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Th i n k positive - or negative? miss your


G will I won't (predictions) V opposite verbs

1 VOCABU LARY opposite verbs 3 PRON UNCIATION '//, won't

a e 6.1 Listen to five sentences and questions. Write down the a e 6.5 Listen and repeat the words and
main verb in each sentence. What are the opposite verbs? phrases. Copy the ®thm.

b O p.1 57 Vocabulary Bank Opposite verbs I'll I'll be late I ' l l be late for work.

will I won't (predictions)

1 lose 2 get / receive 3 forget 4 finish / end 5 turn off You'll You'll never You'll never learn.

2 G RAM MAR He'll He'll pay He'll pay you back.

It'll It'll go It'll go well.
a Read the conversations. Label the responses 0 for optimist
or P for pessimist. We'll We'll miss We'll m iss the flight.

b e 6.6 Listen and write six sentences.

What sound do the pink letters have in
1 I want to go with you. won 't and want?
2 They won’t come tonight.
3 You won’t find a job.
4 We want to learn Russian.
5 They want to sell their house.
Practice in pairs. A read the first line
6 We won’t win the game. of each conversation in 2a. B say the
optimist's responses. Then change roles.

8 Communication You 're a pessimist!

A says the pessimist's responses.

Your friend says You say
A p.1 04 B p.1 09 Make p redictions.
1 This c heck-in line is a O Don't worry. It'll start moving.
rea lly slow! b P I know. We'll miss the flight.

2 Let's d rive to the a P We'll never fi nd anywhere to park.

resta u rant. b O Yes, it'll be quicker.
a e6.7 Listen to the introduction to a
3 I lent my brother a O I'm sure he'll pay you back. radio show. Why is positive thinking
some m oney. b P You won't see it again. good for you?
It helps you enjoy life more. Positive people are healthier and live
4 I'm taking my d river's a O It'll go wel l . You'll see. b Try to guess the missing words in these
test tomorrow. b P You won't pass.
callers' tips.
5 I'm selling my old a O You'll sell it easily. Caller 1 Live in the pr esent
____ , not in the
laptop on eBay. b P N obody w i l l buy it. P----

6 H ooray! O u r tea m a P Yes. But we'l l lose. Caller 2 Think p ositive thoughts, not

made the fi n a l ! b O Yes! I'm sure we'l l win! n egative ones.

Caller 3 Don't spend a lot of time fol lowing
7 I'm taking Japa n ese a O That'll be inte resti ng! the n ews online or on TV.
classes n ext week. b P You ' l l n ever l earn it. Caller 4 Every week, make a l ist of a l l the
8 We're going to see a P You won't u ndersta nd a word. g ood th ings that
the movie in Spanish. b happened to you .
OYou'll love it. And it'l l be good practice.
Caller 5 Try to use positive I anguage ____

b e 6. 3 Listen and check. when you speak to other people.

c e 6.8 Listen to the rest of the radio

c Which response would you probably say in each situation?
show and check.
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
d Listen again. Write down any extra
d Look at the You say responses again. Are they a bout the

0 p.1 36 Grammar Bank 6A

information you hear for each tip. Which
p resent or the future?
tips do you think are the most useful ?
e D o you have a n y tips of your own?

' .
5 READI NG c Complete these sentences from the article with
the same word.
a Look at the cartoon in the article of a girl who
1 I'll go to the wrong place.
has a n exa m the next day. Do you think she is an wrong
2 Sometimes everything goes ____

optimist or a pessimist?
d What do these sentences mean?
1 The printer isn’t working.
Read the article and check. What is ��defensive 2 You have the incorrect
There's someth ing wrong with the printer. number.
pessimism /I ? She is a pessimist. 3 There were no problems
It’s a strategy which we use to control anxiety, fear, and worry
2 I 'm sorry, you have the wrong n u m ber. on our trip

3 Our trip was fi ne, noth i n g went wrong.

Why negative th inking e Read the article again. Then look at the things a
defensive pessimist thinks about catching a flight.
What can he do to avoid these problems?
c a n be positive
Everybody thinks that it's better to ut:: au upiim1st lllau a

pessimist (even pessimists think it, of course). People always

say "Cheer up. Don't worry, be happy. Smile." But in fact there's
a kind of pessimism - called "defensive pessimism" - that can
os lead to very positive results, according to Julie K. Norem, a
professor of psychology at Wellesley College, Massachusetts.
"Defensive pessimism is a strategy used in specific situations
to manage anxiety, fear, and worry," says Norem. Studies show
that 30 to 35 percent of Americans use it to help them in their
1 0 lives, and they're often very successful people.

