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Diagnostic Testing, MS I

Copiah Lincoln Community College

Division of Associate Degree Nursing, MS I
Diagnostic Testing Study Sheet
Stacy Dixon

1. ________________ Term used for a procedure when a body cavity is not


2. _______________ Term used for a procedure when the body cavity is accessed
through some type of instrumentation.

3. Lab variability can result from:

a. Hemoconcentration due to fluid volume deficit (dehydration)
______BUN, ______HCT

b. Hemodilution due to fluid volume excess (overhydration)

______BUN, ______HCT

c. Blood drawn above the IV site

d. Hemolysis with breakdown of RBC (small needles, large negative

4. _________________ is a common test ordered that evaluates a client’s

hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC), and
platelet count.

5. A client’s RBC’s count usually____ in renal disease.

Why? ________________________________________________________

6. A client’s RBC’s count would ___ in anemia and bone marrow problems.

7. What laboratory study would be important to monitor for a client who is at risk
for blood loss? _______ (GI bleed, surgery, trauma)

8. What is the percentage of RBC’s in relation to total blood volume? ________

What does this laboratory result do during blood loss? ______ dt _____________
What does this laboratory result do during dehydration? _____dt _____________

9. Which laboratory study reveals information about infection and inflammation?


10. If your client’s platelet count was 75,000/ml, you should take what kind of
precautions? ___________________

Diagnostic Testing, MS I

11. In liver disease, would you monitor for thrombocytosis (increased platelets-----
clotting) OR thrombocytopenia (decreased platelets----bleeding)?

12. Before administering blood to a client, what laboratory study must be

performed? _______________________. What is universal donor?
____________. What is universal recepient? _______________________

13. ALT, AST, Bilirubin, and Ammonia levels all assess what body system?

14. What would you see with the following laboratory studies in a client with Renal
a. ____Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
b. ____Serum Creatinine
c. ____Serum Potassium
d. ____Red Blood Cell (RBC)

15. What would you see with the following laboratory studies in a client with
a. ____ Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
b. ____ Serum Creatinine
c. ____ Hematocrit (HCT)

16. What is the normal value of Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)? ____________

17. What is the normal value of Serum Creatinine? _____________

18. What laboratory study should be drawn to rule out a myocardial infarction (MI)?

19. What coagulation study is monitored for a client on oral anticoagulants?

___________; On Heparin? _________________

20. What should a client’s International Normalized Ratio (INR) be for a client on
warfarin (Coumadin)? __________

21. A Ventilation/Perfusion (V-Q) Scan is often order for a client suspected of

having a ________________________. What blood test is sometimes used to
help rule out, diagnose, and monitor diseases that cause hypercoagulability?

22. An important post nursing intervention for a client receiving Barium is what?

23. __________________ is an x-ray using fluoroscopy to visualize structural and/or

functional abnormalities of the esophagus.

Diagnostic Testing, MS I

24. __________________ is an x-ray using fluoroscopy to visualize the large

intestine. This test is contraindicated when there is a risk of perforation (See

25. Contraindications to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) include:

26. ___________ is a procedure where a scope is inserted through the mouth to

visualize the inside of the esophagus, stomach, and the duodenum.

Potential complications to monitor for:

Pre and Post-test interventions:

27. ____________________ is a procedure where a scope is inserted through the

anus to visualize the entire colon for any lesions or other abnormalities (polyps,

Potential complications to monitor for:

Pre and Post-test interventions:

28. ________ is a graphic recording of the brain’s electrical activity.


29. What must be assessed prior to a client receiving iodine/contrast?

30. How might the client feel once the iodine/contrast is being injected?

31. What must be assessed after iodine/contrast is injected?

Diagnostic Testing, MS I

32. Increase in amylase and lipase is associated with _____________ disorder.

33. Client preparation of xray includes:

34. Client preparation for pelvic/renal ultrasound includes:

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