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Volume #6 2007

Mechanics Made Understandable Robert Isaacson Thirty Years of Faces C. Edwin Polk A Critical Review of Class II Severe Malocclusions Treatment: Skeletal, Dental and Aesthetic Effects Pierluigi Delogu Jim Boley

13 Review of the Literature on Post Retention Stability of Mandibular Incisors 17 A Different Look at Vertical Dimension Control with Tweed-Merrifield Mechanics
Luca Giuliante and Roberto Ursini

25 An Analysis of Metal Brackets Characteristics

Isabella Lombardi

39 Premolar and Additional First Molar Extraction: Effects on Soft Tissue in High Angle Class II
Division 1 Patients Takemasa Ozaki


44 Case Report: High Angle Class II Malocclusion Treated with Premolar and Additional First
Molar Extraction Elie W. Amm

52 Case Report: My First Experience with the Tweed Merrifield Philosophy

Luigia Brera

55 Case Report: My First Experience with the Tweed Merrifield Philosophy

Matteo Beretta

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Cover design by Jasmine Suke and Jack Dale. Cephalometric tracings of a patient treated by Herb Klontz. Beautiful young model, with an ideal Tweed profile, taken from a prominent fashion magazine.


MECHANICS MADE UNDERSTANDABLE The 2006 L. Levern Merrifield Lecture A Summary Robert Isaacson

Mechanics is a fundamental of orthodontics and should be well understood by all orthodontists. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The specialty of orthodontics has grown rapidly and its maturation has lagged behind its application. This is not unique, however, as this sort of evolution is common to many fields. The only difference is the speed at which it proceeds. First, there are informal preceptorships where each one teaches one. Then, preceptorships are grouped into schools which are initially proprietary and soon commercialized. Finally, standards are demanded and evolve and, if a field has a scientific basis, its development proceeds in an orderly fashion with the evolution of accredited schools and collation of the knowledge base into formal publications. The problem is that the how-to-doit gets ahead of the rational basis for what is being done and, once in practice, it changes slowly and with great difficulty. No one denies the desirability of knowing and utilizing mechanics, but not many practitioners really understand mechanics. One major problem has been the lack of well-organized information set out in a didactic manner. Secondly, the problem has been the lack of information on practical applications of this information. Personally, I taught all kinds of applications for many years without truly understanding them. Finally, when I moved to new geographic locations, it became mandatory for me to offer a rational basis for the appliance designs and wires we were teaching. At that point I made it my business to read everything available on the subject and ended up pretty confused. Becoming proficient required a long and difficult period of study. It is apparent that mechanics is a physical science and the physical sciences are far more mature than the social sciences, with the biological sciences somewhere in between. My first epiphany was to discover that biomechanics is a merger and needs to be separated for analysis to take place. The bio part is what happens in the body how the cells and tissues respond to the physical signals we send with appliances. This is very important, but it is not easy to study this question if you do not know what signal you sent. The physical displacement of a tooth and the signal sent by an appliance is a result of a very understandable set of force system we create with our appliances. This means getting the ground rules firmly in place. To start with, it is important to speak the same language and to define terms. A terminology has arisen in orthodontics that is not identical to what is used in physics or engineering statics. Center of resistance, force, couple, moment, equilibrium these are all the fundamentals. Your motivation comes from understanding, What difference does all of this make? The edgewise appliance was, and continues to be, unique because it provides a series of couples in all three planes of space. A couple is nothing more than a pair of equal and opposite forces acting on a body in the same plane. The force system of a couple is the sum of the two individual force systems produced by the equal and opposite forces of the couple.

All existing evidence suggests the probability that the edgewise appliance was empirically derived, but in retrospect it is not difficult to see the solid theoretical basis. Once you have seen how an edgewise couple really works, you are the master and able to use it, to modify it and to gain maximum control and efficiency. Couples are intuitively understood better by some people than others. However, couples have equilibrium just like a force. The equilibrium of a force is obvious to most people, but the equilibrium of a couple is much more subtle and is obvious to no one. The equilibrium of a couple is not intuitive and is the source of many of the so-called side effects and unexpected tooth movements seen in patients. The couple is at the essence of edgewise mechanics and the most non-intuitive part of a couple is its equilibrium. To an orthodontist, equilibrium with a single force is obvious, but with a couple it might be a bit confusing. Equilibrium requires that the sum of all forces in any plane equal zero. Equilibrium in mechanics is based on Newtons third law that requires for every action an equal and opposite reaction and, consequently, the sum of all the moments in one direction in a couple must equal the sum of all the moments in the opposite direction. I am not so arrogant or egotistical as to think I can give you all you need to know in a summary paper, but I do know you can learn what you need to know, increase your pleasure in practice and avoid unwanted surprises. Start by studying the reference below. It contains everything I know. REFERENCE Isaacson RJ, et al. Biomechanics and Appliance Design. Seminars in Orthodontics; 1995:1;1-63.

THIRTY YEARS OF FACES Tweed Foundation Biennial Meeting October, 2006 C. Edwin Polk

When many of us received our specialty training approximately thirty years ago, the way the teeth fit after orthodontic treatment was a major concern. Some would have todays novice believe that the fascination with faces that we are now experiencing is a new phenomenon. Those who suggest this premise are misinformed. Why did Tweed start extracting teeth in the mid-late 1930s? One reason only - THE FACE! He did not like the protrusive faces he was creating with non-extraction treatment. He considered 80% of his treatment to be a failure because of the protrusive faces that were a direct result of his diagnostic decisions. The facial balance, harmony and proportion that a patient has must be 1) improved by orthodontic treatment or 2) preserved by orthodontic treatment. The complete orthodontist has always been concerned with facial esthetics. This new buzz word is really nothing new. To look at the faces that have been improved/maintained by orthodontic treatment over the course of 30 years has been an interesting project. This paper is a brief summary of one practitioners attempt to study a thirty year effort. A series of faces will be presented.

Figure 1: Patient treated approximately thirty years ago

Figure 2: Patient treated ten years later with extractions

The first patient (Figure 1) was treated approximately thirty years ago with the extraction of four premolars. Note the improvement in the balance and harmony of the lower face. The patient, as expected, has a better face at five year recall than at the cessation of treatment. The next patient (Figure 2) was treated ten years later again with extractions. The improvement in the balance and harmony of the face is startling. The profiles shown in Figures 3 6 show improvement in facial esthetics. These photographs reflect a time span of fifteen years in the practice. They exhibit a definite concern for facial esthetics. In our current world of clear braces, no braces, self legating brackets, robo ortho, etc, etc we must never relinquish our concern for balance and harmony of the lower face. None of these magical new systems will give the patient balance and harmony of the face as a de facto outcome of treatment. The balance and harmony for which we all strive is a result of diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment. Facial balance cannot be ignored for the sake of using a particular appliance of the day. Facial balance and harmony has been, is now, and always will be the goal of the caring, conscientious orthodontic specialist. Tweed showed the specialty how to achieve it. We must use what we have been taught for the benefit of our patients. The faces we create are our legacy for future generations of orthodontists.

Figure 3: Facial esthetics improvement

Figure 4: Facial esthetics improvement

Figure 5: Facial esthetics improvement

Figure 6: Facial esthetics improvement

Gaspa Graziella, D.D.S.

