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Computer Applications-2

Computer Network Concepts

Prepared by
Prof Dr. Nedhal A. Al-Saiyd
Computer Applications-2
Course Objectives
The course is designed and based on computer application -1, to:
 Gain knowledge of computer networks concepts and types, internet
and internet protocols.
 Gain a knowledge about using algorithm and flowcharts that are
considered as powerful tools in learning programming languages.
 Focus on teaching visual basic 6 (VB6) that implements graphical user
interface GUI and allows the use of graphics in different applications,
 Use visual interactive windows with user, like dialogue box for (color,
font ...), input box, and Output box. Also it is able to create menu to
simplify user application.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Data Communication

 The term “Data Communication” comprises two words:

o Data can be any text, image, audio, video, and
multimedia files.
o Communication is an act of sending or receiving data.
 Data communication refers to the exchange of data between
two or more networked or connected devices.
 Examples of such devices include personal computers, mobile
phones, laptops, smart watches, etc. These devices must be
capable of sending and receiving data over a
communication medium (transmission medium); such as a
wire cable or wireless.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Five Components In Data Communication

1. Sender: is a computer or any such device which is capable of

sending data over a network. It can be a computer, mobile
phone, smartwatch, walkie talkie, video recording device,
2. Receiver: is a computer or any such device which is capable
of receiving data from the network. It can be any computer,
printer, laptop, mobile phone, television, etc. In computer
communication, the sender and receiver are known as nodes
in a network.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Five Components In Data Communication

3. Message: It is the data or information that needs to be

exchanged between the sender and the receiver.
Messages can be in the form of text, number, image,
audio, video, multimedia, etc.
Each of the messages can be send in the form of binary
digits (signals)

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Five Components In Data Communication

4. A transmission media is a communication channel, which is a

medium for data transmission.
 It is also called medium or link, which is either wired or
 Transmission channel is used to carry data from the sender
to the receiver
 It is a physical path between the sending machine and the
receiving machine

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Classification of communication media

 In guided transmission, there is a physical link made of wire/cable

through which data in terms of signals are propagated between the
nodes. These are usually metallic cable, fiber-optic cable, etc. They
are also known as wired media.
 In unguided transmission, data travels in air in terms of
electromagnetic waves using an antenna. They are also known as
wireless media.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Classification of Transmission media
8 1. Guided (Wired) 2. Unguided (Wireless)
Radio wave Trans. used in AM & FM radios
Twisted Pair Cable

Coaxial cable
Microwaves used in TV distribution & mobile
phone communication

Fiber optic cable

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Five Components In Data Communication

6. Protocols to be followed during communication.

o Protocols: It is a set of standard rules that the
communicating parties — the sender, the receiver, and all
other intermediate devices need to follow, in order to have
successful and reliable data communication.
o sender and receiver can be parts of different networks,
placed at different geographic locations.
o Besides, the data transfer rates in different networks can
vary, requiring data to be sent in different formats.
o You have already come across protocols such as Ethernet
and HTTP.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Need for Protocols

Speed mismatch between two computers can result into loss

of data, so data transmission rate (speed) of sending or
receiving need to be adjusted

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd


 HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

 HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
 It is the primary protocol used to access the World Wide Web
 HTTP is also called client-server protocol
 HTTP defines how information are formatted and transmitted,
and how the Web servers and browsers should respond to
various commands
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the protocol used for transferring
files from one machine to another. Like HTTP, FTP also works on
a client-server model.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Types of Data Communication

Data can flow in different ways of data

communication or transmission modes in
 Simplex: it is a one-way data-flow.
Capacity of the channel can be well-
 Half-duplex: each node can send or
receive data but not at the same time
 Full-duplex: is a bi-directional
communication, where both stations
can send & receive Simultaneously, as
in telephone network. Channel
capacity is divided between the two

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd


Simplex communication

Half-duplex where communication

occurs in two different moments.

