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‫تحتىرعاوةى ى‬
‫معالي الوزير األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬رضا حجازي‬

‫األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬أكرم حسن‬

‫شرح هفصل ّتوبرٌي هتٌْعخ‬

‫لوٌِج اللغخ االًجلٍسٌخ ‪Connect 6‬‬
‫للصف السبدش االثتذائً ‪ -‬الْدذح العبشرح‬

‫اعدادى ى‬
‫‪ -‬راًٍبء على صذٌق‬ ‫‪ -‬عجٍر هذوْد الوغٍر‬
‫‪ -‬هذوذ إثراٍُن فردبد‬ ‫‪ -‬إٌوبى السٍذ أثْ سٌخ‬
‫مراجعةى ى‬
‫رضب هذوذ الجُْري‬

‫تحتىاشرافى ى‬
‫أ‪ /‬إميان حممود يوسف‬
‫هستشبر اللغخ االًجلٍسٌخ‬
CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “Free as a bird” Lesson 1
Birds of a feather
*Key vocabulary
Word Meaning Sentences
flock َ‫تتشبث‬ Birds of a feather flock together.
dare ‫ٌجرؤ‬ The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly.
worm ٍ‫دّد‬ Birds eat worms.
group َ‫هجوْع‬ We all work in a group.
nest ‫عش‬ A bird put its eggs in the nest.
hatch ‫ٌفقس‬ The egg hatched.
successful ‫ًبجخ‬ Someone who tries to do something, and do it.
similar َ‫هتشبث‬ Things are the same.
careful ‫درٌص‬ When you try hard not to do a mistake.
sensible ًً‫ عقال‬/ ً‫هٌطق‬ When someone give a good idea carefully.
*Conjugation of verbs:
Regular Irregular
Present Past Present Past
flock ‫ يحتشد‬/ ‫ يجتمع‬flicked mean ً‫ يعن‬meant
hatch ‫ يفقس‬hatched catch ‫ يصطاد‬caught
dare ‫ يجزؤ‬dared fall ‫ يسقط‬fell

Expressions and Propositions

- Have more than one meaning ً‫نه اكثز مه معن‬ - look the same .‫تبدو متشابهت‬
- You are getting the idea .‫نقد فهمت انفكزة‬
*Read and notice: Some bird and animal proverbs.
Malak : Injy, what does this proverb mean? “The early bird catches the worm.”
Injy : well, proverbs have more than meaning. This proverb tells us that a bird is early,
or the first to try to catch a worm, usually catches it. So, it also means that to be
successful, you need to be the first to do something.
Malak : How about this one? “Birds of a feather flock together. “
Injy : If they flock together, that means they stay in a large group. And maybe it
mentions feathers because they all have similar feathers.
Malak : You mean they all look the same?
Injy : Yes, but here, it means that similar people like doing the same things.
Malak : Okay, here’s a strange one! “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”
Injy : Well, you might have four eggs in a nest, but you don’t really know how many
will become chickens. So maybe it’s about being careful before you know
something will happen.
Malak : So you don’t make too many plans before something is real. That’s sensible. How
about this proverb? “The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly.” Do
you think that means you have to try something that seems scary if you want to
Injy : Yes, I do. Well done, Malak! You’re getting the good idea!

Connect 6 2 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “Free as a bird” Lesson 1
Answer the following questions:
1- What is the proverb? ---------------------------------------------------
2- What does the proverb mean? ---------------------------------------------------
3- Give a proverb from your real life? ---------------------------------------------------
Exercises on lesson 1
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- To be ---------------------, you need to be the first to do something.
a. helpful b. successful c. lazy d. patient
2- Birds of a feather flock -----------------------.
a. together b. in pairs c. alone d. with their mother
3- Don’t ----------------------- too many plans before something is real.
a. use b. agree c. make d. do
4- You’re getting the ---------------- idea!
a. better b. nicer c. good d. fine
2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The early bird --------------------- the worm.
a. catching b. catch c. catches d. caught
2- Yes, I ----------------------. Well done.
a. does b. do c. were d. are
3- ----------------------- people like doing the same things.
a. Similar b. Same c. Different d. Good
4- You -------------------- try something if you want to succeed.
a. have to b. don’t have to c. has to d. may
3- Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:
1- might – have – You – eggs – in - four - a nest.
2- this – How - one - about ?
3- stay - group - a large – in - They.
4-Read and write the correct form of the word between brackets:
1- You’re getting the ---------------- ( better ) idea!
2- Don’t make too ------------------- ( much ) plans before something is real.
5-Write a paragraph of FIFTY (50) words using the following guiding elements:
* What do they do? *How do they seem?

