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Emma Mohamed

Pea Activity Book deBook

31-39 A2
Welcome 2
Exp)O/ig't9 wildlife 4
/{/ All Nb teChno(ogg 12
Units 1 and 2 20
Sharing our skills 22
Let's celebrate 30
Units 3 and 4 38
Being kind 40
Fch im|aor§ont places 48
Units 5 and 6 56
Gooclbge 58
Celebrations 60
Work connections 62
Look and write.

/'m Leo. I li’‹•e n a

Hi! I’m Bello. I live in z
!!!o) neor
n a house next to the
Today I'm at the (tciy ncerte).
(tCiy IHla).
Hi! I'm Nodio I live on

neor some
(oduingil) on a big (h!sli) ond
(setert). (dfleis).

Read and write. Then write for you. ShOW help leo
.’. ' .” . Leo like doing in the village?

to people.
Sam like doing in the city?
about different cultures.

Belle doing in the city?

onimo ls.

N ad io on the farm?
people the countryside.


Listen and write the dotes. Then number.

Tnink of three aotes. tell a partner to write them

1isten and comptete for Linda. Then complete /'or you and write.

What time do you wake up7 6:50

Wfjot time do you hove
Wh0t time to you go to bed?

Fin0 and circle nine countries 1 Where con you find the city,
Then do the Countries Duiz. Pontevedro? join
Z h'here is tfiere a 7ree Planting Day
every year?
3 Where can you see plants on bridges and

4 \Yhere do children help people

with their shopping?
5 Where do people play board
games in the pork?
s where do people celebrate the 7 Where do people make plates and
Children’s -estival? bowts from plants?

/{§ Write about you. I’mi‹o« I five in o

IJke at

Extra time7 GREAT PLACES FE5TIVA1 Use the letters to make new woos.
Write three anim0lS that five in the ocean.

a r p I r b r ch t h 9

b tl I cr c d I

Look at Activity 1 and write.

Tner ”s a in the mountains.
Tnere's o in the desert.
in the river.

Order the animals from uig to small. Compare wi

( ). Then in CItCI1 IO /11n ke S ’1!e n Ce
ListE'n and ti C

in the snOW.

a polar bear
in bigger than a WOlt.
that a tortoise.

Look, choose and write.

A tortoise (stof /{OSB)

A ra bbit (tell / short)

A o eer
(nu te /

A polor bear
scary) (big /

smalL) (show

f lost)

Choose your favourite animal. Write a riddle for a partner.

It lives

than a
Make floshca‹ds of new words.
Rend n nd r ice G (girl), IV (wolf) GR (grandm other). Then plU t

Stop! 7 wont to talk to '/

be should Qlont more trees.

The story
” Read and write.
The pirl is
The monkeys
in the tree. (fseo)
are The deer is
Trees are
The wolf isn't
Tne gi rl is

How con you help wildlife? Write.

I con
I con
I con

Why ai e I ees mlportant? Write tnree reasons.

Order and write.
I thlJk cheetohs w
***9*mos/ th@/ / beaut;
z / think hockey g / thQn
S OWboordln
dangerous / is
0 I tf\ink peoete Ask and answer
thon / e ige / r e wing the

think / Science / E
s‹›Jh / \ / interesting ActiviU 1.
/ than / more /
thi k t yS is
e th n
ie ore i th lxl h k/ o ey
ihInk cheetahs are pqg to, I don't. f think
kangaroosy kangaroos are more
beautiful than cheetahs. b Wow! I tike inserts.
c Reaky? I like spiders.
) / Reid Dnd Write a-d. Th \i d That's unbelievable!
in Sten aFId check.

Otto› What are you doing?

ITI ftO• I’tTl tTlCtkjtjg tj h0tet for insects
tn tive in.
aico: z b
Emmo: Myfovoudte inseo is a ladybird.
They're fast.

I like spiders, ton, but

they aren't insects. Look and read. Then la\k
They've got eight eyes
and eight legs. with a partner.

Goess wfiaffi' Bees f›oPe got...

gmmo: Look! There's a butterfly
with four co\ourfut win9s.

1 Coterpikarshove got twetve smo\\ eyes.

@s. Thot's why I'm ITtakiñg
@j insect hotel for them.
2 Butterhles can't fly when it's cold.
3 Bees havegot five eyes.
4 Bf2dshovl2 gOt x«ir Cm their eyes.
Reod Cma mctch. Then read ond write
Tc sfe\ Ci UV e
D| enter The pence +n noture where on only,
sur e
What tne weather is usuo lay I ke
A Dloce to slee p and be so Ie

Do the quiz. Listen and check. Then fiStf?n again and dO the cha«',g

HOW mO ny humps have camels got?

there do camels tive?
We at do co meis eat?

Tick ( the camel's feet, mouth and eye.

How can you find out more about animal habitats?

Think ot a g rossland habitat. What animals hve there?

‹. Read and answer.
What ho bi/Ot dO bold eagles live in?
Which is foster: a bald eagle or a cheetah?

Bald eagles ore very

big birds. They are Bald eagles eat a Not
brown and they've got of fish. They also eat
a white head and toil. small animals,
like rabbits.

Bold eagles live in

habitats near rivers Bald eagles are
or the ocean. They faster than cheetahs!
find shelter in tall Cheetahs can run
trees in forests. fast, but bold eagles
con fly faster.

Plan your fact file for an animal from your country.

Description: Think of three describing words.

Habitat: Where does it live?

Diet: that does it eat?

Comparison: How is it different to another animal?

