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Introduce yourself?

Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Karan Veer Singh Bal and I am
originally from India . I am in the last year of my masters in Management at ESCP Business School
specializing in Marketing, Strategy and Selling to Customers.

Before joining ESCP, I had my own digital marketing firm named Buoyt digital. We were one of the
pioneers in the Tier 2 and 3 cities of India, introducing state of the art marketing and IT services to
empower local businesses.

My goal of pursuing a masters abroad was to broaden my global business perspective and ESCP with
it’s multicampus environment and a comprehensive curriculum equipped me with that. This foundation
was further solidified with project management and strategy internships at L’Oréal and Henkel and
these experiences really allowed me to understand strategic business planning at such a high level,
indulged me in cross-functional collaboration, and honed my problem-solving skills. I also realized that
I thrive more in dynamic settings adapting and evolving with challenges which is why i believe that
Reckitt’s would be the best step moving forward.

Apart from my professional endeavors, I am also very passionate about storytelling, cultural
exploration, and staying active through sports.

Why Reckitt?

in my life I have always tried to engage in experiences that not just transform me but also where my
contribution has a bigger impact in the community. I believe that this is something which I can achieve
with a company like Reckitt. The reason for my belief is mainly due to 3 factors. One being the
entrepreneurial spirit of the work life. After having talked to few of my seniors in college who have
worked for Reckitt , the freedom to work and having a high impact of work from the outset is
something that they really appreciated and this is something which I highly look forward to since I
have been an entrepreneur in the past so having an intrepreneurial role will definitely be a good fit for
me. Secondly what attracted me to Reckitt was their zeal towards innovation. Its not just about
innovation in products but an overall innovation strategy to enhance the product. For example if
Reckitt has partnered with , it also has invested £745m in the business in 2020 in areas such as Go-
to-Market capabilities, R&D and Supply Chain to reinvinent customer experience with tandem.
Moreover I have always been passionate towards Marketing and for people like us Reckitt is not a
company but more like a school where I feel I can bring my marketing skillset to the forefront and
work on innovative campaigns with plethora of amazing brands from the word go. And as they say
last but not the least what i really admire about Reckitt is their values and culture. The philosophy of
“Freedom to succeed” and the opportunity to work in diverse domains within Reckitt itself aligns with
my natural strengths and values of adaptability, creativity, and a constant drive for personal and
professional growth. It will be an honour to work at a company which entails a legacy in the hygeine
and health sector and still remains relevant amongst its audience.
How would you fit the company?

If i reflect on the unique blend of my professional journey, personal values, and the characteristics
that would be suitable with Recitt , I believe the first one would be

1. Intrapreneurial Mindset - Having run a venture very early on in my career nurtured an intrinsic
entrepreneurial spirit. Leading a team of over 15 professionals and serving more than 30 clients
requires more than just managerial skills; it calls for a relentless drive , looking into the big picture and
adapting with the new hurdles facing everyday. self-motivation. These attributes of mine really gave
me an edge in my corporate internships and allowed me to navigate through the complexities.

2. Relevant Experience and Demonstrated Skills - I was always passionate about Marketing and
this is evident both in my academic journey where you see My choices of subject in Data driven
marketing, strategy and selling to customer ensured that i have the requisite fundamental knowledge
and my professional and internship experiences go to show that i have used these concepts
successfully in the real world scenario. Also my Henkel and Loreal stints in strategy and project
management showcases my versatility and ability to justify cross functional roles.

3. Collaborative - Throughout my professional life, collaboration was at the heart of every successful
project. Be it getting my whole marketing team on the same page in my company to deliver a
campaign or to contact DEI ambassadors to conduct workshops. Engaging with experts across
various domains, understanding business needs, and ensuring alignment of vision and objectives
taught me the importance of clear and impactful communication.

4. Cultural and Organizational Fit - From what i have researched and heard from the people
working at Reckitt, it fosters a dynamic ecosystem where individuals are constantly presented with
opportunities to address challenges and excel, something I greatly admire and thrive in. Beyond its
commercial objectives, what resonates deeply with me is Reckitt's genuine commitment to topics like
sustainability and having a diverse workforce.

