1st COT Sy 2020-2021

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education Lesson Plan in Math VI

Region VI- Western Visayas 2020-2021
Division of Antique
District of San Jose


SCHOOL Classroom Observation No. __1__

Name of the Teacher: JOHN CYREL V. MONDEJAR

Date & Time: March 22, 2021- 8:00 AM
Subject Area: MATH VI
Quarter: 1ST Quarter


A. Content Standards To ensure the learners demonstrate understanding of four
fundamental operations involving fractions.
B. Performance Standards To ensure the learners should be apply the four
fundamental operations involving fractions in
mathematical problems in real- life situations

C. Learning Competencies/ Multiplying simple fraction ( M6NS-Ib- 90.2)

Objectives Using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools
( Write the code for each) (M6NS-Ib-92.2)
D. Integration (Knowledge ESP – Practice the value of being contented of your part KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
of content within and across given by your parents Pedagogy, Objective 1-Indicator 1
curriculum teaching areas) Health – Practice proper hand washing before and after
eating. To avoid corona virus infected.
Arts – Proper use of lines in equal dividing of fraction.
ICT - Using power point presentation

Multiplication of Fractions.


A. References MELCs page 4 Week 2

1. Teacher’s Guide pages K-12 curriculum guide Math 6 page 98
2.Learner’s Material pages 21st Century Mathletes 6 page 16-29
3.Textbook pages Pages 16-29
4.Additional Materials from Visualizing multiplication of fraction
Learning Resource LR
5. Other Learning Chart, pictures, power-point presentation, activity cards,
Resources plastic sheet, pens ruler, bread, pizza.

A. Reviewing previous 1. Review the previous lesson
lesson or presenting the Write the missing factor that can be multiplied to get the
new lesson product
2. Motivation
- Integrative Approach KRA 1 : Content Knowledge and
Pedagogy Objective 1:
Indicator #1
Apply knowledge of content and
across curriculum teaching areas
B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson . Values Integration- The value for
being contented
CLI Integration-Local place where
you can find bread
Look at the picture. What is in the picture?
(CLI ) Who among you have found big bread from San
Pedro? What kind of bread you have known? Did you
know about bake shop? How many bake shops have you
known in San Pedro?

If your mother has a big bread and you have 2 sisters and
1 brother. How many times did you cut the bread? Are
you contented with your part?

During the pandemic Mrs. Reyes bought 6/7 of pizza.

She gave ½ to her 3 children. How much pizza did the
children have??
Application to answer word problem
a. What is ask? The part of pizza did the children
b. What are the given facts? 6/7 of pizza and ½ of
pizza gave to her children.
a. What operation to be used to solve the problem?

C. Presenting examples Let us illustrate how to multiply pizza using this bread or KRA 3: Curriculum and Planning
/instances of the new lesson other material for illustration. Using acetate plastic as a Objective 7 Indicator # 3
EXPLORATION real presentation. Select, develop, organize and use
appropriate teaching and learning
resources, including ICT to address
learning goals.
ICT Integration-flashing the pictures
using power point presentation

KRA 3: Curriculum and Planning

Objective 7 Indicator # 3
Solve Select, develop, organize and use
1. Block Model Approach appropriate teaching and learning
Let us solve using an illustration. resources, including ICT to address
learning goals.
ICT Integration-flashing the pictures
using power point presentation


To find ½ of 6/7 we have

KRA 1 : Content Knowledge and
1/2 Pedagogy Objective 1:
Indicator #1
Apply knowledge of content and
across curriculum teaching areas
Art Integration. Use lines in drawing
After overlapping the models for 6/7 and ½ , the double block model approach.
shaded part represent 6/14 of the whole 6/14 is equal to KRA 2 : Diversity of Learners and
3/7 Assessment and Reporting , Objective
5 , Indicator #2
2. The long Method Plan and deliver teaching strategies that
Multiplying numerators and denominators. are responsive to the special educational
Simplify the answer needs of learners in difficult
circumstances , including geographic
6 X 1 = 6 ÷ 2 = 3 isolation, chronic illness, displacement
7 X 2 = 14 ÷ 2 = 7 due to armed conflict , urban resettlement
or disasters , child abuse and child labor
3. Cancellation of common Factors
6 x 1 =
7 x 2= KRA 1 : Content Knowledge and
Check: check your answer. Pedagogy Objective 1:
Find the common factors of numerator and denominator Indicator #1
Apply knowledge of content and
2 x 3 x 1 = 3 answer across curriculum teaching areas
7x2 =7
Health Integration: Proper hand
Cancelled out the common factors. washing to avoid corona virus .