Description: are
Habitat: They live
Diet: They eat
Comparison: They're

: ›•• • • =›- -* Check your comparisons. Remember! (fost)er / more (dangerous) than...
SW*l d•
ReC\d and complete the Cro^
Across ’‹
dos- o
It tives in the mountoins. in rivers. r
O S . /t t* eS
6 This animal is danger U
n fly high.
Y This onimo\ is o bid biu. If co
1 This onima\ is s\oW• !* S iÏ " l

grassLonds or in the desert

3 This animnl can run v 2 Üt. e
It's yettow with spots.
4 This ›s a smat\ insect. It's SD E2 !
block ond shiny.
5 This animal is whit€2. It ti‹g'.S iFÏ the ArCt‹C
b This animat is big. St tives ir› thQ dQA

Look ond write. Then tisten ond

check• yoUng The heetah is +heth W

Z slow


4 COtnurfut

Read and write. Then change the words in blue and act out.

_ 7’ve done my homework, Dvd. ? (lyerol) fi/ell dane!

/ con stond on one leg for ten minutes. ! (banluieevbel)

Look over f:here. St’s o deer.

My grandmother is eigh(y today!

biggB'r than o tortoise. I jump on two tegs. What aITl ï?

Then odd another onilTl£Ïf tO eOCh habit
Thiftk oFld complète.
Which animal tives in att three hobitats’7
eagle tortoise deer knngaroo * e


Ç$ complète your journal.

step 1: Choose two animols. Step 3: Find or dro•
pictures to
step 2: Wrlte your journal. decorote it.

• • Caote!s artü desert tortoises live in

desert habitats.
• Camels and üesert tortoises eat pfants.

• Camels are more dangerous

than desert tortoises.
• Card ek have got bigg
tortoises. /. -

I lire carnets ond desert tortoises, th

but mg Jevourite onimnt is the cornet! c•
Number for youth

watching TV

watching videos coding

LOO k and write.


” *I

Which technology items con y0U L!!” ”“
reaD or write a story?

sp SI
he e-r

Look at Activity 1 and write.

Leo li kes playing computer games. He's gOt q › ,
Bella likes to lking to her friends. She's gOt
Alex likes being on time. He's
Nadia likes photography.
and a t@pt0 •
So m likes listening to music.
Which technOlD§y items have gat 5qr it
eE'*!S? Compar
e with a P "”
Listen and tick {u). Then write the words in orange.

never sometimes often otwoys

o smart watch
a mobite phone
a lnptop
a printer

At school, Annie QS uses a smart watch, but she uses

a mobile phone. She 3 uses a laptop when she goes to the ICT
room. The students use printers and they use speakers.

Look and write.

1 3e k r e e co (never)
2 Karen (usualfy)
3 DaviÖ . (often)
4 Noytï . (sometimes)
5 Max and Nur . (always)
6 Lucas ond Emma . . (never)

\¥rite true sentences obout you ond technology.

( ally)
r›'È«ti=•: wnte th£2 eén technology words in otphabeticat order.
Read and circle o or ö.
Who do Eva ond Matt often visit? a o builder SÏlTIfTIS
What animal is missing? a a cat b dog
Nho has got a camera* Eva b MFS
SimWÜ Who has 9O‹ a mobile phone? Ev0 b f <
there’s tne buElder? in a café b in a van
Where's Mini? in a café b in a van

Read and match.

Matt takes a his laptop.
Heturns on the comments.
He upoods photo.
He posts on odvertisement.
Heeos off his laptop.
Heturns the photo.

lem me about the stort!

Tne story seffing is
My favourite charocter is

HDw con you help people in your family with technology?

/@ Reod ond write.
1 Danny always after school. (play football)
Today he's . (basketball)
2 Tara sometimes . (go to the
pork) Today she .
3 Zack often . (read an e-reader)
. (book}
4 Kny usually . (visit her friend}

djs nd answer using the information in Acr/v/ 1.

Shot do you usually do after school?

h/'hat ore you doing now?

\ / Read and write a-d. Then listen and check.

Megan: Look. This website asks for Q Yes. You should tell Mrs Baker.
a photo of me. b Oh deoc You shouldn’t put
photos Mc‹rr. i r of yourself online.
/ \egon: Yes, I know. And it asks me c And you should ask her for
to write my address. a good website.
a rk: 2 d You shouldn't write your address.
It isn't safe.
gon: I know. Should I left one
teacher about this
- 3 ’’' shouldn't... .
4 Look end read. Then tnlk with a partner.
1 I play computer games alt night. I'm tired.
2 I use my laptop oil dny. My eyes hurt.
’’ 3 I always ploy in the pork after school. I'm cold.
4 My friend lives in a different city. I'm sod.
your the twDSounds red and blue. You cook good food from this book!
Read and match. Then look and write.
leo rch the internet TO t Ik to and see friends or fom ifY ODtiPe

make video catls To look for information online.

chat online To read letters online.

open emails To talk, or write short messages, to people a• „

Listen and answer. Then listen again and write. True or False?
Which p nrase (1—4) from Activity I is not mentioned?
All websites are good for young people. ,sr
You shouId osk your teacher and parents to help you find good websites.
You shouId open emails from people you don't know.
You shou\dn t telt your parents about emaits from people you don't knOW.
You shou ld never chat onLine to people you don't know.

Write four more things you shOulä or Shouldn’t dO

to use technology sofely.


’" ’. '.:! What technology rutes are there in your schoot?

Read and answer.
When does Alex watch TV?
What does he do on Sunday evening?

