasure?

2 CX innovation management: Is there an innovation

management system that is systematically concerned with
designing improvements for customers at the customer

3 CX strategy: Does the company have a defined CX strategy

and thus a multi-year plan for how it should develop in the
relevant dimensions? Are budgets provided for this? Are the
CX goals based on the SMART principle?

4 Feedback Loop: Is the company able to systematically learn

from customer interactions? Is this learning process
systemically supported?

5 Employee Experience Management (EXM): Is the company

systematically geared towards sustainably positive employee
experiences? Are the principles of the service profit chain
reflected in the company's HR policy?

5a CX governance: Is there a set of rules that allows the

customer's perspective and needs to be incorporated into all
of the company's project and investment decisions? Is the
CX department positioned as an enabler for all parts of the
company? Is it clear how departmental conflicts around CX
issues will be resolved?

6 Customer Journey Management: Are the basic customer

journeys documented in the company? Is the flow of
information relating to the customer rating of the most
important journeys automated? Can you tell at a glance
which journeys are working and which aren't?

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7 Outside Insight: Is the customer experience measured from the

customer's point of view (outside in)? Are methods such as NPS,
CSAT or Customer Effort Score carried out correctly (including
the close-the-loop questions)? Are qualitative research methods
such as sequential event methodology or laddering used?

8th Value Management: Can the company measure the value of the
customer relationship? Does it understand what value proposition
it has for the customer?

9 CX management cockpit: Does the company know the most

important KPIs at the level of CX processes, behavioral KPIs
(NPS, CSAT; CES) and business indicators? Are the relationships
between these KPIs clear and explored?

10 Value-Irritant-Matrix: Has the company evaluated all dialogues

from its own perspective AND from the perspective of the
customer as to whether they bring added value? Is it clear where
to simplify or automate?

11 Multiexperience: Is the company able to break down silos and

resolve the conflicts at the interface between marketing and sales
and between sales and service in the interests of its customers?
Is the organizational structure also consistently based on the
customer journeys?

11a CX ecosystems and platforms: Is the company able to benefit

from the formation of a community, be it as a customer of large
CX software companies or as a provider and orchestrator of its
own topic-specific ecosystems or platforms? By what technical
means can ecosystems be made possible? Which ecosystems
and partnerships really serve the customer/create added value
for customers and companies?

12 Customer Data Platforms: Is the company able to make all

customer data available to employees and customers in real time
as they are needed? Is a CDP available and integrated?

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13 Customer Analytics: Is the company able to evaluate customer

data not just descriptively, but predictively?
Is there information about the "next best product" or even the "next
best action"?

14 Augmented/Virtual Reality: Is the company using AR/VR for a

better customer experience? Is it active in the metaverse?
Can it enrich purchasing decisions through AR/VR? Will AR/VR
increase service potential? How does online consultation work in the

15 Conversational Automation/Business: Does the company have a

functioning chat or voice bot that can automatically process simple
customer requests 24/7?
Is this bot based on AI and does it solve real customer concerns?

16 Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM): Is the

company able to meaningfully identify the customer at all touchpoints
and enable him with a "single sign-on" to access all information,
products and services that are required for are relevant to get him?
Are legally secure case closures possible?

17 Marketing Automation: Can the marketing-related processing of

customer life events be automated? Are the life events and other
campaign triggers recorded? Is a touchpoint-optimized campaign
predefined for each trigger?

18 Service Cloud: Is the company able to competently provide inbound

customer service at all touchpoints of a multi-channel system (shop,
e-commerce, central call center, field service) without having to
request service, product or customer information twice?

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Our maturity levels

In doing so, we assess and estimate the degree of Commodity: This trend is no longer actively talked
maturity for each of the above areas for each trend. We about, the respective technology, process management
differentiate between five levels of maturity and thus technique or employee control is used by most of the
phases in the market penetration of this trend: companies that have dealt with this trend and the
procedures described are now part of the basics of CX
Vision: This trend has made it onto our radar. You -Management. The company that does not have these
should keep an eye on it and follow it up. However, the basics or does not live them competently suffers
effects on customer experience management are not increasing disadvantages in competition. We will keep
yet sufficiently recognizable. In the "Vision" stage, we as this trend on the radar for another three years before it is
a company answer the question: Could this trend help us replaced by more relevant topics. In the “Commodity”
to achieve our customer orientation goals? stage, we as a company answer the question: Haven't
we missed something crucial in order to achieve our
customer orientation goals?

Prototype: The first implementations of this trend can

be seen and are being implemented by companies. In
the “prototype” stage, we as a company answer the
How to use/read the CEX trend radar:
question: do we want to test whether this trend can help
us to achieve our customer orientation goals? Each trend is numbered and assigned to one of the
three areas People, Process or Technology. The
positioning of the bar indicates which maturity the trend
Acceptance: This trend has caught on in the market currently extends over. For our example, customer
among leading CX management companies. However, journey mapping/ CJ management via the maturity levels/
there are still widespread introduction hurdles in the form phases prototype, acceptance and standard.
of a lack of knowledge or skills as well as a lack of The circle with the number is a kind of "slider". It is
resources. In the “acceptance” stage, we as a company positioned where the majority of the industries related to
answer the question: do we want to implement the this trend are currently located. Since the trend report is
findings from the prototypes on this trend in our CX prepared by us for different industries, this "slider" can
practice in order to achieve our customer orientation be in different places for different industries.

Standard: This trend has caught on internationally.

There is mature technology and extensive knowledge
about the implementation and use of this trend. Our
advice: make the best use of the advantages of this
technology. In the "Standard" stage, we as a company
answer the question: Can we as a company "keep up"
with other companies in this trend in order to achieve our
customer orientation goals?

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Photo by Oleg Laptev on Unsplash

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CX culture

Short definition:

The widely recognized Oxford Dictionary defines culture no money, and since it has been shown to be much
as: “The entirety of the intellectual, artistic, creative easier to sell to existing customers than to new
achievements of a community as an expression of customers, the focus here should be on a customer
human advancement”. Nice. So it's about advancement. experience that makes the customer come back, buy
And so it fits perfectly into our trend radar. But what are again and recommend. Actually a no-brainer. But in
the elements of such a higher development? Well, first day-to-day business, it is amazing how often managers
of all you have to know WHERE you want to develop. have to repeat this fact mantra-like and get it into the
That should (because it is higher) then be an attractive minds and hearts of employees. And that is exactly
target, which is also a desirable state for the employees. what we believe is still not being done enough.
A vision, so to speak. A vision should be tangible and
create expectations and experiences. It is important to
understand that the customer is NOT king and should Another prerequisite for cultural change is the question
not be king. After all, a relationship with the customer is of whether you actually have the right employees “on
created through an exchange of values. Therefore, on board” who have the right attitude set. This in turn
the one hand, you have to understand what values the raises the question of which employees you actually
customer has and, on the other hand, you have to hire. We remember: Employees are involved in 60% of
specifically select the employees which values they all exciting, but also in 70% of all frustrating customer
share and can convey in a credible way. experiences (cf. Esch Brand Consultants, 2016). Let's
start with the selection of the team members. What
mechanisms do I have as a company to identify those
who can identify particularly well with my customer-
This is closely linked to expectations of the behavior of centric vision? How do I recognize who is willing to
employees, but also of the behavior of customers. It is work for this vision and who draws strength from it to
important to supplement the vision with the rules of the get closer to this vision?
game (CX governance) of the desired customer
relationship, but also with very specifically designed
customer experiences (CX design and customer How often is the vision actually part of recruitment,
journey). counseling or career interviews? How can the
Interfaces to other trends contribution of the individual be measured? Based on
these four questions alone, companies are in and of
3 CX strategy, 5 employee experience management, themselves in a good position to initiate and control
5a CX governance, 6 customer journey management, systematic forward development.
8 value management, 9 CX management cockpit, 15
conversational automation and 17 marketing automation. In addition to the attitude and the set of values, there
is also the question of what employees actually know
and are able to do in relation to customer experience
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
management. In the field of CX design, i.e. in relation
to customer journey mapping and the design of
Overall, it is culturally important that all employees individual customer experiences at individual
perceive the customer as the one who ultimately pays touchpoints, companies have learned a lot in recent
the wages. Without customers years. But these are tactical skills that

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run by CX professionals as a department. In relation to all this year's flagship project at DPD (Switzerland)
employees in the company, the number of employees in these AG, in which a real culture change has been achieved through a
departments is, firstly, negligibly small and, secondly, often not consistent orientation towards the NPS as a master key figure
really well anchored in the hierarchy to enforce real customer (see also CX Management Cockpit).
How is the trend developing?

Competencies, strategy and culture are closely related in the

What's new this year?
area of customer experience management. Because without
In the past year, individual companies have recognized potential skills there is no CX strategy, and without CX strategy there is
in this trend for profiling and are now trying to differentiate no CX culture. And that is exactly why we have also classified
themselves with regard to the customer- and employee-oriented the CX culture trend in the CEX trend monitor in the acceptance
culture under the impression of a much shorter supply of skilled level, but we do not assume that anything will change significantly
workers. Participation in the design of the workplace and thus here in the next few years. There is a lack of strategically
the decision as to what needs to be done in order to be able to developed skills, starting with pure methodological knowledge
serve customers better, more empathetically and faster is on the one hand, but also lacking in operational employee skills
paramount. These companies are now trying to build competencies for real culture change on the other. And that is the main reason
by using the CX team as an “enabler” of such a culture and the why we in the CEX trend radar assume that CX culture will be
corresponding skills. What is important in this context, however, “accepted” for a long time to come, but only implemented well by
is the change management skills of this team and the will of the a few companies. And that specific differentiation potential lies
management or the board of directors to change something. fallow here, but is also the most complex to implement.
Ours shows a very good example

Trend: CX culture

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PEOPLE #2 CX innovation management

CX innovation management

Short definition:

The term "innovation" is derived from the Latin word the counterpart; to the best of our knowledge, this has
"innovare" and means: renew or make new. For so far only been the case in very few exceptional cases.
companies, innovation usually means launching a new Until then, CX innovations are and will remain random
product or service that has never existed before. The or arise from individual initiatives.
crux of the word innovation is that it is a relative way of Interfaces to other trends
looking at it and classifying it. What is an innovation for
one company is old hat for another company. 1 CX culture, 3 CX strategy, 4 feedback loop, 5a CX
Innovations can therefore involve products or services Governance, 7 Outside Insight, 13 Customer Analytics
that are new on the market or just for one company.
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
When Amazon introduced 1-Click shopping in 1997,
this was an innovation for the customer experience of
shopping in online retail in general and of course also “Innovations instead of innovations” is how you can
for the company Amazon itself. After registering for the generally assess this trend. In our opinion, systematic
first time, the customer saves valuable time with every innovation management for customer experience can
subsequent purchase. We also want to understand only thrive in companies in which there is already a
innovations in this sense: as innovations that improve very high degree of CX maturity and in which the CX
the shopping or service experience for the customer. strategy is firmly anchored and lived. Admittedly, there
are not many companies where systematic innovation
management is recognizable. Disney, Lego and Bosch
with their power tool division are three prime examples
of a high degree of maturity. These companies have a
Innovation management in customer experience systematic process of involving customers in
management means that there is a systematic process development and optimization. Lego gets product ideas
that takes customer wishes and expectations into and feedback through Lego Ideas, a platform that
account in the company in order to develop this new invites customers to come up with their own suggestions
thing in a targeted manner. As mentioned, this is less for new kits. Submitted proposals are evaluated by
about products or services, but primarily about the other customers, and it is customers who vote on
design of the customer experience at the different whether a proposal is officially accepted by Lego.
touchpoints. In summary, innovation management for
customer experience is the systematic development
and promotion of innovations that are planned,
organized and controlled with the aim of setting the A transparent process that motivates customers. Bosch
customer experience apart from the competition and has created a community for its DIY products -
gaining a head start. Traditionally, innovation Bosch-1-2-do.com - in which customers can exchange
management in manufacturing companies is located in information about products, their application and use in
the R&D department – research and development – DIY projects. You can test products, give direct
and is geared towards product development there. An feedback on how they are used and submit suggestions
innovation management department for customer for new products or services. This results in unfiltered
experience management or at least a systematically feedback and suggestions directly from the customers
controlled process would be of a manufacturer who sells his products through

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PEOPLE #2 CX innovation management

sells and is normally decoupled from direct contact

with its customers - market research free of charge
and directly on the customer's pulse. Communities
are labor intensive for the companies. Caregiving
takes some resources, and feedback and reviews
are not always positive; perhaps some of the
reasons why this instrument is so little used for
systematic innovation management.

What already works is the Disney MagicBand.

Disney is known for being customer-centric and
creating customer experiences. The MagicBand is
an innovation designed to make life easier for
theme park visitors. It bundles various activities in
one device and also ensures a lasting memory.

What's new this year?

The focus of companies is currently on creating

the basis and optimizing customer experience
measures, but not on systematic innovation
As long as some basic prerequisites are not in
place, data for an analysis of customer behavior is
missing, systems are not sufficiently networked,
the indicators for the assessment and control of
CX measures are not (yet) implemented, in our
opinion this will change move nothing or very little.
And if they do, then innovations tend to be random
rather than systematically developed and
implemented. That sounds sobering, but it shouldn't
discourage you. Innovations can only emerge
when there are measurable results from the CX
initiatives over a longer period of time. Optimization
measures in a customer journey that aim, for
example, at saving time and which also produce
the desired results, serve as an appetizer for
innovations, so to speak.
Voice-of-the-customer programs and evaluations
of the customer journey provide the necessary
input for innovations in the medium term. The
appetite comes while eating. We do not expect any
serious movements for CX innovation management
Fig.: Disney MagicBand; Image source: https://tripswithtykes. in the coming year.

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PEOPLE #2 CX innovation management

How is the trend developing?

CX innovation management requires the right conditions and tegy whether the innovative ideas also get a chance to prove
the right breeding ground for successful implementation. In our themselves in the market. There are no guarantees for customer
opinion, both are only given when the basic work is done. acceptance, because tests, customer laboratories and other
methods cannot provide absolute certainty. A further complication
It will take companies another one to two years before the CX is that innovations sometimes only become established with
innovation train moves at a faster pace. In addition, we do not customers after a long delay. Getting through thirst and sticking
necessarily find a culture in companies in the DACH region that to the concept is particularly difficult in times of crisis. It is not
promotes and values innovations in the area of customer easy for systematic CX innovation management to assert itself in
experiences. This also slows down development. Innovations the framework conditions described. For this reason, we have
always require a certain amount of willingness to experiment and continued to classify the Trend CX innovation management in
risk on the part of the company. It's a question of company culture the CEX trend radar for 2023 in the prototype stage and do not
and the CX-Stra assume that anything will change significantly in the next few

Trend: CX innovation management

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CX strategy
Short definition:

The CX strategy is primarily about the well thought-out a location determination. However, the subject of customer
and quantified link between corporate strategy and experience management is more dimensional than
customer experience management. Maybe that will determining the route in a navigation system.
become clearer when we look at the task of a CX strategy.

Basically, it's about noting that if we're more expensive

• Everyone in the company knows
than the competition, the customer should pay that price
because of an excellent relationship.
• what exactly the customer should experience with us,

So it's about people. That is why the “People” category is

• what exactly this price (and much more)
on the far left in our CEX Radar. We read from left to right.
justifies and
knowledge and skills.
And the strategy develops the long-term plan for it. In
• that he doesn't experience that with the competition
lectures and specialist articles, we always like to compare
such a map with a navigation system.
It's about finding the ideal path. To do that, you need the
• and how he can implement this successfully.
destination, the starting point and knowledge of your own
resources (car, train, bike, on foot). This means that
components of a CX strategy are, on the one hand, the
definition of goals, and on the other hand

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It is based on the six dimensions of strategy, customer • Governance means "leadership" and "regulation"
understanding, design, measurement, governance and is certainly the least well-developed part of
and culture originally defined by the US company a CX strategy in practice. This is about who is
Forrester. Since "strategy" is explained by "strategy" actually responsible for the tasks associated
in this definition, we use the following dimensions in with customer experience management.
the CEX trend radar: Because when it comes to truly differentiating
experiences, the entire organization needs to
be customer-centric.
• Vision and leadership: What are really
differentiating experiences and how are they
communicated and adhered to through the • Finally, CX culture is self-explanatory.
brand? What is the company's "CX story"? And
How does an organization become customer-focused,
can every board member and every employee
which employees does it have, who knows what and
tell it?
who can do what.