Why this position?

Passion for marketing and hygeine products. I am a very organized and value cleanliness and i am
the best marketing persona for hygiene products like Dettol and Lisol. Hence i feel i can get into the
consumer’s mindset and also Reckitt is a pioneer in that segment.

I have done service based marketing for local business in my firm and was more in the strategy end in
Loreal and Henkel , but from the Job role i feel i would be at the righ balance of both analytical and
creative aspect of the business where on one hand i would check the KPIs of our sell in and sell out
and would also dig in to local consumer insights to enhance the consumer product.

What is marketing to you?

Marketing goes beyond mere advertising; it's about creating a brand identity that fosters loyalty and
trust among consumers, ensuring they choose your products in a crowded marketplace. In the fast-
paced environment of a company like Reckitt, marketing is the driving force behind brand recognition
and consumer engagement.

Marketing is a dynamic realm where brand building and strategy converge to create unforgettable
experiences for consumers. A comprehensive strategy delves into every facet, from product
development to distribution channels, from pricing strategies to customer engagement. It aligns the
brand's essence with consumer desires, creating a seamless flow that extends across touchpoints.
It's about fostering innovation, staying agile, and adapting to changing tides without losing sight of the
brand's core values. In the world of FMCG marketing, every decision is a brushstroke on the canvas
of brand identity. It's a blend of science and art, of data-driven insights and creative intuition.

What inspires you in your life

"Absolutely, there are three main sources of inspiration for me: people, nature, and the pursuit of
doing new things.

Firstly, people inspire me immensely. It's the stories of individuals who face challenges with
resilience, who show kindness and compassion in the face of adversity, and who use their talents and
resources to make a positive impact in the lives of others. These stories remind me of the strength
and beauty of the human spirit, and they motivate me to contribute positively to those around me.

Secondly, nature is a constant source of inspiration. Its endless diversity, resilience, and beauty
remind me of the importance of harmony, balance, and sustainability. Observing the natural world,
from the simplicity of a blooming flower to the complexity of an ecosystem, encourages me to find
peace in the present moment and to remember that we are a part of something much larger than

Lastly, the drive to do new things propels me forward. Whether it's learning a new skill, exploring
unfamiliar places, or simply stepping out of my comfort zone, the excitement and growth that come
from new experiences are incredibly fulfilling. This pursuit not only satisfies my curiosity but also
pushes me to expand my boundaries and discover new passions.

Together, these sources of inspiration guide me towards a life of growth, contribution, and
appreciation for the world around me."
What does brand equity mean to you? How do you manage your time?

Certainly, brand equity is a concept that resonates deeply with me, both professionally and
personally. To me, brand equity is the value that a brand adds to its products or services, beyond the
tangible features or benefits that the product or service provides. It's about the perceptions, emotions,
and experiences that consumers associate with the brand, which differentiate it in a crowded

From a professional standpoint, brand equity represents the culmination of consistent effort in
delivering quality, building trust, and creating meaningful connections with the audience. It's not just
about what we sell; it's about the story we tell, the values we embody, and the experiences we
deliver. High brand equity means that customers are more likely to choose our brand over others,
even if similar options are available, because of the positive associations and loyalty they have
towards our brand.

Personally, I see brand equity as a reflection of a company's integrity and commitment to its
consumers. It signifies a promise made and kept, across every touchpoint with the brand. When I
think of brands with strong equity, I think of those that have not only delivered exceptional value but
have also enriched lives and communities, and stood by their principles in the face of challenges.
In essence, brand equity to me is about the emotional and psychological relationship between a
brand and its consumers. It's built over time through consistent, positive experiences and
engagements, and it's what sets a brand apart in the heart and mind of the consumer."

What if a subordinate isn't delivering result on time?

