Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Science VI

Roy D. Retorca II
Teacher Applicant

I. Objective

Compare the planets in the solar system (S6ES - IVg - h – 6)

a. Identify the planets in the solar system.
b. Classify terrestrial planets and jovian planets.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Characteristic of planet in the solar system.
B. Materials: Laptop, Power point presentation, tarpapel and activity sheets.
C. References: MELC (page 510)

Caring and appreciating planet earth

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
Good morning Sir!
Good morning class!
Our Father... Amen.
Before we start, let’s bow our heads and feel the
presence of the Lord. Our Father…
Yes Sir!
Ok, kindly pick up the pieces of paper under your
chairs and throw it in the trashcan.
None Sir!
Thank you, you may take your seat.
Who is/are absent today?

Wow that’s great! (Pupils are clapping)

Keep it up! Let’s give ourselves a warm of

B. Review

Before we start our lesson for today, please review Yes Sir!
our previous lesson.

Have your pen and paper ready. (Pupils getting their pen and paper)

Unscramble the letters to form words being

described in each statement. Are you ready? Yes Sir!
1. This means the spinning of the earth on its (Pupils writing the answer)
axis. (TAOOTNIR)

What is the answer? ROTATION!

Very Good!

2. This is the movement of earth around the (Pupils writing the answer)

What is the answer? REVOLUTION!

Very Good!

3. What causes day and night? (HTREA (Pupils writing the answer)

What is the answer? EARTH ROTATION!

Wow! You got it right

C. Drill

Okay class! This day were going to explore

the world of science.

Class are you ready to explore with my quest? Yes sir!

First, group yourself into 4. Starting from the (Pupils start counting from 1 to 4)
right side.

I have here the Word Search Grid. All the

words listed below revolve around the sun.
Find and encircle the words in the word search
grid. The direction of the words can be up,
down, to the left, to the right or diagonal.

I will give you 1 minute to find the 9 answers

in the Word Search Grid. First group to find
all the 9 answers wins and get a prize.

Are you ready! Yes sir! (Groups 1 to 4 start answering)

Congratulations to Group 4 for finding the (Group 4 receive their prize)

nine answers here is your prize.

Okay everyone, what are the 9 answers in Venus, Earth, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus,
Word Search Grid? Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Planets

Excellent pupils!

D. Motivation

Class! I have here a music video, please sing

and watch carefully, because I will be giving
questions to you after. Are you ready to watch
and listen pupils? Yes sir!

(Music Video played)

(Pupils are watching the music video)
Okay, here is my first question.
What are the planets stated in the music video?
(Pupils raise their hands)
Yes, Tetsuya stand up. What is your answer?
(Tetsuya stand’s)
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Neptune, Saturn, Uranus
Very Good Tetsuya! Let’s give him a wow
clap! (Pupils give Tetsuya a wow clap)

Next question, what is the first planet that is

closest to the sun? (Pupils raise their hands)

Yes, Megumi. What is your answer?

(Megumi stand’s)
Very Good Megumi! Let’s give her a wow
clap! (Pupils give Megumi a wow clap)

Last question, what is our home planet?

(Pupils raise their hands)
Yes, Gojo. What is your answer?
(Gojo stand’s)
Very Good Gojo! Let’s give him a wow clap!
(Pupils give Gojo a wow clap)
E. Lesson Proper

Are you ready class?

Yes sir!
Today I will be your tour buddy, I am here to
guide you and lead you in the world of
science. Where going to explore and get to
know the planets in the solar system.

So fasten your seatbelt, open your mind, your

eyes, and your ears to capture and focus to
learn and to enjoy our activities. Let start.

(Play power point presentation)

is one
of the

members of the solar system. We must

understand our neighboring planets in the solar
The solar system is composed of the Sun and
the eight planets, such as Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and

These planets are divided into 2 categories as

terrestrial or inner planets and jovial or outer
planets. Before we tackle this planets, let me
discuss first the sun.

Sun, the center of our solar system is 100

times bigger than Earth, reaches unfathomably
hot temperatures—and makes sunscreen a
really good idea. Take a breathtaking journey
to the Earth's closest star, the sun.

The 1st category in our solar system is

terrestrial or inner planets.

What planets are belonging to terrestrial or

inner planets?

These planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and

Mars. These planets are primarily made of
rocky materials, surfaces are solid, they don’t
have ring systems, they have very few or no
moons, and relatively small.

Class again what are the planets belong to

terrestrial or inner planet?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
Very Good! Always remember, the terrestrial
or inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and
Now let’s talk about the first planet that is
closest to the sun and that is mercury.
Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet
in the Solar System. Its orbital period around
the Sun of 87.97 days is the shortest of all the
planets in the Solar System. It is named after
the Roman deity Mercury, the messenger of
the gods.