• Customer Understanding: How well does the Interfaces to other trends

company understand methodically what
customers experience, what that means for The CX strategy has interfaces to all other trends.
them and what values are associated with it? In Without strategy, these are just isolated building blocks
this context, we present a simple method as of a customer experience. They should be integrated
part of our “Outside Insight” trend and outline its into an overall experience.
degree of penetration in management.
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
• Design means design and has many facets. In
its extreme form (as Jan-Erik Baars explains in At a high level of maturity, a company has defined the
his book “Leading Design”) it is an all- starting point and goals of CX management and
encompassing design process for sustainable allocated the necessary resources. In our opinion, this
competitive advantages. In the context of a CX can only be achieved through the design and consistent
strategy, design means the knowledge and use of maturity models. This means that a company
ability to develop products and to design services must define at least four, if not five, company-specific
and the associated customer journeys into development stages for each of these dimensions.
differentiating customer experiences. In our
comments on the “Customer Journey Mapping The lowest level of maturity in each dimension is
and Management” trend, we describe how this based on a state of completely random (i.e. not
works operationally today and how it can work controlled) customer experiences. And the highest
in the future. level of maturity is based on world-class CX
management in the respective industry. That's where
it gets challenging. You have to develop something
• Measurement answers the question of how a like this for a specific industry. You can't do that in five
company can measure and control its minutes. In the meantime, we have examined almost
performance in customer experience ten industries in this way and the corresponding
management and, above all, recognize the maturity models are available, which are supplemented
effect. This is probably the most exciting question with the new “world class” every year. For this we use,
for board members: "What's the point?" Under for example, the dimensions of the CEX trend radar.
the term "CX Management Cockpit" we are
going into the ideal composition of such a And once you've done that, it's a matter of carefully
management information system. And because analyzing where the company stands in terms of those
that's so important for management, it's also on maturity levels. The most important stakeholders in
the radar at 12 o'clock. the company should then be determined

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decide which level of maturity they want to reach next, the year How is the trend developing?
after that, and the year after that. Such a strategy should be
defined analogous to the development cycles of the corporate This is the hardest to predict for CX strategy (as it was in 2022)
strategy. And then the real Sisyphus work begins: estimating and of all the trends we have considered. We assume that it will take
budgeting for resources. a while before there is a cross-industry acceptance in the
management of large companies in the German-speaking
countries that every company that is not exactly the price leader
What's new this year?
should have such a strategy.
Basically, we are surprised that the need for a multidimensionally
planned undertaking in 2022 has crystallized in several companies
(e.g. due to overworked service departments). Customer However, that also depends a little on the status of the
experience does not only take place in marketing and sales. implementation of the infrastructure. In 2023 we banned the
"CRM system" trend from the CEX trend radar, since such a
system must be viewed as a commodity and a prerequisite for
Critical events often only arise when something does not work. designed customer experiences. Because without customer
This makes it increasingly clear to competent management and identification, it is just difficult to offer value-adding, differentiating
board members that the required “holism” must also be experiences for the right customers. And without this, you don't
operationally rationalised. However, since CX not only depends earn any money with customer relationship management,
on the development of key figures, but also causally on the customer experience, customer success management or any
development of skills - both of individuals and of the organization professional customer management whatsoever will be mentioned
- there is a need for maturity models, such as those developed with the next buzzword.
by the consulting firm Gartner more than twenty years ago
Customer Relationship Management developed and has been
using ever since. In this context, we have developed a short And that brings us to the answer to the question of why we
assessment of the CEX trend radar, which we are now testing in continue to classify the CX strategy at the “prototype” level with
various industries to check its everyday suitability for the further individual “acceptance” characteristics in different sectors:
development of the CX strategy. because such a link is only necessary recognized by a few large
companies in the DACH market. With the CX-Dialog event in
February, however, we try to give these companies a stage.

Trend: CX strategy

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feedback loop

Short definition:

Feedback means feedback and can be found in all The collection of structured feedback has a long
areas of our lives. Feedback controls our body as well tradition in most companies. Long before there was
as technical and social systems. A loop, the term customer experience, market researchers or the
comes from English, is a loop. According to this, companies themselves conducted surveys to determine
feedback loops are the continuous feedback from customer satisfaction. This toolbox is systematically
customers and the subsequent reaction of the company expanded by determining the NPS score or the
to the feedback, which is then hopefully followed by customer effort score. Unstructured information – eg
further feedback from the customer. Ideally, an endless from conversation analyzes – has so far only been part
loop of feedback, reaction, feedback, etc. Feedback of feedback management in a few cases.
loops are vital for the customer experience; and we
mean that in the truest sense of the word. Without Interfaces to other trends
feedback from customers, companies are lost in the
fog. Investments in products, customer journeys, in the 1 CX culture 2 CX innovation management 3 CX
automation of dialogs - actually everything can fail if strategy 6 Customer journey mapping/CJ management
customer feedback is not available or not taken into 9 CX Management Cockpit, 13 Customer Analytics
account. Without a feedback loop – i.e. feedback from
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
the company back to the customer – customers perceive
the customer satisfaction survey (CSAT) and the
completion of questionnaires to determine the The first stage of collecting feedback based on
willingness to recommend (NPS - Net Promoter Score) structured information is present in most companies.
as a lack of appreciation. Why should they give However, this represents a low level of maturity in
feedback if they don't get any feedback on what the terms of our definition. There is no systematic approach
companies make of it, how valuable the suggestions to collecting unstructured feedback. Here, the majority
were and perhaps also why some suggestions are not of companies are only at the beginning and - what is
implemented. Feedback loops are ongoing processes even more important - the linking and analysis of the
that have to be supplied with enough "energy" from the data is missing. This is the only way that the knowledge
company so that they don't go to sleep and the findings gained can then be used to implement measures for
can flow into the development of new concepts, the employee coaching, training, the adaptation of the
elimination of errors and optimization. websites, the dialogue with a chatbot, etc. To do this,
the data must be brought together on a customer data
platform, a data mart, and then uploaded to a CX
management cockpit and used.

At the moment, however, companies are more in

“hunter-gatherer” mode. The hunger for data, one of
the trends from the past year in our trend radar, is far
from being satisfied in 2023. Rather the opposite is the
case. Each further implemented system supplies new
and additional data, which is evaluated and viewed in
See also the article on Outside Insight. The

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Fig.: Voice of the Customer evaluation; Image source: https://monkeylearn.com/blog/voice-of-customer-examples/

Gaining knowledge is fragmented, and the risk of not generate knowledge. Systems make it easier to
seeing the CX forest for the trees is correspondingly generate further feedback from customers. The QR
high. Another feature that we use to determine a high code made an incredible comeback in the Corona
level of maturity is feedback from customers - the icing Pandemic. It is also increasingly being used as a
on the cake for achieving a high level of maturity. And feedback tool.
here, unfortunately, we see few initiatives to close the Train passengers can quickly and easily get rid of their
loop for customers. dissatisfaction with delays, closed on-board bistros or
However, we find some companies here that already the "entertaining" train attendants during the journey.
have a high degree of maturity. An example of this is This is certainly one way of countering the growing
the Signal Iduna insurance company, which very tiredness and listlessness of customers, filling out
systematically queries the TNPS and also feeds back questionnaires or answering questions on the phone
the improvements to the customers. about their satisfaction with the ordering process. We
view this development with great skepticism. On the
What's new this year?
one hand, because it is a flash in the pan, because
"Same procedure as last year", to quote a saying from companies are already suffocating in the flood of data
a classic New Year's Eve sketch. More data is collected and because there are still no closed loops with
from other touchpoints. Artificial Intelligence – such as feedback back to the customer. We do not expect any
through Conversational Analytics – will actively help significant change for the coming year.
companies to find further Er from unstructured data

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Trend: feedback loop

How is the trend developing?

More feedback towards the company yes; Feedback back to Until then, classic market research, sophisticated voice-of-the-
the customer no. Development is stagnating and, in our opinion, customer (VoC) and AI-supported customer analytics methods
will not change significantly in the coming years. We have a will dominate. There is so much data that needs to be evaluated
similar development in Trend 2 innovation management. In both - or has to - that there is no time to deal with the feedback to the
cases, there is still a lack of awareness of the concrete benefits customers, to deal with the feedback of the feedback. This
a feedback loop or systematic innovation management has for qualitatively next step will only take place when companies
the company. On average, we will not achieve more than the realize that even more data does not necessarily result in an
stage of acceptance. improvement in CX concepts.

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Employee Experience Management

Short definition:

Customers expect a fast, competent and friendly Basically, employee experience is what the employee
solution to their request. The employees of a company experiences in the company. It is interesting to see
are usually responsible for this. which levers are used to really ensure a better
It is therefore important for a superior customer experience for employees.
experience that customer service employees are In this context, we would like to focus on the design of
productive and efficient. But they are only that if they the job itself, the design of the workplace and the tools
can develop experience and routine in their tasks. And used by the employees, as well as appreciation (e.g.
the prerequisite for this is that employees are satisfied, through awards and recognition).
remain in the company for a long time and build up a
high level of knowledge and competence. "Employee
Experience" is the basis for this positive phenomenon.
This fact was extensively investigated by a research
team from Harvard University in the late 1990s under
the term “service profit chain”.

Fig.: The service profit chain from Heskett et al.

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Interfaces to other trends

1 CX culture, 3 CX strategy, 5a CX governance, 8 ler in customer contact as well as long processing

value management, 9 CX management cockpit, 10 times.
value irritant matrix, 11 multiexperience, 17 marketing
automation, 18 service cloud. The topic of “appreciation” as part of a customer-
centric organization is theoretically the easiest to deal
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
with, but is not lived enough.
First, you need to establish which customer-centric
Let's start with the design of the job itself. Customers behaviors should be valued. Because the manifestation
expect competent contacts when they have an issue. in most companies is often very simple: “Think for the
However, part of the competence is also the decision- customer and think ahead.” This is how a very
making scope that employees have in dealing with successful contact center manager of a large Swiss
the customer. financial service provider describes it. "We don't just
Long-term employees in particular are often good at solve the customer's problem, we also explain why it
assessing whether the customer should receive a occurred and show how the customer can even fix it
replacement product or financial compensation in themselves." This is reported within the company as
order to solve the problem. A practical project at a "Best Practice", there is the award of "Customer
large telecommunications company showed that team Champions". Of course, that's nothing new: McDonald's
members in the contact center were even better able has been doing this with Employee of the Month for
to assess customer requirements than team leaders. decades. The question that arises here is whether the
As a consequence, the front-line employees' financial recognition of individual achievements is culturally
leeway was increased twenty-fold. The result was anchored. In any case, there is a strong connection
clear. The total amount paid out did not change, but to the CX culture here, since extrinsic incentives for
more than 30 team leaders, who were previously only customer-centric behavior often have a
busy with so-called “Give me your boss” calls, could counterproductive effect. Or, as Forrester expert Dr.
be deployed overnight for coaching and quality Maxie Schmidt Sub ramanian recently expressed in
assurance. The impact on customer satisfaction and the podcast with Peter Pirner: "You don't reward a
NPS was enormous. pilot extra for having made a safe landing. That is
quite simply the job!”

A second area of action is the design of the workplace

and tools. This raises the question of what tools look
like that enable employees to fully exploit their attitude
What's new this year?
and skills with customers. This applies to the
workplace as well as to IT systems. And this is where It is interesting that this trend is continuing the
the CRM system and the application in marketing, movement that emerged last year, despite the difficult
sales and service come into play. Ideally, employees times for management.
enjoy using their applications. It is important that This is shown by our lighthouse projects at the
employees find everything they need in customer Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank and, above all, at
contact and that the applications are designed as Helvetia Germany. You have made this question one
clearly and uniformly as possible. If employees in a of the decisive selection criteria for the evaluation of
contact center have to use more than five systems consulting and customer contact solutions. Without
with different functionality, different UX and different the voice of the relevant employees, a system
software environments to solve a customer problem, evaluation is completely useless. Data is not entered,
Feh the system is underused, there is no routine and no
experience that the organization can learn from

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rain. Decision-makers in mature organizations have now How is the trend developing?
internalized this fact. The importance of the user experience of a
system must therefore be conveyed and quantified. Agile We expect this trend to catch on fairly quickly because the results
approaches in the project help enormously here. Through the are measurable.
consistent use of agile methods and new communication tools Especially when designing workplaces and tools, training time,
such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Slack, large companies in productivity and employee satisfaction can be measured and
particular are able to share and discuss prototypes of customer- controlled on the one hand, but also the throughput times of
oriented systems with the employees concerned. This creates customer-oriented processes on the other (see also CX
acceptance and maybe even enthusiasm. Implementation Management Cockpit). Therefore, a careful design based on
examples from the last CEX trend report also show very practically employee needs has become more and more standard over the
that leeway is necessary for implementation so that the affected years. The current discussions, for example about working from
tribes and squads are also adequately involved. In terms of home or office obligations, will increasingly become superfluous
employee coaching, what tricontes360 does with digital auditing thanks to work equipment that can transparently show
is interesting. This is part of the AI-based solution «VIER performance and, in customer management, is certainly also
Interaction Analytics». Targeted conversation analyzes allow closely related to the availability of employee expertise. Here,
GDPR-compliant recording and analysis of customer however, the development will depend heavily on the degree of
conversations. The insights gained flow directly into digital maturity of the management tools and a modern HR policy. This
coaching of the employees, which ensures optimal customer means that large companies that see themselves as pioneers
contact and service quality. when it comes to customer orientation will lead the way.

Trend: Employee Experience Management

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CX governance

Short definition:

Governance generally refers to the control and The founder of Amazon.com, Jeff Bezos, implemented
regulation system in the sense of structures (structural this in his company both systematically and
and process organization) of the company. The term is pragmatically. At each meeting, the now legendary
often used vaguely. CX governance is about regulating empty chair is placed at the table for the customer.
the process of customer experience management in Each decision is also considered in terms of its impact
the company. It therefore describes the ability of the on the customer, and these considerations feed into
company to position itself organizationally in such a the final decision-making process. Now the question
way that continuous, differentiating customer arises as to how companies, most of which are still
experiences are made possible. managed inside-out today, set up powerful decision-
The key question is: who actually does customer making bodies in which the customer is represented.
experience management? It is true that most companies
have a department that is so named. However, their
impact depends heavily on how this department sees In this context, the role of an organizational "CX unit"
itself and what hierarchical authority it is equipped with must change from "designer" to "enabler". But that also
on a day-to-day basis. The main focus here is whether means that CX managers have to see themselves as
the customer experience plays a significant role in change agents to a large extent. In this context, all
investment or project decisions. customer-oriented functions in marketing, sales and
service that work on optimizing the structure and
Interfaces to other trends process organization (i.e. process design) should have
basic skills, for example in designing a customer
1 CX culture, 3 CX strategy, 5 employee experience journey.
management, 6 customer journey management, 8
Value Management, 9 CX Management Cockpit, 11
Multixperience In this context, the problem of organizational silos must
be addressed again.
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
From the customer's point of view, a customer journey
is always continuous. Customers are interested in
Maybe we can start with understanding. A department solving their own problems, their jobs-to-be-done. They
that is located on the third or even lower hierarchical are not interested in who has what task and responsibility
level in the “Marketing” area shows a typically low level in the company. CX governance is therefore also about
of maturity, which primarily deals with the recording organizational consistency and enabling this orientation
and design of customer journeys. A high degree of towards the customer's "jobs". Basic rules for employee
maturity, on the other hand, would be a departmental behavior such as “customer help before departmental
function that deals with the rules of customer orientation boundaries” are necessary in this context to make
on behalf of the CEO and enables other organizational something like this possible. At the same time, it is
units to think and act systematically in the interests of important to define and, if necessary, expand the
the customer. (financial) scope of individual employees in order not
only to develop the organization in an agile manner, but
also to be able to act in an agile manner in individual
business transactions.

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What's new this year?