Delogu Pierluigi D.D.S. Ort. Ph


Class II malocclusions are, without doubt, considered to be a hard problem for orthodontists. This is due to the skeletal problems that the malocclusion presents. In the past, dental correction was the most important Fiorile Fausto objective of Class II correction and techniques for obtaining large dental D.D.S. Ort.Ph movements to ensure a Class I occlusal relationship were performed. Several years have passed and, particularly in the last two decades, orthodontic objectives are evaluated more and more by posttreatment function and facial esthetics. Consequently, several studies that have evaluated the achievement Napolitano Alfonso of these goals as a result of Class II malocclusion correction have been done. M.D.S. MxF. Surg. Orthopedic surgical therapies have been developed for improving orthodontic treatment results of Class II malocclusion treatment. Observation and analysis of treated patients now includes esthetics and function as well as good occlusion. Several studies 1-2-3-4-7-10-11-13 have demonstrated the clinical results of orthodontic therapy. The research of Delogu et al.6, Pancherz et al.12, and Bolla-Carano et al.1 confirm that all the aspects of Class II correction should be analyzed in order to help the orthodontist better understand what happens during treatment. In the present study severe Class II malocclusions were analyzed for dental results as well as skeletal and esthetic changes. This study sought to give insight into the limits of Edgewise mechanics. The results of two phase treatment were compared with one phase permanent dentition treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS 55 patients from 9 to 34 years of age were selected (23 male 32 female). These patients were gleaned from a sample of 1085 patients from orthodontic offices that use Tweed-Merrifield permanent dentition directional force therapy and Phase I treatment with the same concept of controlled force. These severe skeletal Class II malocclusion patients exhibited the following: ANB > 6 OVJ > 5 mm and OVB >5 mm Class II molar relationship, with at least 4mm distal occlusion on each side. No surgical treatment Only dysmorphic patients. The sample does not include genetic syndromes or congenital deformities. Class I dentition at the end of treatment

All patients had full orthodontic records pre, during and post therapy: facial and intra oral photographs, plaster casts, panoramic radiographs and a cephalogram (Figures 1, 2, 3). Cephalometric analysis of skeletal values was done according to the Tweed Foundation analysis sheet8. Values for

determining true dental movements were taken from the Gosh and Nanda7 analysis and esthetic parameters from Gonzales-Ulloa6 were used (Figure 4). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS For each parameter analyzed in this paper the mean of values at the start of treatment, after 12 months (only early treatment) and at the end of therapy were calculated. For determining the dispersion around the mean, the standard deviation was calculated.

Figure 1: Pretreatment Cephalogram

Figure 2: Progress Cephalogram

Figure 3: Posttreatment Cephalogram

Figure 4: Tracing for analyzed parameters

In order to separate skeletal and esthetic changes induced by therapy, the Student T test was performed for every parameter. For 26 patients the same T test was calculated on records made after 12 months of therapy. RESULTS Statistical results of data observed on cephalograms pre, during and post therapy are shown in Table 1. The statistical difference between the Student T test for pre and posttreatment values is summarized in Table 2. The early treatment values versus permanent dentition treatment values are compared in Table 3.

DISCUSSION SKELETAL VALUES The mean of the values shows that correction of sagittal parameters is due to a decrease of SNA (from 81 to 78) and an increase in SNB from 73.3 to 75 (Graph 1). ANB was corrected (from 6.8 to 3.6), overjet (from to 8.2mm to 3.8mm), and overbite from 4.8 to 2.8mm. When values of patients treated early are compared to those treated in the permanent dentition, the mean value of SNB is more severe at the start in the early treatment sample (71.9 compared to 74.9). No significant statistical changes of FMA, FHI and Occlusal Plane angle were found. This finding demonstrates that the forces were good for vertical control of the dentition and impeded unfavorable clockwise rotation of the lower third of the face. Mandibular response had a mean value of 5.5mm at the end of therapy. This value explains the Class II correction that was obtained. The response achieved after 12 months of therapy in the early treatment sample was 6.1mm. This finding gives credence to previous studies5 that claim the largest response is obtained during treatment (Graph 2). Comparison of mandibular response between permanent dentition and early treatment shows a more favourable mandibular response in the early treatment sample (6.06mm to 4.4mm). But the early treatment sample was in appliances over a longer period of time.

Graph 1: Sagittgal values

Graph 2: Mandibular response

DENTAL VALUES The maxillary first molar shows slight extrusion after therapy, but the molar does not really move distally. The maxillary incisors demonstrated a small lingual inclination as the incisor axis to SN angle decreased from 104.8 to 100.8 (Graph 3). The mandibular first molar moved 4mm mesially and 3mm vertically (Graph 4). This change was correlated to the amount of mandibular response and to vertical control of the maxillary dentition. In the early treatment patients the amount of mesial

Table 1: Means pre, during and post therapy of all

Table 2: T student test statistical significancy (High significant= nn)

movement of the mandibular molar was greater, confirming the larger mandibular response in this sample. Other dental movement values were similar between the two groups. FACIAL VALUES The upper lip moved back 1mm. This movement opened the nasolabial angle a mean of only 6, taking it to 115. The opening is larger in the early treatment sample (from 108.2 to 115.6). Z angle increased (from 63.2 to 69.4). This was to be expected with the mandibular response and the counter clockwise growth pattern. All these values logically show that applied forces yield quantifiable results because of good dentition control. The values prove that the solution for a severe Class II malocclusion is a good amount of mandibular response and an upper arch that does not change.

Table 3: Early treatment vs Permanent dentition treatment results

Graph 3: Upper incisor movement


Graph 4: Lower first molar changes

CONCLUSIONS Analysis of the results of this study yield the following conclusions: Skeletal values at the end of therapy tend toward a normal range. Positive mandibular response (5.5mm) is a major factor in the correction of a Class II malocclusion. Dental movements of the maxillary incisor and the maxillary molar do not show much change. There was only a slight extrusion of the molar (0.7mm) and moderate incisor repositioning. The mandibular molar moves mesially 4mm and vertically 3mm. Esthetic parameters are changed slightly if the nasolabial angle increases. It must remain at a good value for balanced facial esthetics. The control of the dentition during therapy was shown to be the primary reason for resolution of the Class II malocclusion because of the mandibular response which led to achievement of skeletal and dental objectives. Mandibular response in the early treatment patients was greater than it was if treatment was done only in the permanent dentition. However the duration of treatment was greater for the early treatment patients because of the longer treatment times.

REFERENCES 1. Bolla E, Muratore F, Carano A, Bowman SJ.Evaluation of Maxillary Molar Distalization With the Distal Jet: A Comparison With Other Contemporary Methods. The Angle Orthodontist: Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. 481494. 2. Bussick TJ, McNamara JA Jr. Dentoalveolar and skeletal changes associated with the pendulum appliance. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2000; 117:333343. 3. Byloff FK, Darendeliler MA. Distal molar movement using the pendulum appliance. Part 1: clinical and radiological evaluation. Angle Orthod. 1997; 67:4249260.


4. Carano A, Testa M. The distal jet for upper molar distalization. J Clin Orthod. 1996; 30:374 380. 5. Delogu P., Fiorile F., Napolitano A. Azione delle forze ortopediche secondo il directional force system nel trattamento intercettivo delle classi II: effetti sulla risposta mandibolare. Doctor Os, 16(1), suppl.1, 83-86, gennaio 2005. 6. Delogu P., Fiorile F., Napolitano A., Pazzola F. Critical aesthetic parameters in orthodontic treatment of severe class II malocclusion. Paper winner as best lecture in the XVII Congresso Internazionale SIDO. Progress in Orthodontics 2003; 4/II: 74/119. 7. Fortini A, Lupoli M, Giuntoli F, Franchi L. Dentoskeletal effects induced by rapid molar distalization with the first class appliance. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004; 125:697 705. 8. Gebeck T.R., Merrifield L.L., Analysis: concept and values, Journal of the Charles Tweed Foundation, 17: 19-64, 1989. 9. Ghosh J, Nanda RS. Evaluation of an intraoral maxillary molar distalization technique. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1996; 110:639646. 10. Gianelly AA. Distal movements of maxillary molars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1998; 114:6672. 11. Hilgers JJ. The pendulum appliance for Class II non-compliance therapy. J Clin Orthod. 1992; 26:700713. 12. Pancherz H. The mechanism of Class II correction in Herbst appliance treatment. A cephalometric investigation. Am J Orthod. 1982; 82:104113. 13. Zinzinger GS, Wehrbein H, Gross U, Diedrich PR. Molar distalization with pendulum appliances in the mixed dentition: effects on the position of unerupted canines and premolars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006 Mar; 129(3):407-17.



