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American Foundry Society (AFS).

The American Foundry Society is a national organization with a mission to "advance the success of its
members and the metal casting industry through advocacy, education and innovation." In support of this
mission, AFS works constantly to support technical innovation, advocate for beneficial policies, promote
positive perception of the industry, develop workforce skills and provide a range of services and
networking opportunities for casting facilities.

What the American Foundry Society Does

AFS has a vision to be recognized as the "leading voice and resource on technical, management, and
advocacy priorities pertaining to the metal casting industry." In service of that vision, the Society carries
out a wide variety of activities on numerous fronts. Activities
include research, education, outreach, media, policy and events.

What is foundry?

a factory where metal is melted and poured into specially shaped containers to produce objects


Foundry sand is a high-quality uniform silica sand that is used to make molds and cores for ferrous and
nonferrous metal castings.

Foundry sand is typically comprise of >80% high quality silica sand, 5-10% bentonite clay, 2 to 5% water
and less than 5% sea coal.

Foundry sand is reused within the foundry several times until the sand becomes unsuitable for mold

Approximately 9 to 10 million tons of foundry sand is discarded yearly.

An estimated 28% of discarded foundry sand is reused in primary construction-related applications.

Project managers can promote green construction and gain sustainability for their projects.

Foundry sand is used to make molds and cores for the casting process thus it has to attain certain
properties for its efficiency. One of these criteria is the AFS clay content of the said material. AFS clay is
responsible for the bonding of particles hence vital to the plastic behavior of the product. According to
the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

Adequate clay content with suitable moisture in molding sand is important for optimum strength and
casting quality. Too little or too much clay will not give proper strength.
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) are common analytical techniques used in materials
science and mineralogy to identify and quantify the elemental composition and crystallographic
structure of samples, respectively.

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) are both analytical techniques that use X-rays to
analyze the composition and structure of materials. However, they serve different purposes and provide
different types of information:

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF):

XRF is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of a material.
When a sample is irradiated with high-energy X-rays, it causes inner-shell electrons in the atoms of the
sample to become excited. When these electrons return to their ground state, they emit characteristic X-
ray fluorescence radiation. The energies of these emitted X-rays are characteristic of the elements
present in the sample.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD):

XRD is an analytical technique used to study the crystallographic structure of materials. When a
crystalline material is irradiated with X-rays, it causes constructive interference of X-rays scattered by the
crystal lattice, resulting in diffraction patterns. These diffraction patterns can be used to determine the
arrangement of atoms within the crystal.

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF):

Sample Preparation:

XRF is relatively simple when it comes to sample preparation. Solid or powdered samples are typically
used, and they do not require extensive preparation. Liquid samples can also be analyzed using
specialized sample holders.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD):

Sample Preparation:

Sample preparation for XRD typically involves grinding a sample into a fine powder. The powder is then
loaded onto a sample holder and exposed to X-rays. Single crystals can also be analyzed using specialized

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF):


XRF is widely used in various fields, including geology, mining, metallurgy, environmental science, and
quality control in industries such as manufacturing, mining, and materials research. It can provide rapid
and simultaneous analysis of multiple elements in a sample.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD):

XRD is used in mineralogy, solid-state physics, chemistry, material science, and the study of polymers,
ceramics, and metals. It's particularly valuable for identifying and characterizing crystalline phases in a

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF):


X-ray Diffraction (XRD):

The wavelength of an x-ray is similar to the distance between atoms in a crystal.


X-ray Fluorescence (XRF):

Peak Identification:

These peaks are characteristic of the elements present in the sample, and their identification provides
information about the elemental composition of the material being analyzed.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD):

Peak Identification:

XRD patterns exhibit diffraction peaks at specific angles (2θ), which are characteristic of the crystal lattice
spacing and provide information about the crystal structure and phase composition.

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF):


Non-destructive, rapid, and can analyze a wide range of elements simultaneously.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD):


Provides detailed information about crystal structure and phase identification, making it a powerful tool
for material characterization.


XRF is primarily used for elemental analysis, while XRD is used for studying the crystallographic structure
of materials. Both techniques have their strengths and applications in various scientific and industrial
fields, and they complement each other when a comprehensive analysis of a material's composition and
structure is needed.

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