Lighthouse projects, such as the DPD project (Switzerland) However, in many CX work areas (see interfaces to other
AG or smart Europe GmbH (from the CEX Trend Radar trends) requires a fairly high degree of maturity as a
2022), give us reason to hope that newly founded or re- prerequisite in order to even be able to grasp the impact
established companies on the "green field" in particular will that CX governance has on the overall project "customer
consider such CX governance considerations as part of proximity" and "long-term profitable customer relationships".
their business model from the outset establish. For
established companies, this is associated with an enormous
How is the trend developing?
change. Here it is important that board members and
managing directors gain the insight that the strategy, which From the above it has become clear that the work area "CX-
is geared towards sustainably positive customer Governance" defines the basic "rules of the game" of what
experiences, will only succeed if it affects and encompasses customer experience management means for an
the entire company. Individual departments such as organization. And that (still today) represents a departure
marketing or customer service will do little here in isolation. from the previous management for most companies. We
therefore assume that this trend (along with the CX culture,
The customer must also be seen as a stakeholder in trend #1) will evolve the slowest of all CX trends will
EVERY investment and project decision, and the decisions develop, since the need for such a radical rethinking is
must also be based on the needs and demands of the often not yet seen.
customer. This field of work is currently the subject of
heated debate at multinational insurance companies. The

Trend: CX governance

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PROCESS #6 Customer Journey Mapping/CJ Management

Customer Journey Mapping/

CJ Management

Short definition:

As we understand it, customer journey management is: customer journey. The user experience is the experience
of operating a system or product.
In our opinion, the following three points are important
Understanding, analyzing, designing, managing for definition and understanding.
and optimizing person-specific, end-to-end
1. Customer journeys are not linear. In other words,
customer journeys across all touchpoints and
many representations of customer journeys
departmental boundaries.
suggest a linear, simple course that does not
correspond to reality.
With this definition, we go beyond many of the usual
descriptions and definitions in the market, which very
often only extend to the conclusion of the purchase. 2. Measuring points are absolutely necessary (e.g.
for determining cancellations, throughput times,
Customer journey mapping is the visualization of
deviating routes from planned customer trips or
customer journeys (both actual and target customer
volumes). Without the early integration of
journeys) from the point of view and the assessment of
measurements along the customer journey, it
the customer (persona-specific). All steps at all relevant
remains a theoretical exercise.
touchpoints are described in detail. The aim of the
customer journey map is to

3. The customer journey and not the individual

• Identify moments of pleasure and frustration in customers touchpoint is relevant for successful differentiation
no, in the market.

• identify the IT systems involved and necessary to Interfaces to other trends

support customers,
3 CX Strategy, 7 Outside Insight, 8 Value Management,
9 CX Management Cockpit, 10 Value Irritant
• to recognize existing transfer points/interfaces
Matrix, 11 Multiexperience, 12 Customer Data
between the departments,
Platforms, 13 Customer Analytics, 15 Conversational
• the employees the steps from customers
Automation, 16 CIAM, 17 Marketing Automation

to show transparently and What is a high and what is a low observed level of
• to define measuring points for performance
The early bird catches the worm. This is how you can
measurement and customer analytics.
currently describe the distinction between companies
Unfortunately, “user experience” and “customer with a high and low level of maturity quite well. EnBW
experience” are often still used synonymously in this or HUK24, to name two German examples, started
context. As we understand it, customer experience is years ago to systematically focus on customer journeys
the overall experience of the and their mapping in

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PROCESS #6 Customer Journey Mapping/CJ Management

to take care of their systems. Both companies rely the health insurance company, the pharmacy, the
heavily on the digitization of processes and both hospital or the rehabilitation clinic will therefore still
pursue a holistic CX concept. be a few years away. If customer journeys exist at
Customer journeys in these companies have all, they are visualized and maintained in Microsoft
existed for several years; the internal know-how, Office programs. However, the first signs of
the systematics and the systems used are at an consistent management in Switzerland can be
advanced level. seen at the SWICA health insurance company.
Low, you can also say very low, is the degree of
What's new this year?
maturity in the healthcare system. If at all,
fragments of customer journeys are recognizable, More integration and depth are the two priorities
an end-to-end customer journey is hardly we see when using customer journey management.
recognizable anywhere. It is not necessarily the What does that mean specifically? Customer
sole fault of those involved. The legal framework journey management has outgrown its infancy in
and the special protection of patient data make visualization and is now viewed and used as an
customer journey management even more difficult. indispensable working tool. As a consequence,
A continuous customer journey from the doctor to this means more software

Fig.: Customer Journey Management framework, image source: cxomni https://cxomni.net/

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PROCESS #6 Customer Journey Mapping/CJ Management

(in particular customer analytics and performance tools, cf. trend concerns and thus represents the entire CX topic. Customer
no. 13 customer analytics) exists, to which the customer journey journeys create commitment for everyone involved in CX in the
management systems are docked. More depth means that more company, and they deliver concrete results against which the
variants, more details will find their way into the customer design of solutions can be measured. All departments involved
journeys and that the customer journeys are intended to depict a can derive and implement their tasks from the customer journey.
real end-to-end journey. In concrete terms, this can also mean
the inclusion of touchpoints outside of one's own company (such
as discussions between customers or the experience at a The visualization tools become very powerful all-round systems
retailer). Many customer journeys also start with an online search that develop into an operational CX management framework in
on a search engine, in forums or blogs. which many operational threads come together.

The dynamic growth is limited by the ability of the companies to

connect the relevant data sources to the systems and to
standardize the data on a customer data platform. If these
How is the trend developing?
prerequisites are not met, it will be challenging to carry out
Customer journey management is one of the few trends this analyzes and implement operationally feasible customer journeys
year that is developing very dynamically despite the adverse with the existing systems. In the case of personalized customer
framework conditions. journeys across many touchpoints, a level of complexity is quickly
This is also because customer journey mapping is an ideal entry reached that is then very difficult to master.
point for understanding customers

Trend: Customer Journey Mapping/CJ Management

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PROCESS #7 Outside Insight


Short definition: Interfaces to other trends

The definition of this trend is still unclear. It's not just 3 CX strategy, 6 customer journey management, 8
about the "Voice of the Customer" or customer Value Management, 9 CX Management Cockpit, 11
feedback. It is also about the systematic evaluation of Multixperience, 12 Customer Data Platform, 13
perspectives and an understanding of the long-term Customer Analytics
values of the customer. It is important not only to ask
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
about the positive and negative experiences of
customers, but also to examine what consequences an
experience has for the perceived or real everyday life Companies examine their customer journeys episodically
of a customer, and to what extent the company sees using metrics and unstructured feedback. At a low level
long-term values as a result understands and serves of maturity, neither the one nor the other is designed to
the customer's goals or needs. We have therefore make sense. At a medium level of maturity, both
decided to give this category a broader content and to feedback methods are collected and evaluated, but not
call it "Outside Insight". combined for organizational or technical reasons (see
also Customer Data Platform). However, companies
usually manage to uncover grievances and poor
By this we mean any form of measuring customer customer experiences and to optimize the overall
perception of the company. Of course, this starts with experience. You do the things that you do anyway as
the standardized key figures of the Net Promotor Score part of customer journey management correctly. But
(NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) and Customer are you doing the right things? For example, the
Effort Score (CES). Their definition is well known, and question arises as to how knowledge about the episodes
the corresponding metrics and their underlying customer of the customer journey came about and whether the
survey methodology are widely used. The NPS is now company is aware of the goals and values that a
part of the corporate management of almost 60% of the customer is pursuing.
world's listed companies.

Accordingly, most companies have already geared A high degree of maturity in this trend is characterized
their systems to the structured collection and processing by the fact that the individual episodes of the customer
of customer feedback collected in key figures. journey were not researched using internal company
knowledge, but externally using suitable methods
directly on the customer. Methods such as the
In addition, however, there is the question of including “Sequential Incident Technique” (SIT) have been
unstructured feedback in the form of complaints and in available for decades. Especially when they are used
the form of ratings and reviews on Google, Facebook, freely, for example for a telecommunications company
Amazon and other common online platforms. Social (“In what context did you first think of a new mobile
listening is the key word here. The challenge here is phone provider? What did you do then?”), the episodes
how these statements, mostly from disappointed, but of the journey are based on the customers’ natural
rarely enthusiastic customers, can be brought together episodic narrative styles .
with the structured surveys carried out by the company
and integrated into the management of customer

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PROCESS #7 Outside Insight

At a very high level of maturity of this trend, a company can Use the positioning of your own brand and align the design
not only determine the customer journey from the customer’s of products and services as well as the associated
point of view and determine where which customers experiences and communication accordingly.
experience what, but also understand what a positive or
negative experience means for the customer’s everyday
What's new this year?
life. If you now combine the SIT with the findings and
methods of the applied means-end analysis (i.e. that So it's about doing the right things from the customer's
products and services are always a means to a deeper goal perspective and doing those things right.
of the customer, cf. also Jüttner et al., 2013), customers And it is precisely this fact that has so far been scarce.
can be identified relatively easily ask about every experience Although financial and logistics service providers are in the
process of creating the necessary infrastructure, for example
by setting up customer advisory boards and panels, there
is a systematic feedback of the results of such “outside
a) Whether this experience was perceived as positive or
insight” for customer-oriented decision-making (see also
CX governance). still too little considered. Above all,
individual aspects of the above-mentioned topics are still
b) what this experience means for the everyday life of
not bundled enough in one place in the company under the
the customer and
heading “Customer Insight Management”. We were
surprised that even in large companies there are mainly
c) why exactly that is important to the customer.
technical difficulties, especially unstructured customer feeds
The latter response represents the customer's needs,
goals, and values. You can get the knowledge about it

Laddering for private customers of a (cantonal) bank

Fig.: Jüttner, Schaffner, Windler, Hafner and Zimmermann 2012

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PROCESS #7 Outside Insight

evaluate back. However, the ability to evaluate text is trend is implemented relatively quickly compared to
essential for effective outside insight. other process issues. We were wrong in this forecast
for three reasons. First, the ability to systematically
If you look at the implementation of the methods in and purposefully evaluate unstructured text feedback
practice, you will find that customer research is often and link it to structured information such as an NPS
still carried out according to the models of market score is still missing. AI can make the decisive
research. By this we mean anonymous surveys, no difference here. Secondly, the methods of market
individual filing of the results at customer level and, research are still very dominant, people are asked
above all, working with average values that does not anonymously with large, feature-related questionnaires
lead to the desired result. However, this depends very and periodically. This costs customers time and the
much on the available methodological knowledge of company too much money. The reason given for this
the individual organization. We were also surprised at is often that if you change the procedure, you no longer
how much this methodological knowledge depends on have any time series information. However, this is not
individuals and the status or initial acquisition of this very valid.
knowledge and is not managed in an organizational manner.
How is the trend developing?
From year to year, fewer customers will be willing to fill
out extensive questionnaires if they are not based on
Therefore, we find that this trend is moving from vision concrete experiences of the customer.
to acceptance today. Third, we find that an in-depth understanding of
Many companies are aware that they need to "research" customers' everyday lives and values is often not
their customers better, but still don't understand how. viewed as “of primary interest”. Large companies in
With the broad discussion about methods and particular prefer to talk about their own values today.
procedures and the simpler implementation through Few people realize that this is precisely how customer
support with specific tools, we still assumed in 2022 experience and advertising/PR are decoupled from
that the one another.

Trend: outside insight

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PROCESS #8 Value management

value management

Short definition:

With value management, the focus is on the overall For our readers who have been following our trend
relationship with the customer. A relationship develops forecasts from both Harald Henn and Nils Hafner for a
when both partners know “what you have in each little longer: Yes, we've been talking about this since
other”. The term “customer value” is therefore two- the mid-2000s. And since last year we have included
sided. Here we consider both the value of the company this topic of “value management” in the trend radar
for the customer and the value of the customer for the again, as companies are increasingly trying to control
company. Both must be in a balanced relationship so this value exchange.
that both the company and the customer perceive the
exchange as "fair" and sustainable value-adding. The
following figure also shows this.

Fig.: The two perspectives of customer value

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PROCESS #8 Value management

What is a high and what is a low observed level of Interfaces to other trends
2 CX innovation management, 3 CX strategy, 5a
With regard to the customer value of the company for CX Governance, 6 Customer Journey Management, 7
the customer, the "outside insights" also result in Outside Insight, 9 CX Management Cockpit, 15
knowledge of the central goals and values of the Conversational Automation and 17 Marketing Automati
customers. And it is precisely these values of our on.
company that must now be brought together with the
What's new this year?
value proposition of the customer and analyzed.
Businesses are increasingly realizing that creating What is new is that the values of the customers can
and delivering good customer experiences leads to be derived in a standardized way from surveys. As
relationships with customers. And that such part of CX governance, the gap between customer
relationships are based on the exchange of values. research, CX and marketing communication is
Methodologically, value management has been well increasingly being closed. The question of “why do my
developed since the mid-2000s. A company with a customers use my offers and not those of the
high level of maturity in this field of work is able to use competition” is becoming a survival criterion, especially
suitable surveys to determine which value patterns in highly competitive markets. The first excellent
have which customer groups, and to address these companies have recognized this.
values systematically in corporate communications.
ESG (environmental, social, governance) issues that At the same time, a lot has happened in the area of
are important for communication today arise from such determining the values of customer relationships for
value patterns. It is important to know for which the company in the past year. Manufacturers of CX
customer groups these topics are relevant and which suites are also in the process of having customer
customers, for example, react more positively to values, potential and churn probabilities calculated in
product- or solution-centric communication because it a standardized way using machine learning algorithms.
better suits their goals and values. In this context, the customer base is analyzed with
regard to the characteristics of customers who have
left the company or who have bought additional or
more expensive services without any additional effort
On the side of customer value for the company, every for the company. However, this information must be
manager is now aware that customer relationships available at the customer level in order for the machine
have a certain value that usually arises over the long to calculate. The latest research approaches at the
term. So a company needs to know for its existing University of Friborg and at the Lucerne University of
customers how profitable they have been in the past, Applied Sciences even assume that a certain degree
how profitable they will be in the future and how long of imprecision (through the use of fuzzy logic) in these
these relationships will last in the future. This is the calculations will bring better medium-term results for
only way to evaluate the amount that can be invested controlling investments in marketing, sales and service
in the customer relationship in order to create for the individual customer relationship .
experiences that correspond exactly to the values and
needs of the customers. At a very high level of These two aspects bring the fundamental considerations
maturity, companies can also carry out such a value of customer relationship management, the long-term
assessment for target customers and thus profitable control of CX initiatives and the design of
systematically focus their marketing and acquisition individual experiences for individual customers back
efforts on the right customers. onto the management agenda.

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PROCESS #8 Value management

How is the trend developing?

We continue to assume that this trend will gain ground

comparatively quickly, as the demand for CX to be a profitable
corporate strategy and to deliver sustainable success is gradually
manifesting itself. The methods that companies use for evaluation
and the presentation of results are therefore of interest. At a high
level of maturity, companies can proceed semi-automatically here
and therefore often have a better basis for discussing investing
in CX than companies at a lower level of maturity. Should times
remain tense politically and economically for a longer period of
time, this will favor the implementation of this trend on the market.

Trend: value management

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PROCESS #9 CX Management Cockpit

CX Management Cockpit

Short definition:

The CX Management Cockpit is the switching and associated cost savings are shown, those responsible
control center of Customer Experience Management. can better assess the value of customer experience
This is about measuring customer experiences in an management and the associated optimization measures.
integrated way. It is important to reconcile the An instrument whose importance should not be
customer's perspective with that of the processes and underestimated! This is also the reason why this trend
the business results. is at the center of the CEX trend radar, i.e. at "12
CX Management Cockpits play a central role when it
comes to achieving CX and business goals. However, Interfaces to other trends
this only happens if the evaluations of the company's
performance by the customers and – through their 3 CX Strategy, 4 Feedback Loop, 5 EXM, 6 Customer
behavior – the influence on sales and costs are linked. Journey Management, 7 Outside Insight, 8 Value
So, an ideal CX cockpit drives business results by Management, 10 Value-Irritant-Matrix, 11 Multiexperience,
showing how improved survey metrics (eg, customer 12 Customer Data Platform, 13 Customer Analytics, 15
satisfaction) correlate with a decrease in contact center Conversational Automation, 17 Marketing Automation,
calls. If then the one with it 18 Service Cloud.