Addressing a situation where a subordinate isn't delivering results on time requires a thoughtful and
constructive approach. My primary goal is to understand the root causes behind the delay and to
support my team member in overcoming these challenges. But these are the times which test if you
have created the right foundation, processes and culture where you can deal such dicey situations in
a constructive manner. For example my manager and I had a Jfx or jule fix every thursday for just 15
mins just to discuss what’s happening in life or something about work if i wanna say. This allowed her
to pickup what is going on in my life, what am i liking about the work or my current challenges very
organically and formally for every task we had the expectations established for the task scope and
deadlines. Once such systems are in place and then you face an issue in management, the first step
would be to ask them about how do they feel they are performing. This not just allows me to see if we
are on the same page but also allows me the understand the priority of tasks to achieve the goal is
right. Moreover, with a back and forth in such conversation you also tend to realize if the subordinate
is involved in the task or not, let’s say if the subordinate tells me a challenge and 60 % of the time i
will have a 2-3 solutions for it and i ask if they tried the solution and in the 1st or 2nd solution itself
they respond no then maybe they lack sincerity or initiative taking. Now it becomes a two way
approach, if they lack sincerity then you need to find the rootcause for that and see is it that their
personal goals are not aligning, is it they don’t find the work meaningful, or they are bombarded with
work. Then you can help by realigning their tasks with their interests or career goals, ensuring they
have a clear understanding of how their work contributes to the larger organizational objectives, or
adjusting their workload to a more manageable level. The objective is to reignite their motivation and
commitment to their role. If they are sincere , then maybe the focus should then focus areas usually
revolve around limitation in skill or resorces, incorrect task prioritization. For instance, if skill gaps are
identified, we can arrange for training or mentoring. If the problem lies in resource limitation, we'll
work on securing the necessary tools or support. Task prioritization issues can be resolved through
better planning and time management guidance.These are professional issues but in both cases the
person might also have a personal struggle.

How do you deal with distracting coworkers who stand in the way of your
Headmasters, Dealing with difficult people is inevitably part of professional life, and my approach is
grounded in empathy, communication, and clear goal-setting. First, I strive to understand the
person's perspective, recognizing that 'difficult' behavior can often stems from the leader. By not
giving them the deemed respect, ownership of work or not making them feel belonged to the place
could be the reason and it means that i am the cause of my own difficulty and if that is the case an
immediate couse correction is needed because This unmet desire could be frustrating . By actively
listening and showing empathy, I can often identify the root cause of the issue. But i also remember a
time when this was not the issue. We had a new graphic designer on our team who was incredibly
agreeable, always eager to take on tasks to the point of overcommitting. This tendency led to missed
deadlines, affecting our project delivery timelines.

In dealing with Jamie, my approach was twofold: fostering open communication and assisting in
prioritization. Initially, I made it clear to him that it was perfectly fine to express honest opinions or
decline additional tasks if overwhelmed. I emphasized that doing so would not negatively impact how
they were perceived by the team. It was important for Jamie to understand that being transparent
about capabilities and limitations was a strength, not a weakness.

This experience taught me that what might appear as a task-related, personality, or value-based
conflict often has deeper roots. It was a clear reminder that leadership and teamwork are about
understanding and addressing the needs of individuals to foster a supportive and effective work

Why do you enjoy your degree?

How would you deal with difficult people when trying to achieve an outcome?

What are key values you uphold in your ways of working?

Ideal working environment

What is something you have achieved?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Prepare monthly financial analysis from markets and check with markets key performance drivers.

Why RB over other FMCG companies?

Personal Connection to Hygiene Products:

"My personal affinity for hygiene products over luxury items has been a guiding factor in my career
choices. While my experiences at L'Oréal and Henkel provided invaluable insights into the beauty and
adhesive sectors, I've always felt a deeper connection to products that play a vital role in promoting
health and well-being. As an avid user of Reckitt's hygiene line, including brands like Dettol and Lysol,
my engagement isn't just professional; it's profoundly personal. I believe that working on products I
use and believe in will not only increase my motivation but also enable me to bring genuine passion
and consumer insight into my marketing strategies. This alignment between my personal values and
professional work is why I see myself thriving at Reckitt, contributing to products that make a real
difference in people's lives."