Saturday Sunday
In the morning, I usuotty In the morning, I usually
watch TV. At lunchtime, I do my homework. After
always eat with my family lunch, I usually ptny on
and we never look at my games console and
screens. After lunch, I often I sometimes chat online
ptay outside. In the evening, with my friends. In the
I sometimes wotch TV and evening, I always use my
talk to my family. e-reader.

Plan your digita\ weekend blog post.

iNhcr tecnnotogy
öo you use?


Nov write your blog post. Use your notes from Activity 2.

n the morning, I

sentences. Remember! We use 'ond' to Connect two ideos.

WÜOt COn you óo? Read a»d clrcte the odd one out.
P[Cty g mf?s on: a/iup / a games consote
Read stOriI¿S Cial o games consote / an e-reoder / ü

loptop Take a photo with: o comera / a pri.nter / o mobile phone

Sove photos on: an e-reader / a mobile phone / a tóptóp
Tura 0 o speoker / on Z o screen

’tt ” Order and write. Then Visten and check.

Sam “! 9* g!( .r charles c oasole

plnys / sus / his / gomes / console 7 olwoys / on

Y Of / I'm f reading f e-reader f book / a

school / at / We / printer / a / use / sometimes

uPtoad f taptop / photos / onto f often /1 / my

they / Today / smart f watches / weoring / are “ “

her / off / mobile f phone / Cnrfa / turns / never

Complete with You should or You shouIan't. Then give more odvite.

1 You shoulJ ,waeti fkns té\Epg\ish.

k A uoge in Engtish
cLass. d IQ a
dictionary. ks in
o ’* mear it. What is it?
C n
where do you usuo(ly do these activities? Think and complete.
turn on a laptop use a mobile
use a printer listen with headphones wear a smart watch read on an e reoder
upload photos take a photo with a camera

Complete your journal.

Step 1: Choose your favourite technology. Step 3: Find or draw pictures
Step 2: Write your journal, to decorate it.

uy favourite technology why is it great?

M§ e-reader is small.
e-reader Today I’m carry in lt in mg school bag.

You cm turn on n fight rind reed at

.vhat is it? night.
:'s an electronlc book.
You should
there and how often do I use it: choose books for
usually use m§ e-reader on the bus. kO*r ^9e
1 oiwo s use it before I go to bed.
I 5ornBtimes use it nt the weekend.

Think and write.

Unit 2
TechnologyI always use: Tdl y°*r g°*+'^
TechnologyI never use:
A difficult word:
An important safety rule:
—'- Listen and write. frUe orentences.
Then correct the false s
his mObile pho
reading a blog oF'I
E ‘ ÏS

g\oro is moking o video CQll.

Mike fives in Australia.
< He never sees kangeroos in his garde
s He usually sees eagles in his garden.
arden. —
c He sometimes sees crocodiles in his g

Complete the table for you. Then osk ond answer.





How often does Mike see kangoroos?

de often sees kongoroos.

Write ond match. Then talk with o partner.

There's a kangaroo in the garden.
1 a video calls With people you don't kn W
2 YOU S d be corefuf b WOw! How @_
3 You s st make
c near dangerous onimats.
Review 1
Mo o ”
y§ Read and circle.
s ¡ke's favourite animal is the To: Clara From: Mike
ongoro cimc»dñ» Subject: WI\d\ife where I tive
z Nike thinKs kangaroos ore Hi C\aro,
more friendly / cuter than
Ply favourite Australian animal is the
crocodiles. kangaroo.I think a kangaroo is more friendly
3 You should / shouldn't tnuch wild than a crocodile. But you shouldn't touch wild
onima\s. ThI2y Con be dangerous.
4 Mike often takes phOtos =ith hi» Here are photos of a kangarao and a crocodile.
mobite phone / c•mero. I often take photos with my camera.
YOU ShOU\d Up\OQd ‹f;y phOtOS onto yOUr
s Photostookbettey/ worseono laptop, not your mobile phone. The photos
bigscreen. look better on a big screen. You can pDst
s Clara con post Nike's emait / my photos on your wildlife blog.
photos on her blog. Sqeok soon.

Think about thR questions.

Write your email.
Rend and tick (I).
s your favouriteanimate
2 How is !t different to another animal? I con write facts I can compare
3 Which technology do you use to fake different animals.

To: From:

*peak soon,

Review 1
yeg•s yeview!
kid\s you've got.
Choose and write three s
I can '


Look and write›.

5 10

1 You sY›ou\d wear a helmets when you ride a bike.

2 He uses a to open the door.
3 she turns on her to see at night.
a I can buy a present with some of my
s You should eat an nppte for a healthy
s I write what I do every day in my

W'hat s more interesting: reading a magazine, do:no

Puzzle or writing a dioryy

the it s haVe
t•lI be T P
yo gO
t• / Listen and answer. Then listen again and tick (a) or cross to) fDr Nina.

y/hat is the one item Tim and Nina's dad hasn't got?


Look at Activity 1 and write.

_ Tim Sn't brin o bn
2 He
3 He
4 Nno
5 She
6 She

I I have to bring

4 I don't hove
5 I
Read and number.
5, near a Imply 0! WO!VI2S
Helen and Bi\I tiVe in the mountoin
Helen is born in New Zealand.
) Helen and Bik gO tD the desert eFf comets.
He\en trove\s to the North Pote.
Helen climbs her first mountain in New Zea\and.
Helen starts her organisation, Adventure Classroom. Thayt,
Read and write.