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PROCESS #9 CX Management Cockpit

What is a high and what is a low observed level and provide cost-effective service excellence.
of maturity? An additional complication for effective CX
management is that many key figures collected are
The majority of companies already measure the touchpoint-related but not customer journey-related
classic, behavior-related key figures such as NPS, (here there is a dependency on trend no. 6 customer
employees and customer satisfaction and, in rarer journey management). However, since customers
cases, the customer effort score at a medium level of assess the customer journey as a whole (trend no. 11
maturity. At the operational level of the marketing, multi-experience), a customer journey measurement
sales and customer service departments, process- method is important – if possible in real time in order
related conversion rates, the first solution rate, service to be able to react promptly.
level and the probability of termination are measured.
What's new this year?
This may be a good guide for the individual
departments to manage their goals, but it does not We gained significant insights into this trend in 2022.
help to get a common picture of the degree of And that is also urgently needed. In politically and
implementation of the customer experience strategy, economically challenging times, those responsible for
since the connection, for example, between the first- customer experience have to answer the question of
time resolution rate (FCR) and customer satisfaction, the profitability of concepts and measures. To do this,
as well as employee satisfaction and customer the collected data on customer behavior must be
satisfaction and the effect on profitability and growth related to the activities of the company. The
(which is of interest to senior management) cannot be observation of NPS scores with the simultaneous
made transparent. implementation of efficiency programs will therefore
strongly shape the picture in 2023. Against this
background, we tested the findings from theory and
In order to be successful in customer experience, practice in relation to excellent CX management
key indicators must first be prioritized and related to cockpits at several banks in a research project. The
the contribution of the company strategy. Companies conclusion of the project is that the "triad" of
that have successfully mastered this task are at a high performance indicators of the customer-oriented
level of maturity. company processes in marketing, sales and service
(1), behavior-related indicators such as NPS or CES
(2.) in combination (3.) with business indicators such
What is particularly interesting is which procedural as sales or profitability development, segment growth
operational key figures really have an impact on the or cost development in customer management
customer's assessment. Management with ratio- represents a solid company-wide basis. The art,
based key figures, for example the number of value- however, is the selection of the right KPI. This can
adding customer contacts or the self-service rate (see only happen company-specifically. This perspective
also Trend No. 10 Value-Irritant-Matrix), the first-time also prevailed in the discussion of the project results
solution rate or the service costs per customer (see with around 60 companies from all sectors at the
Trend 18 Service Cloud). ) is not yet very widespread MarketingTech Summit 2022 in Hamburg.
in 2023. However, it is these key figures that provide
very good information about the medium and long-
term development of customer management with
regard to a differentiating CX

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PROCESS #9 CX Management Cockpit

How is the trend developing?

In our estimation, CX management cockpits will develop faster

than expected as an integrated management tool due to the
Although the hitherto weak understanding of cause-and-effect
chains in top management still stands in the way of very rapid
growth, board members and executives worldwide have
recognized that the area of customer management can be
measured and controlled in the same integrated way as
production or the finance department of a company. The degree
of acceptance required for this will be achieved this year in the
area covered by the sectors we have observed.

Trend: CX Management Cockpit

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PROCESS #10 Value Irritant Matrix

Value Irritant Matrix

Short definition:

The Value Irritant Matrix was developed in 2006 by Bill On the one hand, the matrix considers, from the
Price, Amazon's Chief Service Officer at the time, and company's point of view, whether it is interested in a
David Jaffe. It is an instrument for classifying customer personal dialogue with the customer from a service
dialogues in terms of relevance. The authors assess point of view, because it can learn something about its
whether there is an interest in a dialogue from both the products and services, this gives rise to ideas for
customer's and the company's point of view. The basic savings, or because the contact creates an opportunity
idea of successful customer service is to determine in to sell additional products or services.
which dialogs the customer and the company are
interested in personal contact at the same time. This is
the only place where valuable discussions can take On the other hand, the customer's perspective on the
place (upper right quadrant). dialogue is systematically taken. Is the customer really
interested in personal contact because he can get
answers to his questions or advice and ideally save
money, or does he see no need to get in touch with a
company and perceives the contact as time-consuming
and aggravating?

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PROCESS #10 Value Irritant Matrix

If there is a divergence of interests (i.e. the customer But how can a company actually use this analysis tool?
has a high interest in getting a solution to the problem The aim here is to read out the “jobs-to-be-done” from
and the company regards this contact primarily as an the operative contact management systems. This also
additional cost), the contact should be automated makes it clear which customer concerns cause which
through self-services. This is particularly exciting where contact volumes. But the assignment to the quadrants
customers ask the same, recurring questions. In this is company-specific. Would you like an example? While
context, it is often about understanding how products a telecommunications company, for example, considers
and services work. a change of address by the customer to be primarily a
cost-generating process, an insurer (which traditionally
has far fewer customer contacts) will see its sales
However, the Value-Irritant Matrix also provides support opportunities since it can sell the customer household
in the opposite case, in which the company relies on or valuables insurance. It is therefore important to
the customer being in contact with the company and, understand the company's cost and revenue drivers in
for example, disclosing or confirming certain information depth. At the same time, however, it is important to be
with regard to compliance requirements. Customers able to realistically assess the customer's point of view
often find such contacts annoying. Here it is important and his assessment of the "value" of the company's
to simplify the contacts (such as a check-in or partial individual dialogues. Above all, this is where the
contacts of a process such as a necessary identification interface to Trend No. 7 Outside Insight lies.
of the customer) as much as possible. The diverse
approaches in several industries to online self-on
boarding show the success of such efforts.
Value can only be created for the company in the form
Interfaces to other trends of knowledge, saved costs and cross- or up-selling
where customers and companies are simultaneously
3 CX Strategy, 6 Customer Journey Management, 7 interested in a personal dialogue. But there are also
Outside Insight, 8 Value Management, 9 CX many questions:
Management Cockpit, 12 Customer Data Platform, 13
• How exactly can dialogues be made more useful?
Customer Analytics, 15 Conversational Automation, 17 What does the improved customer experience
Marketing Automation and 18 Service Cloud.
look like?
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
maturity? • What happens when many issues require
significantly less manpower? Where exactly do
The Value Irritant Matrix was originally developed in
the remaining dialogues require a changed
the context of an online retail company with few
employee requirement profile and thus training?
dialogue channels. Due to the increasing measurability
of the volume of incoming and outgoing communication,
it has also become possible, especially in the last five
What's new this year?
years, to use the Value Irritant Matrix for a company
that interacts with customers via a variety of digital and Interestingly, in the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, more
physical touchpoints. However, this is also where the and more companies will deal with the issues addressed
specific challenge lies, which ultimately determines the here. We see many tenders, especially in retail and
degree of maturity and the applicability of the banking, that require a CX and customer service
methodology. strategy (trend no. 3) and its technical implementation,
Of course, such an instrument can be used much more for example in a service cloud (trend no. 18) from the
precisely if the reasons for contact are recorded systematic considerations of the contact want to make
completely across all touchpoints and the potential allocation dependent on the Value-Irritant-Matrix.
costs and benefits associated with the contacts are
known in the company's accounts. Of course, the enormous investments in one also apply

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PROCESS #10 Value Irritant Matrix

to justify functioning customer service through increasing added All in all, these developments are making it increasingly clear
value. After evaluating more than twenty practical projects, there that the question of a potential automation of customer dialogues
is now a good sense of realizable savings by avoiding unwanted must be answered systematically and in relation to the business
dialogs (approx. 6% of all dialogs over the year), simplification case. The Value-Irritant-Matrix gives the first answers here.
(2-4% of all dialogs over the year) and automation (approx 9% of However, it is important to subsequently implement the service
all dialogues over the year). In terms of time and resources, this catalog structured by the matrix in an operating model and then
potential can be reinvested in the establishment of higher added in concrete initiatives to improve the CX in automated and
value. personal customer dialogues.

How is the trend developing?

In the last twelve months, we ourselves have done a lot of
research into the design of the value-irritant matrix. On the one This trend will clearly continue in the coming months and years,
hand, with a team of authors, we examined whether and how the which are likely to be economically and politically challenging.
instrument can be used in the context of "smart On the one hand, it is important to save costs. On the other hand,
services" (Landmann et al., 2022) and on the other hand, we especially in excellent companies, the view that the customer
found that the "automatable" quadrant is getting bigger and experience decides in customer service is gaining ground.
bigger when, for example, bots (Trends No. 15) can also take
over parts of the sales process in dialogue with the customer As a result, even more companies will start to justify investments
(Hundertmark et al. 2023 iP). We also researched which aspects in a functioning customer service through increasing value
of automated dialogs should be emotionally charged from the creation (faster learning or increased cross-selling income). The
customer's point of view, and which rather less (Hundertmark & Value-Irritant-Matrix is therefore a strategic tool that management
Hafner, 2023 iP). has to deal with as the number of touchpoints increases so that
all efforts in CX management are not wasted through poor
contact management.

Trend: Value Irritant Matrix

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PROCESS #11 Multi-experience


Short definition:

In 2022, Gartner – as a market research and leading IT The extensive organization of large companies into the
analyst company – coined the term multi-experience. departments "Marketing", "Sales" and "Customer
The aim is to replace the technological approach Service" is only changing very slowly. These are also
inherent in the word "omnichannel" with the customer- often divided into “online” and “offline” teams. Internal
oriented approach of multiple "experience". In this organizational structures, competencies and the
context, “multi” can be described as “building on one delimitation of responsibilities are directly opposed to
another”. Instead of customers getting used to evolving the demands of customer experience.
technologies, technology will evolve to better understand
people. And we have been very happy to replace the
term omnichannel with the term multiexperience since The basis for multiexperience is the outside-in
2022. perspective (see also trend no. 7 outside in sight) and
thus detailed knowledge of the customer journey - with
a clear focus on the customer's effort for the product
and service evaluation, the purchase and to reduce the
The “Omni” stood for the coordination and orchestration answering of the associated questions. At a medium
of the previously existing touchpoints for end-to-end level of maturity, the primary goal is to support the
conversations. Customers expect and expect companies customer in solving his problem, his question. There is
to enable an end-to-end and consistent customer a "jobs-to-be-done approach" instead of "building in"
journey. As a concept, multi-experience involves moments of surprise or wow for the customer. Customer
enormous requirements in terms of the integration of experience management has the task of ensuring the
the touchpoints in terms of data management, the real- basic and hygiene factors in dialogue with customers.
time integration of data from different systems, and Enthusiasm factors are optional, not mandatory. A good
ensuring the consistency of the data at every touchpoint example here is the Austrian company Raiffeisen Digital,
along the customer journey. A customer data platform which is successfully trying to avoid overcontacting
(cf. customers with its “Signalcontainer” project.
Trend No. 12 CDP) and systematic customer journey
management are essential for this from a technological
and organizational point of view.
Interfaces to other trends From our point of view, multi-experience concepts
require strong networking with customer journey
3 CX Strategy, 5a CX Governance, 6 Customer Journey management, i.e. the organizational orchestration of a
Mapping/CJ Management, 7 Outside Insight, 8 Value customer journey along the various touchpoints (see
Management, 9 CX Management Cockpit, 12 Customer also trend no. 6 customer journey management/customer
Data Platform, 17 Marketing Automation, 18 Service journey mapping) and a powerful “real-time -IT".

What is a high and what is a low observed level of

If applied consistently, such a multiexperience
management could be divided into the customer-related
A low level of maturity in this trend is still the activities “content”, “conversion” and “conversation” with
Rule: The classic inside-out view based on “marketing” a high degree of maturity.
via “channels” on the customers and the

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PROCESS #11 Multi-experience

Fig.: Customer journey and responsibilities according to the multiexperience principle

All three work areas span the customer journey and of the customer and his effort, while the company
relate to every phase of influencing the customer's answers questions and solves problems. It is
decision for a company. A closer look reveals that important to strategically decide, for example with
“conversion”, i.e. the systematic analysis of cross- the help of the Value-Irritant-Matrix (cf. Trend 10),
and up-selling as well as other sales opportunities, which dialogs are to be automated (cf.
is a central area of responsibility even after the first Trend 15) and which are so valuable that either a
signing of a contract or the first product purchase. very good customer experience is created here, the
This insight is usually associated with the conception company can learn something or the dialogue has
of rule-based outbound activities and marketing to be conducted in a sales-oriented manner from the
automation. The ongoing review of the customer point of view of "conversion".
relationship for possible added value for the company
What's new this year?
and the customer is therefore a core task in the
context of multiexperience. Of course, content is Unfortunately not much. CX specialists complain
required for this. The earlier in the customer journey, about the persistent silo mentality. But even the
the greater the importance of this content in implementation of CX initiatives in more and more
influencing the customer's decisions in favor of the agile teams made up of different departments cannot
company. This begins with the question of how the hide the fundamental gap. Although we repeatedly
company and its solutions “get into the minds of the spoke to medium-sized and larger companies about
customers.” An analysis of the basic value patterns this approach in 2022, there is no sign of movement.
of the customers as part of a “laddering” provides However, we are also noticing that more is being
insights into values, needs and motivations. The published about this trend (e.g. Daniel Renggli in
“Conversation” workspace at the end plays this “Marketing Börse” on August 22). Automobile
content to the customer for problem-solving purposes. companies such as Opel or VW, which announced
Here the main focus is on the time some time ago that they would combine marketing,
sales and service, or the newly founded smart
Europe GmbH, are at a high level of maturity.

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PROCESS #11 Multi-experience

which is based on the customer journey from the of an integrated implementation approach in the
outset. Various branch banks are also discussing various sectors. E-commerce and digitized business
what such an integrated approach could look like. models are very advanced (due to the lack of a
Unfortunately, the service center is often excluded decentralized sales organization). In other industries,
from the central considerations here. Naturally, the realization that a customer journey orchestrated
companies that sell centrally (e.g. via an e-shop) from the customer's point of view is necessary is
have an advantage. only slowly beginning to emerge.
How is the trend developing?

The technology and the management tools for such

a change in the direction of multi-experience are
already fully documented today. Stimulating the
change in people's minds and implementing it in
the organization will be the task of the coming
years. It is often about a redistribution of power and
influence in the company. We continue to see a
wide spread in the CEX trend radar, ranging from
prototype to standard. This can be explained by
awareness and necessity

Trend: multi-experience

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PROCESS #11a CX ecosystems/platforms

CX ecosystems/platforms

Short definition:

CX ecosystems are characterized by a focus on specific A deep understanding of customer behavior, preferred
customer environments. Living environments can be, touchpoints and customer journeys in this CX ecosystem
for example, health, housing, mobility or financial is crucial. Of overriding importance is the ability of the
investments/financing. They include products and participating companies with their different offers to fill
services from several partners/companies - e.g. on the roles and to synchronize themselves.
subject of health: preventive care, doctor visits, hospital
stays, rehabilitation clinics, health insurance or
pharmacies - and are based on technological platforms Interfaces to other trends
that allow the exchange of data from different partners
and functions such as shopping, payment , logistics or 3 CX strategy, 5a CX governance, 6 customer journey
customer service and orchestrate them. When we talk mapping/CJ management, 11 multiexperience, 12
about CX ecosystems below, we mean platform-based customer data platforms, 13 customer analytics, 16
CX ecosystems. CIAM.

What is a high and what is a low observed level of

From the company's point of view, the goal is to make
it as easy as possible for customers to find information, Companies have historically been very focused on
obtain information, shop, and use the service. You want keeping their ideas to themselves. Now a rethinking
to become the platform of choice for customers for a begins. It is often easier to develop innovations together
specific topic. Simplicity, convenience and time savings with other companies, to cooperate in order to assert
are powerful drivers of loyalty to a CX ecosystem or oneself in the market and to meet customer
company. Positive experiences – let's take Amazon as requirements. Focusing on the positive customer
an example once again – can help increase customers' experience, understanding what the customer wants to
price tolerance. The factors of convenience, time saving achieve - the job-to-be-done principle must be the
and customer service balance price differences up to a starting point for a CX ecosystem. This thinking from
certain point. the customer's point of view, but also the conception
and construction of technological platforms, are lengthy
processes. There are no simple blueprints and recipes
This effect can be transferred to other CX ecosystems. to transfer Amazon, Apple or WeChat strategies to your
With excellent implementation, successful ecosystems own conception. In this respect, we see a large number
can assume a dominant position in the market. of good approaches and initial pilots in the DACH
region; However, it does not yet have a high level of
maturity comparable to the Amazon ecosystem.
From the company's point of view, the relationship Packages for everything to do with cars, homes, health
structure, the networking and orchestration of the or investments are only to be expected in the future.
partners in a CX ecosystem guarantees that the Prototypes such as the Mercedes me example shown
partners involved are able to cover customer needs below show a good approach to bundling and integrating
that they cannot offer on their own. They often get services on a central platform for the customer.
better market access to customers and functionalities
that would be too costly to implement on their own. However, many functions, such as communication with
From a customer experience perspective the partners involved, are still rudimentary.

