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From Isis with Love Welcome Beloved Ones, welcome to your new world! Welcome to your newest creation.

For this is a time of profound changes upon your planet, and for this reason you are here at this time, to participate in the changes that are occurring. I would remind you that the changes you see in your physical world are happening due to the changes that are occurring in each of you individually. For your world to change you must allow yourself to change. Your surroundings are a reflection of what is occurring within your own being. At times it is indeed difficult for you to see the change within your own self, but that is only due to your depth perception, or to put it in other words, the difficulty humans have with seeing clearly due to being so embedded in the illusion of duality. To give a metaphor for this, if you are deep within a forest you cannot actually see the entirety of the forest due to the trees of the forest surrounding you and blocking your bigger perspective, so it is for the human deeply within the illusion you call reality, you do not see the whole picture due to the circumstances surrounding you. But you can indeed rise above the forest and see the entirety of the picture, you can rise above your circumstances and have a clear view. The rising I speak of here is done in awareness, for as your awareness, or your consciousness rises you naturally raise yourself above the confines of duality and gain a broader perspective. The more your consciousness (awareness) rises the clearer you will see. Your physical world, which is your creation, will mirror your inner changes for you, and it would be well for you to keep an eye on the physical changes around you and to discern the significance of the changes for yourself personally. This would be for you to become aware of the reality lying beneath the illusion of duality. When you become aware of the hidden reality it is hidden no longer, and your very awareness of it will spark the energies to allow your true reality to become manifest in your physical reality. Beneath the illusion of physical reality flows a mighty river of compassion and joy. Breathe with me a moment to feel this reality that underlies the game you play called being human. Take a deep and conscious breath and expand your awareness into the true reality, into the core of what underlies your illusion. You will feel a mighty river of energy flowing sometimes gently, and at times rushing so that it tumbles all in its path. This river of energy is rushing now, indeed tumbling and rolling all in its course, ready to burst forth into your illusion, your physical reality. You are weary of hiding your truth, and weary of simply viewing the picture of your truth and never experiencing your truth. You are indeed weary of feeling lost in the forest, your illusion of physical reality with seemingly no way out. The picture I speak of here is your current physical circumstances, the play that you live within, the one that is called being human. The true reality is that which is ready to flood the illusion so that the illusion (picture) is no longer necessary. For you see it is not about destroying anything or annihilating anything, it is not even about fixing anything. The illusion, the picture of true reality needs not to be destroyed or to be fixed. Indeed all it needs is transformation, for the time of living in a picture is over, the time of games is over. You need them no longer, no longer do you need a picture to reflect your reality, no longer does an illusory game serve you. Its time to be real and to allow that river under the illusion to flow without thus transforming fear and doubt into total trust and compassion which naturally transforms physical reality (picture) into true reality! This is the transformation of duality itself, the picture becomes the truth, no longer being merely a reflection of reality it becomes the reality itself. As you allow this change to occur in you it will begin to flow into