1 Helen cooks food on a (vetso)

Z She wears to keep her hands warm. {ovegsl)
3 She wears a to keep her body worm. (tjkceo)
4 She travels around the North Pote on a . {ldseeg)
5 She sleeps in n . (isnge / gba)
6 Helen and Birt learn how to build a shelter with , nlb)

Let:’s imagine!
Tell me about the story!
Helen Thoyer visit:s
Helen is

He / She con
He / She
yy complete the question5 and answers.
z De she wear a jacket ot schoot†
No. 5h e
he weor a helmet on his bike?

go to schoot by bus? ’
4 they go to the p, sor2 "
5 he bring a snack to schobl†

_ she take a sleeping .bag† " ” ”"

Dö”you have to ›veor o
Let's bui\d! jacket afl sdhool?
Ask ond answer.using.the '
information in Ac ivify 1.

Read ond number.

Then üsten and che«k.
ShoL we toü
online dtctionary.and ”Löok and”. reöd. Theri’ taÏk
find the answer?
Sophie: Yes, that’s a.,gnod 1 I have.ta do my .hcimewörk,
ideo, öüt It's.dIffJtu,tt.’
Pat. ?’- I vra«t to read,
Sophie: Oh, th'ank yout That’s but I can't find” It.
very kind. ü uhave ta”wear my helmet,
but.’I co!n’t.find it.
Sophie: I'm

Pot: Oh, dear..ShallI

help. yout
’’ Read and match. Then look and write.
This is all around us, but we can't see it.
To stay on the top of water.
flat To go down under the water.
To describe a surface that doesn't go up and down.


›.* What does Eva need te make the boat? Listen and tick (c).

” /. ’ z, ,

balloon wood straw bottle

"" Listen again. Then write.

A plastic DoNle
You don't wont a boot that
* The in the balloon makes How do we shore ovr
' skills? Look and tick
” ". '. ./.’ /t”

Read and answer.

Shot do you need to make a balloon boat*
What makes the balloon boot move?

First, cut the side Step 2: Then, tie the Step 3: Finally, blow air
of o plastic bottle, and balloon onto a plastic straw. through the straw. Put Che
make a hole in the bottom. Put the straw through the boot in water. The air in the
Ask an adult to help you. hole in the bottle. balloon makes your boot

' Plan your instructions for how to make a boat.

Tick ( ) the
materials you a plastic bottle a b0x a plastic straw

Words to use

Now write your instructions and draw. Use your notes from Activity Z.

jaw ID make « doot

step 2: Step 3:
1 lt isn't lunch, but you con eat it.
Z lt isn't a book, but you can read it.
3 It isn't your eye, but you con skf2 WÏth it.
4 It isn't a bed, but you can sleep in it.
5 It isn't o car, out you con trovet on
it. ”% N ”

\* Listen ond number. Then listen agoin oncl write.


1 Do Steve and Lucy have to weor hots? Nog they don't.

2 Do they have to weor jackets? , they
3 Does Anna have to see the teacher? , she
4 Does she have to ask for a bandage? , she
s Does Aunt Sue have to eat her snack now? ,she
6 Do Rochet and Bob have to finish a puzzle? , they .

*•' Order ond write. Then change the words in blue and act out. ’ ”
Katy: Are you OK? ”
zox- uo, I'm not. I con't find my dirty, '
yax: Thank you.
Katy: Let's look under the bed.
zor. That's o good iäea.
””,•there do you usually use the objects? Think and complete.

iockt rope puzzle magazine sledge

btonket glovestorch sleeping bag money helmet

” Inside Outside

sts . Choose where to go on Step 3: Find or draw pictures to

a three—day school decorate it.
st p ? Write your journal.

cabins in the forest

Poc%n$m bog!
T have to take a sleeping bag.
It's cold inside at night.
I love to tote o to rch.
We go o utside ct night.
1 don't hove to tote rnogozines.
Tnere are a Not ot books inside tile cobin.
Sharing s kitts!
1 con bench rug Jriends how to make
o den.
I want to learrt how to make a are.

Think and write.

Unit 3
My favourite object:
¿e{ S reVi*<!
Whot ore you wearing today? Write.

Look and write.


2 d
3 f

5 C

7 f
8 I
9 b
10 c

Look at Activity 1 and write.

1 In photo o there ore four drums
2 In photo b t here are colourful
3 In photo c in the streets
4 In photo d
two people and
5 In photo e wearing white and colourful
6 In photo f
on the coke.

Te\( n›e!
Shot things do you usually hove at a birthday pay.
r a timO? Write the ten celebration ord i h bet e
Listen ond tick t
) or cross t ) write.

”“ *‘ *S
a big birthday lQke.

+tt birthday c ¿E2
t/ C Dndtes On the cakf2.

°ny costume I- ,„5

! b@id (FIthe house.
O bClnd in the garden.

"” LCIok nil ’Vf"it C!bout Tom’s party.

Thereweren't arty forewords.
There was


Write about a birthday party lost year.

1 There was
3 There wasn't
Reocl and circte.
WO N Year aF›d therewas o scary
R ew
There was a ill in
/ c:ty Chino• Ït erous / brave man in the village.
°dra9on / lion catted Nion. Thf2 *’ *” oisy drums. The next day, thel e
That night, there were songs / fi * Fl
iFï ChiFlCl, there's a festivat / COke
Pas / wasn't o dragon in the vitta
to cetebrote New Year.
Rememberthe story. Cross ( II» word that isn't

hungrY surprised
The dragon thirsty

surprised fFightened hunpry

The people
were... .
The old man
Let's Imogtne!
Tell me aäout the
My favouriLs charactsr is

@$ Thlnk about New Year in y0ur country. \yt) .