Preference for B2C Marketing:

"My career thus far has exposed me to both B2B and B2C marketing strategies, and I have found my
passion lies firmly within the B2C domain. The direct connection with consumers, understanding their
needs and behaviors, and witnessing the immediate impact of marketing campaigns on consumer
choices and brand perception is immensely rewarding for me. Reckitt’s strong orientation towards
consumer markets, especially in the hygiene sector, offers the perfect platform for me to leverage my
skills in B2C marketing. I am eager to dive deep into consumer insights, build compelling brand
narratives, and create marketing campaigns that resonate on a personal level with consumers

Exploring a New Position with a Creative and Analytical Balance:

"The opportunity at Reckitt represents a thrilling new challenge for me—a balanced role that demands
both creative thinking and analytical rigor. My previous roles have equipped me with a robust
foundation in both realms, but the prospect of joining Reckitt excites me because it promises a unique
blend of responsibilities. From developing innovative product launches and leading in-store
promotional activities to analyzing market data and consumer feedback, this role perfectly aligns with
my desire to not just innovate but also quantify the impact of those innovations. It represents a step
forward in my career, allowing me to harness my creative energies and analytical skills in equal
measure, within a company that is renowned for its dynamic and results-driven marketing approach."

What is a Reckitt product that you really like and how can you improve it?
Objective - Phenol chloroxylenol
To expand Dettol’s market presence and product portfolio by introducing a new line of pet hygiene
products, catering to the growing demand for pet care solutions that ensure the health and safety of
both pets and their families.

Market Insight: The global pet care market is experiencing significant growth, driven by the
increasing adoption of pets and rising awareness of pet health and hygiene.
Consumer Need: Pet owners are actively seeking safe, effective, and convenient hygiene products
tailored to their pets' needs.
Brand Alignment: Dettol’s reputation for safety, effectiveness, and trust positions us uniquely to
meet this demand and enter the pet care market.

Proposed Product Line: Dettol Pet Hygiene Solutions

1. Pet-Safe Disinfectant Wipes and Sprays

Description: Alcohol-free, gentle yet effective disinfectant wipes and sprays safe for use on pet
bedding, toys, and feeding bowls.
Key Features: Non-toxic, kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, safe if licked by pets, and
environmentally friendly packaging.

2. Pet Grooming Range

Description: Antiseptic shampoos and conditioners formulated for different types of pet fur and skin,
focusing on common issues such as dry skin, ticks, and fleas.
Key Features: pH-balanced, free from harmful chemicals, and infused with natural ingredients for a
healthy coat.

3. Pet Area Cleaners

Description: Specialized cleaning solutions for areas frequented by pets, such as kennels, cages, and
litter boxes, that effectively remove odors and disinfect.
Key Features: Non-toxic, long-lasting freshness, and easy to use without the need for rinsing.
Market Strategy
Target Audience: Pet owners looking for trusted, safe, and effective hygiene products for their pets
and homes.

Distribution Channels: Leverage existing distribution networks while expanding into pet stores,
veterinary clinics, and online platforms specializing in pet products.

Marketing Approach: Highlight Dettol’s commitment to health and hygiene, emphasizing the safety
and effectiveness of the new pet product line through digital marketing, strategic partnerships with pet
influencers, and educational content on pet hygiene.

Financial Projections & Requirements

Initial Investment: Detailed cost analysis for product development, testing, and marketing.
Sales Forecast: Projected sales based on market analysis and comparable product performances.
Break-even Analysis: Estimate of the time frame for recovering initial investment through sales.
Next Steps
Market Research: Conduct detailed market research to validate demand and refine product features
based on pet owner feedback.
Product Development & Testing: Collaborate with veterinarians and pet care experts to develop and
test the product range, ensuring safety and efficacy.
Pilot Launch: Introduce a pilot product line in select markets to gather consumer feedback and adjust
the product strategy as necessary.
Launching a Dettol Pet Hygiene Solutions line represents a significant opportunity to address an
underserved market segment, leveraging our brand’s strength to meet the needs of pet owners
globally. This expansion aligns with our mission to promote health and hygiene, offering a new
avenue for growth and innovation.

