Case 1 Airbnb 8

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2/2/24, 7:01 PM Assignment Print View

8. Award: 11.11 out of 11.11 points

Underlying Influences 1

What Chinese government policy contributed to Airbnb’s decision to withdraw from the country in

 requirements to form a joint venture with a Chinese bank

✓  long zero-tolerance COVID policy

 regulations about companies with interests in Japan

 Chinese banking regulations

 new restrictions in the Chinese hotel industry

Airbnb withdrew from China (in 2022) due to a prolonged zero-tolerance COVID policy and other
challenges experienced by U.S. web-based platforms.


Multiple Choice Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 10-02 Explain why

companies compete abroad, and evaluate
the advantages and disadvantages of
going global.… 2/2

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