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Predicting MLB Hall of Fame Selection

(Removed the Student’s Name)

University of Maryland University College

Graduate School of Management and Technology

Research Paper


DBST 667 Fall 2014

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This paper analyzed analyze a MLB Hall of Fame (HOF) database to determine which of

the offensive and defensive statistics and associated sabermetrics for position players (eligible as

of 2000) to determine which algorithms and which data combinations produces the best

identification of players likely to be selected for the baseball HOF. The paper investigated the use

of Naïve Bayes, J48 Decision Tree, and Logistics Regression algorithms in the Weka data mining

software package. The paper also investigated the impact of removing the total player ranking

sabermetrics from the database on the classification accuracy as well as accuracy improvements

gained by reducing the attributes set analyzed. In general, logistics regression algorithm was

found to provide the best performance and reducing the number of attributes considered provided

a significant improvement in accuracy, and to a lesser extent the inclusion of the total player

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MLB Hall of Fame and Selection Process.......................................................................5

Sabermetrics and data mining..........................................................................................6

Data analysis and preparation..............................................................................................6

Data Description..............................................................................................................6

Descriptive analysis.........................................................................................................7

Other data sources..........................................................................................................11

Data cleaning and preparation........................................................................................12


Choice of a model..........................................................................................................13

Naïve Bayes classification.........................................................................................14

J48 Decision tree........................................................................................................14

Logistic regression.....................................................................................................15

Experimental design.......................................................................................................15

Analysis and interpretation............................................................................................16

Naïve Bayes classification.........................................................................................16

J48 Decision tree........................................................................................................20

Logistic regression.....................................................................................................24
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Comparison of Alternative Solutions.................................................................................28

Comparison with Similar Studies......................................................................................33

Observations and conclusions............................................................................................35

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This paper analyzes the Major League Baseball (MLB) Hall of Fame (HOF) database

available for the class project to determine which data mining algorithms and data of offensive

and defensive statistics, and associated sabermetrics, for position players (eligible as of 2000),

produces the best identification of selected for the baseball HOF. In addition the paper also

considers the impact of the presence or absence of one particular sabermetric variable, total

player rating (TPR) on the accuracy of the different data mining algorithms evaluated.


MLB Hall of Fame and Selection Process

The MLB Hall of Fame is intended to recognize both players who had exceptional

careers and achievements, and others associated with baseball, such as executives, managers, and

umpires who have made significant achievements and contributions to baseball. Players are

eligible for selection to the baseball Hall of Fame if they have played at least 10 seasons and

have been retired from the game for at least five years. During their initial period of eligibility,

until recently, a 15 year period, they are eligible for selection by the Baseball Writers'

Association of America. After that period has ended, they may be selected by the veterans

committee for an indefinite period of time, which also considers and selects all non-players for

the Hall of Fame. While a player’s record and playing ability, which can be measured by the

statistics captured their career, are a major factor in the guidelines for selection to the Hall of

Fame, the guidelines also specify that in addition to a player’s performance and contributions to

the teams he played for his character, integrity, and sportsmanship, should also be considered
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(Election Rules, n.d.). This of course allows for an element of subjectivity in the evaluation of

candidates on the part of those voting if a player is worthy of inclusion in the Hall of Fame.

Sabermetrics and data mining

Sabermetrics is a term used to describe the statistical analysis of the performance data

collected on baseball players and games. Among its goals is to determine which are the most

productive and efficient players, both overall and in specific aspects of the game. The term

sabermetrics was coined by Bill James in 1980 and described it as quote the search for objective

knowledge about baseball” (Birnbaum, n. d.).