Full duplex transmission of data

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

What is a Computer Network?
 It is one of the data communication types
 A computer network: consists of two or more computers that
are linked (interconnected)in order to share resources; such
as printers and CDs, exchange files/information, or allow
electronic communications.
 The best example of computer network is the Internet.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

A simple network of computing devices

 Any Computer Networking communication need a sender, a

receiver and a communication medium to transfer signal or
Data from sender to the receiver.
 We need sender, receiver, communication channel, protocols
and operating system to establish a computer networking.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Uses of Computer Networks
1. Business Applications
 Business Applications: The goal is to
make all programs, equipment, and
especially data available to anyone
on the network without regard to the
physical location of the resource or
the user
 share resources such as printers,
scanners, etc. (i.e. resource sharing).
 share expensive software and
database among network users

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Uses of Computer Networks
2. Home Computer Network Applications

 2. Home Applications
a. Access to remote information
b. Social networking & Person-to-
person communication
c. Interactive entertainment
d. Electronic commerce allows
home shopping
e. Controlling microwave, Oven,
baby cam, etc.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Uses of Computer Networks
3. Mobile Network Users

 3. Mobile Network Users

 Combinations of wireless
networks and mobile

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Different Types of Computer Networks

 Networks come in many sizes, shapes and forms

 Depending upon the geographical area covered by a

network, it is classified as:

1. Personal Area Network (PAN)

2. Local Area Network (LAN)

3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

4. Wide Area Network (WAN)

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

20 Types of Computer Networks

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

1. Personal Area Network (PAN)

 A PAN is a network that is used for communicating among

computers and computer devices (including telephones and
personal digital assistants) in close proximity of around a few meters
within a room

 It can be used for communicating between the devices

themselves, or for connecting to a larger network such as the

 The reach of a PAN is typically a few meters.

 PAN’s can be wired or wireless

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Personal Area Network (PAN)

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

2. Local Area Network (LAN)

 A LAN is a network that is used for communicating among

computer devices, usually within an office building or home.
 LAN’s enable the sharing of resources such as files or hardware
devices that may be needed by multiple users
 Is limited in size, typically spanning a few hundred meters, and
no more than a mile
 Is fast, with speeds from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps
 Requires little wiring, typically a single cable connecting to
each device
 Has lower cost compared to MAN’s or WAN’s

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

2. Local Area Network (LAN)

 LAN’s can be either wired or wireless. Twisted pair, coax or

fiber optic cable can be used in wired LAN’s.

 Every LAN uses a protocol – a set of rules that governs how

packets are configured and transmitted.

 Nodes in a LAN are linked together with a certain topology.

These topologies include: – Bus – Ring – Star

 LANs are capable of very high transmission rates (100s Mb/s to

G b/s).

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

LAN Topology
 Star Topology: all the devices are connected to a
single hub through a cable. This hub is the central
node and all other nodes are connected to the
central node. If the hub is failed, the whole system
will crash down

 Bus Topology: It transmits the data from one end to

another in a single direction & device is connected
to a single cable. If the common cable fails, then
the whole system will crash down.

 Ring Topology: connecting devices with exactly

two neighboring devices. To prevent data loss
repeaters are used in the network. A token is
passed from one node to another node. The failure
of a single node in the network can cause the
entire network to fail.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Advantages and Disadvantages of LAN

 Advantages of LAN:  Disadvantages of LAN:

o Speed o Expensive To Install
o Cost o Requires
o Security Administrative Time

o E-mail o File Server May Fail

o Resource Sharing o Cables May Break

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

 A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a large computer

network that usually spans a city or a large campus.

 A MAN is optimized for a larger geographical area than a

LAN, ranging from several blocks of buildings to entire cities.

 A MAN might be owned and operated by a single


 but it usually will be used by many individuals and


Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

 A MAN often acts as a high speed network to allow sharing of

regional resources.

 A MAN typically covers an area of between 5 and 50 km


 Examples of MAN: Telephone company network that provides

a high speed Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), which is a s a modem
technology that uses existing telephone lines to transport high-
bandwidth data, to customers and cable TV network.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

4. Wide Area Network (WAN)

 WAN covers a large geographic area such as country,

continent or even whole of the world.

 A WAN is two or more LANs connected together. The LANs

can be many miles apart.

 To cover great distances, WANs may transmit data over

leased high-speed phone lines or wireless links such as

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

4. Wide Area Network (WAN)

 Multiple LANs can be connected together using devices such

as bridges, routers, or gateways, which enable them to share
 The world's most popular WAN is the Internet.
4. Wide Area Network (WAN)

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd


 An internetwork is defined as two or more computer network LANs or WAN

or computer network segments are connected using devices, and they are
configured by a local addressing scheme. This process is known
as internetworking.

 An interconnection between public, private, commercial, industrial, or

government computer networks can also be defined as internetworking.

 An internetworking uses the internet protocol.

 The reference model used for internetworking is Open System


Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Types Of Internetwork:

 1. Extranet: An extranet is a communication network based on the

internet protocol such as Transmission Control protocol and internet
protocol. It is used for information sharing.

 The access to the extranet is restricted to only those users who have
login credentials. An extranet is the lowest level of internetworking.