Stability of treatment results is one of the four fundamental goals of orthodontic treatment: Dental relapse was a major problem for early practitioners who were faithful followers of Dr. Angles philosophy of adlibidum expansion, i.e. they resolved all tooth size to arch length discrepancies by increasing arch length. The next generation of orthodontic pioneers Tweed, Strang, and Nance studied their patients and others patients post retention and concluded that advancing mandibular incisors, lateral expansion, and/or increase in arch length in the mandibular arch was incompatible with stability. These men led the specialty into an era of minimal expansion in the mandibular arch. They espoused upright mandibular incisors. Long term stability remains a major concern for contemporary orthodontists. There has never been and probably will never be what could be considered the gold standard prospective, randomized study with matched controls of long term stability. So in this age of evidence based dentistry, it seems we are left with retrospective studies that help us understand long term postretention stability problems. The study design and the integrity of investigators has to be relied on to eliminate sample selection bias as much as possible. Most reported samples have been based on the availability of patients with complete pretreatment, posttreatment, and postretention records and the authors effort to eliminate bias. Perhaps the best sample in the literature is one in which every patient was treated in the same manner. Examples of this protocol are the two St. Louis University studies of all Class II, Div. 1 patients treated from 1969 to 1980. Five attempts were made to contact each patient. Of the 2500 patients, 125 finally made it into the two studies. This retrieval rate of 1 out of 20 illustrates the difficulty of doing a long term postretention study. These two St. Louis studies which compared borderline extraction to nonextraction and clear cut extraction to nonextraction patients 15 years posttreatment could be the gold standard for long term postretention studies in the existing literature. The long term irregularity index for the four subsamples was 2.9mm, 3.4mm, 3.2mm and 3.7mm respectively. The mean value for both samples was 3.3mm. This value places them in the minimal irregularity (<3.5mm) category. Patients in these samples had a satisfactory clinical result. A search of the American literature for studies on the stability of mandibular incisors was conducted. Both published papers and unpublished Masters theses have been compiled.


Thirty-five (35) studies from numerous universities and individuals are summarized. Only studies that used Littles irregularity index to evaluate the severity of the irregularity were included. Patients had to be free of retention for at least three years. Nearly 2000 patients who had either extraction or nonextraction treatment were involved in the studies. The average time posttreatment was 12 years. The mean pretreatment irregularity value was 6mm (severe > 6.5mm). Sixty-nine percent (69%) of the samples and subsamples had minimal irregularity (< 3.5mm) postretention. The average irregularity index for all these studies was approximately 3mm. Three tables are included that summarize the pertinent aspects of these studies. Table A presents the entire sample of 35 studies. Table B presents data for only the extraction samples and Table C for the nonextraction samples. This extensive review of the literature should do much to dispel the notion that long term stability is a rare, fortunate accident. Instead, it is just the contrary. A significant majority of the studies found satisfactory stability. It is interesting to note that there are several common characteristics of these satisfactory stable samples. There was 1) minimal expansion of the mandibular canines and molars, and 2) retraction, or at most, minimal advancement of the mandibular incisors. Of the 16 nonextraction samples and subsamples that exhibited minimal or near minimal relapse, only two were in the range of 3.0mm of AB arch length and/or arch perimeter increase. The average for these measurements was an increase of only 0.14mm and none of the samples reached 4 or more millimeters. Although these common characteristics cannot guarantee stability, they may be considered prerequisites. Notably, the poorest stability found in this literature review was for the sample whose selection criteria was to have increased arch length at least one millimeter in the mixed dentition. This study by Little, et al, reported in the May, 1990 AJODO, seems to support the contention that treatment makes a difference. The expansion approach to resolving TSALD by increasing arch length in the mixed dentition resulted in an irregularity index of 6.06mm postretention, while the average Irregularity Indexes for the other 16 nonextraction studies, which exhibited decreases or at most only minimal increases in arch length/perimeter, was 2.7mm. The findings of this literature review support the conclusions reached by Blake & Bibby in their literature survey, Retention and Stability: A review of the literature, AJODO, September, 1998. They stated: Permanent retention is cited by several authors as the only way to ensure long term posttreatment stability. However, as trained orthodontists, it is incumbent on us to take a more proactive approach in dealing with the factors associated with relapse. We should aim to remove the primary burden of preventing relapse from our patients and


would be well advised to maintain as treatment the following documented basic principles: 1. 2. 3. 4. The patients pretreatment lower arch form should be maintained. Original lower intercanine width should be maintained as much as possible. Mandibular arch length decreases with time. Advancing the lower incisors is unstable and should be considered as seriously compromising lower anterior posttreatment stability. 5. Fiberotomy is an effective means of reducing rotational relapse. 6. Lower incisor reproximation shows long term improvements in posttreatment stability.

Table A: Long Term Post Retention Studies


Table B: Extraction Samples in LT Post Retention Studies

Table C: Non Extraction Samples in Long Term Post Retention Studies 16

Luca Giuliante Rome, Italy

Roberto Ursini Rome, Italy

Summary Directional force can be defined as a group of force system that uses directional control to precisely position the teeth so they are in harmony with the patients skeletal and facial patterns. A primary objective of directional force mechanotherapy must be to control the vertical dimension during the active phase of orthodontic treatment.1

Good directional force treatment requires cooperation from the patient. He/she has to wear the high pull head gear (HPHG) throughout the treatment. The main cause of the failure of this type of mechanotherapy is the lack of cooperation by the patient. In this study the investigators examined an orthodontic force system which makes patient cooperation less difficult while keeping the focus on vertical control, one of the main objectives of Tweed-Merrifield mechanics. Dental and skeletal effects of these different mechanics were analyzed in a group of growing patients who presented with class II division 1 or class I protrusive malocclusions. In order to avoid down and back rotation of the occlusal and the mandibular planes, it is necessary to support the anterior area of the denture during orthodontic treatment (Figure 1). Extrusion of teeth is a movement which can happen easily from the beginning to the end of the treatment: during denture preparation, (correction of dental rotations, alignment, levelling of the curve of Spee, mandibular anchorage preparation), denture correction (anterior closing of spaces, class II mechanics), and during denture completion (use of intermaxillary elastics). (Figure 1) In order, to avoid down and back rotation of horizontal planes, Merrifield2 introduced two important concepts:
Figure 1: Back rotation of the occlusal and the madibular planes


1. Sequential bonding: facilitates less dental movement at one time and allows the clinician to better control the vertical reaction of the dental arch. 2. Application of Force: this concept consists of moving the application point of the extraoral traction from the upper first molar to the anterior denture area. The use of high pull headgear (HPHG), during each phase of orthodontic treatment controls the horizontal planes (palatal, occlusal and mandibular) and therefore facilitates counter clockwise rotation of the lower third of the face. This has positive repercussions on facial esthetics (proportion, harmony and balance). (Figure 2) For achievement of the optimum orthodontic result, it is necessary that patients cooperate by wearing the anterior HPHG during the period of treatment (around 24 months for 14 hours for day). This type of cooperation is generally forthcoming amongst patients who are highly motivated, especially by the presence of a particularly serious malocclusion. For the majority of patients however, our common experience is that the level of cooperation with the wearing of headgear diminishes with the passing of time. Poor headgear wear compromises the achievement of one or more of the objectives of treatment: function, stability or esthetics.
Figure 2: Porportion, harmony and balance

Consideration of these concerns has inspired us to investigate an alternative orthodontic system of varied forces that will allow a reduction in the level of cooperation with headgear that is required by the patient, while at the same time maintain a high level of control against undesirable dental reactions so that the ideal orthodontic objectives can be achieved. Description of Mechanotherapy In place of the HPHG a second wire, an .018 x .025 reverse NiTi (Figure 3) is inserted into a 022 x .028 tube which is. above the bracket of the first upper molar (Figure 4). This auxiliary arch is tied to the main archwire at the anterior area (Figures 5, 6). This auxiliary wire applies a constant intrusive force on the anterior area. The force is not applied directly to the teeth. In the posterior area it acts as a second order bend (tip back) that is normally applied to the upper first molar. The therapeutic protocol of using this auxiliary wire is different, depending on nonextraction or extraction protocols.


Figure 3: Second wire Figure 4: .018x.025 reverse NiTi

Figure 5: Auxiliary arch is tied to main archwire

1. Nonextraction protocol: The use of anterior vertical elastics (AVE) from maxillary to mandibular hooks facilitates the achievement of denture preparation and of anchorage preparation of the mandibular posterior teeth. The maxillary anterior area is stabilized by the reverse NiTi. This system of force is maintained for the duration of treatment: denture correction (class II correction) and denture completion (Figure 7). 2. Extraction protocol: After approximately six months of canine retraction with the HPHG anterior space closure is started (Figure 8). During this phase, the constant use of the auxiliary wire tied to the first archwire allows retraction of the anterior teeth without loss of vertical control. Denture correction and denture completion are done with the same force system (auxiliary wire, anterior vertical elastics, class II elastics or cusp seating elastics). METHODS AND MATERIAL With this system of force we have treated 20 growing patients (average age:13.2). These patients had all permanent teeth present and had class II division 1 or class I dentoalveolar biprotrusion malocclusions (ANB=3.66, std: 2.57), normo/hypo-divergent (FMA: 21,90 std:5.70). The average duration of treatment was 25 months.

