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The relational processes
What information? How?
Education of the worker

RELATIONSHIPS The purpose of a good system of relationships is to achieve the following

Safety organization foresees a functional organizational chart that requires • Provide all company subjects with the information necessary to allow
constant discussion of relationships. everyone to fully exercise their role in harmony with others.
The relationships among the subjects of the prevention system represent the • Verify that each of the relationship obligations is respected by all those
fabric on which to build up company safety in an effective and constructive involved in the organization of safety.
way. Relationships must be dynamic and must find constant application in the • Know the obligations of information, education, training, consultation and
clarity of the roles covered and the objectives to be achieved. participation.

The primary objective is to become familiar with: Participation

• the system of relationships among the various subjects of prevention in the Information, education and training represent three protective measures,
workplace; consequential to one another and to the same extent necessary, of a single
• the ways in which subjects can interact with each other and with external project aimed at ensuring balanced and responsible participation by all those
interlocutors, i.e. institutions and supervisory bodies. who, in various capacities, work in a ‘business organization.


The system of relationships encourages all company personnel to be aware
of: Information, education and training interventions aimed at workers must take
• their role; on a recurring nature and become an integral part of the organization of the
• their responsibilities; work.
• the possibilities for development and growth.
Maintaining “good relationships” does not mean talking about everything Information is the set of activities aimed at providing knowledge that is useful
with everyone, but establishing relationships with specific topics and actions to identifying, reducing and managing risks in the workplace.
to be carried out. The content of the information must be easily understandable for workers
It is worth remembering that: and must allow them to acquire the relevant knowledge.
• specific information enriches knowledge; Where information concerns immigrant workers, it is essential to verify in
• education teaches to use this information; advance their level of understanding of the Italian language.
• training allows the performance of one’s duties. However, it is not excluded that information may also be provided in a foreign

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Education Practical training

Education is the main tool by means of which one can intervene to promote Practical training is provided by an experienced person in the workplace.
the culture of safety and prevention within the organization of work.
All those who hold a role within the company must know the legislation, The focus is on practical instruction regarding the correct, safe use of
procedures and measures useful for acquiring skills to carry out their duties equipment, machinery, plants, substances, devices, including for personal
safely. protection.
With education, the recipients acquire cognitive and behavioral skills in terms
of safety. Furthermore, it consists of a drill applied in the case of safe working procedu-
res. Practical training must be recorded in a special register, which may also
It is a complex commitment, which consists in a real transfer of the culture of be computerised.
prevention, to be carried out through a well-structured “process”. Practical training should not be confused with theoretical training.
Education contributes to “educating people” and encouraging change in

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How and who decides which information, education and training is to be • names of the person in charge and of the people in charge of the preven-
carried out? tion and protection service, of the competent doctor and of the workers in
In some cases, it is legislative decree no. 81 of 2008 itself which defines the charge of emergencies.
topics covered by the information. This is a sheet hanging on the bulletin board or made available in the various
departments and on the various floors of the company where the names, te-
Education is the responsibility of the Regions, which is why a series of agre- lephone numbers, indication of the workstation of the main security subjects
ements have been drawn up between the State and the Regions themselves are indicated.
which define the courses, subjects and hours of education to be carried out
for the different subjects. • procedures concerning first aid, fire fighting and evacuation of workplaces.
In some cases, the directives relating to training are established by law. It involves making people aware of and teaching them how to read the plans
with the routes and emergency exits, making the emergency numbers known
It remains the responsibility of the employer to have the workers carry out and distributing brochures with first aid maneuvers or on the use of fire extin-
specific training on the use of machines, equipment, tools, etc. guishers.
• dangers associated with the use of dangerous substances and preparations.
What information? How?
Where there are dangers arising from the use of dangerous substances
Information must be provided by involving the recipients in an “active” way. (chemical risk), workers must know what they are and where the safety data
sheets of each product are located.
The legislation obliges the employer to make sure that each worker receives
adequate information, which must be given at the time of hiring, regarding Can we talk about permanent information?
the transfer of a worker from one department to another or on the occasion The information must be repeated and constantly updated, in relation to the
of a change of job. changes in the company’s organization or production activities; following the
evolution of situations of risk or the emergence of additional risks (compared
Information is mandatory whenever a new piece of machinery is introduced to those already assessed) with the consequent adoption of new measures of
or certain procedures are modified. prevention.
Workers must be informed about: The critical aspect of information often concerns its non-traceability.