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PROCESS #11a CX ecosystems/platforms

Fig.: Mercedes me: development from app to ecosystem; Image source: mercedes https://group.mercedes-benz.com/innovation/

Booking a workshop appointment, a direct chat with This trend is new this year.
the charging station operator, integrated payment and We talked for a long time about what this is about
service functions are either only rudimentary or not and sharpened this trend in countless one-on-one
yet implemented consistently. There's still a lot of conversations. It seems important to us that the
room for improvement. providers of large CX systems in particular are
able to develop communities that exchange and
What's new this year?
network with each other on the basis of concrete
What we clearly see is the trend of software work results. This networking takes place in an
providers offering appropriate platforms for building ecosystem. For example, our partner BSI collects
and operating CX ecosystems. the AI applications (called brains) and the
And there are first prototypes of CX ecosystems marketing automation steps in its customer suite
in the banking, insurance and mobility industries that were developed together with customers or
as well as from energy suppliers (here the Smart technology partners, and thus makes them
Home area). These first steps are not immediately available again to the user community. The
complete CX ecosystems, but can also mean ecosystem is therefore developing successively
cooperation with two or three partners in through the expansions within the BSI Customer
intermediate steps - an evolutionary development, Suite, but also through exchanges in industry
but not a revolution. This development can be communities. Thanks to no- or low-code
seen in both B2C and B2B and is also due to the applications, users can develop process steps and
fact that companies are very risk-aware and automations in a configurable manner, which can then flow
cautious when approaching this topic. This topic is interesting when the ecosystems

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PROCESS #11a CX ecosystems/platforms

opened to third parties using APIs. The lighthouse a “greenfield approach”, on the other hand, are
project from last year at smart Europe clearly shows more innovative. The further development of this
that technology is often only able to support multi- trend can be clearly observed using our Mercedes
experience setups in real time if providers are able me example. The Mercedes Benz Group has
to network their solutions with each other and get systematically expanded the app introduced in
them running in such a way that integrated 2015 and laid the foundation for a CX ecosystem.
processes from the company's point of view and With Reach Now or the Moovel app for mobility
reduced-effort journeys from the customer's point services, there are further building blocks for a CX
of view become possible. Industry initiatives such ecosystem. We see this development analogously
as "FRIDA" in the area of insurance are also trying for other sectors such as banks. They take the first
to speed up development here. (https://www.bsi- steps without completely calling the existing
software.com/de-ch/live/post/open-insurance-fri da- business model into question. CX ecosystems are
schafft-innovation) complex and extensive constructs that pose a
How is the trend developing?
challenge to the IT architecture. The orchestration
and marketing are also not self-perpetuating. With
The motto is to cautiously grope your way forward. no pool of experience for marketing and sales
As long as the existing business model is not leaders to build on, there will be a "trial and error"
threatened, the companies will only proceed step approach that will not allow this trend to evolve
by step. start-up companies with rapidly over the next few years.

Trend: CX ecosystems/platforms

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TECHNOLOGY #12 Customer Data Platform

Customer Data Platform

Short definition:

Customer Data Platform is a term coined by David Raab “A customer data platform is an end-to-end system
of the Customer Data Platform Institute. managed by marketing, sales, finance and customer
service that creates a persistent, unified customer
database that is accessible to receiving systems in
“A Customer Data Platform is packaged software that real time.”
creates a persistent, unified customer database that
is accessible to other systems.” One more note on the terminology Customer Data
Platform. As with many technologies, there are a variety
Translated into German, this means: of terms that are used and essentially describe a customer
An integrated customer data platform that generates data platform. Master Data Management (MDM), Customer
a permanent, uniform customer database and that is Database, Data Management Platform and many more.
accessible to other systems (e.g. marketing There is a degree of Babylonian confusion of tongues.
automation, campaign management) in which actions
are carried out. Many companies have a CDP platform, but call it
something completely different internally. They may at
This definition is heavily influenced by marketing times deviate from the ideal state of our definition, but
departments and their desire for customer engagement there is a common basis.
and real-time interaction as well
Interfaces to other trends
• a 360 degree view
3 CX Strategy, 5 EXM, 6 Customer Journey Mapping/
CJ Management, 11 Multiexperience, 11a CX ecosystems/
• immediate availability at any time
platforms, 13 Customer Analytics, 15 Conversational
Automation, 16 CIAM, 17 Marketing Automation, 18
• and executability without an IT department.
Service Cloud
Customer data platforms are operated and used by the
specialist department, not by IT. What is striking about
the definition and description is the strong focus on
marketing. This is where the suffering was and is probably
greatest. From the point of view of those responsible for
marketing and sales, neither data warehouse, data mart
nor CRM systems adequately cover the requirements
listed above.

From the point of view of customer experience, we have

therefore expanded what we believe to be a too narrow

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TECHNOLOGY #12 Customer Data Platform

Fig.: CDP solution from SAP; Image source: SAP

What is a high and what is a low observed level

of maturity?
Online trading, e-commerce and all companies hang mainly digital touchpoints - are used, the
that rely on a high level of professionalism in fewer marketing automation systems are used, the
personalized addressing based on campaign less the use of customer data platforms. This can
management solutions or marketing automation be observed regardless of industries or the
software usually also use a CDP. However, the distinction between B2C and B2B.
degree of maturity cannot only be determined by
What's new this year?
industries, but also by the strategic orientation of
the company. Our lighthouse project from last year Expansion and conversion: This is the motto for
- smart Europe GmbH - has a clearly formulated the further development of the customer data
CX strategy and a consistent implementation concept. platforms in 2023. Expand because the restriction
This also includes a systematic approach to the to marketing applications such as marketing
systems. At smart Europe, the Customer Data automation does not go far enough when, for
Platform forms the basis for operative marketing, example, sales and customer service applications
customer service management and much more. also need easy access to all customer data in real
The less pronounced and complex the customer time.
journeys are, the fewer touchpoints - and in this together

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TECHNOLOGY #12 Customer Data Platform

How is the trend developing?

Although many companies already operate a customer data must. In the future, many more data sources on the one hand
platform - often under other names such as customer database, and operational CX systems on the other will be connected to
data mart, master data management - there is a lot of dynamism customer data platforms.
here. There are several reasons for this. Those responsible for If the existing systems reach their limits, replacement investments
customer experience also want to use the customer data in these are necessary. Exactly this market development can be observed
systems in customer service and in an end-to-end concept. And at the moment. The replacement of existing systems as well as
they have to consider new requirements such as CIAM (Customer expansion will determine the trend over the next few years. This
Identity and Access Management, Trend #16). This means that explains why development appears to be stable and static.
existing systems are expanded as far as this is technologically
possible The momentum is actually much higher than other trends;
however, conversion or expansion is not visually recognizable in
the trend radar.

Trend: Customer Data Platform

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TECHNOLOGY #13 Customer Analytics

Customer Analytics

Short definition: What is a high and what is a low observed level of

Customer analytics - often referred to as customer
analysis in German - is the systematic process of In order to assess the degree of maturity of this trend,
collecting and analyzing customer behavior data across we assume an integrated use of different measurement
all touchpoints and interactions. Customer analytics methods. This means that data from as many relevant
provides the data and basis for decision-making for digital and analog touchpoints as possible are recorded
optimizing customer journeys, identifying profitable and analyzed to provide a comprehensive picture of
customers and showing changes in customer behavior. customer interactions.
In order to use customer analytics processes and These integrated approaches can be found in
software systems, companies must use techniques companies where a digital customer journey, a
such as data collection and segmentation, modelling, personalized approach and efficient customer service
data visualization, statistical processes and much more. have a direct impact on sales and profits.
More than in all other trending topics in the technology
category, expertise in the application and interpretation Above all, companies with a digitized and online-based
of the data is a mandatory requirement. business model such as direct insurance, streaming
services and direct 2consumer companies are therefore
pioneers in the use of customer analytics.

The goal of customer analytics is to obtain a unified, Where continuous, cross-departmental customer
detailed view of customer interactions, which then journeys do not exist, but where the classic organization
forms the basis for optimizing customer experience by departments - marketing, sales, customer service -
strategies. prevails and digital processes play a subordinate role,
A challenge arises from the large number of systems integrated customer analytics systems are hardly to be
used, the different measuring methods, measuring found.
points and touchpoints as well as from the mix of
analogue and digital interactions. An analysis of the
customer data from different systems and the large
amount of data is only possible if the different data
sources are merged into a uniform database. Customer
data platforms are predestined to take on this role when
using fragmented data sources.

Interfaces to other trends

3 CX Strategy, 6 Customer Journey Mapping/CJ

Management, 7 Outside Insight, 8 Value Management, 9
CX Management Cockpit, 12 Customer Data Platform,
17 Marketing Automation, 18 Service Cloud

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TECHNOLOGY #13 Customer Analytics

Fig.: Customer Journey Analytics Software, image source: BSI

What's new this year?

The hunger for data continues to grow, but now Enable analysis in an integrated system.
another dimension is added. Those responsible for As a result, the systems are becoming more and more
customer experience increasingly want and need to powerful in terms of their range of functions, but at the
answer the question of the cost-effectiveness of same time they are also more expensive to purchase
concepts and measures. To do this, the collected data and only attractive for larger companies. Individual
and the values of customer behavior must be related solutions such as customer journey analytics will
to each other. Data from different, fragmented data therefore still have a strong impact on the picture in 2023.
sources must be standardized and appropriate
derivations made from the analyses. Customer The visualization of customer journeys and the use of
journeys in customer service, for example, can look AI-supported methods for forecasting customer
completely different depending on the customer value, behavior make the work of those responsible for CX
and the designed processes for an online order can easier. Ultimately, however, the process of customer
differ significantly from reality. The providers of analysis cannot be completely automated or
customer analytics systems try to meet the above accelerated. Employees in the customer analytics
challenges by acquiring specialized companies or teams and their professional competence are the
expanding the functions by acquiring, processing and limiting factor for further development; Analyzing,
analyzing data as comprehensively as possible forming hypotheses, testing, implementation in
customer journeys, etc. are time-consuming. The use
of analytical systems alongside the brand is particularly exciting

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TECHNOLOGY #13 Customer Analytics

ting automation (trend no. 17) also in customer service. In field How is the trend developing?
service in particular, there is great potential if, for example,
periodic service intervals with "predictive servicing" can be The further use of customer analytics is influenced by the ability
replaced by flexible, needs-based service intervals in which the of companies to connect the relevant data sources to the
use of sensors and algorithms calculates when a service team is systems, to standardize the data on a customer data platform, to
called becomes necessary, for example, to replace wearing parts. carry out analyzes and to implement the recommendations
derived from them. A development that cannot progress quickly
in view of the volume of data, the number of different data
sources, the complexity of customer journeys and the specialist
expertise required to analyze the data.

Trending: customer analytics

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TECHNOLOGY #14 Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Metaverse

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/


Short definition:

By definition, Virtual Reality (VR) refers to the creation Tech-Glasses analyze together with the customer what
of a computer-generated virtual world, such as that the problem is and solve it. This is significantly more
used in gaming. efficient and more satisfying for the customers, since
they are virtually “taken by the hand” and do not have
In augmented reality (AR) , on the other hand, reality to look for the information or the solution on their own.
is augmented with computer-generated objects, a kind This takes the customer experience to a whole new
of 'enhanced' version of the physical world that is level.
technologically enriched through the use of digital visual Interfaces to other trends
elements, videos or sound.
3 CX strategy, 6 customer journey management, 7
Together, the two technologies are considered mixed Outside Insight, 9 CX Management Cockpit, 11 Multix
reality. Augmented Reality is used to enrich the perience, 18 Service Cloud
customer's view of the existing physical world. When it
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
comes to customer experience, augmented reality is
more prevalent than virtual reality. Companies in the
B2B sector were the first to adopt AR in customer AR/VR and video-assisted support are an accepted
service, while sales and marketing and the B2C sector solution in B2B customer service , which pays off for
lagged behind. companies through quick solutions to problems and
also through time savings in instruction and training for
Augmented reality or extended reality can be used in new machines and systems. AR/VR technologies meet
customer contact, for example for product customer expectations and save costs. Misunderstandings
demonstrations. AR/VR technologies fulfill an important are not uncommon on the phone, especially when
function in the customer journey. They convey security servicing processes or products that require explanation.
in the purchasing decision phase. Whether an armchair AR/VR systems shorten telephone calls and avoid
really goes with the existing furniture, for example, and some on-site appointments by the customer service
how it fits into the living room, a customer usually only technician, because the service employee is virtually at
knows when the armchair he has bought is unpacked the machine via the customer’s smartphone in advance
and in its place. With AR/VR, this image can be and recognizes whether an appointment is necessary
generated virtually in front of the customer's eyes and at all or whether the problem is solved can be solved
conveys an almost realistic impression. In this way, the remotely with instructions via video, sound or image.
customer receives support in his purchase decision. Rapid ROI in B2B customer service is a driver for AR/
VR and video.

In customer service, AR/VR accelerates the solution

process. For example, if there is a problem with the
cooling settings on a milling machine, a customer
service representative can use the High

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TECHNOLOGY #14 Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Metaverse

In the B2C area, AR/VR solutions are more likely offer cost-effective systems for creating your own
to be used in sales. The point here is to make the applications. AR/VR is now a stable and mature
customer experience offered by the new product technology. Innovations are less to be expected on
tangible in advance, virtually and digitally. Retailers the technology side than in the use cases for
such as ALDI or IKEA have made great progress customers.
with the application in recent years.
The term metaverse appears for the first time on
the Gartner Hype Cycle for emerging technology.
What's new this year?
The term metaverse itself is not clearly defined.
Technologies are becoming easier to use. Thanks There isn't THE Metaverse either. Rather, Metaverse is a
to providers such as Apple with the ARkit Term for an ecosystem on a virtual platform on
development tool (https://developer.apple.com/ which people can meet, collaborate and also trade
augmented-reality/quick-look/) the creation of AR digital goods and services economically. Although
applications is easy and inexpensive. Companies a metaverse is virtual, it sometimes has smooth
can choose from a wide range of offers on the transitions into the physical world.
market, which are designed for different applications

Fig.: Use of AR in customer service for systems; Source: https://3dqr.de/

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TECHNOLOGY #14 Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Metaverse

To put it another way, the Metaverse is a different A separate platform shows a circular branch of a
way of going online. By moving through virtual bank, through which customers can use an avatar
worlds as a character (an “avatar”) and interacting to go to counters and advice centers. By means of
with other people or companies, the Internet a connection to the Microsoft Teams solution, real
becomes more “three-dimensional”. It is important consultants are available medially for a service.
to note that the control of avatars in two-dimensional Customers receive the same service here as in
space in computer games has been around for Degussa Bank's physical bank shops by telephone
decades. What is new about the Metaverse is that or video consultation - a very intelligent application.
meeting places and marketplaces are being created
here, where a different form of customer experience How is the trend developing?
will be created. The American entrepreneur Marc
Zuckerberg, who renamed his company from The predicted faster penetration in the market - here
"Facebook" to "Meta", has become the advocate of especially in the B2B market - is overlaid by the
this trend. However, Gartner assumes with the hype overall economic situation and the increasing
cycle that the development to a mature metaverse question of the profitability of solutions for customer
will take more than ten years. experience. In the B2B customer service environment,
How many things are currently being tried out can the ROI is calculable and the amortization times are
be seen, for example, in the first bank branch of short. The ROI of AR/VR applications in marketing
Bank JP Morgan in “Decentraland”, in which a tiger and sales in the B2C sector is more difficult to prove.
can be seen next to the avatars of customers and It remains questionable whether ALDI will sell more
employees. Whether one expects one in a bank tents, paddle boats or inflatable swimming pools
branch and whether it improves the customer through the use of its augmented reality brochures.
experience remains questionable. The interesting However, due to the communicative market power
thing is that this "bank branch" is integrated into a of large companies like Meta, attention for experience
"decentraland" ecosystem (cf. trend no. 11a "ecosystems/platforms).
topics in the Metaverse is increasing.
In contrast, the Metaverse approach of the German
Degussa Bank is not ecosystem-based. Several
branches were permanently closed here during the
COVID pandemic and replaced by a "digital bank
shop". A two-dimensional representation

Trend: augmented reality/virtual reality/metaverse

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TECHNOLOGY #15 Conversational Automation

Conversational Automation

Short definition:

Conversational automation stands for a category of information and services without having to wait a long
solutions that harness the power of AI to help companies time on a hotline or clicking through confusing
deliver automated conversational opportunities. The homepages”. Customer acceptance is definitely no
dialogs themselves can be either fully automated or longer a stumbling block.
partially automated on different platforms and systems,
e.g Overestimated in the short term, underestimated in
Instant messengers, live chat, chatbots, voicebots, the long term: This statement applies to many new
voice assistants, smart speakers, video collaboration technologies during the hype phase, but it is particularly
take place. evident in the case of conversational automation.
According to the forecasts of some analysts, chat bots
Important for the classification of these technologies in should have processed 80% of all customer service
In our opinion, customer experience concepts are the requests two to three years ago: an interesting
following: misjudgment. And making a forecast on the basis of
the chatbots implemented today – often purely rule-
Long-term successful implementations can only be based – is just as error-prone.
successful on the basis of an individually created Value New technologies based on broadly supported
Irritant Matrix for the company (see also Trend No. 10 foundation models that are no longer developed purely
Value Irritant Matrix). Only if both sides - customer and application-related (such as ChatGPT in the area of
company - see an advantage and benefit in an digital assistants) make forecasts that are extrapolated
automated dialog for certain applications, this technology linearly into the future look very old overnight.
brings the desired success.

