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Full stack experienced developer

What we’re looking for

A rapidly growing healthcare SaaS company is looking for an experienced full-stack software developer
to join our team and help push out rapidly our next phase.


Our current technology stack is TypeScript, Nest.js, Vue.js, PostgreSQL, and Google Cloud server.

Firm requirements:

● Strong communication skills.

● 5+ years of professional software development experience designing and building
customer-facing applications.
● Significant JavaScript experience, TypeScript preferred.
If “await” confuses you, this is not the right role.
● Experience implementing automated testing.
If your teammate keeps breaking production with his untested code and you’ve always wanted
the power to stop that, this might be the role for you.

Strong pluses:

● Extensive experience with our entire technology stack.

● A strong interest in using tools to reduce developer workload while improving software quality.
● Experience with static analysis tools like esLint and SonarQube.
● An understanding of security principles in n-tier application design.
● A solid understanding of and interest in software design concepts.

If you know what DRY and SOLID are, if you’ve ever reworked a database to third normal form, if
you refactor things for fun, if you subconsciously write your code to be thread-safe and avoid
race conditions, or if you pull out big O notation when arguing with your friends, we want to
hear from you!

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