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ok class our next project is here. It's a FULL FLARE dress perfect for relaxing on weekends shopping or for
hanging out.i picked this dress coz it's very easy to make and hopefully by next week ending we should
have finished it.

Fabrics needed is any type of lace.half yard if u want yours with out sleeve,half and a quarter yard if u
want yours with sleeve.then 2 to 3 yards of flowering satin for the flare part.

We would also need 1 button or 1 zip depending on the one u prefer.

Measurement areas are

Upper bust length
Upper bust circumference
Sleeve length
Arm circumference
length of dress
Note that you can use any materials as the flare part ankara chiffon satin etc just make sure the upper
part is made of lace.

Step 2.

Here are my measurement areas

Back 15

Neck 4

sleeve 14

Upper bust length 8.

Upper bust Circumference -40

Length is 40

First I will cut the Lace part

So since my upper bust is 8 (from the shoulder)

I will cut 8 plus seam allowance 1 inch that's 9 by length.

The circumference of the Upper bust is 40.when divided by 2 for front and back we would have 20.on
each 20 I will add seam allowance of 1.5 (1.5x2=3) on both sides

so I will cut out 20+3=23

My cut would be 23 wide by 9 inch length. It is on this I will now shape my neck and my arm whole

On it I cut out my neck line of 4 and the arm whole area on it.
My cut for the top part.the 9 by 23 inch I told u about

Then I cit out my neck and arm whole

I used 4 inch as the dept at the back while the front I used 5.5

The width is 8 FOR THE NECKLINE

Next is the under skirt .

First fold your fabric in 4 places.

Then we would use the measurement of the upper bust circumference to cut the radius. Since my fabric
is placed on 4 fold this means I shall divide my measurements in to 4

Look at the diagram below. The lemon green line is the radius part where the skirt will be joined to the
top.while the pink line is the circumference of the skirt under where the hem line would be .The Green
line to the pink is the length of the skirt part.
one of my projects b4 I joined it.

This is another diagram

To make it shorter in front and longer in the back (high/low). Cut your smaller circle after cutting the
hem circle. Open up the circle you cut, then fold again twice with one side shorter however you want.
Then cut your smaller circle. There are other ways too but this is the easiest. See samples. Let me know
if you understand. The style looks better in high low.

You can also cut in an uneven angle like below pictures. You will be making the curve on a rectangle as
opposed to a square. One side is longer than the other
Ok another easy way is to place the skirt in 2 folds then simply reduce the length of the front part at the
hem side .this will automatically increase the back

Fold your fabric on bias(triangular shape) measure your neck&armhole, then for d high&low, from d
middle left,cut as low as u would want it to be. See rough sketch attached
You will cut a half circle by folding your fabric just once. Then join the sides. Cutting a full circle is
actually too full for this style. Depends on your taste though. You will have a longer length this way. You
need about 3-3.5 yards.

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