Conclusion: We are facing an exponential development

The current hype about these technologies must not in the use of conversational automation and will have
obscure the relative share of the total communication to adjust our forecasts again and again in a very timely
volume. We are still in the single-digit percentage range manner.
as far as the volume of conversational automation Interfaces to other trends
systems is concerned. For comparison: 60-80% of the
volume of customer communication is still handled over 3 CX Strategy 6 Customer Journey Mapping/CJ
the phone, as the Service Excellence Cockpit shows. Management, 9 CX Management Cockpit 10 , Value
Irritant Matrix, 12 Customer Data Platforms, 15 CIAM, 17
Marketing Automation, 18 Service Cloud
Yes, chatbots have now entered the consciousness of
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
management and the public. Proof of this is that the
magazine “Computer Bild” published an article on the
evaluation of digital assistants in its November issue. The corona pandemic and multiple crises have
The newspaper writes: “Digital assistants are practical rocketed conversational automation to new heights. At
for many customers and everyone who wants to the latest since the November article in Computer Bild
become one. Users are happy to turn to the helpers and the classification/evaluation of chatbots and co, it
who are always available to get the information they has been clear that conversational automation is used
need quickly and conveniently across industries, from corporations to

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TECHNOLOGY #15 Conversational Automation

small medium-sized company, is used. Municipal What's new this year?

utilities, otherwise not exactly a haven for
innovations, use chat bots for simple, high-volume Since November 30, 2022, the common and
service requests such as meter reading reports. prevailing world view of conversational automation
Online retailers use chatbots to automate status technologies and AI in general has been shaken
inquiries about shipping. It is the simple, recurring up. And honestly, very few of us know whether we
facts that are taken over by chatbots and co in the should love or fear this new world. The reason is
first step. We find that the integration of chatbots in the announcement of GPT 3, a generative AI
CRM or customer service clouds is still very language model.
different. A personalized approach based on The ChatGPT-3 application based on it was
customer-specific data can only be found in some published by OpenAI on November 30th, 2022 and
advanced implementations. And even when it has been freely accessible to everyone since that time.
comes to dialogue, the chatbots are still at very low ChatGPT is based on broadly supported foundation
levels. Lots of room for improvement! ChatGPT will models, which are no longer developed in a purely
make big leaps forward in dialogue management. application-related manner. It is designed to
conduct human-like conversations, even on
And very quickly if you look at the current complex issues. It can therefore be used in many
development. areas of a company (such as customer service)
where human-like communication is required.
Complete dialogues with queries from the chatbot,
with understanding of the context, are now possible.
Even experts are amazed at the dialogue quality.
However, it is important that the company's specific
knowledge of its own products and solutions is also
available for models such as ChatGPT.

Fig.: Schematic representation of conversational automation, image source: VIER

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TECHNOLOGY #15 Conversational Automation

Based on ChatGPT-3 and other future releases, many providers How is the trend developing?
will set up their own solution. For example, Microsoft will provide
its search engine based on ChatGPT-3 from March 2023. This trend is progressing faster than we had forecast. We have
therefore classified this trend with significantly increasing
A search based on “questions and answers” is then very similar momentum for the coming years.
to a dialogue between people. The next step in 2023 will be the
connection to company-specific knowledge databases, the CRM
and customer service system. Energy suppliers or banks must There are good reasons for it. Corona and especially the shortage
provide specific know-how for effective use. The question of data of skilled workers continue to be strong drivers for automation.
protection has not yet been fully answered. Dialogues between The new generation of conversational automation systems - if
customers and companies that are transmitted to an open source they are based on ChatGPT-3, will have a very high level of
solution are subject to the applicable data protection guidelines. customer acceptance and thus convince many skeptics. This
Commercial providers of comparable language models such as new generation no longer has much in common with the first
ChatGPT as well as open source associations are required here. generation of rule-based chatbots, which could only answer
questions within a very tight corset. We see great growth
opportunities, especially in companies that are hesitant or
skeptical about the use of conversational automation.

The municipality of de Roskilde proves that the use of

conversational automation in smaller projects also works in
Denmark. The 50,000 residents there will use the chatbot on the The combination of personalization and integration into the
homepage more than 50,000 times in 2022. With a voice gateway existing knowledge management, CRM and customer service
from VIER, the municipality was able to offer its citizens a systems in a conversational design leads to human-like dialogue.
voicebot for the final processing of issues at short notice and And that will bring automation closer to the customer experience
without great effort. philosophy over the next few years: the dialogues will become
more empathetic, more individual and can also process complex
issues in a conclusive manner.

Trend: conversational automation

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TECHNOLOGY #16 CIAM—Customer Identity and Access Management

CIAM – Customer Identity and

access management

Short definition:

After retiring CRM from our trend radar in 2022, we Solutions must provide secure, seamless customer
are presenting our new participant in the Technology experiences. A business model like online trading also
sector today. CIAM—Customer Identity and Access requires high scalability and performance across all
Management. Why did we choose this trend in touchpoints that customers use along the customer
particular? Breaks in customer journeys or complicated journey, and access to different systems – web
processes are poison for the customer experience. As applications, smartphones, partner applications. In this
are deficiencies in data protection and the security of way, CIAM systems become a valuable supplier of data
personal data. Companies therefore need a system for the customer experience strategy: standardized
that effectively protects customer accounts and data customer profiles that, when connected to a customer
without impairing the customer experience. CIAM, data platform (CDP), allow personalized addresses.
Customer Identity and Access Management, helps The security functions of the CIAM solutions are an
companies to securely record and manage identity and essential aspect for trusting customer relationships –
profile data. Managing the numerous online accounts, especially in new customer business and where the
passwords and access procedures overwhelms many customers have little or no direct personal contact with
customers. Each additional hurdle during the customer the company. Data leaks and identity theft unsettle
journey (e.g. through a new registration) reduces the customers. Lost sales, damage to image and lost
willingness of customers to complete the purchase or customer trust can hardly be made up for with
process step. inadequate CIAM solutions. The communication to the
systems, the security functions, the customer's options
The confirmation of identity, the legally secure signature for access, the modification of the data is therefore of
during an online session for the conclusion of a contract, great importance. Excellent communication is even
for example based on the inSign solution from the BSI more important than with many other systems that
software, is therefore one of the important functions in customers use for orders and service requests. "Trust
order to offer customers a time-saving and secure is the beginning of everything", to use an advertising
experience. slogan of a German bank, also applies to and especially
through CIAM solutions.
CIAM solutions offer various functions along the
customer journey – starting with registration, through
self-service management of one’s own account, the
ability to manage and change consent to profiles and
preferences yourself, various tiered access procedures Customers are providing companies and their partners
such as single sign-on (SSO) or multi-factor with more and more information to simplify and
authentication (MFA). Companies are always caught personalize interactions with them. However, their
between the conflicting priorities of simple, time-saving concerns about data protection are not abating, so they
processes for the customer, the legal requirements for expect business partners to handle their information
data protection and privacy, and the trust that customers appropriately. With a CIAM, the company demonstrates
have in the company's systems, processes and brand. its commitment to security and gives customers control
CIAM sol over how and who their data is

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TECHNOLOGY #16 CIAM—Customer Identity and Access Management

be passed on. The company also has the option of and online - and where the legal requirements for
querying customer consent and complying with data data protection are particularly pronounced. Banks,
protection regulations such as the General Data insurance companies, online trade and healthcare
Protection Regulation (GDPR). organizations are the typical users of CIAM solutions.
Interfaces to other trends CIAM users are usually also CDP and Marketing
Automation users. Uniform customer profiles are not
3 CX Strategy, 5a CX Governance, 11 Multiexperience, only used for access and authentication, but are also
11a CX Ecosystems/Platforms, 12 Customer Data the basis for personalized customer contact. There is
Platform, 13 Customer Analytics, 17 Marketing a tendency - also because of the costs of the systems
Automation, 18 Service Cloud - that it is currently rather large companies that use
CIAM solutions.
What is a high and what is a low observed level
of maturity?

A high degree of maturity can be found in companies Companies with a weak digital or mobile presence,
that have a high degree of interaction (authentication, with more traditional sales and customer service
registration, account queries, ...) with their customers models and a low level of marketing automation use
due to their business model and that have different show a low degree of maturity here.
touchpoints - analog and digital, offline

Fig.: Overview of essential functions of a CIAM solution. Image Credit: ForgeRock

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TECHNOLOGY #16 CIAM—Customer Identity and Access Management

What's new this year?

From a purely technological point of view, CIAM providers are Personal data is the most sacred asset a customer has. Caution
attempting to establish new methods such as identification by prevails over curiosity.
voice (voice biometrics) or passwordless methods on the market. Another reason for the rather slow development is the
In doing so, they are pursuing the goal of making it easier for end implementation and integration effort of such solutions. CIAM
customers and thus also increasing the pressure of demand on solutions per se do not generate any directly measurable
the company side. Customer profiles as the basis for personalized business benefits; a cost-benefit calculation is therefore difficult.
approaches represent a high value. CIAM providers try to position In combination with other systems as mentioned above, however,
their products more attractively here by integrating additional these solutions create the necessary data basis. Further
functions into their solutions that are geared towards marketing development will be rather slow unless new providers enter the
automation. market with new, easy-to-implement and inexpensive offerings.

How is the trend developing?

As with many other technological developments, the principle

applies that the adaptation speed of the market, i.e. the customer, The need for a CIAM solution becomes relevant for companies
is often lower than the technological development curve. Not all to the extent that these companies expand their business model
offers that (should) make life easier for the customer are taken and offer additional touch points where authentication is
up, accepted and used immediately. This currently applies to necessary and/or mandatory - for example when retailers offer
voice biometrics or other passwordless processes. It may be their orders or services expanded to include digital touchpoints.
related to trust in new procedures; by

Trend: CIAM - Customer Identity and Access Management

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TECHNOLOGY #17 Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

Short definition:

The definition prevailing in the market refers to which the customer is currently acting are basic
“marketing automation” as software solutions that requirements of customer experience concepts. A
automate marketing processes and consist of the farewell to the "watering can strategy" that still prevails
modules database, controlling, operational display of in many companies. From our point of view, a key
content via various touchpoints, workflows and CRM aspect is the possibility of using these systems to
integration. The main difference to CRM or campaign create dialogues between the customer and the
management systems is that a campaign is automated company. The marketing automation system can react
and personalized on the basis of defined rules. Strictly to the reaction of the customer - or even non-reaction -
speaking, one cannot speak of campaigns in the classic with new, individualized approaches. The defined rules
sense, since these are always linear, in one direction - then run in the background, so to speak, invisibly for
from the company to the customer. However, the users in the specialist departments.
monologues are not helpful for our understanding of
customer experience. In this respect, the definition of
marketing automation must be formulated more clearly In order to achieve customer experience goals -
and also expanded. Here is our version: individual, context-related addressing - the connection
to several systems is necessary, such as the customer
data platform, the CRM system or the customer or
sales database. A coupling with the touchpoints via
Marketing automation systems are software which the content is to be played out is also necessary.
solutions that support and enable end-to-end On the other hand, the integration of customer feedback
support for rule-based, automated and personalized is important in order to be able to measure the results
dialogue paths across various touchpoints for of the campaigns at the touchpoints and dialogue paths.
marketing, sales and customer service. The content management system should also be
connected in such a way that marketing and sales
content such as images, text, videos, product or process
In our CEX trend radar, we expand the classic definition information can be easily integrated for the customer.
to include customer service applications and assume Or, as in the case of the BSI Customer Suite, it is even
rule-based dialogs. directly integrated or part of the marketing automation
The origin of the technology is in marketing (as the solution.
term suggests), but a holistic approach to customer Interfaces to other trends
management must also include rule-based, automated
campaigns in customer service. Analogous to the 3 CX strategy, 6 customer journey mapping/CJ
expansion of the area of application for customer data management, 8 value management, 9 CX management
platforms, an end-to-end view is important to us here. Cockpit, 11 Multiexperience, 12 Customer Data
Platforms, 13 Customer Analytics, 16 CIAM, 18 Service
Marketing automation systems are therefore of great
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
importance for customer experience concepts because
every prospect or customer can be personalized and
addressed individually in real time. This individual The degree of maturity of marketing automation
approach, the inclusion of special affinities and the systems essentially depends on two factors.
consideration of the context How simple are the systems in day-to-day work

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TECHNOLOGY #17 Marketing Automation

to use and what are the costs for acquisition, Telecommunications or online trade are therefore
implementation and integration into the existing quickly switching to marketing automation systems.
system landscape? The good news: Today, In other words: The degree of maturity has already
companies have a very wide range of marketing reached the standard stage for classic campaign
automation systems at their disposal. Integrated management users; the only thing that had to be
systems that already have their own customer data done here was to switch from one technology
platform, visual workflow functions and much more evolution stage to the next in order to reduce
(such as the BSI Customer Suite shown here) complexity. Other companies are only now getting
reduce the training and usage effort and therefore into rule-based and automated customer contact
increase the usage rate by the specialist based on marketing automation systems. The
departments. The employee experience (see speed of adaptation will be somewhat slower for
Trend No. 5 EXM) has been further simplified and the latter, since know-how in systematic, direct
improved through standardized and ready-made customer contact still has to be built up here. In
templates, didactically well-prepared onboarding this case, integration tasks with other systems
materials and courses. such as CRM, service cloud or a customer data
Companies that are already running large-scale platform also have to be taken care of.
campaigns – banks, insurance companies,

Fig.: Marketing Automation Software, image source: BSI

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TECHNOLOGY #17 Marketing Automation

What's new this year?

In the past two years, companies have come to know and right time with the right offer, taking into account history and
appreciate the advantages of marketing automation systems. interests.
Customer response to personalized approaches, higher response Companies are looking for effective ways of addressing
and conversion rates whet your appetite for more. customers that are easy to use and allow a high degree of
flexibility. In a word, it's about relevance. Marketing automation
Relatively easy handling thanks to "low code" or even "no code" systems meet these expectations. More companies will switch to
customization options ensure good acceptance in the specialist this technology in the next few years. The speed of further
departments. Personalized addresses are expected and development within the CEX trend radar depends on the extent
appreciated by customers. Companies want and need to invest to which providers manage to penetrate medium-sized companies
in marketing automation to increase the effectiveness of marketing with attractive solutions. Necessary knowledge in direct marketing
tools. In 2023 we see the focus on the greater use and inclusion and digital marketing is required to use the systems in the best
of customer data from customer analytics, the customer data possible way. Where this knowledge is not yet well developed,
platforms, CRM or service cloud systems and the expansion of the manufacturers are required to integrate the competence and
use to sales and customer service applications. know-how into the software at the same time. There was a similar
development with CRM systems, which are now a commodity.
Therefore we foresee a continuous development. Marketing
automation systems will move from the acceptance stage to the
standard stage in two to three years.
How is the trend developing?

“Two of them looked for each other and found each other,” is a
popular saying when two people or, in our case, a company and
customer are a good match. Customers expect personalized

Trend: marketing automation

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TECHNOLOGY #18 Service Cloud

Service Cloud

Short definition:

Service Cloud is a process-oriented, software-supported achieve gains, for example by reducing the time
system for processing and managing the receipt, required for processing, but they cannot compensate
confirmation, classification, processing, forwarding and for chronically understaffed contact centers and
escalation of customer inquiries in customer service customer service departments and inadequate processes.
across all touchpoints offered in an integrated system. As long as the connection between excellent customer
Service Cloud solutions are used when customers have service and the resulting added value for the company
questions about products or the status of a delivery, or is not - or not sufficiently - recognized and appreciated,
when other problems arise. service cloud solutions remain at the level of operational
efficiency tools.