Figure 6: Auxiliary arch is tied to main archwire

Figure 7: Denture correction and completion

The goal of this study was to analyze skeletal and dental effects of this system on our sample patient group. Cephalograms and tracings of each patient were analyzed at the beginning and at the end of therapy. The same method of analysis that was used by Gebeck and Merrifield in 19951,2 was chosen to


evaluate skeletal and dental effects. In addition, three other angular measurements relative to three horizontal planes (palatal, occlusal and mandibular), were chosen in order to better understand the effects of this new mechanical system on vertical control. Skeletal values studied were: PP-Occ: angle formed between the palatal plane and the occlusal plane; PP-MP: angle formed between the palatal plane and the mandibular plane; Occ-MP: angle formed between the occlusal plane and the mandibular plane; (Figure 9) MR (mandibular response)(Figure 10): measured in millimetres from projection of x points on the original occlusal plane from both pretreatment and posttreatment cephalograms.

Figure 8:

Dental values: (The International tooth numbering system was used) 16-ptv: the distance in millimeters from the most mesial contact point of the maxillary first molar to a line perpendicular to the Frankfort plane passing to the most posterior and superior point on the pterigomaxillary fissure (PTV). 16-pp: the distance from the tip of the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar to the palatal plane; 11-pp: the distance from the tip of the central incisors to the palatal plane; (Figure11) 46-pm: the distance from the tip of the mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular first molar to the mandibular plane;

Figure 9:

Figure 10: Figure 11:


46-x: the distance from the mesial contact point of the mandibular first molar and a line passing by the point x of the mandibular symphysis, perpendicular to the occlusal plane ; 41-pm: measurement of a perpendicular line drawn from the tip of the central incisors to the mandibular plane. (Figure 12) The statistical model chosen to compare the data was the Analysis of Variance. Average and standard deviation is registered for each value.

Figure 12:

RESULTS The tables show each measurement, in detail. The average value of each measurement before treatment, after treatment and the variation between the values before and after treatment was studied. An analysis of the angles of the diagnostic triangle of Tweed (Table 1), confirms a closure of FMA angle and an increase in FMIA, maintenance of IMPA, and an increase in the Z angle.

Table 1:

An analysis of the horizontal planes (Table 2) indicates vertical control of the lower third of the face during treatment. The occlusal plane was stable and every other plane closed. An analysis of the values that reflect the facial height (Table 3), shows a proportional increase in both values (AFH and PFH) and a maintenance of the value of FHI (ratio)5.

Table 2: Vertical Values 21

Table 3: Facial Height

Table 4:Antero-Posterior Values

To complete the analysis of the results for the skeletal values, note that the values that indicate the anteroposterior position (Table 4) of the lower third of the face reflect a reduction of ANB and an increase in the SNB angle, therefore a more anterior position of the mandible which is confirmed by the value MR (3.90). DENTAL VALUE ANALYSIS The extrusion of the upper and lower first molars, has been of equal value, while the lower incisors have been substantially maintained in their initial position. The maxillary incisors have had a small amount of extrusion. (Table 5) DISCUSSIONS The above results confirm a positive reaction of the lower third of the face to this type of mechanotherapy. In fact, in spite of the high risk of loss of vertical control that can happen during the preparation of mandibular anchorage and class II correction, the class II correction has been accomplished with positive mandibular response (MR: 3.90) and no vertical expansion (downward and backward rotation of the occlusal and mandibular planes).


Table 5: Dental Values

FMA and all the horizontal planes (Table 2) closed with treatment. The FHI value remained the same from the beginning to the end of the treatment. The sample group started with a good relationship between AFH and PFH (FHI: 0.71), and have substantially maintained the same relationship (FHI: 0.73).

The Z angle values confirm good facial esthetics. An analysis of the dental values confirms: Slight extrusion of maxillary and mandibular molars. Maintenance of the position of the mandibular incisor and a small extrusion of the upper incisor (Figure 13).

Some of this vertical molar movement can be attributed to alveolar growth; but probably the extrusion of the maxillary molar, even though small, can be attributed to the fact that the auxiliary wire has a small extrusive force on them. However, in spite of this small amount of molar extrusion, the horizontal planes closed. The efficacy of orthodontic mechanics is attributed to its ability to integrate with the intramatrix growth process, so that matrix towards the horizontal development is encouraged.6 CONCLUSION

Figure 13: Mandibular incisor and a small extrusion of the upper incisor

In order to stimulate horizontal growth of the mandible and to promote good facial esthetics, it is necessary to try and prevent all movements that have the tendency to open the mandibular plane and all horizontal planes. This vertical expansion of the lower third of the face, if it happens, is the main cause of unsuccessful treatment according to Gebeck and Merrifield. They affirm, in fact, that this


vertical expansion can be caused by a lack of patient cooperation, i.e. improper wear of the HPHG during the preparation of mandibular anchorage and during the application of class II mechanics. The auxiliary wire, instead of HPHG, solves this problem somewhat. As a matter of fact, after the first necessary months of HPHG to retract the canines and level the arches, the extraction patient, for the remaining time in treatment, needs to wear only intraoral elastics. During nonextraction therapy, patient cooperation only involves the use of intraoral elastics. This study shows that these mechanics work in harmony with growth. During the treatment of normodivergent patients, this orthodontic system of forces could be seriously considered. It is not valid for hyperdivergent patients. These patients must wear the HPHG. Without drawing any conclusions, this study could be a first step towards research that might lead to technique simplification while not moving away from the achievement of ideal objectives. It would be interesting to compare the results of this study to those found in an identical sample treated in the conventional way. REFERENCES 1. Vaden, JL: Nonsurgical treatment of the patient with vertical discrepancy, AJODO 1998;113:567-82. 2. Merrifield and J.J. Cross: Directional force system, AJO 1970;57:435-463. 3. Gebeck TR, Merrifield LL: Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment analysis concepts and values. Part I AJODO 1995;107:434-43. 4. Gebeck TR, Merrifield LL: Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment analysis concepts and values. Part II AJODO 1995;107:541-7. 5. Horn A.J. Facial Height Index AJODO 1992;102:180-6. 6. J.P. Ortial, La dimensione verticale: evoluzione teorica e pratica in tecnica Tweed-Merrifield J Edg, it, 2,37-48.


SHEAR, TORSIONAL AND TENSILE BOND STRENTHS OF VARIOUS BRACKET BASE DESIGNS (PhD Thesis, University of Naples) Isabella Lombardi and Roberta Ferro Naples, Italy INTRODUCTION Buonocores12 introduction of an adhesion system that was used after acid etching of enamel and the studies of Newman38 have made direct bonding a common clinical practice in orthodontics. The effectiveness of this technique is closely dependent upon bond strength. Many factors influence bond strength: enamel quality, the adhesion system (type and concentration of etching agents, etching time, adhesive type), size and design of the bracket base, bracket composition, etc. There are many studies reported in the literature about new adhesion systems1,2,3,4,7,8,9,13,16,19,24,25,26,30,35,39,41,44,45,48,49,51 and esthetic brackets4,5,10,11,14,23,24,26,31,39,41. However, in the past twenty five (25) years there are not many studies which analyze the characteristics of metal brackets2,6,15,17,18,22,23,24,26,27,29,32,33,34,39,43,46,47,50. Metal brackets have only mechanical retention and must have bond strength that is able to support orthodontic forces and masticatory loads. But, at the same time, metal brackets must be esthetic and easily removed at the end of the treatment. The increasing request for a more esthetic metallic appliance has created a reduction in the bracket size. This reduction becomes, then, a variable which influences the bond strength or the ability of the bracket to remain on the tooth. The importance of the design and of the dimension of metallic brackets and the necessity to associate a clinically reliable bond strength with esthetics and lower bracket visibility require bracket manufacturers to continually market innovative bracket designs. Additionally, because allergic phenomena are more frequent, the production of metallic brackets with a lower Nickel content has been required. In orthodontics, archwires are generally put into the brackets within an hour of initial bonding. The bonding agent might not, at this juncture, be completely polymerized. This assumption can be made because most of the laboratory studies of bond strength are done after 24 hours32,39,43,47,50 or 7 days17,26,33. The purpose of this study was: 1. to compare, using only one adhesive system, the bond strengths of six different metallic brackets with tensile, shear and torsional tests 15 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours after bonding; 2. to determine if the bond strengths increase with the passing of time and if these increases are significant; 3. to determine the debonding interface. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study 270 bovine incisors (deciduous and permanent), 6 metal brackets for the maxillary right first premolar, and a light-cured composite orthodontic resin (IDEAL Adhesion Systems, GAC) were used. The bovine incisors were extracted from the anterior portion of the bovine mandibles which were obtained from a slaughterhouse; the roots were embedded in molds made of autopolymerizing


polymethyl methacrylate. Bovine teeth were used because the enamel of bovine incisors has histochemical characteristics similar to human enamel, therefore, it can be used as a substitute in the bond strength studies 37,40. After polymerization of the polymethyl methacrylate the teeth in the molds were stored in physiologic saline solution at 4 C in order to avoid dehydration. The metal brackets tested were as follows: Master Series (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, Wis, USA), Discovery (Dentaurum, Bologna, Italia), Ovation Roth (GAC, Central Islip, NY), Extremo no-Ni (Leone, Firenze, Italia), Optimeshxrt (ORMCO, Glendora, Calif, USA), Tweed SIA (SIA, Rocca dEvandro (CE), Italia). The metal bracket characteristics are shown in Table I.