Data analysis and preparation

Data Description

The data set used was the data set used by Cochran (2000) for his paper, and includes

basic statistics and several sabermetrics statistics on all position players eligible for selection to

the baseball Hall of Fame in the year 2000. The data set contains 1340 instances with 24

attributes representing the players offense even defensive statistics for their career, a categorical

attribute indicating which position they played (catcher (C), first base (1), second base (2), third

base (3), shortstop (S) , outfield (O), or designated hitter (D)) , and a class attribute indicating if

they were a member of the MLB Hall of Fame, and if elected by the baseball writers for the

veterans committee, or not in the MLB Hall of Fame. A key element of the data set is the

sabermetrics measure Total Player Rating (TPR) based on a proprietary formula developed by

Thorn and Palmer which attempts to provide the best overall measure of a player’s value over his

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Descriptive analysis

Table 1 below shows the numeric attributes in the database and their range of values,

while Figure 1 shows all of the attributes distributions. The first 13 attributes, from seasons

played to times caught stealing, or the totals for a player’s career. The next four values represent

commonly reported averages/percentages calculated from the career totals. The remaining values

represent more advanced sabermetrics. This represent weighted combinations of the player’s

career totals. A detailed description of how these values are calculated is in Albert’s (2010) paper

with the exception of total player rating. Total player rating is a formula developed by Thorn and

Palmer, which is a weighted sum of adjusted batting runs, fielding runs and base stealing runs.

The formula was adjusted annually and the results were available in their annual baseball

encyclopedia, titled Total Baseball, which was last published in 2004. The data is now known as

batter – fielder wins, and is only available with an ESPN insiders paid subscription (Yawdoszyn,


Table 1. Numeric Attributes

Attribute Minimu Maximu Mean Standard

m m Deviation
Seasons Played 10 26 13.48 3.136
Games Played 140 3562 1331.2 519.165
Official At-Bats (AB) 252 14053 4534.6 2094.191
Runs Scored (R) 20 2246 635.31 376.41
Hits (H) 48 4256 1248.5 647.665
Doubles (2B) 6 792 203.22 116.576
Triples (3B) 0 309 50.81 41.038
Home Runs (HR) 0 755 85.11 97.93
Runs Batted In (RBI) 21 2297 565.74 357.164
Walks (BB) 17 2056 445.58 295.214
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Attribute Minimu Maximu Mean Standard

m m Deviation
Strikeouts (SO) 0 2597 445.69 325.319
Stolen Bases (SB) 0 938 104.45 125.754
Times Caught Stealing (CS) 0 307 37.82 34.337
Batting Average (BA) 0.161 0.336 0.269 0.026
On Base Percentage (OBP) 0.194 0.483 0.336 0.034
Slugging Percentage (SLG) 0.201 0.690 0.385 0.061
Fielding Average (FA) 0.820 1.000 0.966 0.025
Adjusted Production (AP) 20 209 99.90 22.445
Batting Runs (BR) -310 1322 37.56 169.282
Adjusted Batting Runs -341 1355 35.26 167.630
Runs Created (RC) 16 2838 657.08 416.119
Stolen Base Runs (SBR) -31 110 -3.09 13.315
Fielding Runs (FR) -235 369 5.959 63.145
Total Player Rating (TPR) -28.9 105.2 3.53 15.118
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Figure 1. MLBHOF data attributes distribution

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The data in table 2 shows the number of players by primary position played and the

number of players at that position in the Hall of Fame. This data includes the updates made to

reflect player in the database that were selected for the Hall of Fame after 2000. Overall, the

distribution of players by position matches the frequency one would expect with two exceptions.

First, the designated hitter position has only a small number of eligible players since it is a

relatively new non-fielding position that exists only in the American League and is frequently

rotated among players on a team to give them a break from their normal feeling position. Second,

catchers are relatively over represented on the list of eligibles, at almost 19% of the database

when the expected range would be between 11 and 13%.Overall a little over 9% of all players

eligible have been selected for the Hall of Fame, however, catchers and third baseman are

selected at about half the average frequency, while first baseman have the highest percentage of

position players selected for the Hall of Fame. Since the American League went to the designated

hitter rule, only a small number of players, who spent the majority of their career as a designated

hitter, have become eligible for the Hall of Fame and none of them have been selected to the Hall

of Fame when the dataset was created. Since the cutoff date for this database, one player, Paul

Molitor, who spent a significant part of his career as a designated hitter has been selected for the

Hall of Fame but he spend enough time as a position player that he is assigned a fielding position

in this database. Currently, there exists a perception that the baseball writers Association voters

downgrade career designated hitters when evaluating them as candidates for the Hall of Fame

(Mills and Salaga, 2011).