Lysol product improvement

Based on the analysis of common phrases in lower-rated reviews (1 to 3 stars), the top 3 recurring
issues that consumers have highlighted are:

Value for Money and Product Quality Concerns: Phrases like "waste money," "value money," and
"quality product" suggest that consumers are concerned about the product not offering good value for
the price or being of lower quality than expected. These terms indicate dissatisfaction with the
product's effectiveness or performance relative to its cost.

Packaging Issues: References to "cap bottle" and "seal broken" highlight recurring issues with the
product's packaging. Customers have reported problems such as broken seals and issues with the
bottle cap, which could lead to leakage or difficulty in using the product.

Delivery and Condition Upon Arrival: Phrases like "product received," "receive product," and
"product delivered" suggest that there are issues related to the delivery and condition of the product
upon arrival. This might include products being delivered in a damaged state or concerns about the
authenticity or condition of the item when it arrives.

Lysol portfolio
United States, Canada, Europe, India (as Lizol), Philippines, Mexico and Chile
Lysol is a well-recognized brand globally, known for its comprehensive range of cleaning and
disinfecting products.

1. Brand Trust and Heritage

Lysol has built a strong brand trust over more than a century, leveraging its long history of protecting
families from germs and diseases. This heritage is a critical element of its brand equity, allowing it to
maintain a loyal customer base and attract new users who value reliability and efficacy in disinfection
and cleaning products.

2. Health and Hygiene Leadership

The brand has consistently positioned itself as a leader in health and hygiene, focusing on innovation
and effectiveness. By offering a wide range of products that meet the highest standards of cleaning
and disinfection, Lysol addresses the growing consumer demand for hygiene products that can
protect against illness-causing germs, especially in the wake of global health crises.

3. Community and Educational Initiatives

Lysol's marketing strategy extends beyond traditional advertising to include community engagement
and educational programs, such as the "HERE for Healthy Schools" initiative. These efforts not only
amplify the brand's commitment to public health but also strengthen its market position by building
meaningful relationships with consumers and communities. Such initiatives enhance brand visibility
and credibility, showcasing Lysol's dedication to creating healthier environments beyond the home.

4. Emotional Connection
Lysol's messaging is crafted to resonate emotionally with its audience, emphasizing the protection of
loved ones and peace of mind for consumers. By highlighting the benefits of a clean and healthy
home environment, Lysol successfully connects with consumers' desires to care for their families.
This emotional appeal is a potent tool in driving brand loyalty and preference.
5. Adaptation and Responsiveness
The brand has demonstrated agility in its marketing strategies, adapting to emerging health trends
and consumer needs. Lysol's responsive marketing approach, particularly in digital and social media
channels, allows it to engage with consumers effectively, providing timely information and support
about hygiene practices, product innovations, and community initiatives.

6. Global Branding with Local Relevance

While Lysol is a global brand, its marketing strategies are tailored to reflect local market needs and
cultural nuances. This localized approach ensures that Lysol's messaging is relevant and impactful,
fostering a deeper connection with diverse consumer segments around the world.

In summary, Lysol stands for more than just cleaning and disinfecting products; it represents
a commitment to health, hygiene, and the well-being of communities worldwide. Through its
range of products and community-focused initiatives, Lysol plays a pivotal role in promoting a
healthier, safer environment for everyone.

what more could they launch

Travel size disinfectant spray
Industrial Sprays and disinfectants
Mop wipes
Mop sprays