We still see the topic of customer service as an unloved

Interfaces to other trends
and neglected child in customer management.
Unfortunately, we cannot revise our assessment from 3 CX Strategy, 5 EXM, 8 Value Management, 9 CX
last year. On the contrary: the crisis year 2022 with its Management Cockpit, 11 Multiexperience, 12 Customer
many facets (such as delivery bottlenecks) hit the Data Platforms, 13 Customer Analytics, 14, Augmented
customer service departments of companies particularly Reality/Virtual Reality/Video, 16 CIAM
hard. This had a direct, measurable impact on NPS or
What is a high and what is a low observed level of
customer satisfaction scores. The workload has
increased due to higher request volume. However,
customer service is rarely seen as an opportunity to The expansion of communication offerings through
differentiate oneself positively from the competition, but chat, instant messengers and others leads to a high
is still often classified as a cost factor in top management. level of complexity in customer service. External
influences (such as delivery or production bottlenecks,
logistics problems) amplify this phenomenon. A bundling
and synchronization of customer service requests in a
In 2022, customer expectations for faster and more centralized approach, the service cloud, is therefore
conclusive processing at the first attempt were essential. Since the lion's share of inquiries will be
particularly often disappointed. Even basic requirements processed by people in the foreseeable future, functional
such as accessibility were often not met in the past solutions are a lever for more employee satisfaction
year. Almost like a prayer wheel, we repeatedly refer to and thus indirectly a lever for more customer satisfaction.
the connection between excellent customer service and Service cloud solutions are a kind of Swiss army knife,
customer satisfaction, willingness to recommend and in which many of the necessary functions for processing
intention to buy again. Service cloud solutions are a service requests are bundled in an integrated work
means to an end; although they can increase efficiency interface.

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TECHNOLOGY #18 Service Cloud

In our opinion, the employee experience (cf. also What's new this year?
trend no. 5 EXM) in customer service depends
crucially on the systems and tools used. When The trend from the previous year, the networking
employees can focus on engaging with customers and integration of the systems used (both the
without having to search for necessary data and direct communication systems with the customers
juggling between different applications, this and the supporting systems such as knowledge
translates into better conversations. Dialogues that management) will continue in 2023. The bundling
help customers quickly lead to positive customer of data and systems and the simplification of
feedback and satisfied employees. The approach working methods on a central service cloud
taken by companies to offer customers a wide platform are the most urgent tasks for companies.
range of communication options must lead to the AI will play a greater role as support in many
bundling of data and applications within the aspects. From intent recognition and analytics
company itself. "Fan outside, bundle inside" functions to knowledge management support, AI
becomes the implementation maxim. The Service will take on the role of digital assistant for
Cloud is the central communication hub between employees. More relief for employees in customer
customer and company. service is a must for all companies. Complexity
when using too many systems leads to errors and

Fig.: Service Cloud solution, image source: SAP

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TECHNOLOGY #18 Service Cloud

processing times. Both have negative effects on both the How is the trend developing?
customer experience and the costs. The topic of customer service
certainly doesn't have what it takes to become management's Similar to the customer relationship management system, the
favorite topic, since there isn't enough potential for profiling. service cloud is developing into the standard infrastructure and
then into a commodity in the next few years, especially in sectors
Nevertheless, companies have recognized the need for a that offer their services through distributed sales. It is not so
powerful platform and are implementing it - even if it's just for the much new functions as the integration of touchpoints, data and
motivation to achieve further gains in efficiency. systems that are in the foreground. We don't expect major
innovations in the Service Cloud; the level of development has
already reached a very high level (also and especially among the
The project to set up the corona vaccination hotline with gkk supporters of this CEX trend radar). There will be advances in AI
Dialog on behalf of the Federal Health Office proves that cloud- technologies over the next two years, some of which will be
based and highly scalable omnichannel platforms are now also exponential.
available hosted in Germany. The solution used in this project (a
cloud ACD from VIER), for example, was able to distribute very
high call volumes - in this case 500,000 calls per week - to On the one hand, however, these are presented as an
employees of 19 different customer service providers across independent trend in Conversational Automation or they are
locations within a very short time. catalysts for functions within the Service Cloud, such as
knowledge management.

Trending: Service Cloud

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Photo by Tyler Maddigan on Unsplash

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DPD (with BSI)

Customer experience conclusion in one sentence:

How to use the NPS score and good employee DPD does not have any structured information
communication to increase employees' sense of about customers' needs. That was the perception
belonging and pride, and how to achieve a top in the company four years ago at the beginning of
position in a highly competitive market. Winner of the project. How do you align a company completely
the Customer Relations Award 2022 in Switzerland. with the customer in terms of processes and culture
by consistently measuring the relevant KPIs in
order to achieve a top CX position? The absolute
commitment of the CEO and the entire management
The market for logistics service providers has been was the foundation for the success. A significant
highly competitive for years; there are three to four improvement in market performance from the
major providers who provide comparable services. customer's point of view should be the focus of the
It is now very difficult to differentiate based on the change. The Net Promoter Score, which is widely
service. Advance information on delivery times in used internationally, should become an instrument for this.
half-hour intervals, punctuality and reliability are
already at a high level in the industry as a whole,
but cannot be increased infinitely. At the same
time, however, delivery must be maintained at this
consistently high level in order to satisfy the

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The solution:

The tools were very specifically adapted to the logistics Convincingly communicating the sense of the measure
service provider DPD. Project manager Marco Kaiser is enormously important for employee motivation and the
designed NPS surveys both at the relationship level with success of the change process. How to go about it "Walk
the customer (the company commissioning DPD) and at the talk" and not "talk the talk," explains Marco Kaiser,
the level of an episode (e.g. the delivery) or an interaction Head of Marketing and Communication, one of the mottos
(e.g. a complaint on the phone) with DPD at the recipients in the project that was consistently implemented. Every
of the packages. The survey of the recipients upon single depot was visited and the initiative presented.
delivery could be traced back to the level of a specific tour
by drilling down. This KPI system was to assume the
central control function for DPD to consistently focus on The next step is “From why to commitment”. With 800
the customer. The results are processed in an internal drivers and 14 depots, this step is a sporting task. But it
real-time cockpit. works: Between 80 and 90% of drivers today know the
NPS score and can even explain it. The daily morning
routine at DPD starts with communicating the previous
day's NPS values for each individual tour. Punctuality,
language skills and, above all, driver-friendliness are
In order to initiate the change in the organization, the measured. Timely feedback on one's own performance
goal, the KPIs and the individual connections had to be has an enormous leverage effect. The friendliness of the
understood at the level of the 1,200 employees. A central drivers – the value that the driver himself values
question in the project was therefore: Why are we doing
this? The

The passion of the employees for the best possible

customer experience cannot be compensated for with any key figur

Marco Kaiser, Head of Marketing & Communication

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can influence – has increased continuously. By In any case, systematics is one of the recipes for
linking the drivers to the respective depot, the sense success of the DPD project. Monthly talks, including
of unity in the teams has increased further. The the drivers, and central management of the
consequence: The NPS value of your own tour now measures are important components of the
arouses pride among the employees. continuous improvement process. The Happiness
The BSI Customer Suite forms the technological Team ensures the further development of CX management a
basis. The NPS measurement is based on a survey And the good NPS score also pays off economically
tool that is controlled by the BSI CX marketing in the market. The NPS value stored in BSI's CRM
automation solution with callback management, system is a strong sales argument for sales staff in
complete documentation, evaluation and connection the market. The Swiss DPD organization is now
to the data warehouse, including a link to the regarded as a pilot region for customer orientation
package ID. The NPS values are stored in the within the DPD Group. The jury of the Swiss
contact history in BSI CRM so that the development Customer Relations Award saw it that way and
over time can be traced. In organizational terms, named the project the winner of the year in the
DPD proceeds step by step and analyzes each “Customer Focus” category in 2022.
touchpoint separately. A responsible person is
assigned for each touchpoint. In this way, customers'
desires and frustrations are systematically recorded
and analyzed at the lowest level. A company-wide
CIP team initiates improvements and meets
regularly with the management.

Continuous process for individual & structural improvement

CEM@DPD in a nutshell – V1

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BLKB (with BSI)

Customer experience conclusion in one sentence:

Implement uniform and system-supported consulting and to be able to carry out the advisory process in
processes that are based on the customer's life a structured manner. Everything is based on the
situation. A systematic approach gives the advisors customer's life events.
security, ensures that customers appreciate them A necessary prerequisite for counseling occasions,
and increases customer value for BLKB. which are to be based on the customer's respective
life situation, are customer data, structured
knowledge about the customer's life events and the
Trigger/Background/Challenge: associated need for a counseling interview. The BSI
Until 2018, BLKB did not have any uniform advisory Customer Suite forms the basis for the BLKB.
processes for customer support. Each consultant
designed the consultation process with his customers
more or less individually. Result: There was no BSI's CRM system was already in use; the addition
consistent customer experience; the proverbial red of the automation solution BSI CX to automate this
thread in the care was missing. Depending on the process was the clear logical consequence.
consultant's preferences, the focus was more on the
products he had chosen instead of making the
customer's life situation the focus of the advice.
“Away from the product – towards life event
counseling” was the goal of the BLKB project in
2019. The core goals of the project are initially to
enable the counselors to set goals for the counseling
sessions based on a 360-degree customer view

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Harold Hafner
12/12/2022 | 10:10 a.m

What counts tomorrow

The CX solution:

The so-called “advisory suite” created as part of the yes, generally as freedom-loving and many a CRM project
project supports the bank's advisors in planning, has failed in practice due to low acceptance and use. Not
scheduling and conducting advisory talks, setting goals so at BLKB.
for the talk and preparing documents for talks with Involving the key figures of the consulting organization
customers and prospects. The suggestions for the from the beginning was a key focus in the project's
storyline of such a conversation, which are automatically change management process. Around 30 consultants
created by the system, serve as a guide for the consultant, were actively involved in the project and contributed their
and the documents can be individually adapted and ideas and requests. A good basis, then, to achieve a high
supplemented by the consultant. Customers experience degree of utilization among the 400 consultants. It was
a consultation that is both structured and individual. The important to everyone involved that the system gave the
BSI Customer Suite is the invisible helper in the consultant freedom and that it could be used flexibly.
background, while the advisor can concentrate on the During the consultation, the advisor and customer discuss
conversation without having to worry about forgetting the important events in life and how the bank would like
something or overlooking important points that are of to address them.
interest to the customer in their individual phase of life.
This approach makes the consulting suite the system
that consultants use most frequently in their day-to-day
work. "Such a process is culture-forming for the entire
company, and that is impressively reflected in the results,"
From a technological point of view, the procedure was says Sofia Sager, Marketing Manager at BLKB. Today,
not only an important step towards a customer-centric the counseling suite is used in 70% of all qualified
approach in banking advice, but also a challenge from an counseling sessions.
organizational point of view. A change process that And what do the customers, about whom everything
supposedly restricts the “degrees of freedom” the advisors revolves in this project, say? The results of a mystery
have been used to. consultants apply shopping study were very positive and

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of this dimension also surprised the executives.

Learning experiences and a continuous and
cooperative exchange with the BSI project team
ensure that the “teething troubles” of the consulting
suite were quickly eliminated. And BLKB itself is
also continuously learning when using the consulting
suite: Instead of one long consulting customer
journey – called “story” in the BSI Customer Suite –
which has proven to be difficult to handle, many
small stories are designed.

The momentum that set the project in motion will

continue in the future. The concrete measurement
of the increase in the share-of-wallets of the
customers and an overview of the exploited potential
resulting from the improved customer experience
are already set as goals. Work is also continuing on
the seamless interaction between the BSI CX
marketing automation solution and the CRM system
so that the information from the consultation flows
back into the customer file so that customers can
be looked after even better.

“ The integrated mapping of sales, consulting and

marketing processes in the BSI Customer Suite

offers us very individual applications in the bank.

Yannik Kunz, project manager "sales workplace and consulting suite" at BLKB

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Helvetia Germany (with FOUR)

Customer experience conclusion in one sentence:

Simple, well thought-out and consistent solutions in After switching to home office, the "pain" with the old
customer service increase employee satisfaction, system only got bigger.
increase customer satisfaction and amaze customers And that became the booster for the project.
with simple systems such as callback management.
Procedure for the project:
The formula for success is: Introduce and implement
technologically simple elements that benefit customers One of the core requirements for improving the customer
and employees. experience was the ability to quickly customize the
system itself. In the event of local storm events, for
example, the number of calls to the claims department
The replacement of a telephone system is initially a skyrockets. The volume can be controlled and processed
little spectacular process. In this case, however, it was much better by using a voice dialog system, special
the starting signal for a remarkable CX project with a announcements and the option of adding “groups” in
measurable impact on both customers and employees. customer service. Long, annoying waiting on the caller
The existing telecommunications system at Helvetia side is no longer necessary. But the ability to route the
Germany had reached the "end of life" stage and customer immediately to the right contact person based
offered few functions. At the same time, the telephony on skill sounds technically rather trivial, but in practice
of the entire company was switched to MS Teams in it often fails because customer service and specialist
2021/2022. In this context, the decision was made to departments work with different systems that mutually
purchase an omnichannel ACD (Automatic Call influence each other
Distribution) for customer service. Due to the corona
pandemic and the

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communicate poorly or not at all.

If the customer service employee sees which of his
colleagues in the relevant department is free and
available, this leads to targeted forwarding, better
availability and a shorter overall processing time.
Technologically, the VIER ACD communicates in
customer service with the Microsoft Teams Office
telephony and thus eliminates the usual ping-pong
game with forwarding.

Unicorn For even better handling of call peaks, the solution

from VIER is also supported by a callback
Logo: The development of an internal project
management system from virtualQ: If no employees
logo underlines the importance and uniqueness are available in customer service, the customer is
of the project for the company. automatically offered a callback appointment either
as soon as possible or with a selectable date and
time. From a technological point of view, such a
recall management is not a groundbreaking new
innovation, but it is customer-oriented and has
made the answering machine in the specialist
departments superfluous.

The new Omnichannel ACD, the integration with

SAP and the connection to MS teams also simplify
the way employees work. Everything employees
need is now clearly visible on the screen in a
unified desktop; tiresome switching back and forth
between different systems is no longer necessary.
The aim of this simplified processing is to be able
to focus more on the customer and his concerns
instead of having to concentrate on the different
systems. The fact that the system is fun to use is
not least due to its ease of use.

For Helvetia Germany, an insurer with special and

very demanding customer segments, this is an
hoodies: In the spirit of the employer experience, investment that pays off. As a logical consequence,
blue unicorn hoodies were designed, which were Helvetia is planning to connect further systems to
well received by the employees. In the picture the Unified Desktop workplace. For example,
SABIO knowledge management is the next building
from left Sabrina Rotarme, HR and organizational block.
development consultant, who advised on change
management, Ralf Rohrbach, IT project manager,
and Simone Krüger, project manager in the
Business Organization and Customer Journey
Management department.

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Of the 860 Helvetia employees in Germany, 340

work in customer service. Today they all work on
the VIER Omnichannel solution.
The project managers have invested a lot of time
and energy in communicating the project goals,
training and project marketing. A specially created
project logo, a multiplier concept, complex feedback
loops after each project phase and an e-learning
platform guarantee a high level of acceptance and
use of the system.