Table I. Characteristics of the 6 maxillary right first premolar brackets. The teeth were randomly assigned to one of 54 treatment groups containing 5 teeth per group.

Figures A, B, C, D, E, F show the bases of the six brackets photographed under a Intercontinental trinocular optic microscope (x40 magnification).

Figure A. Dentaurum (Discovery)

Figure B. Leone (Extremo no-Ni)


Figure C. American Orthodontics (Master serie)

Figure D. ORMCO (Optimeshxrt)

Figure E. GAC (Ovation)

Figure F. Tweed SIA

Before the test, the facial surface of each tooth was cleaned for 15 seconds with a pumice powder/water paste with a rubber cup driven by a slow-speed handpiece. The surface was then rinsed with abundant water spray for 15 seconds to remove any pumice. Each tooth was subsequently dried with air spray. The IDEAL Adhesion System (GAC, Central Islip, NY) was used to bond all brackets to the teeth. Bonding was performed in the standard manner according to the manufacturers instructions. The enamel surface was etched for 20 seconds with 38% phosphoric acid gel. Each tooth was then rinsed with a water spray for 15 seconds and dried for 15 seconds with the air dryer. The bonding agent was applied to the etched enamel surface. A standard dose of resin composite was applied to the bracket base and the bracket was placed on the sealed enamel surface so that the slot was parallel to the edge of the incisor. Each bracket was then seated with a standard force (300 gr) with a force gauge (Correx Co, Bern, Swiss) for 5 seconds in order to obtain a uniform thickness of composite. Any excess was then removed from the periphery of the bracket base with a dental explorer. The composite was cured for 40 seconds. The teeth that were to be debonded after 15 minutes and after 1 hour were stored in physiologic


saline solution at room temperature. Those that were to be debonded after 24 hours were stored in physiologic saline solution in an incubator at 37. The tests performed were as follows: Tensile test: Instron testing machine (Instron universal testing instrument, Model 1011, Instron Corp., Canton, Mass.). Each specimen was placed in the vise in the lower member of the Instron machine so that the tooth surface was perpendicular to the direction of load application. A custom-fabricated tensile debonding instrument, fixed to the cross-member of the Instron machine, was secured to the mesial and the distal sides of the bracket base. A tensile load was applied at a crosshead speed of 2 mm per minute. A computer electronically connected with the testing machine recorded the results of each test in megaPascals (MPa); Shear test: Instron testing machine (Instron universal testing instrument, Model 1011, Instron Corp., Canton, Mass.). Each specimen was placed in the vise in the lower member of the Instron machine so that the tooth surface was parallel to the direction of load application. A custom-fabricated shear debonding instrument was fixed to the cross-member of the Instron machine. A shear load was applied at a crosshead speed of 2 mm per minute. A computer electronically connected with the testing machine recorded the results of each test in MegaPascals (MPa); Torsional test: Each specimen was placed in the vise, and a torque meter which contained a custom-fabricated torquing wrench was placed over the bracket. The load was applied manually and the maximum torque necessary to debond the bracket was recorded in Newton*metre.

After debonding, the enamel surface was studied to determine the site of bond failure. The sites were classified as follows41: RESULTS Means and standard deviations of the bond strengths were calculated for each group (Tables II, IV and VI). The debonded interfaces were also evaluated (Tables III, V and VII). The diagrams G, H, I, BA: Bracket-adhesive interface. Adhesive may remain within the brackets retention grooves or particles; however, a continuous layer of adhesive remains on the enamel surface. COMB: Combination failure. Failure is noted within the adhesive and at the enamel-adhesive interface and/or the bracket adhesive interface. EI: Enamel interface failure. No adhesive is on the enamel surface. All the adhesive is retained on the bracket base. ENAM: Enamel failure. Failure is noted within the enamel surface. Adhesive and enamel are present on the bracket base. BRF: Intrabracket failure. Failure is within the bracket itself.


L, M, N show the bond strengths of each type of bracket with tensile, shear and torsional tests after fifteen (15) minutes, one (1) hour and twenty four (24) hours respectively; the diagrams O, P, Q show the bond strengths of all of the six brackets with tensile, shear and torsional tests after 15 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours. The tensile test means and standard deviations (MPa) after 15 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours were respectively: 3.54 +/- 1.40, 9.39 +/- 2.94 e 4.83 +/- 2.20 for Discovery; 0.97 +/- 0.36, 1.97 +/0.82 e 1.12 +/- 0.41 for Extremo no-Ni; 3.54 +/- 1.40, 9.39 +/- 2.94 e 4.83 +/- 2.20 for Master series; 1.88 +/- 0.28, 2.59 +/- 0.64 e 3.39 +/- 1.57 for Optimeshxrt; 0.77 +/- 0.39, 1.71 +/- 0.72 e 1.10 +/- 0.52 for Ovation; 2.26 +/- 0.79, 2.61 +/- 0.65 e 5.38 +/- 2.39 for Tweed SIA. The location of debonded tooth interfaces did not change with the passing of time. Most failures were found in the bracketadhesive interface with the exception of some COMB failures and one enamel interface failure. The shear test means and standard deviations (MPa) after 15 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours were respectively: 16.11 +/- 3.93, 16.75 +/- 4.19 e 15.77 +/- 5.33 for Discovery; 15.03 +/- 7.02, 15.48 +/7.15 e 7.08 +/- 2.68 for Extremo no-Ni; 5.70 +/- 1.79, 8.26 +/- 3.99 e 3.76 +/- 1.84 for Master Series; 5.58 +/- 2.36, 5.92 +/- 1.64 e 4.20 +/- 2.03 for Optimeshxrt; 5.09 +/-1.91, 5.95 +/- 2.93 e 5.05 +/- 2.44 for Ovation; 16.43 +/- 5.75, 16.98 +/- 5.94 e 16.76 +/- 6.41 for Tweed SIA. Discovery and Extremo no-Ni underwent combination failures and sometimes bracket-adhesive interface failures. Master series, Optimeshxrt and Ovation generally underwent bracket-adhesive interface failures. Occasionally, there were combination failures and enamel interface failures. Tweed SIA underwent bracket-adhesive interface failure after 15 minutes, combination failure after 1 hour, combination failure and enamel interface failure after 24 hours. The torsional test means and standard deviations (N*m) after 15 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours were respectively: 0.274 +/- 0.040, 0.275 +/- 0.060 e 0.319 +/- 0.107 for Discovery; 0.225 +/- 0.033, 0.231 +/- 0.063 e 0.311 +/- 0.058 for Extremo; 0.120 +/-0.028, 0.187 +/- 0.050 e 0.242 +/- 0.036 for Master Series; 0.087 +/- 0.027, 0.121 +/- 0.034 e 0.148 +/- 0.037 for Optimeshxrt; 0.122 +/- 0.047, 0.162 +/- 0.042 e 0.191 +/- 0.072 forOvation; 0.242 +/- 0.031, 0.259 +/- 0.026 e 0.262 +/- 0.035 for Tweed SIA. The brackets generally underwent combination failures and sometimes bracket-adhesive interface failures, with the exception of Optimeshxrt, which underwent only bracket-adhesive interface failure, and Master series, which underwent combination failure after 15 minutes and 1 hour and bracket-adhesive interface failure after 24 hours.