Market overview
The market is witnessing a significant shift towards biobased surface disinfectants due to their non-
toxic, biodegradable, and environment-friendly characteristics, which are seen as viable alternatives
to chemical disinfectants.
Liquid disinfectants dominated the market with over 62% revenue share in 2023, attributed to their
wide range of applications in both industrial and household settings.
The in-house application segment led the market with a revenue share of over 68% in 2023,
highlighting the surge in demand for product use in regular cleaning and disinfecting activities within
Hotels, restaurants, and cafes emerged as the dominant end-use segment, capturing more than 20%
of the market share in 2023, driven by the need to maintain high hygiene standards in common areas
and guest accommodations.
Regional Insights
North America held the largest market share, exceeding 33% in 2023, bolstered by regulatory
approvals and heightened hygiene and health awareness.
The market in Europe experienced a sharp increase in demand, spurred by the pandemic, with
significant investments in expanding production capacities to meet local healthcare needs.
Asia Pacific, particularly China and India, is witnessing rapid growth due to rising hygiene standards
and awareness, along with an expansive consumer base.
Key Players and Developments
Major companies in this market include Procter & Gamble, Clorox Company, 3M Company, and
Ecolab Inc., among others. These players are focusing on product innovation, addressing emerging
pathogens, and expanding their global footprint.
Recent developments include the launch of Lysol air sanitizer by Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC in
June 2023, the first air sanitizer spray approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
PDI introduced new germicidal disposable wipes and sprays in March 2022, aimed at combating
healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and enhancing infection prevention measures.
Managerial Implications
For managers operating within or entering the surface disinfectant market, these insights suggest a
number of strategic considerations:

Innovation and Product Development: There is a growing consumer preference for biobased and
environmentally friendly disinfectant solutions. Companies can gain competitive advantage by
innovating in this area and securing regulatory approvals for new products.
Market Segmentation: Focusing on specific end-use sectors (such as hospitality or healthcare) or
application types (in-house vs. industrial) can help companies tailor their offerings more effectively
and capitalize on the largest market segments.
Regional Strategies: Tailoring strategies to regional market dynamics, such as leveraging the rapid
growth in Asia Pacific or navigating the regulatory landscape in North America and Europe, can
enhance market penetration and expansion.
Partnerships and Collaboration: Engaging in partnerships or collaborations for R&D and distribution
can facilitate access to new markets, enhance product offerings, and meet evolving regulatory
standards and consumer preferences.

Competition analysis
Product Offerings: Similar to Lysol, Clorox offers a wide range of disinfectant wipes, sprays, and
cleaning solutions targeted at both household and commercial markets.
Market Share & Positioning: Clorox is one of Lysol's primary competitors in the U.S., with strong
brand recognition and a significant market share. It is particularly known for its bleach products but
has successfully expanded into various cleaning and disinfectant products.
Strengths: Strong brand equity, diverse product portfolio, and effective marketing strategies. Clorox
has also been proactive in sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Weaknesses: Heavy reliance on the North American market, which may limit growth potential
compared to brands with a more global presence.
Product Offerings: Best known for its hand sanitizers, Purell competes with Lysol in the hand hygiene
segment. Its product range is more focused compared to Lysol's extensive household and
commercial cleaning products.
Market Share & Positioning: Purell dominates the hand sanitizer market, with significant usage in
healthcare, commercial, and consumer sectors.
Strengths: Strong brand recognition in hand hygiene, particularly in the context of the COVID-19
Weaknesses: Narrower product range compared to Lysol, primarily focused on hand sanitization.
Seventh Generation
Product Offerings: Offers eco-friendly cleaning products, including disinfectants, laundry detergents,
and household cleaners. It competes with Lysol on the environmentally friendly segment of the
Market Share & Positioning: Although smaller in market share compared to Lysol, Seventh
Generation has carved out a niche for itself among consumers looking for sustainable and chemical-
free cleaning options.
Strengths: Strong commitment to sustainability, environmentally friendly products, and transparency
in ingredients.
Weaknesses: Higher price points and a perception of being less effective against germs compared to
traditional disinfectants like Lysol, due to its natural formulations.
Product Offerings: Similar to Lysol, Dettol offers disinfectant sprays, wipes, antiseptic liquids, and
hand sanitizers. While both brands are owned by Reckitt Benckiser, Dettol's market presence is
stronger in regions outside the U.S., such as Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Market Share & Positioning: Dettol is a leading brand in many international markets, known for its
antiseptic liquid and hygiene products.
Strengths: Strong brand recognition and trust, particularly in markets outside the U.S.
Weaknesses: May compete indirectly with Lysol in international markets where both brands are
present, though RB strategically positions them to complement rather than directly compete with each
Analysis Summary
Lysol's competitive landscape is diverse, with competitors ranging from traditional disinfectant brands
like Clorox to eco-friendly options like Seventh Generation and hand hygiene specialists like Purell.
Lysol's strengths lie in its broad product range, strong brand recognition, and effective marketing.
However, competition is intense, with each competitor having unique strengths, from Clorox's brand
equity and sustainability efforts to Purell's dominance in hand hygiene and Seventh Generation's
appeal to eco-conscious consumers. To maintain its competitive edge, Lysol must continue to
innovate, address consumer demands for sustainability, and possibly expand its global presence to
tap into markets where Dettol is currently the more recognized brand.