• risks to health and safety at work related to the business in general and While registers, attendance signatures and the course program are required
to the prevention and protection measures adopted along with the related for education, little or nothing happens with information.
company provisions.
Information is important and, therefore, should always be documented with
the names and signatures of the participants, topics covered and the name of
the person in charge who, in this case, is the trainer.

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Education of the worker The formation of workers and their representatives must be periodically re-
peated in relation to the evolution of risks or to the emergence of new risks.
At the Permanent Conference for relations between the State and the Re-
gions, it was established that worker education is divided into two modules: And for other security figures?
• “general education” with duration and content common to all workers in all Special education is provided for those who make up the corporate organiza-
sectors of activity; tional chart regarding safety.
• “specific education” with specific duration and content for each sector of
activity. Also in this case, the topics and the hours of education are defined by specific
Education can be carried out both in the classroom and in the workplace. Agreements between the State and the Regions.

General education and specific education for those sectors of the low-risk When should training be carried out?
class can also be carried out in e-learning mode. When should training be carried out?
In principle, the same rules apply as for information and education.
When does it take place? Training must take place on the occasion:
The Agreements between the State and the Regions define the minimum • of the establishment of the employment relationship or at the start of the
contents of the education to be carried out in the following moments: use in the case of a temporary employment contract;
• upon hiring; • of the transfer or change of duties;
• on the occasion of transfers or changes of duties; • of the introduction of new work equipment or new technologies, new
• on the occasion of the introduction of new work equipment, new technolo- dangerous substances and preparations.
gies, new substances and dangerous preparations;
• when assessing a risk that had not previously been highlighted.

Of course, all those educational actions on topics not defined by the legisla-
tion, but which employers, executives and “company management” believe
are useful to workers or specific subjects, are also allowed.

For example, courses on proper nutrition, UNI standards, environmental

sustainability, organizational well-being, communication, relationships, new
educational methods, etc.
Particular attention must be paid to education on the equipment present in
the company and not regulated.
In the latter case, after education, training is important.

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Is training mandatory? Importance of consultation

In order to use machines and equipment it is necessary to provide training. When drafting or updating the risk assessment document it may be useful to
“consult” the workers who, on the basis of their own experiences, can point
However, there are some cases, well defined by the legislation, in which out:
training is expressly required for some activities with specific risks. • new dangers;
Training is mandatory in the following cases: manual handling of loads; • unforeseen risk situations;
work at heights with access and positioning by ropes; • systems of work organization.
use of third category PPE and hearing protection.
Depending on the topics and issues to be addressed, there may be different
CONSULTATION tools for an effective consultation. Among these:
• meetings;
• questionnaires;
Over the years, the term “consultation” has undergone frequent • discussions;
misunderstandings. First of all, it is useful to clarify what consultation is not. • preliminary illustration of the assessments made by the technicians;
• written request for opinions and ideas.
In fact, consultation does not mean:
• approval; These actions should be preceded by the consultation of the workers’ safety
• sharing; representative, in order to proceed with the viewing or review of the que-
• a co-decision. stions, questionnaires, etc.
Consultation is communication! Internal communication includes the repor-
Consultation implies the activation of a particular procedure, which requires ting and management of comments and proposals from company staff.
two phases: The reception of internal communication is carried out by the hierarchical
• a preliminary phase, that is the information that occurs through the delivery manager whatever the level of the proposer, who is required to receive any
of documents, data, statistics, minutes, etc... type of communication and to transmit it to the subjects who have direct
• a subsequent phase, in which the availability of the subjects consulted responsibilities.
is required of an adequate time period, in order to be able to express the
requested opinion. The psychological aspects of the consultation
Consultation also has a social significance as decisions regarding safety
Consultation represents an opportunity for workers to make a contribution, concern the behavior of other people and of all those who work in the
through their representative, to the continuous improvement of health and company.
safety conditions in their company. Preventive consultation makes it possible to solicit proposals and observations
from the workers’ safety representative before making the official decision.
Consulting workers allows them to be involved in the decision-making process
in order to implement changes.

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