Defensive pessimists think about future situations and

prepare for them by imagining all the things that can go
wrong. For example, if a defensive pessimist has an important
exam, they think this: f Do you think defensive pessimism is a good idea?
Can you think of any situations where you behave
in this way?

With a partner, ask and answer the questions.
Use a phrase from the box and say why.
Which of you is more optimistic?
Are you a positive or negative thinker?
Do you think . ? ..
y o u ' l l have a n i ce weekend
y o u ' l l pass your next English exam
y o u ' l l get a good (or better) j o b i n the f u t u re
y o u ' l l m a ke some new friends on y o u r next vacation
y o u ' l l live to be 100
you'll get to the end of this book
you' l l fi n d the l ove of yo u r life
15 Then they look at each possible problem and plan how to
avoid it. So for the exam situation, they go to bed early and
have a good night's sleep; they find out in advance exactly
p Respondmg to pred1ct1ons
I hope so. I I hope not. I doubt it.
where the exam is; they eat a good breakfast, and take lots of
I think so. I I don't think so. Probably (not).
Maybe. I Perhaps.
pens and pencils, and a bottle of water; and they leave home
Definitely (not).
20 early. That puts them in control, and it means that the exam

will be better than for an optimist, who just thinks, "Oh,
everything will be fine!" Because sometimes everything goes Do you think you 'll h a ve a ntce weekend

wrong, and it's good to be prepared. (J hope so. I think the weather will be good and. . .
U Go online to review the lesson -
I'l l a lways l ove you
G will / won't (other uses) fM4HDW P word stress: two-syllable verbs

1 READING & LISTEN I NG 2 GRAM MAR will I wo n t '

a Look at the two photos of the couple. H ow old do you (other uses)
think t hey a re in each photo? What do you think happened a Read the sentences and write them in
between the two photos? speech bubbles A-F on the right.
b Read the a rticle. Complete it with the time expressions. B I'll clean up my room now.
D I won't have any more.
a few years later 17 years ago for ten years a yea r after C I'll drive.
A This won't h u rt.
F I'll have what she's having.
E I'll come back tomorrow and fi nish it.

b Which people are . . . ?

B C offering to do something
decid ing to do something

(9 p.1 36 Grammar Bank 68


A,E promising to do someth ing

d Think of two offers to make to a friend, two

eve Smith from Devon in the U K met Carmen Ruiz-Perez from Spain
17 years ago
______ , when they were both in their twenties. Carmen was promises to make to your teacher, and two
studying English at a language school in Torbay, where Steve lived. decisions about what to do this evening.
a year after
They fel l in love and decided to get married. But the
engagement, Carmen moved to France to work, and the long-distance
relationship first cooled and then ended.
3 PRON U NCIATION word stress:
Steve tried to get in touch with Carmen again 3 a few years later , but she
two-syllable verbs
had changed her address in Paris. So he sent a letter to her mother's
a Look at the two-syl lable verbs below.
address in Spain. In the letter, he asked her if she was married and if
Which syllable are they stressed on? Put
she ever thought of him or of coming back to England. He gave her h is
them in the correct col u m n .
phone number and asked her to get in touch. But Carmen's mother
did n't send the letter to her daughter and it fel l down behind the
dej cide ojffer proj mise aj gree a lrrive
fireplace, where it stayed 4__
for _
ten years
_ _ ____

borrjow com j plain dej pend forj get

haj ppen i njvite pracltice prelfer
c Read the a rticle again and answer the questions. relceive relpair
1 What were Carmen and Steve doing in Torbay?
Carmen was studying English and Steve was living there.
2 Why didn't they get ma rried? Because Carmen moved to France, and the long-distance 1 st syllable 2nd syllable
relationship didn’t work.
3 Why didn't Steve's l etter get to Ca rmen? offer, promise, borrow, : decide, agree, arrive, complain, depend,
happen, practice
Because Carmen’s mother didn’t send it to her. invite, prefer, receive, repair
d (1) 6.9 Now listen to part of a news program a bout Steve
a n d Carmen and answer the questions.
What happened . . . ? - b (1) 6.1 1 Listen to the sentences and check.
1 ten years after Steve sent the letter
Some construction workers found it and gave it to Carmen’s sister.
2 when Carmen got the letter c (1) 6.1 2 Now listen and repeat the verbs
3 when
She called Steve.
Ca rmen called Steve in the chart.
They arranged to meet in Paris a few days later.
4 when the cou ple met again
They kissed at the airport and fell in love again d Complete the sentences in your own
5 last week
They got married. words. Then read them to a partner. Are
e Why do you think Carmen's mother didn't send the letter? your sentences the same or different?
Do you think "/'1/ never forget you " is a promise people I never com plain . . . 4 I need to borrow . . .
usually keep or break? 2 I won't forget . . . 5 I prefer. . .to . . .
3 I ' l l invite ...
verb + back

a Look at the sentences. What's the difference

between come and come back?
come back = to return to a place
Carmen came to England.
Carmen came back to England.

