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Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman AOl DEPARTURE ATC Slot, Clearance ATC CLR AVBL on TWR/GND FREQ 15min before EOBT. Flight crew shall request ATC DEP CLR prior to request for push back/start up. Mandatory nolification of parking position number to ATC when requesting start-up. REQ full RWY length for DEP shall advise TWFVGND when requesting taxi CLR at the latest. WEST APN: Do not request start up CLR before it is ascertained that stat of the ENG can be completed within Smin after CLR has been issued. EAST APN ACFT with CTOT are strongly advised to be ready and request push-back/start up CLR Smin prior to CTOT at latest. De-lcing AVBL RWY 04, EAST APN: Jet ACFT with wing engines on position 3 and 4. Jet ACFT with fuselage engines on parking postion. WEST APN: On parking postion. RWY 22: On parking postion (Changes: Editorial ChartversionD 1317650 AOI © Lido 2020 (CME Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA AOl GENERAL Warnings Due to potential interference ZAG VOR/DME is only approved for ACFT with receivers complying with FM immunity provisions. Birds in vicinity of AD. ARRIVAL Speed MAX IAS 250KT below FL100 in airspace classes D and G. Arrival Procedure Non-standard GP intercept position on RWY 04 GP intercepts RWY 04 at 308m/ 7071ft after landing threshold. Remaining DIST beyond GP is 294m / 9658ft Rwy 22 GP intercepts RWY 22 at 326m/ 1069 atter landing threshold Remaining DIST beyond GP is 226m / 9600ft Warnings ‘Strong windshear may occur in APCH area of RWY 04. DEPARTURE Take-off Minima RWY I 4 0- 100k guided LVTO All AC - FT | - mam 0- 125R : RWY I 22 AILACET | ft- mm 0 - 550R/550V Speed MAX IAS 250KT below FL100 in airspace classes D and G. Departure Procedure Start-up REQ start-up when itis possible to start engines within Smin after receiving CLR. Noise Abatement Procedure: Use ICAO Standard NADP 1 Departure Note PETOV 3H/34J: Only for TFC DEST LJMB. (Changes: Editorial CChartversionD 1317649 AOI © Lid 2020 cE Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA AOl GENERAL Operational Hours ATS Hours / AD Operator Hours: H24 Airport Information RFF: CAT 6 2200-0400 CAT 7 1500-2200¢ CAT 8 0400-10004, CAT 9 1000-1500¢ PCN: = RWY 04/22: 68/R/BW/T (890m / 1280f1) SAIRINWWIT (106m / 348ft) SA/FIANNIT (262m / 742048) SARIAWIT (494m / 1620ft) Operation Transponder Mode S Select assigned transponder mode A and activate S, set to AUTO if technically AVBL. For DEP: latest when start-up and/or push-back CLR is received by GND; and ‘After LDG: continuously until the ACFT has reached its final parking position; and On stand: transponder STBY. Low Visibility Procedure ‘Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) in use when LVP activated. Phase 1: VR falls below 1000m and/or ceiling at/or below 300tt In this phase, protection of sensitive area not yet provided. Phase 2: UR falls below 550m and/or ceiling at/or below 200tt During LVP only RWY 04 in use EAST and WEST APN: Follow-me AVBL only during LVP and for code letter F ACFT. Only 1 ACFT movement is allowed at a time. ARR: Report when landed and shall report RWY vacated when passing the end of the color coded yellow-green TWY CLL on TWR FREQ Vacating RWY AVBL via TWY E only. Expect stopbars on TWY F and TWY G Follow-me guidance shall be provided from stopbar F3 (entrance to WEST APN) or G (entrance to EAST APN), Aircraft shall report follow-me in sight on GND FREQ. DEP: EAST APN (during LVP): Follow-me guidance from TWY MC up to stopbar in TWY H. WEST APN (during LVP): Follow-me guidance from parking position to CAT IIA holding position in TWY ‘A (note: guidance could be ommited if ATC has visual contact with holding position CAT lil in TWY A) Areraft shall report follow-me in sight on GND FREQ. Intersection TKOF are not AVBL during LVP. Aircraft shall report airborne on TWR FREQ. Changes: OPS CChartversionD 1317640 AOI © Lid 2020 