Essay The Profound Impact of Education On Personal Growth and Self-Discovery, "Educated" by Tara Westover

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The profound impact of education on personal growth and self-discovery, “Educated” by Tara


At some point in your childhood, you go from thinking that your parents and the society in
which you have been raised know everything or more than you, when you become an adult
you realize that they have limitations. Education is a process of self-discovery, a discovery of
what you think, building your own life, and pursuing your dreams. Educated is a very
unfiltered and powerful book in which Westover demonstrates that education can serve as
the bridge to personal and intellectual growth.


Westover's early years were defined by isolation and the absence of formal education.
Raised in a family with rigid beliefs, the author and her siblings were denied access to
conventional schooling, medical care, and exposure to the broader world. However,
Westover's innate curiosity plus the influence of one of her seven siblings, drove her to seek
knowledge independently as the author gained college admission.

The impact of education on Westover’s personal growth becomes evident because

education becomes more than the acquisition of facts, the author develops critical thinking
which means challenging her ingrained beliefs. Tara is morally dependent on her relatives
and vulnerable because of her complicated intra-familial relationships. The journey of
self-exploration and the reconciliation of her past with her evolving self serve as an example
to dive deep into a real state of self-awareness.

Leaving behind the small town and the closed minds of the citizens of my country has
opened many paths in my professional career. Living in New York City exposed me to
diverse perspectives and intellectual challenges, enabling me to transcend socio-economic,
idiomatic, and intellectual barriers and discover part of my potential. The collaborative spirit
of urban life encourages the exchange of ideas and the cultivation of valuable professional
relationships and unforeseen opportunities. Also, The exposure to diverse perspectives
challenges and preconceived notions encourages me to reevaluate my beliefs and values.
Now with autonomy, one can explore new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities while
maintaining personal values. Many achievements have been attained that the previous self
hadn't even imagined. This book empowered my mind and has opened new opportunities for

Tara Westover's "Educated" serves as a compelling testament to the transformative impact
of education on personal growth and self-discovery. The narrative underscores how
education can be a catalyst for breaking free from the constraints of one's past, fostering
critical thinking, and shaping a deeper understanding of oneself. As readers traverse
Westover's journey, they are reminded that education is not merely a tool for acquiring
knowledge; it is a powerful force that propels individuals toward self-realization and
empowerment. In a world where learning is an ongoing journey, "Educated" inspires us to
appreciate the profound impact education can have on shaping not just minds, but the very
essence of who we are.

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