1 When do you cetebrate New Year7
write the questiOFlS. thin m«t‹h.
* **’ “' * 9O“r t dQ Wheref y0Llr mum / yesterday
* WhO / at / the parade
? he / frightened
? Where f your friends / yesterday
? When f the party
? your friends / happy
Nu, he wasn't.
d They were ot a party.
It was in the
e Don and Nina were there.
evening. She nos at
f Yes, they were.
the bank.
h/here was your
mum esterdo
Ask ond answer the She was... .
)uesti0ns in Activity 1.

‹ - Read and write a-d. Then listen and check. Look and read. Then
ask and answer.

iI Kronsekoge. Can you say that

• r It's a toll coke from Denmark sari


We eat it at New Year. Do you


‹!‹ It's k-r-a-n-s-e-k-a-9-'

Can you soy that again, please?
hE's,thanks. How do you Sp£2fl kroF!5f2
What are you eating?It looks delicioUs!
What does kronsekape mean*
Read and match. Then look and write.
They're batts of gas and we see them in the sky at night.
g b It's above us and it's often blue in the day.
3 sun C \ /rovefs around Earth and we see it ifÏ the Sk¥ ot
the day.
4 moon d It's a bigster and it gives us Might Qnd heot in

ÏFt aÏ3d write.

y Listen and tÏCk (x). Then Wisten rigo

Ceebn tes:

Why do you think people oil over. _fie*

Fee:fi!vaH are

peo§ and answer.
WOSMott 's o inion of the Carnivo positive or negative?

what words does she use to describe the carnival?


gottinq hlill Carnival

Last weekend. I was at the Notting Hill
carnival, in London. There was a parade
w)tti children in beautiful costumes and
coto¿rfut masks. There were amazing bands
with -’
drums from the Caribbean. There were a'tot
pf people at the carnival and the streets were
dirty. But there was delicious food from \‹ s
or different countries.
It nos great fun. You should go!

Plan your review of a special event.



Now write your review. Use your notes from Activity 2.

ÜÜ Read and write. Then order the letters in blue to find the missing word.
These colnurfuf objects have got air insi b I
I vent to drink woter. I'm... .
3 This is a group of people who play musi
I needtowoshmyhonds.They
5 These types of Rights don't use electricity.
Oh, wnw! A party! I'm... .
7 People weor costumes, go atong a street ond play fz›MsiC. ,”

Write the questions. Then Wisten ond answer.

1 Where / Danny / at the weekend e we «
Üe ree r ’t
Z When / the party

3 Who / ot the party

4 Were / Danny's friends / hungry

5 Were / baLoons?

6 Was / band?

Order ond write. Then choose a new word and g@

o•••«r: Let's play a dictionary gome. My word is ‘ostg

Omor: It's o drum from West Africa.

think @/OUt your fovourite testivo‹ ‹OSI yEiar. Complète.
baloons dirty thirsty fLogs candtes band frightened
tred drums hungry costumes masks surprised Rights

y ÇO prete your journal.

Choose your favourite festival Step 3: Find or draw
trom test yeor. pictures to decorate
2. Hteyourjournot

summer Schoo\ TeÏf

l pos ïo the school p oç round.


Think nnd write•

My favourite festiv t
“ Listen and circle. Thin tisten again and check.
Olivia / wasn't at the International Festival last year.
2 There were traditional costumes with red / b\ue jackets and brown hats / helmets.
3 There was a sledge / sleeping bog at the Canadian stall.
4 In Canada you hove to / don't have to travel by sledge in the snow.
s There's a red maple leaf on the poster / costume.
6 Josh wants to buy some Canadian masks / snncks.

Look and write. Then ask and answer.


Th ings yo u lJ a ’e to to ke to the I nternationol Festival.

I have to take lgyes

I don't
Do you hove I:o I:oke... ?

- write and match. Then talk with n partner.

i w»ot does maple m › •i Thank you.Thot's very kind.
z How de you s '= b It S O CODadion tree.
3 Shaft I h you? g tt•S D
\Pe1come tO typ
Read ond
!n**r+*ä tioCal Festival


What con you listen to?

mot con you

buy? What do you

use to
openthe boxes?

slot do you have to bring?

Read ond tick (x).

{’ ‹1 t fi Q"I

Imagine you were ot the

International Festival.
Write your diary entry.

tast Sunday
Oct Scndoy, I wes ot
gO tO

pr someone yourseot 6 the rubbish

food the plonts
ofence o child
thewndOW5 9
adog 10

Look ot photos 1-6 in Activity 1 and write.

1 The man (S oJyering some.o c. hi sent
2 she
3 she
‘ C

First, Andy c leaved I be w‹ndOWS in their car.

Then, he
After lunCh,

. Look and write about last Saturday.

- Louro did n't

Z She

: He

lite for you.


't' t§ /* Write the headings help, QFla visit. What words go with theme
Read and match.
n n DtnnkR
1 What does Ravi want?
a drum
z What does his rY\UfT\ g}*€l' him'
C wood
3 What does the wCfmon giVf2 RO I*

d a drUm
4 What does the father give Ravi*
some Drz›ad
& Wñotdoesthemom give ROVi?
a horse
s What does the musi0ia« give Ravi?

Let's i vogine!
Tell me about the story!
The story setting is
lvly favourite character is

Read and write.

1 Ravi's mum some wood for him.

because Ravi gave her wood for her fire.
because she was hungry.
4 Ravi home with his drum.
5 Ravi's mum and chopped her hands.
s Ravi got his drum because he to help everyon

How are you kind to others? Write.