Next is Venus. Venus is the second planet

from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth
days. It has the longest rotation period of any
planet It does not have any natural satellites. It
is named after the Roman goddess of love and

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the
only astronomical object known to harbor life.
Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago.
Earth's only natural satellite is the Moon.
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the
second-smallest planet in the Solar System
after Mercury.

Those are the Terrestrial or inner planets in

our solar system.

Next is the Jovial or outer planets.

What planets are belonging to jovian or outer


These planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and

Neptune. The jovian planets include gas
giants such as Jupiter and Saturn and ice
giants Uranus and Neptune.

The gas giants are predominantly helium and

hydrogen, and the ice giants also contain
rock, ice, and mixture of water, methane and

All jovian planets have multiple moons,

support ring system, no solid surface, and
immense in size.

The first jovian planet is Jupiter.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar

System. It is a giant planet with a mass one-
thousandth that of the Sun, but two-and-a-
half times that of all the other planets in the
Solar System combined.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and

the second-largest in the Solar System. It is a
gas giant with an average radius about nine
times that of Earth. It has only one-eighth the
average density of Earth.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It

has the third-largest planetary radius and
fourth-largest planetary. Uranus is similar in
composition to Neptune, and both have bulk
chemical compositions.

Neptune is the eighth and farthest known

planet from the Sun in the Solar System. In
the Solar System, it is the fourth-largest
planet by diameter, the third-most-massive
planet, and the densest giant planet.

Those are the jovian or outer planets.

Based on our power point presentation, how

many planets in the solar system? 8 planets
Very Good! There are 8 planets in the solar

What are the 8 planets in the solar system?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Excellent! Uranus, and Neptune

What are the two categories of the planters?

Terrestrial or inner planets and Jovian or
outer planets
What are the planets belonging in Terrestrial
or inner planets? Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars

What are the planets belonging in Jovian or

outer planets? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

Wow very good pupils?

What is our planet?

How can you show appreciation to our very
own planet Earth? How will you take care of By keeping our surroundings clean, stop from
the Earth? cutting trees, stop burning plastics, throwing
garbage in the right place like trash can ,
Very Good! Pupils keep into your mind that recycle materials that can be used again and
our planet is our only habitable planet up to keep animals safe.
this day and into the future, so we need to
take care and show some appreciation so that
our younger generation of human race can
still see and amaze the beauty of our planet.

F. Application

F.1 Discussing new concepts and practicing new

skills #1

Now let us see if really understand the lesson,

we will be having an activity. Yes Sir

Are you ready?

Group self into 2 groups. Starting from the

left. (Pupils starting from counting and groups into
I have here a Venn Diagram,
Use the Venn diagram to compare the inner
and outer planets. The middle section
represents the characteristics of the inner and
the outer planets have in common. A
represents the characteristics of the inner
planets that are different from the outer
planets. B represents the characteristics of the
outer planets that are different from the inner
planets. Choose your answer from the box.

Okay are you done groupa1 and group 2

Okay the first group to present is group 1

Let’s give a wow clap to group 1!

Next group to present is group 2!

(Group 1 and 2 start answering)
Let’s give a wow clap to group 2!

F.2 Discussing new concepts and practicing new

skills #2 Yes Sir!

We will have another activity using (Group 1 present their Venn Diagram)
(My Very Eager Mother Just Serve Us Nuts) (Group 2 giving wow clap to group 1)
M for Mercury
V for Venus (Group 2 present their Venn Diagram)
E for Earth
M for Mars (Group 1 giving wow clap to group 2)
J for Jupiter
S for Saturn
U for Uranus
N for Neptune

It will help you to remember the arrangement

of the planets in the solar system from nearest
to farthest from the sun.

Are you ready pupils? Yes Sir!

Now label the planet from nearest to farthest.

Okay time up, who will answer on the boad.

Okay Asta put your answer to the board.

(Pupils are answering)

Very good Asta your asnwer’s are correct.

Lets give a warm clap to Asta

G. Evaluation
(Asta raise his hand)
Get a 1 whole sheet of paper and you will the
this activity. (Asta put his answer on the boar)

Directions: Answer the following questions

using the illustration shown in the screen?

(Pupils giving warm clap to Asta)

1. Which are the inner planets?

2. Which are the outer planets?
3. Which planet is closest to the Sun?
4. Which two planets are almost of the same
5. Compare the temperature of Saturn and
Uranus. Which of the two is colder?

H. Assignment
(Pupils are answering)
Directions: Using the T-chart, compare and
contrast the characteristics of the inner and
outer planets. Choose your answer from the
box. Answer the activity in your answer sheet.

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