Table II. Means and standard deviations of the tensile bond

Table III. Evaluation of the debonding interface in the tensile tests


Table IV. Means and standard deviations of the shear bond strengths

Table V. Evaluation of the debonding interface in the shear tests


Table VI. Means and standard deviations of the torsional bond strengths

DISCUSSION Clinically, bond strengths should be able to support orthodontic forces and masticatory loads and, at the same time, brackets should be debonded without damaging the enamel surface. A bracket should resist a force of 5kg to 15kg in order to guarantee clinical success21,33,42. Brackets, to be considered reliable, should develop a maximum tensile force of 60-80 kg/cm2 (5.9-7.9 MPa) in order to resist the forces of orthodontic treatment24,44. Tensile forces of 50 kg/cm2 (4.9 MPa) are clinically acceptable in vitro. Studies 23,39 of the shear bond strength performed on stainless steel brackets have found that bond strengths between a range of 12.1 to 20.7 MPa are considered clinically adequate. When one compares the data found in the literature with this study, only Discovery and Tweed SIA develop tensile bond strengths which are clinically acceptable. Discovery develops the maximum tensile force after 1 hour but it is reduced after 24 hours. However, it remains clinically acceptable; Tweed SIA develops a tensile force which is clinically acceptable after 24 hours. Bond strength increases are variable with the passing of time: the forces are the same after 15 minutes and after 1 hour with an increase up to 24 hours for the Master Series, Optimesh xrt and Tweed SIA brackets. There is, however, an increase until 1 hour but a continued decrease until 24 hours for the Discovery, Extremo no-Ni and Ovation brackets. The different increases in the tensile bond strength values seem to be functions of the type of mechanical retention (increasing retention for the single mesh; increasing and then decreasing retention for the other types of retention). This probably happens because with the single mesh brackets the penetration of the composite resin in the single mesh bracket increases the mechanical retention as the composite resin polymerization increases. While with the other brackets, where there is


Table VII. Evaluation of the debonding interface in the torsional tests.

no penetration, the increase of the polymerization magnifies the undesirable effect of the composite resin contraction. In the shear tests only the Tweed SIA and Discovery brackets developed clinically acceptable forces. Extremo no-Ni, instead, showed values which are clinically acceptable after 15 minutes and 1 hour, but its shear strength then decreases and is no longer clinically acceptable after 24 hours. All the brackets, except the Extremo no-Ni, show an increase of the bond strength after 1 hour with a decrease by 24 hours but the differences are not significant. The uniformity of the shear bond strength values over time is compatible with the postulate that the superficial section of the bonding medium mechanically holds the bracket. The results of torsional tests confirmed that the values of torque (N*m) for Discovery and Extremo no-Ni after 15 minutes and 1 hour have no significant differences. Both increase until 24 hours. Tweed SIA brackets show, instead, values of torque which are practically the same after 15 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours. Master series, Ovation and Optimeshxrt show values lower than the others, but also with increases over time. The major factor involved in torsion strength comes from the geometry of the base; additionally, the roughness plays a fundamental rule. The steady increase of the resistant mechanical values over time is consistent with the fact that the internal layers of composite undergo a progressive stiffening (completion of the polymerization of the internal layers).


The evaluation of the site of bond failure revealed a certain variability which seemed to be influenced more by the type of bracket and the test type, rather than the direction of load application. For example, Optimeshxrt always underwent bracket-adhesive interface failures (BA). In tensile tests the predominate influence was the direction of the load application with failures in the bracket-adhesive interface for all the brackets. In shear tests the data collection was influenced by the type of bracket. In fact Master series, Optimeshxrt and Ovation underwent bracket-adhesive interface failure and Discovery, Extremo no-Ni and Tweed SIA underwent combination failures (COMB). These COMB failures also show a variability with the passage of time. In torsional tests Discovery, Extremo no-Ni, Ovation and Tweed SIA underwent combination failures; Optimeshxrt failed at the bracket-adhesive interface. The Master series showed a variability with time. The failures were initially combination failures but over time they became bracket-adhesive interface failures. During the analysis and interpretation of the results, an important role was played by a series of specific characteristics of each base: area, base type, mesh type (wire diameter, size of the aperture, mesh number, free volume between the mesh and the base). The manufacturers furnish only some information about these characteristics: notably the area, base type and mesh number. Other characteristics of these bases are industrial secrets. It is difficult to confirm our data with that of other studies for a multiplicity of reasons. First of all, for the past twenty five years there are not many studies of this subject reported in the literature. Additionally, there is often a lack of uniformity in 1) the methods used, 2) the specimen preparation or 3) the test type. The literature also confirms discordant opinions about the effects of different retentive designs of bracket bases on the bond strength. McColl33, quoted by Wei Nan Wang, reported that there are no statistically significant differences in the bond strength between bases with an area between 12.35 and 8.41 mm2; however, with an area between 6.82 and 2.38 mm2 there are differences. These data seem to indicate that the bigger the base, the more the bond strength. The bases used in the present study have areas included in this range as well as some that are larger. This study resulted in the finding that the brackets which fared better in all three tests are Discovery (10.88 mm2) and Tweed SIA (11.64 mm2). Both have smaller base areas than the other tested brackets (>12.35 mm2). Cucu et al15 have tested the bond strength of brackets with 80-100 mesh in both standard and mini base dimension. They have observed that there are no significant differences in the shear bond strength between brackets with 80 and 100 mesh in either mini or standard dimension and that there are no significant differences between brackets of the same dimensions with meshes of different dimensions, indicating that it is possible to use smaller brackets without adversely impacting the effectiveness of the bonding. Knox et al29 have observed that the bond strengths of the bases of 80-100 mesh are significantly higher than those with less than 70. They have postulated that the type of adhesive significantly influences the bond strength and that the particular base design could improve the penetration of the adhesive or of the polymerization light. According to Wei Nan Wang50, the larger the mesh dimension, the more bond strength. Bishara et al6 have studied two metallic brackets, one with a


single mesh and the other with a double mesh (Victory 3M Uniteck and Ovation GAC) and have found bond strengths and debonding failures to be the same. The present study found that the brackets with the best retention are Discovery, produced with MIM technology (laser structured mechanic retention) and Tweed SIA (80 mesh), followed by Extremo no-Ni (high roughness surface obtained with electroerosion). A test of hypothesis and significance on a level of 5% and 1% using a one way Student t distribution was used to determine if there was a bracket studied which showed the best characteristics. No statistically significant differences were found between Discovery and Tweed, when tensile, shear and torsional mechanical properties were compared. Master series (>100 meshes), Optimeshxrt (>100 meshes) and Ovation (double mesh-base) yielded inferior results that were similar. It is important to observe that in the present study only one type of adhesive was used in an attempt to insure that every variation of the bond strength values would depend on the characteristics (design and dimension) of the considered bases. The adhesive viscosity is a characteristic that influences the adhesive penetration into the mesh, its presence in the space between the base and the mesh, and in the mechanical retention and the escape of air. Possibly, the use of a different adhesion system could have yielded different results. For example, an adhesive with low viscosity can penetrate better into a smaller mesh. Also, the influence of the filler concentration on the viscosity remains an important clinical argument. Other studies have found no statistically significant differences between tensile and shear tests20,46,50. In the present study the test of hypothesis and significance on a level of 5% and 1% using a one way student t distribution was performed. These tests have shown that there are statistically significant differences between the tensile and shear properties of the brackets studied. It is necessary, therefore, to perform all three tests to obtain a complete evaluation of the mechanical properties of the brackets. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results obtained from this study, Discovery and Tweed SIA, and to a lesser extent, Extremo no-Ni, develop bond strengths which are in a range of clinical reliability. Master series, Optimeshxrt and Ovation have bond strengths that are inferior to those reported in the literature. The retentive characteristics of the base surface determine, to a significant degree, the bond strength. Additionally, the present study points out the importance of performing tensile, shear and torsional tests to obtain a complete analysis of these characteristics. This study also confirmed that bond strength increases significantly after 24 hours. This is a useful finding. Perhaps, clinicians should initially apply light forces and defer application of heavier forces for at least 24 hours. Additionally, if might be prudent to recommend to patients that soft nourishment be taken for the first 24 hours after bonding so that masticatory forces do not have a greater tendency to debond the brackets.