I'm kind because I

r/rite the questions. Then took
’!d I ite the n swers.
pt / go / to SChOOl / yesterday
” @-I— 0 IO
riso / took after / her brother / on

ake and Tina f point a fence / lost week

there / Luis / walk the dog

When / Kate / arrive home

(six o’clock)
Ask and answer using
What / 3o and Tom / do / on Saturday
the information
in Activity 1.

(water / plants) Did you go to

school yesterday?
*’/ Read and numbRr. Then listen
and check.
xosa: I'm dirty because I helped
Grandad today. ‹
Rosa. He was tired so I walked his
dog. Can I hove a snack,
ptease? I'm hungry.
<m: Oh Rosa! Why are you dlft 7
' MUlyI. s only three o’ctoCk•
Why ore you hungry2
Rasa: y’
Read and match. Then read ond write.
1 project n To get money from different people.
2 donate b TO give something.
3 collect money C To offer your help for nothing.

4 volunteer d A planned activity.

At school, we COttect money everyone for new

laptops. My parents also §3 every year
to help the local library. In my village, our community
is to plant trees in the pork. I also
to tidy up rubbish on the beach every week.

/ Listen and tick ( ). Then listen again and circle.

family collected money for a comm„’=rity ero;eit. .Fomiiig clonot4d

old r new books. We invited people into t'he s hQ$${./ pork. .f•ty.c\ass 7 te **^’
volunteered tD self chldren s books. We ca\tected mb”ñey i'or floyyg / tf'eB+•
We p\anLed tr›em in the park /.sat éo\»tzz'gr»ur›d.,
and onswer.
,t t dla Diono want to cottect money?
WOW ąid she finish the race?

** egg and spoon racs, @ DiQna

Last weekend,there was o race at schoot. We wonted to
coftect money for o community project. People donated
money if we finished the race with an egg on a spoon.
We storted running. Then, I looked down and my egg
wasn't on the spoon. So, I picked up o stone and
finished the race with the stone on my spoon.
in the end, everyone ctapped and toughed when I
orrived. We cottected o lot of money!

P\an your story obout a past sports event.

\¥hot event?
\¥hot happened...
at the start?
ih the middle? —
ill the end?

.” " ”

0^^rit«your story. Use your notes frołTl .

OFder Fl d write.
t he / plO flt5 / water

co ry / shopPlrg / the
TO r
/ T OO / rOt e r / otter iittl e

Don e rough t jokes , o2

rubbish / up / your /1d9
fOOn / your with / S*•Fe sister
fence / 9pi nt
your / 6 ro no mo / to / otter / seot

Read and write. Then listen and check.

help smile arrive not clean visit cry pick up
Last see k...
the windows in their bedrooms.
shells on the beach.
her cousi”n in hospital? No, she didn't.
at the sad fi[m? Yes. I dfd.
their brother with his homework? No, they didn't.
home yesterday* At five o’ctOCb
LOOk and write. Then c
hange the words in blue nnd nct out.
because I
m ! Why are you ›*


“‘"’“ '"•"" '’^'•J

Idid Whot I
h,•k and complete. yesterQoy
voter ry
Clean lCk
y suite
visit look

(3 Complete your
r Think about last week, What did
S§Q@ . Write your journal.
yOU do? How were you kind?
StE 3: Find or draw pictures
p to decorate it.

last week
after school b t'idied up =v
dOy in the part edroom.

ume It Six o clock, I Watched amin with

too b«4 ptoctic $ Jomilq rind we Coughed.
e. 1 was tired.

i watered the plants in

the gorden w tk m dcd.
Write three places you con visit in a tity.

Look and write.

6 W

9 e
by b 10 g OU 0

Look nt ACtiV:ty 1 and write.

Nora‘s bot)db¥ l•st 7 *
a (Photo 1j she
2 (Photo 2) Her fami\y
3 (Photo S) They
4 (Photo 6) Her dad

5 (Photo 9) Her mud

/iSten oFId tick (T ) O< CrosS (
‹). Then wri tf? .


Read, think and write. Use going to.

y -a-t›etet go sightseeing exchange mane e t x buy t cket

They're carrying suitcases. They’re going to stay In a hotel,

She s waiting in a queue.
He's reading a guidebook.
We want to buy things.
They're tired of walking.

“ I'm going to
I'm not going to - — —— ”

4 ¿
s Z
Read and write a-g.

Larn's Madrid plans a They're going to. travel to Madrid.

Sundo 4th A

Mondov Sth April c They're going to see som.e amazing places.

d She's going to send a postcard.

e They're going tO D On a tour .of the .stadium.

f They re going to play football in. the pork:.

g The Spanish team is going to. meet ”th.em."

Read and circle a or b. Then write.


1 How are they going to travel to the airport?

Let's imagine!
Tell me about the diary!
The diary is abaut
2 How are they going to travel around Madrid?

a what is Boro going to travel on for the first time?

4 How nre they going tDtravet to the fbotbott stadium?

Plan your perfect holiday.

1 h/hen ore you :going to go?
2 Where are you .going to go?
3 How’ ore you going to travel†
4 What are you .going to .do7
pe g the answers ana rite the questio« . info

use HOW,h/here. #hot, Who ond

Ask ’° #<swer
She's gOlFI§tO @O to the beach. Using the

sf 's gO/ng to Lrovel by bus.

there are you

They're going to go to a mu5eum. O '”•g*O zo f*tP• xt
BS turday?
They're going to orri e ot ten o’tlo
/’m go¡ng to go
to the cinemQ,
He's going to wotch a ruim.