eT Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA AOl GENERAL RWY Restriction RWY 22 turn pad: 180° turn for ACFT with wheel base more than 25.6m / 84 prohibited. LDG RWY 04: Preferential TWY D (except see TWY Restrictions), LDG RWY 22: Preferential TWY C. TWY Restrictions TWYR width 15m / 49 TWY T width 11.25m / 37ft. Tw: ~ taxiing of 4-ENG ACFT is prohibited with ENG 1 and 4 active, TWY D prohibited ~ tocode letter D, E, F ACFT. ~ for code letter C ACFT with wheel base more than 18m / S9ft. TWF: ~ taxiing of 4-ENG ACFT is prohibited with active ENG 1 and 4. ~ when entering part of TWY F (from TWY C to TWY 8) to parking position WB, WD and WE follow-me mandatory for ACFT code letter F ACFT. TWR - Follow-me mandatory for self-manoeuvring ACFT. Taxilane W from stand W3-W'14 AVBL for ACFT with wingspan up to 36m / 118ft Taxi/Parking MAX speed 30KT on all TWYs. EAST APN: = During daylight, - RWY 04: Enter via TWY G, exit via TWY H. = RWY 22: Enter via TWY H, exit via TWY 6. ~ Enter via TWY G during night and LVP. ~ Exit via TWY H during night and LVP ACFT must not perform powered 180° turn in the APN areas. Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS) AVBL at stands 1-8 Push-back mandatory for ACFT code letter D when exiting parking position W2. When parking position WE in use, push-back is mandatory for ACFT exiting parking position W10-W02. Marshaller required for all stands. Standard Taxi Routes ARR RWY 04: via TWY D/E, G and MC - EAST APN or TWY G/D, F - WEST APN. RWY 22: via TWY C/B, F, G and MC - EAST APN or TWY C/B - WEST APN. DEP: RWY 04: EAST APN via TWY H, F, A (B, C optional). WEST APN via TWY F and A (B optional). RWY 22: EAST APN via TWV H, F and D, E. WEST APN via TWY F and D, E. (Changes: Editorial ChartVersionD 1317648 AOI © Lid 2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA RNAV SIDs RWY 22 BARNA 1V7/ KOPRY 1V KOTOR 1V/ MOSAV 1V/ NIVES 1V / OBUTI 1T RWY 22 (223°) After take-off, contact Zagreb RAD. as | 120 | 150 | 180 | 210 | 240 | 270 4.0% | min | 500 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 | 1100 6.4% | tvmin | soo | 1000 | 1200 | 1400 | 1600 | 1800 6.7% | fyMiN | 900 | 1100 | 1300 | 1500 | 1700 | 1900 DESIGNATOR ROUTING ALTITUDES: Runway 22 BARNA 1V_ DCT ZA901 [L] - DCT ZA904 - VBA ‘A904 MAX 8000 VBA 1V VBA MINM 6000 4.0% to 2300 120.700 ‘6000 KOPRY 1V DCT ZA901 [L] - DCT ZA902 [K250-] - ZAG - KOPRY ‘ZAG MNM 9000 4.0% to 2300 120.700 0@ 6000 kotor 1v | DCT PIS - KOTOR KOTOR MNM 8000 120.700 6000 MOSAV 1V DCT ZA901 [L] - DCT ZA904 - MOSAV 74904 MAX 8000 4.0% to 2300 MOSAV MNM 6000 120.700 oD 6000 Nives iv DCT ZA901 (L] - DCT NIVES A901 MM 2500 6.4% to 2500 ‘NIVES MNM FL105, 120.700 6000 ‘OBUTI1T 223° [A4000+ ;R] - DCT ZA903 [K250-] - OBUTI ‘OBUTI MNM FL130 6.7% to 5000 120.700 6000 © Glimb gradient due to G class airspace. ® Non-RNAV back-up conventional PROC below minimum vectoring ALT (in case of loss of RNAV 1 capability cor RNAV system failure): 223° to ZAO1 (02 LUK) - LT intercept R206 ZAG - at MINM 3000 proceed via RNAV SID fight procedure fled in FPL or according to ATC. ® Non-RNAV back-up conventional PROC below minimum vectoring ALT (incase of lass of RNAV 1 capability (or RNAV system failure): 223° to ZA901 (D2 LUK) - LT intercept bearing 091° from PIS - at MNM 3000 proceed via RNAV SID flight procedure filed in FPL or according to ATC. (Changes: chart tte, AWY Designator CChartversionD 1282246 SIDPT © Lid 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA SIDs RWY 22 BARNA 5E / KOTOR 3S / MOSAV 4D / NIVES 5D / OBUTI 4J / OBUTI 4K / PETOV 4J / PODET 4F / TEBLI 5J / ZAGREB SE RWY 22 (223°) After take-off, contact Zagreb RAD. DESIGNATOR ROUTING ALTITUDES Runway 22 BARNA 5E | 223° to VG - bearing 225° PIS to MNM 3000 or D2 LUK, WEL, | VBA MNM 6000 VBA 5E LT intercept R256 inbound (076°) to VBA 120.700 6000 KOTOR 3S | 223° to VG - bearing 225° to PIS - bearing 225° from PIS to | KOTOR MNM 8000 120.700 KOTOR 6000 MOSAV 4D |223° to VG - bearing 225° PIS to MNM 3000 