Customers can experience this in the key figures

for the first solution rate/case closure rate – FCR –
and the lost call rate: the LCR has fallen to almost

Helvetia Germany plans to continue optimizing System

networked corporate communications and the mapping: Perfect interaction between
direct interface with customers and sales partners
in the future. The use of voicebots to relieve simple, VIER, SAP and teams: The VIER engage
recurring inquiries is part of the considerations for Multichannel ACD identifies the callers,
further expansion. An iterative approach with whereupon customer data transmitted by
concrete objectives for customer and employee
benefit always takes precedence over all projects. SAP enables routing to the personal
contact person. This data is displayed to
Helvetia customer service employees in
the VIER Unified Desktop before the call
is answered. The employees take the call
in teams, and the status synchronization
between teams and VIER guarantees a high level

With the VIER engage Omnichannel ACD and our

" innovative ideas, we are now able to react ad hoc to
the needs of our customers. At the same time, it is
also a modern and convenient tool for our employees.
Simone Krüger, Project Manager Business Organization & Customer Journey Management

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Läderach (with SAP)

Customer experience conclusion in one sentence:

Laying the foundation for future-proof CX and end- This development also raised questions about
to-end customer journeys with a customer data future customer expectations and, in particular,
platform and 360-degree customer view. How the about the digital customer experience. Both end
systematic digitization of the existing systems customers and retailers should notice a significant
enables data-driven retailing, supports personalized improvement in the customer experience.
customer experiences along the analogue and Customer expectations are not only different for
digital touchpoints and ensures perceptible, positive end customers and in retail, but also in the different
customer experiences. sales markets, the customer journeys, the preferred
touchpoints and the relevant information. Cultural
Trigger/Background/Challenge: differences – in England, for example, chocolate
Läderach Chocolatier Suisse is a Switzerland- with mint traditionally has a high status, which is
based company that manufactures chocolates and not only reflected in the product, but also in the
confectionery. The company was founded in Glarus presentation of personalized content along the
in 1962. The high-quality products are sold in their customer journey. In the past, customers primarily
own chocolateries with sales locations in experienced the Läderach brand in retail; today,
Switzerland, Germany and Austria, Great Britain, 90% of the first chosen touchpoint for the customer
the USA and Canada, as well as through sales is a digital touchpoint. In the subsequent steps,
partners in the Middle East and Asia. however, many different variants in the customer
During the Covid pandemic, Läderach took up the journey – analogue and digital touchpoints – have
cause of internationalization and international to be taken into account. For example, in individual
scaling as part of a strategic reorientation. As part countries, the products are selected and pre-
of the strategy ordered online and

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then picked up with your own air-conditioned car. the difference. No “hasty glance” at supposedly
As a premium provider, for Läderach the entire quick sales successes through isolated campaigns,
customer experience - from storytelling to the but first the foundations are laid by a central data
content played - must be "premium". platform that defines requirements for the customer
journey and systematically generated content is
These extremely high demands on data, made available.
information, personalized content and end-to-end The technological reorientation depends crucially
customer journeys logically led to a step-by-step on the support of the employees.
and systematic approach. Läderach has a long tradition with the highest
The pivotal point here is data management. A standards of product quality. When it comes to
central customer data platform from SAP forms digitization, internationalization and the conception
the foundation for the end-to-end customer journey, of customer experience management, management
which helps to connect offline and online worlds. attaches great importance to preserving tradition
This system helps those responsible both centrally on the one hand and inspiring employees to try
and regionally at Läderach to make decisions something new on the other.
based on current and valid data.
Various "data suppliers" must be taken into Based on the clearly defined target architecture,
account: product data, previous customer behavior, the first customer experience management
preferences, selected touchpoints and many experiences will then become visible to the
others. This data must be operationalizable for the customer from the beginning of 2023. With the
display of personalized content along the customer SAP Emarsys Marketing Automation solution,
journey. omnichannel campaigns can then be played out,
for example for loyalty management. In this context,
Läderach proceeds with this CX project just as gift vouchers are designed and issued. This creates
carefully and professionally as with the production a premium customer experience for a premium
of the chocolate. Good ingredients, good recipes, brand.
good employees and care in the "production".

" Products are Made in the Factory but Brands are

Created in the Mind.

Brand and commerce strategy, Läderach based on Walter Landor

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Photo by Jonas Allert on Unsplash

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Customer centricity maturity measurement

Developing a CX culture:
The customer centricity maturity measurement
creates the analytical basis
By Prof. Dr. Jan-Erik Baars and Prof. Dr. Dominik Georgi, Customer Metrics, a spin-off from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

The organization's customer focus is the starting point of the This is where the measurement of customer centricity comes in.
customer success chain, which links the internal prerequisites Customer centricity measurements support CX management
(“backstage”) with the external effects (“frontstage”). This value on many levels, so they contribute to various trends of the CEX
chain begins with customer focus as a prerequisite for excellent trend radar, including CX culture, CX innovation management,
customer experiences, which in turn leads to increased customer CX strategy and the CX management cockpit.
loyalty, which ultimately has a positive impact on customer value.

Fig. 1: Customer centricity as the starting point of the customer success chain

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Fig. 2: Possible contributions to the CX fields of action according to the CX trend radar

We see the most important lever of such a measurement as In order to develop the underlying CX culture, you need above
input for the development of a CX culture and explain the all a starting point: you have to know where the organization
importance of the CC measurement for this below. stands, where its strengths and weaknesses lie in terms of
customer centricity. Here it makes sense to use an evaluation
to evaluate the current degree of customer focus – from an
Evaluate and promote CX culture
internal and external point of view.
CX experts are increasingly mastering customer experience
management with all its facets. However, according to the CEX
CC score: Measurement of “customer centricity” from an
Trendradar 2023, these are, firstly, negligibly small in number
internal perspective
and, secondly, often not really well anchored in the hierarchy in
order to enforce real customer centricity. Most companies still The CC score measures customer centricity from the employees'
lack an established CX culture. point of view. They evaluate 15 customer centricity criteria that
are assigned to the three topic groups of leadership, collaboration
There is often a lack of strategically developed competencies, and implementation.
starting with pure methodological knowledge on the one hand,
but also on the other hand operational employee skills for real These criteria were derived from scientific studies. In recent
culture change. And this is the main reason why the CEX years, the CC score has proven itself in measurements for
Trendradar assumes that CX culture, while "accepted", is only companies such as Swisscom, CSS Versicherung, Mibelle
implemented well by a few companies. And that although (Migros) in Switzerland and Targobank in Germany. Based on
specific potential for differentiation lies fallow here, it is also the the NPS scale, values between -100 and +100 are determined
most complex to implement. for each criterion, each upper group and the overall CC score.

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Fig. 3: Exemplary CC score result

To ensure that the internal view of the corporate culture Enthusiasm, added value and basic performance assigned.
does not remain the sole evaluation parameter and, where The evaluation can also be distributed across touchpoints
possible, can be misused for navel gazing, it makes sense and only carried out in small tranches, which are then
to also include the customer's perception in an integrated consolidated into overall results. The CI score values are
analysis. Customers' perception of the extent to which a also created using the NPS logic and are between -100
company appears and acts in a customer-centric manner and +100.
is an important indicator of whether the company's efforts
are bearing fruit. A customer evaluation, which can be As part of a panel study, 20 companies were rated with
carried out parallel to the existing CX measurements, the CI score by 100 respondents each. The result of the
provides an additional KPI that reflects the maturity of the study shows which companies can be considered “customer-
CX culture: the CI score we developed. centric” in the eyes of customers. The study also shows
that companies have different profiles in terms of how they
are perceived. The dimensions of functionality, individuality
and emotionality are expressed differently in customer
The CI-Score: assessment of (perceived)
Customer centricity from an external (customer) point of view

The 15 empirically derived factors of perceived customer

centricity form the basis for determining the CI score: They
show how customer centric an organization is from the
customer's point of view. The factors are subject-logical to
the three subject groups

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Fig. 4: CI score criteria for customer centricity from the customer's point of view

Fig. 5: Customer centricity of well-known brands - 2022

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Typical use cases of the CC measurement are:

1. Customer centricity programs: More and more 4. Digitization programs: Digitization only works if it
companies are launching explicit customer centricity is customer-centric. Accordingly, digitization
programs or CX initiatives or similar. programs are all the more successful the sooner
For these, the determination of the Matura represents they are customer-oriented. Explicit thinking
an important starting point. about customer focus makes a significant
contribution to this.
2. Growth strategies: No growth without customer
centricity. Putting the customer first is imperative for
businesses looking to grow. 5. Efficiency programs: Even if this seems
counterintuitive at first glance, customer centricity
can make efficiency programs more successful.
3. Innovation programs: Innovations are more successful A focus on the customer helps to save costs
the more they are geared towards customers and where it bothers the customer the least.
their needs. Customer-centric companies innovate
more successfully, and they are more successful at
commercializing innovative solutions.

Fig. 6: CC score and CI score

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partner presentation

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Urs Frick René Konrad

Head of BSI CX at BSI Banking Community Manager BSI
urs.frick@bsi-software.com rene.konrad@bsi-software.com
LinkedIn LinkedIn

Charlotte Malz
Marketing & Communications
Manager at BSI charlotte.malz@bsi-
software.com LinkedIn

BSI Customer Experience

With the BSI Customer Suite, the Swiss software le be bid away. From the acquisition to the offer process
manufacturer BSI offers a holistic platform for the to the conclusion of the contract - thanks to seamless
digitization of customer relationships. For retail, banking, integration and AI support, companies build real customer
insurance and energy & utilities, BSI has everything you proximity.
need for an excellent customer experience. The basis for
this is provided by many years of industry expertise. In the The BSI Customer Suite is primarily aimed at medium-
insurance industry, BSI is regarded as the market leader sized and larger companies with complex marketing, sales,
for CRM software. 130 banks, insurers and trading service or operations requirements.
companies use it to reach around 27 million end customers
throughout Europe. The company, which was founded in
reference customers
Baden in 1996, has a further 7 locations and around 400
employees in Germany and Switzerland. Its customers
• BSI best practices and success stories
include companies and organizations such as ADAC, the
Raiffeisen Banking Group, Signal Iduna and PostFinance
• Best practice Baloise property insurance
as well as other market-leading companies in Europe.

• Video: Best Practice Raiffeisen Digital

CX solution offering • Video: Hornbach Best Practice

«What makes BSI different is the proximity to the Additional Information:

customer. You are not given a standard, you can actively
• Things worth knowing about CRM, CX and AI
help develop the roadmap.”
Silvia Bauer, Senior CRM Manager, HDI
• Customer Experience – functions and areas of
The cloud-based BSI Customer Suite covers the entire
customer lifecycle: from the IP address to the buying
• The BSI Customer Suite on OMR Reviews
customer to the fan. It enables comprehensive
personalization and automation of customer contact and
interaction in real time.
With BSI, customer journeys can be designed and
customers can have an inspiring experience across all channels

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Kai Stubane Tanja Fischer

Senior Vice President Head of Sales, Regional Marketing Lead,
SAP Customer Experience SAP Customer Experience,
Middle & Eastern Europe, SAP SE Middle & Eastern Europe,
LinkedIn SAP Germany SE & Co.KG

SAP Customer Experience

As a market leader for business software, we help companies Marketing solutions

of all sizes and industries to achieve their goals in the best With our SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement solution we
possible way: 87% of the global trading volume runs through provide you with a platform for personalized real-time
SAP systems. Our customer experience solutions for interactions with your customers.
companies offer comprehensive insights by linking your trade,
marketing, sales and service data and allow our customers to
customer examples
better identify, win, convert and retain their end customers.

• Here go to the SAP Customer Experience

customer reports

CX solution offering • Find out in this video more about the common path of
MVV Enamic & SAP
E-Commerce Solutions
With our customizable and scalable e- commerce platform
• Read here like PUMA Europe a clear one
you can react flexibly to changes in the digital business and
Revenue growth through the use of SAP
support your online sales with the flexibility required today.
Emarsys Customer Engagement achieved

• Here you can find out why Vileda relies on a global

digital platform in the B2C and B2B business
Customer data solutions
With the help of our SAP Customer Data Platform You get a
company-wide insight into your customer profiles and can Additional Information:
derive interactions that increase your conversion rate and
• SAP Customer Experience Portfolio
customer loyalty.

• SAP Podcast CX Café – Customer Experience in a

Sales solutions With
the SAP Sales Cloud solution streamline and automate
• Find out about the latest articles,
important sales processes and provide salespeople with
Research results, demos and videos
intelligent recommendations.

• Study on the status and perspectives of digital B2B

Service solutions
Commerce Platforms
The SAP Service Cloud supports your customer service
management by ensuring that contact with the customer is
maintained throughout the entire customer journey.

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Rainer Holler Ralf Mühlenhoever

FOUR CEOs VIER Head of Product Strategy and

company description reference customers

VIER rethinks customer dialogue and communication.

• Read here how Congstar reduces the administrative
With our cloud offerings "enrich", "engage", "evolve" and
effort with the VIER ACD and improves the
"empower" we make contact-based business processes
customer experience
more efficient. Whether in service or sales, in HR, customer
service or in clerical processing: Our intelligent solutions
• Find out here Read more about how highly complex
connect, analyze, assist and automate – so that
routing increases the CX of ADAC customers
communication with companies is once again experienced
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CX solution offering Outbound - Here along to the case study with the
team bank
What software and/or CX services are offered?

Additional Information:
FOUR engage as a cloud offer for omnichannel contact
• Better CX Through the Phone – Six Tips For
centers – all channels, first-class reporting, in-depth your customer service
understanding of your business processes and German
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30161 Hanover

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Author introduction

Prof. Dr. Nils Hafner

Prof. Dr. re. pole. Nils Hafner (born May 17, 1973) is an international expert in building long-term, profitable
customer relationships. He is a professor for customer relationship management at the Lucerne University of
Applied Sciences and Arts and heads two study programs on digital banking and sales and marketing in
banking. Prof. Dr. Hafner studied business administration, psychology, philosophy and modern history in Kiel
and Rostock, Germany. He did his doctorate in innovation management/marketing on the quality control of call center ser
After working as a CRM practice leader at one of the largest consulting firms in the world, he set up the first
CRM master's program in the German-speaking region from 2002 to May 2006. A total of 18 academic programs
on the subject of customer management and customer integration followed. Today he works as an author and
international keynote speaker and advises management and board members of medium-sized and large
companies in Germany, Switzerland and throughout Europe on developing corporate competencies in customer
management. Nils Hafner holds about 30 keynotes at public and non-public events on the subject of "customers"
per year. His customers include around 120 companies from the banking, insurance, telecommunications, retail
and mechanical engineering sectors. His focus in consulting is in the area of long-term profitable service
strategies. At the end of 2018, the second edition of his Amazon No. 1 bestseller “The Art of Customer
Relationship” was published. In his blog "Hafner on CRM" and his podcast "Hafners CX Podcast" he tries to get
the informative, beautiful, bad, tragic and funny sides of the topic.

Harold Henn
Harald Henn is managing partner of Marketing Resultant GmbH from Mainz in Germany. Since 2004 he has
accompanied and supported companies in customer experience and digital customer service projects.
His vision: Combine well-founded methodological competence with effective results in project work. His focus is
to achieve effective and measurable results in the projects. The know-how is based on more than 15 years of
experience in leading marketing and sales functions for American companies in the IT industry. As head of
marketing at Dell Computer GmbH, Harald Henn was responsible for market entry and establishment in
Germany. After that, as managing partner of PRISMA management consultancy, he was jointly responsible for
building up the leading call center consultancy in Germany for more than 10 years. His customers include well-
known banks, insurance companies, telecommunications companies and companies from the healthcare sector.
He is the editor of several books and e-books on the subject of chatbots and AI in customer service, digital
customer service, contact centers and organizer of several virtual events on the subject of customer experience
and customer service.

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Baars, J.-E. (2018) Leading Design, Vahlen

Esch, Mrs. R. (2017): A look through the eyes of the customer. - Esch. The Brand
Consultant, study 2017 – https://www.esch-brand.com/wp-content/uploads/
2018/02/ ESCH-l-Customer-Experience-Champions_Small.pdf

Forrester (2022): https://www.forrester.com/report/predictions-2023-customer-


Gareis, R. (2023): CX Outlook and Predictions for 2023 - CX technology investments

should increase in the new year, as enterprises use the tools to address
challenges like addressing labor shortages and eliminating hold times:
https: //www.nojitter .com/contact-center-customer-experience/cx-outlook-
and- predictions-2023

Gartner (2022) Hype Cycle for Customer Service and Support Technologies,
2022: https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-2BQVV

Hafner, N. & Henn, H. (2021). Voice in the D2C Journey - Speech Automation as
Adventure. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 38(6), 46-53.

Hippner, H. and Wilde, K. (2006). Basics of CRM - concepts and design,


Hundertmark, S. & Hafner, N. (2023 iP): Design of automated customer dialogues in

the area of tension between costs and customer experience. In: M. Bruhn and K.
Hadwich (eds.), Shaping change in service management, Forum Service
Management, Wiesbaden

IBM (2022): https://research.ibm.com/blog/what-are-foundation-models

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IDC (2022): https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS49880222

Jüttner, Uta; Schaffner, Dorothea; Windler, Katharina & Maklan, Stan (2013).
Customer Service Experiences: Applying a Sequential Incident Laddering
Technique. European Journal of Marketing, 47(5, 6), 738-768.

Landmann, E., Siems, FU, Hafner, N. & Pape, M. (2022). The Value-Irritant-Matrix
as a possible instrument for the empirical classification of potentials and limits
of smart services - an application attempt with critical discussion. In: M. Bruhn
and K. Hadwich (eds.), Smart Services, Forum Dienstleis- tungsmanagement,
Wiesbaden, pp. 273-290.

Pirner, P. (2023) CX-Talks, the Forrester Predictions (podcast episode along with
dr Maxie Schmidt Subramanian)

B Price, D Jaffe, The Best Service is No Service: How to Liberate Your Customers
from Customer Service, Keep Them Happy, and Control Costs, John Wiley &
Sons, 2006.


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