1.. Group Task (Differentiated Instruction ) using of KRA 2 : Diversity of Learners and
Multiple intelligence Assessment and Reporting , Objective
a. Setting of Standard 5 , Indicator #2
b. Group into three. Each group will be given activity Plan and deliver teaching strategies
that are responsive to the special
Group 1 Group yourself for those who likes to draw. educational needs of learners in
Do the block Model approach. Follow the step in solving difficult circumstances , including
word problem geographic isolation, chronic illness,
displacement due to armed conflict ,
Problem. urban resettlement or disasters , child
In the time of Pandemic, we need to wash our hands abuse and child labor practices.
to avoid corona virus. The school purchases 4/5 of liquid
soap. The children use ½ of the liquid soap for hand
washing. How much liquid soap did they use for hand

Group 2. For those who like to answer using number.

Do the long method of solving. Observe the proper
processes in solving word problem.

A parcel lot which measure ¾ hectare was denuded
by flood during typhoon Yolanda. How much loss of
land if continues denuded ½ times per day?

Group 3 Who would like to answer a large number.

Do the cancellation of factors of numerators and

A buko salad recipe uses 15/16 cups of milk. How
much milk is needed if 4/ 5 times of the recipe will be

D. Discussing new concepts Constructivism Approach

and practicing new skills.#1 a. Allow them to post their work on the board
EXPLANATION b. Let them present their answers
c. The teacher will process their output.
Follow up questions
1. What are the three methods did you use in
multiplying fractions.
2. Can you explain the block model approach?
Long method? And the cancellation of common
3. How did you answer the word problem? What
are the processes in solving word problem?
E. Discussing new concepts (Mind Game) The first one to get the correct answer will
and practicing new skills win the game KRA 3: Curriculum and Planning
#2. Objective 7 Indicator # 3
Let us try to solve this simple fraction using the method
Select, develop, organize and use
that you have learn. appropriate teaching and learning
resources, including ICT to address
learning goals.
ICT Integration-the teacher use
1)¾ x2/6 = 1)4/6 x 2/3=
videos in the slides

1)6/8x12/18x 1)1/2 x5/6 =

2/6 =

1)3/5x7/8 =

F. Developing Mastery Group Activity (Test The Accuracy)

(leads to Formative The first group can do it first, will win the game.
Assessment 3)
ELABORATION Solve the simple fraction using appropriate
problem-solving strategies.
Mark can paint 4/5 of the square meters per minute. At
the same rate, how many square meters can he paint in
2 ½ minute?




G. Finding practical In what way we can use multiplication of fraction in KRA 1 : Content Knowledge and
application of concepts and our daily living? Pedagogy Objective 1: Indicator #1
skills in daily living Apply knowledge of content and
across curriculum teaching areas
 ESP Integration : Importance of
Math in our daily life
H. Making Generalizations What are the three methods in multiplying simple fraction?
and Abstraction about the
What are the steps in solving word problem?
I. Evaluating Learning Solve the simple fraction using appropriate problem-
EVALUATION solving strategies.

Dennica needs ½ cups of flour to make a full-size

cake. If she wanted to make a cake that is 3/5 of the
size, how many cups of flour would she need?
Understand: 1. What is ask?
2. What are given facts?
Plan: What operation to be used?

J. Additional activities for Solve the simple fraction using appropriate problem-
application for remediation solving strategies.

1. There were 90 children at the birthday party.

If 3/5 nof them were boys. How many were
the girls?





A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:


Master Teacher 1

Observed and Checked by:


Principal II
Instructional Materials

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