or D2 LUK, WEL, | MOSAV MNM 6000 120.700 [LT intercept R256 VBA inbound - at D23 VBA intercept R123 ZAG to MOSAV 6000 NIVES 5D | 223° to VG - bearing 225° to PIS to MNM 4000 or DS LUK, | NIVES MNM FL105, 120.700 WEL, and not after PIS, LT intercept bearing 169° from PIS to, NIVES 6000 OBUTI 4) —_ [223° to VG - bearing 225° PIS to MNM 4000 or D2 LUK, WEL, | 017 LUK MNM 8000 (are) and not after PIS, RT intercept bearing 017° from PIS to | OBUTI MNM FL130 120.700 Bum MILANI 6000 OBUTI 4K ——_| 223° to VG - bearing 225° PIS to MNM 3000 or D2 LUK, WEL, | ZAG MNM 7000 120.700 LT intercept R211 inbound (031°) to ZAG - R353 ZAG to | OBUTI MNM FL130 oBuTi 6000 PETOV4) [223° to VG - bearing 225° PIS to MNM 4000 or D2 LUK, WEL, | PETOV MAX FL120 120.700 ‘and not after PIS, RT intercept bearing 003° from PIS to oO PETOV 6000 PODET4F —_| 223° to VG - bearing 225° PIS to MNM 4000 or D2 LUK, WEL, | PODET MNM 8000 120.700 ‘and not after PIS, RT intercept bearing 003° from PIS - at 19.2 LUK (R289 ZAG) LT intercept A296 ZAG to PODET 6000 TEBLI5J | 223° to VG - bearing 225° PIS to MNM 4000 or D5 LUK, WEL, | TEBLI MIMI FL105 120.700 ‘and not after PIS, LT intercept bearing 120° from PIS to TEBLI 6000 ZAGREB 5E [223° to VG - bearing 225° PIS to MNM 3000 or D2 LUK, WEL, | ZAG MNM 7000 ZAG 5E LT intercept R211 inbound (031°) to 2G 120.700 6000 © Only for traffic destination LIMB Changes: chat tite, RWY Designator CartversioniD 1282265 SIDPT © Lid 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 ZAG-LDZA Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman SIDs RWY 22 ZAGREB SF RWY 22 (223°) After take-off, contact Zagreb RAD. DESIGNATOR ROUTING ALTITUDES. Runway 22 ZAGREB 5F ZAG 5F (ATC) 120.700 223° to VG - bearing 225° PIS to MNM 4000 or D2 LUK, WEL, | D18 ZAG MNM 5000 and not after PIS, RT intercept R237 inbound (057°) to ZAG | ZAG MNM 7000 HEAT 6000 (Changes: chart tte, AWY Designator ChartversionD 1282266 © Lid 2020 SIDPT Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA SIDs RWY 04 BARNA SC / KOTOR 4L / KOTOR 4R/ MOSAV 4C / NIVES 5C / OBUTI 3H / PETOV 4H/ PODET 5C / RASIN 4C / TEBLI 6C RWY 04 (043°) After take-off, contact Zagreb RAD. DESIGNATOR ROUTING ALTITUDES Runway 04 BARNA SC [043° to MNM 3000 - intercept A271 inbound (091°) to VBA | VBA MNM 6000 VBA SC 120.700 @ 6000 KOTOR 4L 043° to MNM 4000 - LT intercept bearing 209° to PIS - ‘KOTOR MNM 8000 (ATC) ing 225° from PIS to KOTOR 120.700 ® 6000 KOTOR 4R | 043° to MNM 3000 - RT intercept bearing 239° PIS to D6.3 | D6.3 LUK MNM 5000 120.700 | LUK - 239° to PIS - bearing 225° from PIS to KOTOR KOTOR MNM 8000 oO 6000 MOSAV 4C 043° to MNM 3000 or D16 LUK, WEE, RT intercept R271 VBA | MOSAV MNM 6000 120.700 ‘inbound (091°) to R271/D28.4 VBA - intercept R123 ZAG to ® ‘MOsAV 6000 NIVES 5C | 043° to MNM 3000 - intercept R199 ZAG to NIVES NIVES MNM FLA05 120.700 O 6000 OBUTI 3H | 043° to ZAG- R353 ZAG to OBUT ‘BUTI MNM FL130 120.700 PETOV 4H 043° to MNM 4000 or ZAG, WEE, LT intercept bearing 356° | PETOV MAX FL120 120.700 from SK - intercept R327 ZAG to PETOV 6000 PODET 5C 043° to MNM 4000 or ZAG, WEE, LT 356° until crossing R275 | PODET MNM 8000 120.700 ZAG - intercept R297 ZAG to PODET O 6000 RASIN4C | 043° to ZAG- RO49 ZAG to RASIN AG MM 4000 120.700 O 6000 TEBLI 6C 043° to MNM 3000 or D15 LUK, WEE, RT intercept bearing TEBL! MNM FL105 120.700 107° from SK - intercept R156 ZAG to TEBL @ 6000 © Close-in obstacles: Trees in front of THR 22 on the left and right side of the CL. Trees altitudes are up to 425ft, Only for traffic destination LIMB Changes: chart tte, AWY Designator, Note CChartersionID 1262251 ® SIDPT © Lid 2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA RNAV SIDs RWY 04 OBUTI 1U / PODET 1W / TEBLI 1W RWY 04 (043°) After take-off, contact Zagreb RAD. as | 120 | 150 | 180 | 210 | 240 | 270 4.0% | min | 500 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 | 1100 6.0% | fvmin | oo | 1000 | 1100 | 1300 | 1500 | 1700 DESIGNATOR ROUTING ALTITUDES: Runway 04 [ OBUTI1U DCT ZA802 - ZA809 [K260-] - OBUTI OBUTI MNM FL130 120.700 @ 6000 PODET 1W DCT ZA801 [K260-] - ZA807 - ZA808 - PODET 74807 MINM 5500 6.0% to 5500 ‘ZA808 MAX 8000 120.700 PODET MNM 8000 OD 6000 TEBLI1W [043° (A760+] - 097° ZA803 - 24804 [K230-] - TEBLI A803 NNM 3000 4.0% to 1900 ‘24804 MAX 7000 120.700 ‘TEBLI MNM FL105 OS 6000 © Close-in OBSTS exist. @ Non-RNAV back-up conventional PROC below minimum vectoring ALT (in case of loss of RNAV 1 capability for RNAV system failure): Direct SK (010 LUK) - LT 313° - at MNM 5500 proceed via PODET 1W or according ‘to ATC. Climb gradient applies. 'Non-RNAV back-up conventional PROC below minimum vectoring ALT (in case of loss of RNAV 1 capability cor RNAV system failure): 043° - at MNM 760 RT 097° - cross D35.3 VBAVR176 ZAG (at MNM 3000) - proceed via RNAV SID flight procedure filed in FPL or according to ATC. Climb gradient applies. (Changes: chart tte, AWY Designator ChartversionlD 1282230 © Lid 2020 SIDPT Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA RNAV SIDs RWY 04 BARNA 1W/KOPRY 1W/ KOTOR 1U/ KOTOR 1W / MOSAV 4W/ NIVES 1W WY 04 (043°) After take-off, contact Zagreb RAD. as | 120 | 150 | 180 | 210 | 240 | 270 4.0% | tin | soo | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 | 1100 DESIGNATOR ROUTING ALTITUDES: Runway 04 BARNA 1W 043° [A760+] - 097° ZA803 - ZA804 [K230-] - VBA ‘ZA803 MINM 3000 VBA 1W ‘ZA804 MAX 7000 4.0% to 1900 VBA MNVM 6000 120.700 o TEER 6000 KOPRY 1W DCT ZA802 - ZA809 [K260-] - KOPRY 120.700 ® 6000 KOTOR 1U {043° [A4000+ :L] - DCT PIS - KOTOR KOTOR MNM 8000 (atc) 120.700 oo 6000 KOTOR 1W 043° [A760+] - 097° ZA803 - ZABO4 [K230-] - ZAB05 [K250-] | ZA803 MNM 3000 4.0% to 1900 ~ KOTOR ‘ZA804 MAX 7000 120.700 74805 MNM 9000 © 6000 MOSAV 1W 043° [A760] - 097° ZA80S - ZA8O4 [K230-] - MOSAV 74803 NNM 3000 4.0% to 1900 ‘ZA804 MAX 7000 120.700 MOSAV MNM 6000 0D 6000 NIVES 1W 043° [A760+] - 097° ZA803 - ZA804 [K230-] - ZA805 [K250-] | ZA803 MNM 3000 4.0% to 1900 _|- ZA806 - NIVES 74804 MAX 7000 120.700 ‘ZA805 MINM 9000 oD ‘NIVES MNM FL105, 6000 © Close-in OBSTS exist. @ Non-RNAV back-up conventional PROC below minimum vectoring ALT (in case of loss of RNAV 1 capability cor RNAV system failure): 043° - at MNM 760 RT 097° - cross 035.3 VBAVR176 ZAG (at MNM 3000) - proceed via RNAV SID flight procedure filed in FPL or according to ATC. Climb gradient applies. ) Non-RNAV back-up conventional PROC below minimum vectoring ALT (in case of loss of RNAV 1 capability ‘or RNAV system failure): 043° - at MNM 4000 LT - direct PIS - at MNM 5500 proceed via KOTOR 1U or according to ATC. (Changes: chart tte, AWY Designator CChartversionD 1282229 SIDPT © Lid 2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA RNAV SIDs RWY 22 OBUTI 1V/ PODET 11 / PODET 1V / TEBLI 1V RWY 22 (223°) After take-off, contact Zagreb RAD. as | 120 | 150 | 180 | 210 | 240 | 270 4.0% | min | 500 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 | 1100 6.7% | tvmin | 900 | 1100 | 1300 | 1500 | 1700 | 1900 DESIGNATOR ROUTING ALTITUDES Runway 22 [ OBUTI1V | DCT ZA9O1 [L] - DCT ZA902 [K250-] - ZAG - OBUT AG MNM 9000 4.0% to 2300 ‘OBUTI MNM FL130 120.700 oD ‘6000 PODET1T —_| 223° [A4000+ 8] - DCT ZA908 [K250-] - PODET PODET MIM 8000 6.7% to 5000 120.700 6000 PODET1V | DCT ZA901 [L] - DCT 2A902 [K250-] - ZA903 - PODET PODET MNM 8000 4.0% to 2300 120.700 6000 TEBLI1V | DCT ZA9O1 [L] - DCT ZA904 - TEBLI 74904 MAX 8000 4.0% to 2300 TEBLI MNM FL105 120.700 od 6000 © Glimb gradient due to G class airspace. @ Non-RNAV back-up conventional PROC below minimum vectoring ALT (in case of loss of RNAV 1 capability ‘or RNAV system failure): 223° to ZA901 (D2 LUK) - LT intercept R206 ZAG - at MNM 3000 proceed via RNAV SID flight procedure filed in FPL or according to ATC. 