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Speaking 1

aldair: hello mate

mate: hello

Aldair: How are you doing?

mate: I'm fine but a bit busy

Aldair: What has you so busy?

mate: I'm getting ready to travel

Aldair: Where are you going on a trip?

Mate: I'm going on a trip to Hawaii.

Aldair: I think it's very hot there, check the weather

before traveling
Mate: Yes, of course I did, it's very hot in Hawaii.

aldair: mate, what things do you do before

confirming your flight plans?

partner: first: I water the plants in my garden,

second: I check the weather of the place where I
will travel, third: I pay the outstanding bills, fourth: I
empty the garbage from the house, fifth: I pack the
suitcases, sixth: I turn off all the lights in the house
and finally I close the main door.

Aldair: great mate, you are very organized, and what

time does the flight leave?

mate: the flight will leave in an hour,

aldair: You seem worried. What happen?

Companion: I don't remember where I put my

Aldair: Oh no!

Mate: It's here somewhere.

aldair: When did you last have it?

partner: About 20 minutes ago. Let me think... Oh,

there it is. I put it on the furniture in my room.

aldair: What a relief!

Partner: Yes, what a relief, now I won't miss the

flight to Hawaii.

Aldair: I hope you have fun on your trip, hope it

goes well

Mate: I'll have fun, I'll take a lot of souvenir photos.

aldair: see you later mate

partner: bye aldair

speaking 2

aldair: hello mate

mate: hello

Aldair: How are you doing?

mate: I'm fine

Aldair: Well, are you ready to go to the movies?

Classmate: Yes, but I forgot my bus pass and I also

have some things to do before.
aldair: you must show your bus pass to get on the

Mate: Can you help me find it? I don't remember

where I put my bus pass.

Aldair: ok, I'll help you look for it

Aldair: And what did you forget to do?

Buddy: I forgot to empty the trash, I forgot to water

the plants and I forgot to wash the dishes.

Aldair: ok mate, I'll look for your bus pass, while you
finish doing the rest.

partner: okay

Aldair: Where was the last time you saw him?

partner: About 20 minutes ago. Let me think... Oh,
there it is. I put it on the furniture in my room.

aldair: What a relief!

partner: yes, what a relief, now we can go to the


Aldair: We have to get some cash to go by taxi

because otherwise we will be very late for the

partner: okay, I've finished doing the housework,

aldair: before you go, don't forget to turn off the

lights and close the front door

partner: okay aldair

aldair: ok, let's go to the movies

speaking 3

Aldair: Hello mate.

Mate: Hi there!

Aldair: How have you been?

Mate: I've been good, just a bit busy lately.

Aldair: What's been keeping you busy?

Mate: I've been getting ready for a trip.

Aldair: Oh, exciting! Where are you off to?

Mate: I'm heading to Hawaii.

Aldair: Hawaii! That sounds amazing. Have you
checked the weather?

Mate: Yes, I've already checked. It's going to be

really hot there.

Aldair: Mate, what have you done before finalizing

your flight plans?

Partner: Well, I've watered the plants in my garden,

checked the weather at my destination, paid any
outstanding bills, emptied the garbage, packed my
suitcases, turned off all the lights, and finally closed
the main door.

Aldair: Impressive! You're quite organized. When

does your flight leave?

Mate: It leaves in an hour.

Aldair: You seem a bit worried. What's wrong?

Companion: I can't seem to find my passport.

Aldair: Oh no, that's crucial!

Mate: I know it's here somewhere.

Aldair: When did you last see it?

Partner: I had it about 20 minutes ago. Let me

think... Ah, there it is! I left it on the furniture in my

Aldair: What a relief!

Partner: Absolutely, now I won't miss my flight to


Aldair: Have an amazing trip! I hope it goes

Mate: Thanks! I'll make sure to take lots of souvenir

Aldair: See you later, mate.

Partner: Bye, Aldair!

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