● Antiseptic and Disinfectant Market: Projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.49% from 2023
to 2030.
● Disinfectant Spray Market: Expected to expand at a CAGR of 8.2% from 2022 to 2030.
● Disinfectant Chemicals Market: Forecasted to surge at a CAGR of 5% from 2022 to
● Global Surface Disinfectant Market: Anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8% from 2022 to
● Healthcare Disinfectant and Sanitizer Market: Expected to grow at a CAGR of 12%
during the period 2021–2026.

● Antiseptic and Disinfectant Market: Estimated to reach USD 131.55 billion by 2030.
● Disinfectant Spray Market: Projected to achieve a market size of USD 18.6 billion by
● Disinfectant Chemicals Market: Expected to reach a market value of USD 8.1 billion by
● Global Surface Disinfectant Market: Forecasted to attain a market size of USD 6.7
billion by 2025.
● Healthcare Disinfectant and Sanitizer Market: Projected to reach USD 9.5 billion by
Let’s say you had to roll out lysol product tomorrow , what would be your steps
Why do you think Lysol is not present in the german market

What are parameters to consider when thinking about a new reckitt product
1. Category Driver
2. Long term businesses
3. High margin business
Reckitt hygiene figures

Company figures

Company attributes
Company masti (1-2 chezein)
Lysol campaigns india
Check typical company marketing mix portfolio

What do you dislike about your course?

Describe a time when you have delivered at a pace? Who is your role model and why?
tell the interviewer about a time when I worked in a group setting where everyone was not in
agreement, how this was finally resolved and what role I played in the ultimate resolution.

If you could design a new product for Reckitt Benckiser, what would it be and why?
When you suffer a setback, how does that emotionally affect you and your work?
Tell me something about yourself that I wouldn't know from reading your resume.
What if a subordinate isn't delivering result on time?
Tell me about your greatest work-related accomplishment.
At Reckitt Benckiser, we always think of the consumer first. What are the top three ways we can
ensure consumer satisfaction?
1. self intro
2. Introduce one project
3. Ask Details
4. Stakeholder management
5. How to persuade others to agree on your project
6. Why you
7. What do you want to learn
8. Weakness
9. How would I improve my weakness

Lysol campaign india

How would you fit the company / what made you apply for this position?
Behavior questions as usual, tell me more about yourself, what do you know about the brand
Why RB over other FMCG companies?
What do you dislike about your course?
Describe a time when you have delivered at a pace? Who is your role model and why?
What does brand equity mean to you? How do you manage your time?
tell the interviewer about a time when I worked in a group setting where everyone was not in
agreement, how this was finally resolved and what role I played in the ultimate resolution.

What if a subordinate isn't delivering result on time?

How do you deal with distracting coworkers who stand in the way of your progress?

The performance of consumer products relies greatly on advertising and marketing efforts. Do you
have any experience with advertising, marketing, or market research?

If you could design a new product for Reckitt Benckiser, what would it be and why?

When you suffer a setback, how does that emotionally affect you and your work?

Tell me something about yourself that I wouldn't know from reading your resume.

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