'Non-RNAV back-up conventional PROC below minimum vectoring ALT (in case of loss of RNAV 1 capability (or RNAV system failure): 223° to ZA901 (D2 LUK) - LT intercept bearing 091° from PIS - at MNM 3000 proceed via RNAV SID flight procedure filed in FPL or according to ATC. (Changes: chart tte, AWY Designator ChartversionD 1282245 SIDPT © Lid 2020 ACP Croatia Zagreb Pleso ¢5 5 Croatia Zagreb Pleso ac c | ZAG-LDZA MRC MRC Tt EE EEE A AEA SARA RA ; eo SNE. tanga _ ovr NEKIN “{ Chart only to be used Meet. for cross checking of A, altitudes assigned while under RADAR CTL 4 ‘ubijana ont 2182 jh 1908. 2864, 2114 K AE ZS 367 ZAG fm Ass vei 10 ZAGREB 0113.7 ZAG gues H ; ‘ARP. utuo 4 M5 446 \ a £016 044 ‘ < '. KRALJEVEC 350 SK Nas 4§)3 F516 09.9 VELIKA GORIOA 325 VG 5 E016 02.5 PISAROVINA 424 PIS LUCAVEK (0109.85 LUK __ Mo FAEOTE 599 bs, on SARAJEVO FIR Las 5185" RUDK 84 ¢ (Changes: WPT LULUD, NEKIN, VAR CChartVersionlD 1193465 © Lido 2019 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman r Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman Tempo AFC ot 1 Yaazin | ATIS 1248575 DV 0 j9.\ =" De TRA RAD 120.700 118.500 VARAZDIN TWR 118.300 119.125 re ca eh GND 121.850 o700-15008 Info 135.050 riTaA22 2 \ pide a) Mi ENA lois Lux se00 016240 ]D10 LOK 1910] 5.8 LUK 590) ZAGREB QF 113.7 ZAG P| 5 aaLENEC 350 SK N45 4838016 09.9 VELKA GOAICA S| 3256 N45 435 Gis 025- \ Tato TRA 91) 191 HP ZA712 ZAT12 o* aa — Ss v BpEHSON EKSON, Toone 1 400.5 Lu ChartVersionlD 1392473 Lido 2021, Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman AFC AFC ge _— T . Tat soa LER ae ATIS 124.575 oArel RAD 120.700 118.500 (4, TWR = 118.300 119.125 GND 121.850 0700-1500¢ TSA Ti 3, 135.050 is Tea goatee Lat Is Gat 4 109.1126 D15 LUK 3500] \ Tato TRA 190 Toone 1 400.5 Lu ZAT12 wy | NAS 335 Wee) | so) Se 424 PIS 77842 Vp 14g TSAS a 8.3 IZA 3000} 30 1a 1380 r Tad Changes: RWY Designator, SUAS ChartVersiolD 1282075 © Lid 2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA AGC AGC eois"0ss 124.575, 135.050 TWR 118.300 119.125 GND 121.850 o7o0-1s008 Handling 131.550 HS 1: Pilots vacating via TWY C are to hold short of TWY F and wait ATC clearance, Pilots are to obtain ATC clearance to enter TWY T due to restricted access. HS 2; Presence of fast taxiing jet ACFT and HEL. Potential conflict with airside vehicles. Road barriers operated from the TWR. Pilots are to maintain a good lookout at all times. ATC Service Boundary Remar TWYT: Military use only vanace MAG UP mo 500 SE ft0 2000 (Changes: RWY Designator, BLOG, TKOF INT, Editorial CChartVersionlD 1282069 © Lid 2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ZAG-LDZA APC APC 7 ‘COORDINATES Info is a WEST APRON Not to scale WA, WB N45 44.2 £016 03.8 TWR 118.300 119.125 WD N45 44.1 E016 03.7 ‘COORDINATES GND 121.850 700-1500 WE N45 44.0 £016 035 EAST APRON ; Wi N45 44.2 £016 03.9 FA,E2 N45 44.6 £016 04.8 Handling 131.550 N45 44.2 £016 03.8 E3 N45 44.5 E016 04.8 E4-E7R N45 44.5 £016 04.7 N45 44.1 £016 03.8 F8Q, EBR N45 44.4 £016 04.6 Wo-WB N45 44:1 E016 03.7 EBL N45 44.5 E016 04.6 Wo N45 44.0 £016 03.7 W10-W14 N45 44.0 £016 03.6 ESET N45 44.4 E016 04.6 IHS 1: Pilots vacating via TWY C are to hold short of TWY F| and wait ATC clearance. Pilots are to obtain ATC clearance to enter TWY T due to restricted access. FIRE STATION “aw West Apron. FLEV 350 TERMINAL East Apron ELEV 345; Legend: === ATCService Boundary Remark: TWYT: military use only GA TERMINAL Not to scale AD ELEV 383 Changes: RWY Designator, BLDG, Eitoral CChartversionlD 1282298 © Lido 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman SIDs RWY 22 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman SIDs RWY 22 I PEIOV, Za on7 TSA117 i OBUTI ot TSA 115 ANS: ig av ' 1 ab 1545, ' ' \ 190 RA 190 Tsa159 ( @ TRA 159 MTAPULA CORRIDOF ot 2o2r A @mosav 40, OBUTI 4K, VBA 5E, ZAG 5E) @ oBuTi 44, PETOV 4J, PODET 4F, ZAG SF) ‘@INIVES 50, TEBLI 5) 4000 or o2LuK and not after PIS ©4000 or OS LUK 1 and not after Pl pus TSA149 TRA 9 Changes: chart tte, RWY Designator, SUAS ChartversionD 1282252 © Lido 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman PODET 8000 do 10.3, E015 37.5 SIDs RWY 04 Th) PETOV