He's godng to meet his friend.

Read and nufTlbf r. Then

Wisten on d Check.
I di5agree. Thf?otre tickets o e
k very expE'nsiv 2.
!^°^ S gOO0 idea It's int ?Festing, btjt It S
\/ i*'lg to be very busy.
0u re right. They’re ex
pensive. There's a great boot trip
on the river.
OW Q bOUt 0 bi ke tour of the city?
Bikf2 tOLlrs are greot.
LP_/ 5 do sometning f
t*« OffOW.AOW ObOuC the Science Museum?
E'*. 9 rE'üt idea. Let's go on o boot trip tomorrow.
! üisagree. I don't like bike
tours. The theatre is better.
I Q ree, g So nOt the Science Guseum.

Read and think. h sh e omor ow.

Then tolk with a partner.
How about... *
Read and match. Then write.
accommodation The way a group of people five (food, clothes, music).
souvenir A place where someone con live or stay.
ecotourism An object people buy to help them remember a holiday.
culture A holiday thnt helps the environment and focal people.

Listen and tick {. ). Then write.

tea USpO FT accommodation

ecotourism activity souvenir

Emma and her family ore going to travel to Austria by 1 ¿ tt jn

They aren't 9oing to stay in a . They're going to Stay on a
They're going to help 4 the animals. Emm ° S g lins tO buy
Oavid a

Why is ecDtourism good? Write two reasons.

@ Redd and onswey.
1 ¥/hat is Lisa going t« do O
n Thufsdoyy
Z How does L‹So feet obOUt
her Ptansy

we’re having a fal"ltaSti e here ¡ y t

be travelled here by ferry. Our n ,”s great! We're
g C odation laying
in a traditional house in a O
fomilies. They're Us bOUt t
heir ultue. nner with local
Tomorrow, we’
’° *°'^s *• J«in on ecotourism
toes in the forest. On Thursggy
Ocean. There are oin snand
in the
we’re 9oing to go on a bus IO Its D see.
go In the
ve tOur.Im Afternoon,
D/ excited abDut our p{ggg

How r travet?
”0 OdOtjon

FUtDre p
Read ond write.
Oavid is going to pack a 1 itc e (cutsoies). Then, he's going to travel
by 2s (udreundorng) to the (ptiorar). Finatty he's
going to 4 (eakt a xiot) to the * (tetho).
He's going to ^ (taiw nl .a eequu) because.,he wants to
. (uyb a ttekic) for the ^ (bteac.rca).
It's a good way to ^ (og sisgneihteg). ”

try Write the questions and answers. Then \isten and check.
1 What's / tomorrow / going to / Karen / do /
.? What's .?aren to ’do tomorro1*
She's going to .
She isn't going to ”
2 at the weekend / Where’s./Paut / go / .going to / ?

3 going to /..are / Who./ tonltght:/ they /?'iñit / † ”

’Raad'and write fopme or7 d/sogree. Then:talk with a partner.

’”h’,”beach. ¿oliday.Is..better
’Oan a.”«If, héñdaX.
y and complete. Th
Ö t@ the üirpg I»hra e t O Foch cgt
d guidebook e gary.
re O a take o toxï WOit in otel buy tÏCket
bY U0dergp

*CO modatiOn

@ Complète your journal.

‹Chooseo place you
Want to Sté'.p 3: Find
VÏSÏt. Plan Ou hDlldO t O‹ d «W picture
Y here.
t ÂeCOFOte
E'.’-.. . Write your journal.

kty perfect holiday

Where tO
9 O*-
9°”9 *o go to Paris.
“" *ou g o'^9 to travet?
t0 ‘9 tO trCtvel by
in arfs.
hQt are
ÿO §oirtg to do?
to exchange
90 ^g IO go on a boat tour.
!O gO LIQ the Eiies Tower. I'm
9 q ticitet on(ine so I don't
#0vg t w
V '›*y !Ong qUeue.

hÏ0k and

pO toFÏt holiday C
o tivity:
OFF te Way t
o travet:
H@ e•schoot tlnk Tek your fomlty about your perfect hoUdoy.
t e.
@ \$ $'/ Listen and circle. Then wri
1 Did Tom pack his suitcaseyeSteF aY*
es h di / No, he didn’t•
2 Did Tom's mum exchange money yesterd
Yes, she did. / Ho, she didn't.
3 How are they going to trnvel?
By ferry and coach. / By ferry and taxi•
4 Did Tom's parents stay in the hotel lost
year? Yes, they did. / Ha, they didn't.
5 What sanctuary ore they going to visit?
An animal sanctuary. / A pLant sanctuary.
6 What is Tern going to do there?
Tidy ug rubbish. / Walk the dogs.

a Tom ice
b Tom's mum
c They
d Tom's parents
e They
f Tom

Qg Ask and answer.

fi/here did you stay on your lost holiday?
Shop did you 6o/

am yooohg i year

* Wfite and match. Then to\k with a p„,t „


1 ore you happy? • zd ¿

B I think we should take taxi. b I
3 I think it's good to took after c I'm
Review 3
Who One Ögy, {v\r and f•trs Righy heloed o
mrs Rigby hetp?
rabbit with a bad leg in their go rden.
Then, they decided to stort O project.
They wonted to dook after sick
chen dÏd the Rigby Animal onimots. Their sonctuary opened in

Wh« are vÏ5Ïtors g Ï*l9

O t
dO? This weekend, they're going to have
a volunteer ooy. visitors nre going to
walk the dogs, look after the rabbits,
carry food to the horses, tidy up
rubbish and more.
How C« you travet to the
You can travet to the
sonctuary by minibus
or take o taxi. Come
early so you don't have
to woit in a queue!