Connect 6 3 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Lesson 2
Eco-tourism in Egypt
*Key vocabulary:
Word Meaning Sentence
historical ً‫تبرٌخ‬ Egypt has many historical places.
respect ‫ٌذترم‬ We should respect each other.
Eco-tourism ‫سٍبدخ ثٍئٍخ‬ Eco-tourism is a way of travelling.
migrate ‫ٌِبجر‬ Birds migrate from a country to another every year.
sustainable ‫هستور‬ Eco-tourism is sustainable.
accommodation ‫سكي‬ People stay in simple accommodation.
tents ‫خٍبم‬ We stay in a tent in the desert.
coral reefs ‫شعبة هرجبًٍخ‬ The Red Sea is full of coral reefs.
popular ‫هشِْر – شبئع‬ Mohamed Salah is a very popular football player.

*Conjugation of verbs:
Regular Irregular
Present Past Present Past
visit ‫يزور‬ visited is/ are ‫يكىن‬ was/ were
climb ‫يتسهق‬ climbed go ‫يذهب‬ went
cause ‫يسبب‬ caused see ‫يزي‬ saw
migrate ‫يهاجز‬ migrated come ‫يأتي‬ came
camp ‫يعسكز‬ camped bring ‫يحضز‬ brought
hope ‫يأمم‬ hoped find ‫يجد‬ found

Expressions and Propositions

-go snorkeling ‫يذىب للغطس‬ - sail on the Nile ‫يبحز فى النيل‬
- go on a desert safari ‫يذىب فى رحلت سفاري صحزاويت‬
- wildlife and bird- watching ‫الحياه البزيو ومشاىدة الطيور‬ -travel along----- ‫يسافز بطول‬
-in the evenings ‫فى االمسياث‬ - the sun went down ‫غزبج الشمس‬
- sail out to ------ ‫يبحز الى‬ -Set off on a tour ----- ‫ينطلق فى جولو‬
Word Definition
simple ‫ ثسٍط‬Living in a place where you have what you need, and nothing more.
sustainable ‫ هستور‬Do something in a way that doesn’t damage the environment.
accommodation ‫ سكي‬Somewhere you stay in
ideal ً‫ هثبل‬Perfect or excellent

Connect 6 4 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Lesson 2
* Read the text. Eco-tourism in Egypt.

*Check your understanding:

1- What is Eco-tourism ? ------------------------------------------------
2- Why do people visit Egypt ? -----------------------------------------------------------
3- What is the importance of Eco-tourism ? --------------------------------------------------------------
**Read the ads for vacations in Egypt. Match the titles each ad 1 – 4

Connect 6 5 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Lesson 2

LANGUAGE FOCUS : Must and Mustn’t

*We use (must) when we talk about something that we have to do or that is important to do.
* We use (mustn’t) when we are not allowed to do something.
FORM : We use ( must ) as follows : We use (mustn’t ) as follows:
Subject + must + verb infinitive Subject + mustn’t + verb infinitive
-We must bring a tent. - We mustn’t swim near the coral reefs.
Exercises on lesson 2

1- Read and complete the text with words from the box:
protect – traveling – simple – mustn’t – watching
Eco-tourism is a way of traveling that doesn’t damage the environment. It is designed to
-------------- nature. People stay in ---------------- accommodation, not large hotels, and they -
----------------- travel in ways that cause lots of pollution. Eco-tourism is a good way for
people who like bird- ----------------. They can watch them from a safe distance and take lots
of photographs.
2-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- In eco-tourism, people stay in a -------------------- accommodation, not large hotels.
a. difficult b. large c. simple d. high
2- The word “ ideal “ means --------------------------- .
a. friendly b. nice c. kind d. perfect
3- Eco-tourism is a way of ----------- that doesn’t damage the environment.
a. planting b. learning c. traveling d. playing
4- We ‘ll --------------------- in a small groups to see the wildlife.
a-walking b. walked c. walk d. to walk
5- We hope ---------- see lizards and turtles.
a-two b. to c. too d. that
6- You --------------- be careful in the street.
a-mustn’t b. are c. do d. must
7- Children must ------------------------ hard for the exam.
a. studied b. studying c. study d. studies
8- “-----------------” means like something and want to look after it.
a. respect b. simple c. ideal d. migrate
3- Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets:
1- You ----------------(have must ) a shower everyday.
2- My brother likes -------------------(travels).
3- I mustn’t --------------- (was) late for school.
4- We went there ------------------(next) year.