Flap Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman SIDs RWY 04 eae es OBE Tsk PON. FLI30 1) > Bc trae, ov, 204 rant TRA ge Warnit \ ois \TSA 192 \TRA 192 piso \aret \, Pt ons Lice a 7 1 1 of I Cerkle ob Kr i ‘ 1 356° (PODET 5C) 3922 D1 TBA 189 TB 3000 or 016 LUK (3 (MOSAV 4C, TEBLI 6C) 4000 (KOTOR 4L ATC) @3000 (KOTOR 4P, NIVES 5C, VBA 5C) 4000 or ZAG INIA (PETOV 4H, PODET 5C) MTA PULA CORRIDOR P , bearing 356° fromSk PETOV 4H) | 113.7 ZAG 145 53.7 E06 18.4 ‘4000 (RASIN 4c) 350 Sk Nas 48°3 FiTi6 09.9, Close-in obstacles bus ——v TRA 149. TRA 41.22 Tie Bee Changes: chat tte, AWY Designator, Eitrial piss a FO srs fm maior See TRL ATC [oe | 1A 10000 ChartVersionlD 1282249 © Lido 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 ZAG-LDZA 13500 \ 2500 1500 )\ on Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman RNAV SIDs RWY 22 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman RAD GNSS required RNAV 1 23 -~ sh. fae (OBUTI IT, a ag 3H 52 6 uth ae i uk tn z Mag 5202 OB ice x Wy, THe) eano0 PD 1088 LUGAVEK 13 109.85 LUK TSA 149 TRA 149 D Pe TRATHC TSA 146 D165 165 ‘ TSA 165, Changes: chart tite, RWY Designator, SUAS TSA152 TRA 152 p1g2 Dt64 0) [ravate “| 1410000 ChartVersionlD 1282243 © Lido 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman RNAV SIDs RWY 04 RNAV Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman SIDs RWY 04 RAD 120.700 118.500 184191 pre TRA 191 ia HL CORDOR PS: 8 FS 2K

, es due but A a ny | s 73494 a RA 10 Saati RAD 120.700 1500 aaa) 2) , NS E | ho s a §37 2250 Es, Pies fe? TRAY | t S S ZAGREB ]T5A 12 \ 3 ano-5400 serzag | cana) | /4 ee 4 A igh Nes $4.0 COT 18.7 iso 0117.4 vBa | 1 1 N45 4498017 088} cere ob Kk et Lice 3 31 Ph : 139 , i 1A 38 Tsao] pis0 t 00 °2804_ = aon Dia 5 TsA190', AEB CORRIDOR 749) tha 1a 12 706 uaz buat MIATA SA 142 TRAM F TRA 142 Tanai L. Mra tgp " ‘ a : 136, ave TRA 191 pus / i ‘ d 23 ] FxSya compo . var 48 | 3540 ‘ TSA TSA 8. . piso(ley S oD Ax 4000 and above, higher | By weer 3| ae holding speeds applicable |., B\2| , Oe means BSS kyo I oun \ ‘Si io van 4° . o MAG UP 5160 Da a DIS TsA19 - sa 160 /AN49 26.5. e TRA 154 € : Oh BOB AS Asa 158 ee io ye fe . SL TRA165—_Tayt64 TSA 164 60 x 16 Ue 8 "ADELEV 303: TRA 156 TRA 166 47) trcatc | § te ra ce] : LI TSA 165 |W, 2 EL ta too00 | 2 (Changes: chart tte, AWY Designator ChartVersionlD 1282224 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman RNAV STARs RWY 22 RNAV STARs RWY 22 ener eon7-00 TRA109 {5518 ids DOA sara \ TRA ANS 124575 RAD 120.700 aba 7 ae watt 7 d TS : Te ~-4000- VY Se ca 2 ter geic| Mussrs a AGRE en w Jao \ ie aE 7. th eda 5500 A Radar required MAXZSOKT GQ Yl GNSS required e016 13.7. TINBO \ "4900 RNAV 1 Nas 4SE677 08.8 282°. j a 139, 39 ] TRA AWN OIA by ATC only. For APCH transition from ODOKA and TINBO see BNP 22 @HLDG by ATC TRATHD TA 149 D149 TRAN TAB TsA2 TRA2 maa tga SA 152 0182 754151 Th 015) 1851 . TA 181 pogoy TRA 156 TSA156 - 164,77 $e TRA 168 TSA 168 TRA 18 D168 p16? a a v67 eyes | TN TRLATC RUDI ' ' : ) Changes: chart tte, Note, SUAS CChartVersionlD 1282217 © Lido 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman RNAV STARs RWY 04 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman RNAV STARs RWY 04 ‘aTIs RAD 120. 124.575 700 PPE un MTA WEST BUDAPEST FR Lice. ADELEVSSE 9.198 1) 75 Via 1 ik TRA \ md base 013 ‘at Vea TSA 14 TRA133 Hy @UAF by ATC only. For APCH transition from GODLA and TAFNI see NP 04 oraz TRA 130, | BARNA Radar required 117.4 vBa | || eniiees ff [oxs5remiet 4 A oY mai) 47 zt | mael[ 39 2 RA 145, 149 @HLDG by ATC Rime Sl t BNCisa 104 gw B HPEKSON |! 