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ABSTRACT Introduction: Angle Class II division 1 patients with a large ANB and severe discrepancies are frequently found in the Japanese population. In such severe Class II patients, it is difficult to improve the protrusive profile with only premolar extraction. Additional first-molar extraction (AFME) is a procedure that can be done after premolar extraction space closure for patients who have a strong need for further esthetic improvement and who have well-formed third molars. PURPOSE This study was performed to determine the effect of premolar and additional first molar extractions (AFME) on soft tissue changes in high angle Class II division 1 patients after closure of space created by first premolar extractions. (Figures 1-4)

Figure 1: Characteristics of difficult Class II patients: high FMA, short mandible, severe arch length discrepancy, protrusive profile with severe over-jet, open bite

Figure 2: Mechanics of maxillary AFME

Figure 3: Mechanics of maxillary AFME stage 2 Tweed-Merrifield directional force system

Figure 4: Mechanics of maxillary AFME stage 3. Maxillary third molars are preserved


MATERIALS AND METHODS 33 AFME patients, 24 of whom had maxillary-only AFME (U-AFME) and 9 of whom had allfour AFME (UL-AFME), (Figures 5, 6) were studied and compared with 43 patients treated with four premolar extractions (PRME) as a control group. Lateral cephalograms taken at four points; pretreatment, before AFME, post-treatment and retention, were utilized for statistical analysis using the Student T-test. Twenty three cephalometric parameters were studied (Figure 7).

Figure 5: Patients Samples Japanese Class II, division 1 patients

Figure 6: Patients Samples Japanese Class II, division 1 patients


Figure 7: Twenty three cephalometric

RESULTS The comparison of the pretreatment characteristics between the AFME group and the PRME group showed that the AFME group consisted of the patients who had more skeletally difficult malocclusions with high FMA and open bite tendency (Figures 8, 9). Statistical analysis showed that AFME significantly contributed to maxillary incisor retraction and subsequent soft tissue change as

Figure 8: Pretreatment characteristics of AFME samples

Figure 9: Pretreatment characteristics of AFME samples. The AFME group consisted of patients with more skeletally difficult malocclusions with high FMA angle (37.1) and an open bite tendency (FHI:0.62)

measured by the Z-angle and LLip-E (Figure 10). In addition, the Bivariate correlation analysis revealed that the soft tissue changes correlated more with maxillary incisor retraction than with mandibular incisor retraction in both the AFME and the PRME groups (Figures 11-12). This finding suggests that, in Class-II patients, the lower lip position is most affected by reduction of maxillary incisor proclination.

Figure 10: LLip- E 41

CONCLUSIONS The AFME approach has been shown to be useful to improve profiles in severe high Angle class II division 1 patients who are borderline between premolar extraction only and orthognathic surgery with premolar extraction. The records of Case #2 give evidence to the validity of additional first molar extractions for the patient with a severe malocclusion (Figures 13-19).

Figure 11: Linear Displacement of Lips and Incisors

Figure 12: Bivariate correlation analysis between soft tissue changes and incisor movement (TA-TB).

Figure 13: Pretreatment Photographs

Figure 14: Pretreatment Photographs

Figure 15: Posttreatment Photographs

Figure 16: Posttreatment Photographs 42

Figure 17: Treatment Progression Photographs

Figure 18: Superimpositions

Figure 19: Posttreatment Smile Photographs



CASE REPORT: HIGH ANGLE CLASS II MALOCCLUSION TREATED WITH PREMOLAR AND ADDITIONAL FIRST MOLAR EXTRACTION Elie W. Amm, DCD, DES Instructor, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Saint Joseph University. Introduction Premolar extraction was, and still is, widely used for correction of tooth arch discrepancy, sagittal discrepancy and profile convexity. However, extraction for vertical control purposes is not well explored in the orthodontic literature and the advantage of maxillary molar extraction is underestimated. The dogma stating that the first molar is the key of occlusion leads many clinicians to abide by it in all cases, to the extent that some might finish their patients with additional premolar extraction so that the canine and the first molar contact, in order to correct a residual overjet and class II canine relationship after four premolar extractions.1,2 When premolar extraction alone does not yield enough space for the correction of excessive overjet and class II molar relationship, the clinician will face three options: jaw surgery, class II mechanics or additional extractions. Moving the first molars distally is difficult and requires the patient to wear head gear; also the net space available for anterior retraction is much smaller. Moreover, moving the first molars distally produces a wedge effect and worsens the high angle tendency.3 Merrifield 4 suggested that in class II patients with an anterior deficit larger than 16 mm and with an ANB difference larger than 9, the maxillary first molars could be considered for extraction after the four premolar extraction spaces are closed. Diagnosis and Etiology The patient was a Lebanese girl aged 12y 11m. She was seeking orthodontic treatment because she was self conscious of her teeth. The clinical examination showed a symmetrical face, incompetent lips with contraction of the mentalis muscle, convex lateral profile, and a retrusive chin (Figure 1). Analysis of the intra-oral photographs and the casts (Figure 2), confirmed a class II division 1 malocclusion with an overjet of 5mm, and an over bite of 80%. The maxillary midline was shifted 1mm to the right. The maxillary canines were in an ectopic blocked out position in the buccal mucosa due to the lack of space in the maxillary arch. The mandibular tooth arch discrepancy was 5mm in the anterior area and 2 mm in the midarch area. The depth of the curve of Spee was 2mm.
Figure 1: Pretreatment photographs.


Radiographic analysis of the panorex showed incomplete eruption of the mandibular second molars and the presence of the third molars at the crown formation stage (Figure 3). The lateral cephalogram analysis showed a skeletal class II relationship (ANB=9o) due to a retrognathic mandible (SNB=72o), with a hyperdivergent pattern (FMA=32 o, FHI=.62). The mandibular incisors were significantly proclined (FMIA=47 o, IMPA=101o). The Z angle (66o) indicated a convex profile due to the retrusive chin (Figures 4 and 5). The complete differential diagnostic analysis sheet is shown in Table 1.

Figure 2: Pretreatment dental casts.

TREATMENT OBJECTIVES 1. Improve the sagittal skeletal relationship between the maxilla and the mandible: reduce or maintain the SNA, encourage mandibular anterior growth. 2. Maintain the vertical dimension and control the clockwise rotation of the mandible. 3. Reduce the overjet and incisor protrusion. 4. Respect all limits of the dentition. 5. Improve lip incompetence and harmonize the facial profile.

TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES Three treatment options were identified: Option 1: Treatment would be conducted with the extraction of the four first premolars along with class II mechanics, and third molar extractions
Figure 3: Pretreatment panoramic radiograph.


Figure 4: Pretreatment cephalometric radiograph.

Figure 5: Pretreatment cephalometric tracing.

Option 2:

Treatment with the extraction of the maxillary first premolars and mandibular second premolars along with third molars. Option 3: Extraction of the four first premolars, the maxillary first molars and the mandibular third molars. Option 3 was selected because it offered the best way to correct the malocclusion, maintain the vertical dimension and improve the facial profile. TREATMENT PROGRESS The sequential directional forces system with .022 standard edgewise single brackets was used. The treatment time was 32 months. Denture preparation: After the extraction of the four first premolars, the maxillary first molar was banded and the rest of the teeth were bonded sequentially (5, 2, 1). The first archwire was .017x.022 SS. The mandibular arch was bonded sequentially (7, 5, 3, 1), the first wire was .018x.025 SS. After the alignment of the mandibular teeth, the lateral incisors were bonded and the retraction of the mandibular canines was continued with power chains. In the maxillary arch, after the eruption of the canines, the bonding was completed and the HPHG J-hook was used to retract them. At this stage all rotations were corrected and both arches were leveled and aligned.


Table 1: Differential Diagnosis

Denture correction: The mandibular incisors were retracted with an .019x.025 SS closing archwire. The maxillary space was closed with a .020x.025 SS closing archwire. At this stage, the overjet and the class II relationship remained uncorrected. The decision was made to extract the maxillary first molars (Figure 6).


Using the HPHG J-hook headgear, the maxillary canines and premolars were retracted to a class I relationship. The remaining space was closed reciprocally using a .020x.025 SS closing archwire. At this stage, all spaces were closed, overjet and overbite corrected, and the class I relationship was established. Denture completion: Final space closure and final alignment were done. The black triangle between the maxillary central incisors was corrected with minor stripping to improve the contact and the esthetics (Figure 6).