your physical world, thus transforming your circumstances. The more you are in compassion and trust of your own being the more your physical surroundings will reflect that change. There is indeed a grand transformation happening at this present time and know that without each and every one of you that are open and honest with your own self and truly committed to living as the authentic You, this would not be occurring. In order for the transformation of the illusion into reality to occur it must begin in the humans first of all. The changes you see in your physical world are a culmination of the combined changes within each and every one of you. I do not mean a culmination in the sense of an end that has a stopping point to it, but in the sense of an end that signifies a new beginning, an expansion, an evolution. For as you individually evolve your physical world evolves. Each of you are a treasure, adding your own particular unique expression and flavor to the collective of humanity. Each of you are a grand and magnificent treasure indeed! Never discount your own worth! You are worth as much as any other being on the planet or on the other realms. You are all dearly, dearly loved! And the thing that I would like to say is to love yourself first of all, this is vital for if you do not love and accept yourself just as you are you emit the radiance of non acceptance and judgment therefore bringing those experiences to yourself. But if you truly love and accept yourself then your radiance is compassion and acceptance, which will bring you those experiences in turn. Do this for you Beloved Ones, care for you, love you in whatever way you will. Take a deep breath into your core and ask how you can love and nurture yourself. Whatever ideas come to the forefront are your wisdom speaking. Listen to your heart, follow that divine beat and do it for you. Do it for no one else, for no one else is your responsibility. Only YOU are responsible for you. So this I would say to you Beloved Ones, you are Dearly Loved, so as you are loved by Spirit, love yourself! If you are loved by Spirit why do you not love and accept your own self? Does Spirit care what you do or what you have done in the past, does Spirit judge you? If not why do you judge yourself? For Spirit truly does not judge you, She only accepts you as you are. So I would ask you why you do not accept yourself just as you are? Is there any higher standard of acceptance and compassion than that of Spirit? Ponder on these words Beloved Ones, and with your eternal breath, breathe in the acceptance and compassion of Spirit, breathe in the love Spirit has for you and let the breath permeate every cell of your being. Welcome yourself home with open arms breath by breath! For to love yourself first and unconditionally is the only step in allowing that might river of reality to manifest in your world, which it is more than ready to do. And you are ready Beloved Ones, ready to live as the totality of who you are, not just gods on Earth, but as the expansion and evolution of god (Spirit) itself! For this is what these changes within you and upon your Earth are about - the evolution of Spirit. As you allow your own growth, as you allow your own evolution from merely human to the expression of evolving Spirit you allow Spirit herself to experience his own evolution. Nothing else really matters but the expansion of Spirit, for Spirit IS expression and expansion. There was indeed a time long ago that there came to be a great halt in the expansion of Spirit. This was a time that we all, including you, became afraid that all creation would cease, for energies must move. When energies are stagnant and stuck there is no expansion and with no expansion there is no evolution. If the energies are not moving they will eventually implode, and we did not want that to happen. In fact it did not happen for there was a resolution to those stuck energies and you are living that resolution in your now moment. The only purpose Spirit has is

evolution you could say, the constant renewing and expansion of Itself. Because of the compassionate nature of Spirit she desires to expand and to experience his expansion, and it is accomplished through your experience for you in your core self are Spirit! You have now reached in experience something that occurred eons ago, the resolution of the energies that were stuck. The very energies of Spirit had become stagnant and sought resolution, and you Beloved Ones are now living out the resolution in your illusion, within your picture is the reflection of the truth. So what was the resolution you may ask... the resolution of the stuck energies of Spirit were the joining together of the timeless and eternal Spirit with the stagnant energies in a blend so consummate that a new creation came into being. It came into being breath by breath, the energies began to move once more breath by conscious breath. The picture you are living now is that of your own Divine Soul coming home to you the human to create the evolution of Spirit (You) in a brand new creation, which is the new human, a blend of the Divine spark of Spirit and the dualistic human aspect which when they come together in this way it transmutes the energies of both into a whole new creature. So you see, there is a grand occurrence on your planet at this time and it is totally new, for this is the evolution of Spirit that you are experiencing. And please do remember that You are Spirit also! You are the living expression of Spirit, experiencing the evolution of YourSelf! Many of you wonder why you were drawn to live in a certain physical location, and I would say to you that the reason that you are drawn to be in the place that you are is that you wanted to participate in the birth of the new humanity, for that is indeed what is happening in this place you call Evergreen. Indeed the birth is happening globe wide, and there is a concentration of it in the sacred mountain energy in the area of Evergreen Colorado. This area is indeed where the birth of the new humanity, the evolution of Spirit is occurring. Indeed that is why I, Isis chose to be here at this time, to experience my own evolution within this safe and sacred space. So as I sit with you in these sacred energies of Spirits evolution I breathe the eternal breath with you Beloved Ones. Breath by breath we experience our evolution in joy! The potential for this was indeed placed long ago and now is the time of the experience of it. So celebrate Beloved Ones! Celebrate yourselves, celebrate Spirit, celebrate the new humanity, for the birth is occurring, the energies are resolved and are moving once more. Celebrate in joy Beloved Ones, and know that all is in Divine Order and that ALL is well in ALL of creation! In all honor for you Divine Ones, I am Breath by breath Eternal!

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