1= i TA 15) G a) EKSON : 7A617 MAX 250KT Ce TRL ATC ‘TA 10000 ChartVersiolD 1282215 Changes: chart tte, Note, SUAS © Lido 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 ZAG-LDZA TLS FWY 04 0109.5 IZA b 6 ci ks 05.7 PISAROVINA Do tUK 424 PIS MTAZAGR DIB IZA e | ‘Da3izZA 8.1 LUK 1310 LUCAVEK IZA 109.85 LUK bgonnoon 2507 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman LCTR 04 en1st10" DME required ANS 124575 Info 135,090 TWR 118.300 119-125 00.7 ZA, D3 LUK D2 IZA D1.7 LUK @Ax 4000 and above: Higher holding speeds applicable @) eet 30° THR 353 (13hPa) / 12 353 (—-%) | 0.0% D4.6LUK 3 LUK 043° (3002—@. toa climb 4000, os [0 [0 [160 7 axes | 750 | a0 Oster ews [A [WA 04 LCTR DME Circling sean oy c. | t-mkm 3053" a AV i D ft-mkm} 360-900 700 - 3.6V ft 710 1060 Changes: chart tte, RWY Designator, MIN, TDZE, SUAS ChartversioniD 1282072 ED © Lid 2020 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman Effective _27-FEB-2020 ZAG-LDZA ILS or LOC 22 ANS 124.575 R64) Info. 135.050 TWR 118.300 119.12 'S. KRALEVES 350 SK \D10 LuK @A‘t 4000 and above: Higher holding speeds applicable NS ee ELEV 353 3.0" 950 | 1590| 2240| 2880] 32 0% [DZ 349 (--%) / THR 348 (13hPa) | _HL-PI 50 | 1590) 2240) 2660) 3200) 3500 LUK 058 010 15 LUK sk 03246 ZAG 205° to PIs, climb 3000 3500. aS 120 | 140 [160 om | 640 | 750 | 850 cnet | 2:05 | 147 | 134 an aera ie Cat1 ‘LOC DME Circlin 22 , seathD omy ¢ |t-mam| 200-550 | 390-4.1 640-2.4V ft 550. 730 990 p |t-mam|) 200-550 | 390-11 740-36 | 2 ft 550 730 1090 7 @ 1) Timing to determine MAPLIA Changes: chart te, AWY Designator, MIN, SUAS ChartversioniD 1282092 ED Effective _27-FEB-2020 ZAG-LDZA VELA GORICA | 325.6 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman LCTR Y 22 LCTR Y 22 18.4 LUK ANS 124.575 Info. 135,050 TWR 118.300 119-125 HP PIS @At 4000 and above: Higher holding speeds applicable MA JACREB CORRIDOR Z £ i aa ge Asa O 7 TRL ATG 424 PIS : SA A 10000 500" 50 50") 7 | 8 | 9 | 41] 14 | 166 1 DLUK 0 960 | 1270 | 1590 | 2220 |3180 | 4000 0% [DZ 349 (--%) / THR 348 (13hPa) | _HL-PI D3 LUK p10 0166 018.4 LUK VG sk 286 228° to PIS climb 3000 oe 2000, ‘. _[ 10 | 140 | 160 1900 TO LOK 640 | 740 | 850 MDA smart [NA [NA[ NA Hi 47h 70 OST o THR LCTR Circlin 22 seat oy ¢ |t-mam| 419-1.2 640-2.4V ft 750 990 p | t-mam| 410-12 7403.60 ft 750 1090 (Changes: chart tte, AWY Designator, ALT, MIN, SUAS ChartversioniD 1282004 ED © Lid 2020 ZAG-LDZA Expect Radar vectors before entering TAA area Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman 124.575 135.050 118.300 119.125, Radar required TE @HLDG above 4000 by ATC only TAA HP EKSON MAG UP EKSO! 4000 2) Uncompensatod BARO VNAV NA belon -15°C 50 HL 3.0" 3.0" 1360| 2000| 2640| 3271 0% [DZ 349 (--%) / THR 348 (13hPa) | _HL-PI TED | eee |e eee ee |e RW22 47 98 15.5 RWZ2 RW22 - EKSON [A4000} _ _ 223° (R223 ZAG) to EKSON os climb 4000 ~~ sma tio] YS 1900 mst DIDEX | 640 | 740 | 850 MDA : En16 083} ame. WAT WANA : q of eee ves Lev LNAV/VNAV —LNAV Circling 02 5 SE of AD only ¢ t-mam| 310-750 | 310-750 400-41 640-2.4V ft 650. 650 740 990 p | t-mam| 320-750 | 320-750 | 400-11 740 - 3.6V ft 660 660 740 1090 ry wit EvS 380m '3) Timing to Goring MAPL HA ‘Changes: Completely revised ChartversioniD 1282095 ED © Lid 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 YVELIKA GORI TUCAVEK 10,109.85 LUK 325 VG Bath 100 Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman ILS or LOC 04 ILS or LOC 04 109.5 IZA 124.575 135.050 118.300 119.125 RAR DME required for LOC only / @at 4000 and above: applicable Higher holding speeds 3000 2600) 1320 3 0° par [THR 353 (13hPa) [D2 353 (—-%) | oom D4.6LUK 00.1 7 D5LUK 007 IZA 2) Timing to determine MAPLWA 043° to ZAG climb 4000 si [10 [160 ‘ont | 640-| 750-| 060 DIST to THR apt! 1:30 [1:17 | 1:08 04 Cat3b | Cat2 h Cat? Cat? | LOCDME | Circling % % 2 SE of AD ony | t-mkm 0-75R 100 - 300R 200-400 200 - 550 330-800 600 - 2.4V | Company | 100 Ra 560 560 680 960 p | t-mxm 0-75R 100 - 300R 200 - 400 200 - 550 330 - 800 700 - 3.6V | Company | 100s 560 560 680 1060 Fy th EWS 360m 5) condng aula AR Sm requ (Changes: ALT ChartVersioniD 1286287 ED © Lid 2020 MTA PULACO s & GODLA Effective _27-FEB-2020 RSS 3000 724p > \ MAX 185KT 14 9/ of LSA Vz, TAFNI xX it a, JAIN van 4 € Na ~ y 4000 BAPEK * 1.8R 3000 Sy @HILDG aboveaooo y by ATC onl ol 5.5 RWO4 / ya ony za4n1 ~~ Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman 128.575 135.050 118.300 19°25 RW04 GY cared TA ZAGREB ORADOR 25 TAA valid for ZAGREB FIR only a MAG UP 3 0° itpar [THR 353 (13hPa) 712 353 (—-%) | oom 3000 2000 1680 | 1370 | 1050| 730 ra te 2 aaa) BWOd - RERNA [44000] 043° to ZAG intercept R042 ZAG OA to RERNA clio 4000 sas 2150 s_[ a0 [0 [160 E016 03.1 BAEK | 640" 740 | 850 eae eee ssf -wwet NA [WANA 04 LPv LNAV/VNAV—sLNAV Circling 33 9238 2 SE Ot AD ony ¢ | t-mm| 260-750 | 260-750 | 360-900 640- 2.4V ft 610 610 710 990 p |t-mam| 270-750 | 270-750 | 360.900 740 3.60 ft 620 620 710 1090 yin SR 600m 3) Unopened BAO VAY HA bon 15°C wit Sd 4 Timing storming WELW (Changes: Editorial ChartVersioniD 1286293 ED © Lid 2020 Effective _27-FEB-2020 ZAG-LDZA S LUCAVEK , 0) 109.85 LUK MTA ZAGREG CORRIDOR ° - , AD ELEV 353, Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman LCTR Z 22 124575 | 4, SERERS | i, 135050 TWR = 118.300 350SK 119125 1900 DIO LUK HP PIS PISAROVINA 424 PIS é {yp ZacRe8 CORRIDOR 90: PSS? @At 4000 and above: tae Higher holding speeds - applicable » 424 PIS 0 3.0" 60 HL 7 8 9 11 | 14 | 16.6 DLUK 3.0" 950 | 1270 | 1590| 2220 | 3180 | 4000) 9.0% [TDZ 349 (--%6) 7 THR 348 (13hPa) | HL-P1 ‘D3 LUK p10 (016.6 018 LUK VG SK ZAG 225° to PIS climb 3000 oN 2000, ~ ~ S100 | 140 [160 ws pou’ 6ao | rao} 350, |__-" MDA ut) smart [NA [NA[ NA Hi ary 70 OST o THR LCTR Circlin 22 seat oy c | t-mkm) 410-1.2 640 -2.4V ft 750 990 p | ft-mam} 410-1.2 740 - 3.6V ft 750 1096 (Changes: Editorial ChartversioniD 1286298 ED © Lid 2020 ZAG-LDZA PISAROVNA 424 PIS EI 7 LUK TUCAEK [ae ‘D2 LUK * =n '3000 4.6 LUK a 9) on 4000 and above: Higher holding speeds applicable Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman fs <= Oy. Tempo LCTR Z 04 en1st10" DME required AORTIC ANS 124575 Info 135,050 TWR 118.300 119-125 HP ZAG £3.0° pu | 4°) 3 1 | LUK} 1 . 5. 60 HL ase 2490| 1850) 1530| 1220] 91 30 arose | 3000] 2490) 1850) 1830) 1220) 900 liL-p2r [THR 353 (13hPa) / TZ 353 (--%) | 0.0%. 4.6 LUK D2 WK 01.7 D3LUK VG {3000>— climb 4000 eS _[ 120 [140 | 160 D2LUK| 640 | 740 | 850 eae apt | NA | NA_[ NA LCTR DME Circling 04 WK» SE of AD only ¢ | tt-mam| 360 - 900 600. 2.4V ft 710 960 p | ft-mam| 360-900 700 - 3.6V ft 710 1060 1) timing to determine MAPLNA (Changes: new ChartversioniD 1391922 ED A Lido 2021, Lana Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman = Tempo ILS ¥ or LOCY 22 af Ruva~ ILS Y { or LOC Y 22 124.575 'S. KRALEVES 350 SK 05.8 LUK b VELIKA GORIGA 325 VG ZAGREB @A‘t 4000 and above: Higher holding speeds applicable 3.07 o.o% [TDZ 349 (--%6) / THR 548 (13hPa) 2230) 2870) 3190 1) Timing to determine MAPLIA Huet 05.8 LUK 010 15 LUK sk 03246 ZAG 225° | to PIs, climb 3000 oot 3500. op 302 Gs__| 120 | 140 | 160 1910 om | 640 | 750 | 850 ape | 205 | fa? | 134 0 06 475 10 _DstomR Cat1 ‘LOC DME Circling 22 . SEotAD ony ¢ |t-mam| 200-550 | 390-4.1 640-2.4V ft 550. 730 990 p |t-mam|) 200-550 | 390-11 740-36 | = ft 550 730 1090 7 @ (Changes: new ChartversioniD 1392197 ED Croatia Zagreb Franjo Tudman fs = ZAG-LDZA Tempo ILS Z or LOG Z 22 A ILSZ or LOC Z 22 RNAV 1 for Initial APCH, TAA and RERNAHLOG required ATIS 124575 Info 135,050 TWR 118.300 119-125 PROC for fight validation only by approved operators Expect Radar vectors before entering TAA area 8. KRALJEVEC Radar required | “|! PROC on tral || TAA valid for ZAGREB FIR only required for LOC only HP PIS Nasa PISAROVINA f > pl “ars Ag TRL ATC ‘ADELE 353 TA 10000 ToC 300} 3.0" le eo tt is) io ae 3.07 oor [107 349 (--96)7 THR 348 (13Pa) | HPL 960 | 1280) 1610| 2260) 2900 | 3000 D3 ZAG 05.8 LUK ao p18 Coigsuik 203° intercept bearing 227° to PIS e climb 3000 wor : o_o | Tao [760 ‘on | 640] 740-| 880 ware | 2.05 | 147 | 134 Toe am aan Cat1 ‘LOC DME Circling 22 . SE AD oly ¢ | f-mam| 200-550 | 390-1.1 600- 2.4V ft 550. 730 960 p |t-mam| 200-550 | 390-11 700 - 3.6 ft 550. 730 1060 Lido 2021, 1) Timing to determine MAPLIA (Changes: new ChartversioniD 1392245 ED

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