Figure 6:

Denture recovery: A mandibular lingual retainer was bonded from canine to canine. The patient was given a wraparound retainer and instructed to wear it 24 hours per day for one month and at night time thereafter. TREATMENT RESULTS The final lateral cephalogram and analysis are shown in figures 7 and 8. There was no forward mandibular growth, however the sagittal relationship between the maxilla and the mandible improved from an ANB of 9o to 6o and the vertical dimension was controlled with counterclockwise rotation of the mandible (FMA from 32o to 29o and the FHI from .062 to .067).

Figure 8: Posttreatment cephalometric tracing. Figure 7: Posttreatment cephalometric radiograph. 48

Figure 10: Maxillary composite and mandibular composite superimpositions. Figure 9: Cephalometric tracing superimposition on SN at S.

The maxillary incisors were retracted and moved backward without tipping (Figures 9 and 10), the overjet was reduced from 5mm to 1mm, and overbite was reduced from 80% to 5% with a mild overcorrection. Maxillary first molar position was distalized and intruded. The mandibular incisors were retracted, and the mandibular molars were uprighted without extrusion (Figures 9 and 10). The dental and facial changes are evident by comparing the pretreatment and posttreatment dental casts and photographs (Figures 11 and 12). The final panoramic x-ray showed acceptable root parallelism and no signs of root resorption (Figure 13). The facial profile became less convex, and lip incompetence was improved (Figure 14).

Figure 11: Posttreatment photographs. Figure 12: Posttreatment dental casts. 49

Figure 13: Posttreatment panoramic radiograph.

Figure 14: Facial lateral profile composite.

DISCUSSION Class II mechanics always lead to undesirable vertical reactions in high angle patients. The distal movement of the maxillary dentition and the side effect of the class II elastics on the mandibular arch creates a clockwise rotation of the mandible and worsens the class II high angle situation. To prevent these unwanted results in high FMA patients when premolars have been extracted for intra arch deficit corrections, the clinician must consider maxillary molar extraction to correct the class II dental relationship.5 The guidelines given by Merrifield4 can always be a good diagnostic decision tool. For this patient the anterior deficit was 19mm, the ANB was 9o and the FMA was 32o. These factors made the extraction of four premolars and maxillary first molars a justifiable decision. An additional advantage to this treatment is that class II mechanics require more patient cooperation than maxillary molar extraction treatment.2 If posttreatment facial balance is to be a reality for patients with average to high FMAs, the following three objectives are proposed by Klontz 6: Objective 1: Mandibular incisors must be upright over their bony support after treatment. It would have been more desirable if this patients mandibular incisors were more upright. Objective 2: Maxillary anterior tooth position must be controlled. Even though there was no favorable sagittal mandibular response and the uprighting of the mandibular incisors was insufficient, the profile and the lip incompetence were improved. This improvement was due to the retraction and third order control of the maxillary incisors as shown by Ozaki et al.3


Objective 3: Posterior vertical dimension control: During treatment the FMA decreased from 32o to 29o and the FHI increased from .62 to .67, indicating mandibular counterclockwise rotation and good vertical control.7 This was due to favorable vertical mandibular response on the one hand, and to the vertical control of the mandibular first molars and the maxillary second molars on the other hand. One of the most challenging parts of this treatment is the recovery phase; mandibular third molars must be extracted and the evolution and eruption of the maxillary third molars must be controlled. REFERENCES 1. Janson G, Janson MR, Cruz KS, Henriques JF, de Freitas MR. Unusual orthodontic retreatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003 Apr;123(4):468-75. 2. Amm E. Class II retreatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003 Jul;124(1):17A 3. Ozaki T, Ozaki S, Kuroda K. Premolar and Additional First Molar Extraction Effects on Soft Tissue: Effects on High Angle Class II division 1 Patients. Angle Orthod. 2007;77(2):244-53 4. Vaden JL, Dale JG, Klontz HA. The Tweed-Merrifield edgewise appliance: philosophy, diagnosis and treatment in orthodontics. In: Current Principles and Techniques. 2nd ed. Graber T, ed. St Louis, Mo: Mosby; 1994:627684 5. Ortial PJ. Treatment Planning for Molar Extraction Cases.Vol. 18. Tucson, AZ: Journal of the Charles H. Tweed Foundation;1992:7582. 6. Klontz HA. Facial balance and harmony: an attainable objective for the patient with a high mandibular plane angle. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1998;114:176188. 7. Horn AJ. Facial height index. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.1992;102:180186.


MY FIRST EXPERIENCE WITH THE TWEED-MERRIFIELD PHILOSOPHY Tweed Foundation Biennial Meeting October, 2006 Dr. ssa LUIGIA BRERA Como, Italy Introduction When I think about my first experience with the Tweed-Merrifield Philosophy, a big smile comes and my eyes shine. I was at the beginning of my orthodontic career and everything I did seemed to be difficult or even impossible, especially when I tried for the first time to bend an .0215 x .0275 with first, second and third order bends. It was very hard for my hands and for my spirit. At the least, practicing with this technique has taught me to focus on the following: Recognize and treat within the dimensions of the dentition Maximize facial harmony Understand the skeletal pattern

This is a case report of one of the first patients I treated with the edgewire appliance and the Tweed Merrifield philosophy.

Figure 1

Case Report The patient, S.C., is an 11 year old girl who presents with a class II malocclusion (Figure 1). The skeletal diagnosis is characterized by a dental class II relationship with an orthognathic skeletal pattern. Vertical dimension is normal but the growth pattern is one of posterior rotation. The esthetic profile is categorized by a protrusion of mandibular incisors with respect to facial planes (Figure 2 and Table I).


Figure 2

Figure 3

Table I

The craniofacial difficulty is 75 (moderate). The total space analysis deficit is 18.2mm (Figure 3). It is almost equally distributed between the three areas (Table II), so the total space analysis difficulty is 15.2. The total difficulty is 90.7. The management problems associated with the treatment of this patient are: Bialveolar dental protrusion is manifest by the lip incompetence The skeletal growth pattern seems to reflect posterior condylar rotation without a compensation of the teeth position Facial balance is poor. After review of the records, the treatment plan was to extract the maxillary first premolars and mandibular second premolars. Class II extraction treatment with sequential directional force provides


that, after extraction, the surplus space that remains after alignment of the mandibular anterior teeth is closed by the mesialization of the mandibular first molars. This molar mesialization results in a reduction of the posterior area deficit. Class II correction for this patient also required an en masse distalization of the maxillary teeth. After treatment Hawley appliances were used to guide the recovery. The final dental result is very good and is characterized by better facial harmony with a reduced gummy smile (Figures 4, 5 and Table III). The time of therapy was 27 months.

Table II

Figure 4 Table III

Figure 5 54

MY FIRST EXPERIENCE WITH THE TWEED-MERRIFIELD PHILOSOPHY Tweed Foundation Biennial Meeting October, 2006 Dr. Matteo Beretta Alessandria, Italy Case Report
The patient, V.M., is an 11 year old boy who presents with a class II malocclusion (Figure 1).

The diagnosis is characterized by a class II dental relationship and a class I skeletal pattern. The vertical dimension is hyperdivergent, but the growth pattern seemed normal. The esthetic profile is characterized by dental and labial protrusion (Figure 2 and Table I). The craniofacial difficulty is 69 (moderate). The total space analysis shows a 15.2 mm total deficit (Figure3 and Table II), but the anterior deficit is 14.2 mm. The total space analysis difficulty is 19.2. The total dentition difficulty is 88.22.

Figure 1

Table I

Figure 2

Figure 3


The Merrifield guidelines suggest the extraction of maxillary and mandibular first premolars for a patient whose anterior deficit is 5 to 15 mm. When all the extraction spaces have been used to correct the anterior and mid-arch problems, the resulting deficit is absolute and requires a compromised result or the resolution of the problem in the mandibular posterior area. Class II correction, must be done in the maxillary posterior area by a step by step distalization of the maxillary teeth. Anchorage becomes critical. This patient was treated as a critical anchorage patient. Maxillary posterior teeth were distalized 2mm. The correction is satisfactory. The dentition has nice intercupation and facial esthetics is greatly improved (Figure 4). The final cranial facial analysis shows a class I skeletal relationship and the correction of the dental and aesthetic parameters (Figure 5 and Table III). The time of therapy was 29 months.

Table II

Figure 4

Figure 5

Table III 56

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