English Class Note

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Mon, Jan. ,24 * Why do you want to learn ere english> Cyd wants Je learn, more english because aM wants to be able te “communicate. with english speaers. * Where do you speak english, Mow?Cyd speals more english at her home. tWhere would you Like +o cpeat mere en engi Wy ‘ eto speak more english Ses eagle speakers. Becouse. che! wands to be able communicare in eng lsh. Fanny. story ye \oves the wrestling sport and loves watching ~ One day she wernt at boo see a wrestling yee wit hee cpusin, ond beether. The women! Wee Coucrie wrestler showed she started screaming Fein while her cous was recordin on one. moment her Favorite wrest\er opened his arms_and she mimicked him. When she a\so cpened her anme she dropped her cousins phone. After 6 cous p.ched up fe phone. and they Kept cositching The ma “ We learn doin " English routes 3 A ceording to an english proverb we leanre by doing. L: he childrens they learn to draw , speah &nd uprite not only by seeing ‘+, but also doing it. Not only children but also adults Jedrn_by doing. 1F an adult wants +o learn french helche cant learn by onl \iskensng bub by speabing it And thats why when you went te learn something you aust also prackice or de sb. By Jearning” by doing more opportun:Hes wil| open everyone. argue = to exchange or_express diverging or opposite. | dont want +0 argue with wy friend anyrrore. disagree = +o have or express_a_d:fferent opinion. Idi sagrec with what you said, Emely Wed, Jan 3\ Vocabulary enhancement \.nesHed to ay closely or next to 2 feeble usithout shrength or weak & vanished to stop exi ting WI disagreeable \ M ours. Fa - LH, eosbion oie FE fa G. teacher E &\0. governess 0. loo

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