Connect 6 6 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Lesson 3
The benefits of eco-tourism
*Key vocabulary:
Word Meaning Examples
presentation ً‫عرض تقذٌو‬ I gave a good presentation for the lesson.
visitors ‫زّار‬ There are many visitors come to Egypt every year.
local ‫هذلى‬ We all help in our local environment.
traffic ‫ ازددبم‬/ ‫دركخ الورّر‬ Cairo is full of traffic.
kingfisher ‫طبئر الرفراف‬ Kingfisher has a nice feather.
swift ‫طبئر السوبهخ‬ A swift migrates to Egypt in winter.
*Conjugation of verbs:
Regular Irregular
Present Past Present Past
create ‫ينشئ‬ created mean ً‫يعن‬ meant
learn ‫يتعهم‬ learned think ‫يعتقد‬ thought
seem ‫يبدو‬ seemed leave ‫يغادر‬ left
try ‫يحاول‬ tried fly ‫يطيز‬ flew

Expressions and Propositions

Look after-------- ----- ‫ٌعتٌى ة‬ - take care of ------------------ ‫ٌِتن ة‬
However,--------- ---------- ‫هع رلك‬ - eco- friendly ‫صذٌق الجٍئخ‬
Migrate to and from------ --------- ‫ٌِبجر هي ّ الى‬ - find out ‫ٌكتشف‬

֍Listen and read Lina’s presentation about eco-tourism and read her notes, do they
include any of your own ideas?
My presentation today is about eco-tourism and why it is a good idea. Egypt is a very
beautiful country, so we must look after it. However, lots of people want to visit Egypt
because it is a very interesting place. It is good if we have lots of visitors, but tourism can
sometimes mean many big hotels and too much traffic. This can cause problems. Eco-
tourism is good because people can visit and enjoy the environment, but not in a way that
damages the environment. These are my ideas about why I think eco-tourism is a good
- If people learn more about the environment, they will want to protect it.
- If tourist take care of the place they visit, they will cause less damage to the environment.
- If tourists stay in simple, eco-friendly accommodation, there won’t be so many big hotels.
- If eco- tourism is successful, it will create new jobs for the local people.
Thank you for listening. Are there any questions?

Connect 6 7 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Lesson 3
-Check your understanding:
1. Why is tourism important for your country? -----------------------------------------
2. In your opinion, what are the pros of tourism? ----------------------------------------
3. What will happen if eco-tourism is successful? ----------------------------------------

LANGUAGE FOCUS: The first conditional ( If )

We use the first conditional ( If ) to talk about things that are likely to happen in the

If present simple , will / won’t + verb (infinitive)

Condition Result
Ex. - If you study hard, you will get high marks.
- If he doesn’t leave now, he won’t catch the bus.
- If I’m hungry, I’ll eat a snack.

CLIL: Science

Bird migration
֍Listen and read. What do migration birds eat?

Connect 6 8 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Lesson 3
*Complete the sentences with words from the text:
1- Many birds migrate to find --------------------- weather.
2- There are often large ----------------- of water birds near lakes and oases.
3- Migrating birds fly very ----------------------- distances.
4-They might use the ------------------- or the stars to find out where to go.

֍1 syllable = 1 vowel sound

Two syllables words Three syllables words
eagles ea-gles kingfisher king-fish-er
weather weath-er pelican pe-li-can
falcon fal-con flamingo fla-mi-ngo
Exercise on lesson 3

1- choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- We must look -------------------- our country.
a. away b. off c. at d. after
2- Tourism can mean too ------------------------ traffic.
a. much b. lots of c. many d. few
3- If I have an exam, ------------------------- study hard.
a. I’m b. I was c. I won’t d. I’ll
4- Lake Qarun is in ----------------------------------.
a. Alexandria b. Cairo c. Fayoum d. Aswan
2- Read the text and answer the questions:
Mona likes studying proverbs and knowing their meaning. She learned new
proverbs yesterday. The proverb “Birds of a feather flock together “means that similar
people like doing the same things. She learned another proverb which is “Don’t count
your chickens before they hatch.” This proverb is about being careful before you know
something will happen. Mona was excited to know about these proverbs. Last week,
Mona went with her family on a tour to see the birds and animals that live near the
water. They traveled along the river in small boats. Then they camped in tents at night
and brought their cameras to take photos. They saw lizards, turtles, and lots of
interesting plants.
(A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Don’t count your chickens before they --------------------.
a. hatch b. go on c. eat d. grow
2- Mona was excited to know about ----------------------.
a. proverbs b. verbs c. activities d. places
3- Last week, Mona went with her --------------------- on a tour .
a. friends b. parents c. family d. teachers

Connect 6 9 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Lesson 3
(B) Answer the following questions:
1- What does the proverb "Birds of a feather flock together" mean?
2- Where did they camp? ----------------------------------------------------------

3- Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1- country – Egypt – an – is – amazing.
2- fly – distances – birds – very – Some – long.

4-Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets:
1- If we --------------------- ( not run ) quickly, we’ll miss the bus.
2- You should look----------------- ( before ) your little sister.

5-Punctuate the following:

Don t leave trash in the river -------------------------------------------------------------------- .