b Complete 1 -6 with a phrase from the list.

call you back go back g ive it back

pay you back send them back take it back

1 A Are you feeling better?

B Yes, I think I'll go back to work

2 A The shi rt you bought me is too small.

B Don't worry. I ' l l take it back to the
store and exchange i t . I stil l have t h e receipt.

3 A Hi, Jack. It's me, Karen.

B I can't tal k now, I 'm d riving -
I'll call you back in 15 min utes.

4 A That's my pen you're using!

B It is? Sorry. I 'l l give it back in
a minute.

5 A C a n you lend me $20?

I'll pay you back next week.
B OK - here you a re.
6 A Where did you buy those shoes?
B I got them online, but they're too big. I think
send them back
I 'l l

c (1) 6.1 3 Listen and check. I n pairs, practice the


d Ask and answer in groups. Give examples or reasons.

1 When someone leaves you a message on your phone,
do you usually call them back i m mediately?
2 If you buy something online that isn't exactly what you
wanted, do you a lways send it back?
3 H ave you ever lent somebody money and they didn 't
pay you back?
4 When you come back after a vacation, do you usually
feel better or worse than before?
5 When you borrow someth ing from a friend, do you
usua l ly remember to give it back?
6 If you buy something to wea r from a store and then
decide you don't like it, do you usually take it back?

p Giving exam ples and reasons

Examples For example, . . . For instance, . . .
Reasons I usually. . . because . . .
It depends. When. . . , I us u ally. . .

(0 Go online to review the lesson Jm

That means
I dre a m ed you 're going

The meaning of d rea ming about a

roa d .
to travel.

G review of verb forms: present, past, and future •�;nmnYtJm•


a I n pairs, ask and answer the q uestions.

• Do yo u often remember your dreams?
• H ave you ever had the same d ream more
than once?
• H ave you ever d reamed a bout something
that then ha ppened?
• Do you think d reams can tell us anything
a bout the futu re?

b Q) 6 1 4 Listen to a psychoanalyst talking

to a patient abo ut his d reams. N umber
the pictures 1 -5 in the correct order.
1 party 2 flowers 3 violin player 4 owl 5 feet

c Listen again and fil l in the blanks with a

verb in the correct form.

Dr. Melloni So, tel l me, what did you

d ream about?
Patient I was at a party. The room was
ful l of people.
Dr. What were they 1 doing ?
P They were laughing and 2__ __

Dr. And then what ha ppened?

P Then, suddenly I was in a garden . There
3 were a lot of flowers. d What do you think the patient's dream means? Match four of
Dr. Flowers, yes . . . what kind of flowers? the things i n his d ream to interpretations 1 -4. Compare with
P I 4 couldn’t see - it was a l ittle dark. a partner.
And I could hear music - somebody
was 5 playing the viol in.
Dr. The violin? G o on. You dream ... This means...
P And then I 6 saw an owl, a really that you are at a party. you're feeling positive
big owl i n a tree . . . about nowers. about the future.
about flowers
Dr. H ow did you 7 feel ? Were you that somebody is playing the violin. 2 you are going to be
frightened of it? very busy.
about an owl.
P No, not frightened real ly, no, but I
3 you want some
that you are at a party
s remember
I fe lt i ncred ibly cold.
romance in your life.
Especially my feet - they were freezing.
yo·u need to ask an
that somebody is playing the violin 3
And then I 9_ __
woke up _

Dr. You r feet? M m m , very i nteresting, very oldler person

. for help.

i nterestin g . Were you 10 wearing any about an owl

P N o, no, I wasn't.
Dr. Tel l me. Have you ever 1 1 had this

d ream before?
P N o, never. So what does it
, Doctor?
e 6 1 5 Listen to Dr. Melloni interpreting the patient's
d ream. Check your answers to d .

f 6.1 6 Dr. Melloni i s now going to explain what picture 5

means. What do you think the meaning could be? Listen and
find out.

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