 Extranet can be categorized as MAN, WAN or other computer


 An extranet cannot have a single LAN, at least it must have one

connection to the external network.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Types Of Internetwork:

 2. Intranet: An intranet is a private network based on the

internet protocol such as Transmission Control
protocol and internet protocol.

 An intranet belongs to an organization which is only accessible

by the organization's employees or members.

 The main aim of the intranet is to share the information and

resources among the organization employees. An intranet
provides the facility to work in groups and for teleconferences.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Types of LAN Models

1. Peer to peer

2. Client-Server

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

37 Client-Server Model
 In this model, the data are stored on
powerful computers called servers.
Often these are centrally housed and
maintained by a system
 In contrast, the employees have
simpler machines, called clients,
which they access remote data
 The client and server machines are
connected by a network.
A Network With Two Clients and
One Server
Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd
Client-server Model

 In Web application, the server generates Web pages based on

its database in response to client requests that may update
the database.
 The client-server model is applicable when the client and
server are both in the same building (and belong to the same
company), but also when they are far apart.
 For example, when a person at home accesses a page on the
World Wide Web, the same model is employed, with the
remote Web server being the server and the user’s personal
computer being the client

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Client-server Model
39 Client & server Processes

 Client Process: Communication takes the form of the client

process sending a message over the network to the server
process. The client process then waits for a reply message from
the server.
 Server Process: The server process gets the request, performs the
requested work or looks up the requested data and sends back
a reply.

The client-server model involves requests and replies

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

 VPN is an encrypted connection over the Internet from a

device to a network. The encrypted connection helps ensure
that sensitive data is safely transmitted.
 It prevents unauthorized people from eavesdropping on the
traffic and allows the user to conduct work remotely.
 VPN technology is widely used in corporate environments.
 VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) may be used to join the
individual networks (private network) at different sites into one
extended network.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd


 An internetwork is defined as two or more computer network

LANs or WAN or computer network segments are connected
using devices, and they are configured by a local addressing
 An interconnection between public, private, commercial,
industrial, or government computer networks can also be
defined as internetworking.

 Types Of Internetwork:
1. Extranet
2. Intranet

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd


 Extranet
 An extranet is a communication network based on the internet
protocol such as Transmission Control protocol and internet
 It is used for information sharing. The access to the extranet is
restricted to only those users who have login credentials.
 An extranet is the lowest level of internetworking. It can be
categorized as MAN, WAN or other computer networks.
 An extranet cannot have a single LAN, at least it must have
one connection to the external network.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd


 Intranet
 An intranet is a private network based on the internet protocol
such as Transmission Control protocol and internet protocol.
 An intranet belongs to an organization which is only accessible
by the organization's employee or members.
 The main aim of the intranet is to share the information and
resources among the organization employees.
 An intranet provides the facility to work in groups and for

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Advantages of Intranet:

1. Communication: It provides a cheap and easy communication. An

employee of the organization can communicate with another
employee through email, chat.
2. Time-saving: Information on the intranet is shared in real time, so it is
3. Collaboration: The information is distributed among the employees
of the organization and can only be accessed by the authorized
4. Platform independency: the computer can be connected to
another device with different architecture.
5. Cost effective: People can see the data and documents by using
the browser and distributes the duplicate copies over the intranet.
This leads to a reduction in the cost.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

Try To Solve These Questions
 What do we mean by Data communications ?
 In networking, data can flow in different ways ? What are the
main data transmission modes? Define each briefly
 Compare between peer-to-peer and client-server
 Draw a diagram that shows the Types of Computer Networks
 Compare between LAN & WAN
 What is the advantages of intranet
 Compare between extranet and intranet

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd


 The computers on a network may be linked through

a. fiber optics,
b. microwaves,
c. Infrared light beams,
d. All the answers
e. a and b
 Communication between a computer and a keyboard
involves ______________ transmission.
a) Automatic
b) Half-duplex
c) Full-duplex
d) Simplex

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd


 A _______ is the physical path over which a message travels.

a) Path
b) Medium
c) Protocol
d) Route
 A _________ set of rules that governs data communication.
a) Protocols
b) Standards
c) RFCs
d) Servers
 Identify the full form of HTTP?
 A.

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd


 What is data communication?

 What are the main components of data communication?
Explain each briefly
 Which communication mode allows communication in both
directions simultaneously?
 What are three categories of wired media? Explain them.
 HTTP stands for?
 What is a protocol? Why protocol is important?
 What is protocol in data communication? Explain with an

Prepared by Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd

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