Connect 6 10 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Lessons 4 & 5
*Key vocabulary:
Word Meaning Sentence
habitat ‫ثٍئخ‬ We live in deferent habitats.
planet ‫كْكت‬ We should save our planet.
litter ‫قوبهخ‬ Put litter in the trash.
*Conjugation of verbs:
Regular Irregular
Present Past Present Past
protect ً‫يحم‬ protected think ‫يفكز‬ thought
recycle ‫يعيد تدويز‬ Recycled find ‫يجد‬ found
waste ‫يضيع‬ wasted hurt ‫يإنم‬ hurt
drop ‫يسقط‬ dropped can ‫يستطيع‬ could

Expressions and Propositions

- Make sure that----------- ‫تأكذ هي اى‬ - cut down trees ‫ٌقطع األشجبر‬
- Made for ‫صٌع لـ‬ - good for ----------- ---- ‫جٍذ لـ‬


* Listen to and Read the blog. What is habitat?

Connect 6 11 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Lessons 4 & 5
Exercises on lessons 4 & 5

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Animals need ----------------------- places to look after their babies.
a. dangerous b. safe c. cold d. wet
2- There are many ------------------- in Egypt.
a. habitats b. countries c. planets d. oceans
3- People come to Ras Mohammed to ------------------ dive.
a. scuba b. snorkel c. swim d. play
4- We mustn’t ---------------------- water.
a. safe b. waste c. drop d. throw
2-Write a paragraph of(50) FIFTY words using these guiding elements :

Bird migration

- hot weather - flocks of birds


Connect 6 12 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Test on unit 10 “free as a bird”
7ARTIFACTS” Test on un it Test on unit 10

1-Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Last week, Mona and her family are going on a ----------------------------.
a. flight b. journey c. tour d. walk
2- They traveled along the river in small------------------------.
a. boats b. ships c. planes d. buses
3- They camped in --------------------------------- at night.
a. houses b. hotels c. tents d. gardens
4- They hoped to see -------------------------- and turtles.
a. lions b. snakes c. tigers d. lizards
2-Choose the correct answer from a. b. c. or d:
1- If birds --------------------------- together, that means they stay in a large group.
a. hatch b. count c. look d. flock
2- Some people stay in simple ---------------------------. They don’t like large hotels.
a. camps b. tents c. accommodation d. museum
3- We should protect animal --------------------------.
a. houses b. babies c. habitats d. nests
4- People come to ----------------------------- in the Red Sea.
a. play b. fly c. hike d. snorkel
3-Read and complete the text with words from the box:
migrate – rivers – hotter – flocks - colder
Many birds migrate to and from Egypt. North Africa is ---------------------- than Europe,
so in winter, many birds fly to Egypt and other warm places. Birds such as eagles and
swifts ------------------------ to Egypt. You can often see large ------------------------ of birds such
as pelican near water. These birds often eat fish that live in ------------------------- and seas.
Birds fly long distances, making the same journey year after year.
4-Read the text and answer the questions :
Egypt is an ideal place for people who go wildlife watching. Egypt is home for about 450
different species of birds. People come from all over the world on vacations to see them.
For example, Siwa Oasis is an excellent place to see a large number of migrating water
birds. It is an important habitat for these birds so people must protect it. Tourists can
watch the birds from a safe distance and take lots of pictures, but they mustn’t get too
close to them. We all must respect nature.
(A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- ------------------ Oasis is an important habitat for migrating water birds.
a. Cairo b. Giza c. Siwa d. Sohag
2- The underline word “ ideal “ means ----------------------------.
a. perfect b. bad c. simple d. different
3- We all must respect ----------------------------.
a. number b. nature c. picture d. vacation

Connect 6 13 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Test on unit 10 “free as a bird”
(B) Answer the following questions:
1- How many species of birds are there in Egypt? ---------------------------------------------
2- Summarize the text in one sentence. --------------------------------------------
5-Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:
1- environment – can – the – enjoy – People .
2- set – on – from – We’ll – off – a tour – the beach .
3- mustn’t – close – birds – You – get – the – too – to .
6-Read and write the correct form of the words in brackets:

1- If we ---------------------- ( went ) to the sea, I’ll swim.

2- When we go camping, we ------------------------ ( take must ) a tent.

7-Punctuate the following:

What are you doing lama?

8-Writ a paragraph of (50) FIFTY words using the guiding elements about:

Eco-tourism in Egypt
- bird-watching - sustainable

Connect 6 14 Primary 6 2nd term

CONNECT 6 Unit 10 “free as a bird” Listening text

1- Test on unit 10:
Hi, I’m Mona. Last week, I went with my family on a tour to see the birds and
animals which live near the water. We traveled along the river in small boats
and camped in tents at night. We brought our cameras, because we wanted to
take photos of some amazing things. We hoped to see lizards and turtles, as
well as lots of interesting plants.

Connect 6 15 Primary 6 2nd term

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