\}§ Read ond tick (Z)•

! Imogine you were at the Rigby I c«n write nn email

A«eo sonctuary. Write gOUt t Can write StOQf

review. about « event.

Èt\/tE¥/: Vo\unteer day


§OIn9 to do next til3l 2. -

*0 dïou travef there?

j¿reo **’”’
Think and write.
o helmet och
1 look after a to rtyLse %Q
2 wear underground
3 turn on/off o mask a torch
ferry -if
a magazine
4 read a laptop a guidebook
s troves by *

t / Listen and number. Then listen again and write.

take money if you wont to buy a souvenir.

2 She
uses her mobile phone, but she isn't
3 A crocodile is
4 There was a pnrade and
beautiful ñU
5 Lost World Kindness Day, I
6 The boy is

Order and write. Then ask ond answer’.

1 H en
do / camera / How / yoU / e

Sf'\ock / to / Do / have /
¥'OU take / t /

yesterday / \ here / were / yOy/

¿¿ next / what / d
pOSt, Bedford wat slTlaller tha
eedf rd Library yOu Can use COlTj n it is toda
our mobile phone. ters or
• N@
it's 0 big t
bUt you OV‹n.
y tunteer at the Communi t Gar
den Project.
I usuo[t
tidy up the rubbish. we're k W¢tter the
sa fari Park, you con tike going to t *ences.
bears, come
ls and
Itovedthe River Festivog There
were interes tin9 b Fld/
te utlfU[ fireworks. You have tO take rr on ey to and
sn buy
ravel to Bedford by cor, tra¡pl
OK COoch t c&S.
End S
a iQ o hotel.
Read Ond

Was Bedford bigg

Which technotogy E2 r O r 5 !!E'r Ïn he
t sty
What’s kon 9Ol Y Use i n the tibro

*Ig to print n x •
E' t •OF'lth?
mot onimafs can you
see at the Safari
Why did O n PClrk?
!OVE' the Riv
E2r FeStiVo I?
there co n yOu stay I n B

Talk ÖbDUt Where you [jve i h

Partner. why is it a gy C£??
Think about... H
e t pln
istory PiCtu
res to Tech nofogy
decor Festiva\s
ote it.

*Omplete your journat.

Think about
your fovourite
things in Rise
My /avourite journal page was

/ ACcO jTjOda
tÏ n

Mg /Qv0urite
is BellQ because
she likes animaÏs.

My /avourite
words were
about /estivals
and they were
Mother Lo>9<^9e
Write the tonguoges.
1 (rsu kiTh) 2 (bcaAri) - 3 (hpionss)

Read and write a-c. Listen and check. Then cisk acd answer
Lily: What's Mother Language Day? a Let me thirir,I cot
.speok Spani”sh”ünr”
Rosh: 1 some 3aponese.
Lity: What's your first b Well, it's ’ ae
language? 3osh It's English. celebrote öur list
Lily› What other languages con you speak?,e.

3osh: 2
Lily: Wow! Con you sey something in Japanese?
3osh: 3

«e,«:«*••v•‹.»•»°° ”
Read anö write.
rètatiVes suñset. circus
1 You can see this in the sky. It gnt toU of cütüurs.
z you con wotch this in the evening'whèri the’ sun goes dowri.
3 These peopte are part of your family. Y0u kan Visit thèm. ”
4 vou can go to this place
y« Id chi\dren’s Døy
W te the words.
(yone) eng

Read ał łd (nern\)
W ite a-C. L›St
2 and ch
Today iS World chil eck. Theo
d egl ’S Day. ore you «•t «t
I want t@ jOin a reodi g cetebratİng
n ThÕt'S ver
t reading.
1 b
I like readiFlg, exCitİF{g
too. That
era And I wønt th fìnd op Ut Child t
t obO en in other COU * Oun ds fun.
Today iS «bOUt
Veto. That's why C That's q
I'm Chatt¡ Children everywhere great idea.
t« ChİLdren i .
n n Nlexico.I
* *J:
0 3 Can I saYhello? 'm online now.

Internstiona\ Daş of Friendship Ğ/

Write. Use a, «, i, O, u.
Q rd

Read and number. Defini

Listen and check. Then ask nnd ClFlSwer for yOU, tely!
Rik: DO ysU think it's İ{Tiport:ont IO be kind to How
tÜİFïk it's really important to be kind to everyone. can
* *fat’s right! Then, we con alt be friendsl e
”*' I2 » I dO. III lTly opinion, friendship is very mportañt. ceteb
Ynu like the International Day of Friendship† IN
HQ{{, peopte can give friends a present or post them a cord.

c»brot›ens war\« Chltdren's Day / InternationaDl Qy of
Write more words thot you know for each topic.

camera mobile phone

e-reoder printer
pomes console screen
headphones smart watch
Laptop speaker

bonooqe money
hemet rope
key snock
nnogoz+ne torch
btonket sledge


bridge fields
building flat



underground '
post an advertisement
print photos upload hQtOS
turn off write comments

carry shopping share food

clean the windows tidy up the rubbish
look after a child visit someone
offer someone your walk a dog
seat water the plants
paint n fence

Unit 6
buy a ticket
read a
exchange money
guidebook stay in
go on a tour
a hotel take a taxi
go sightseeing
travel by bus
Qck a suitcase
wait in a queue
ypwers every C
reoChthe *** te ‘*
ond Shtfg@,

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