Table 2. Players and HOF membership by position

Position played number in Hall of Fame Percent of percent in Hall

database members players eligible of Fame
C 254 11 18.96% 4.3%
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Position played number in Hall of Fame Percent of percent in Hall

database members players eligible of Fame
1 139 19 10.37% 13.7%
2 148 14 11.04% 9.5%
3 145 8 10.82% 5.5%
S 154 17 11.49% 11.0%
O 492 55 36.72% 11.2%
D 8 0 0.60% 0.0%
Total 1340 124 100.00% 9.3%

Other data sources

Since the database was created an additional 13 players who were not included in the

database have become eligible for and been selected for membership in the Hall of Fame. I

created an additional test data set to use in testing the classification models producing the best

results with these 13 players plus 39 additional players, who are not in the Hall of Fame and are

no longer being considered by the Baseball Writers Association. I was able to access statistics at

the website ( for all necessary

career total information in several of the sabermetrics data sets. For those data attributes not

found at the baseball website. I was able to use the formulas in Albert’s (2010)

paper to calculate the missing data, with the exception of the total player rating. I was able to get

the TPR for all of the new Hall of Fame players from a blog post (Yawdoszyn, 2006) discussing

Hall of Fame candidates and a few other players in terms of their TPR scores. For those

sabermetrics values calculated based on the Albert’s (2010) paper I was able to verify the

calculations by calculating values for players in the database and confirming that the results were

close matches, allowing for rounding errors. However, I was unable to consistently replicate the

TPR calculations, especially for first baseman, shortstops and catchers. Therefore, I had to

restrict players included in the second test data set to those players for which I could obtain a

TPR score.
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Data cleaning and preparation.

For the primary data set, instances with missing values were not deleted. The data set was

updated to indicate selection for the Hall of Fame for the 10 players in the database selected for

the Hall of Fame since the year 2000, for their records as players. Three other people in the

database were selected for the Hall of Fame, for their record as managers and were left coded as

nonmembers. Player’s names are string values and were removed from the data set prior to doing

the analysis. There were only two sets of categorical attributes in the data set, one for position

played, and when indicating if in the Hall of Fame, and if so how elected. For this analysis I

shifted the Hall of Fame attribute to two values, indicating a member or not a member, and

removed the distinction between elected by the baseball writers or the veterans committee.

Given that I decided to exclude any players for which I could not obtain a TPR value as

discussed in the prior section, there were no problems with missing data for the players included

in the second data set of those players eligible after 2000. I also decided to exclude those players

have been associated with steroid use in association with the release of the Mitchell Report.

There’s been considerable speculation that the low number of votes received by those players in

recent Hall of Fame voting is due to voters concerns about the players fitness for the Hall of

Fame when considering integrity and sportsmanship, since the use of these performance-

enhancing drugs was cheating on the part of the player (Mills and Salaga, 2011), (Yawdoszyn,

2006), (Young, Holland, & Weckman, 2008). For this reason I did not include any of those

players within the post-2000 test data set.

Young et al. (2008) in their paper combined first and third base into a category labeled

corner infield and second base and shortstop positions into a category called middle infield. I
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decided it was not appropriate to group positions played into a hierarchy, while players at second

base and shortstop are selected to the Hall of Fame at approximately the same rate, and players

from third-base are selected to the Hall of Fame in about half the rate is players from first base.


Choice of a model

In deciding which models to use, I did a literature review to see what other papers or

available that addressed this topic and which models were used. The other papers are discussed

in the comparison with similar studies section. I then ran those models used from the other

studies, which I found interesting, along with additional models/algorithms that I was interested

in exploring against the base case data set and compared the results to the results of running the

ZeroR model against the base case. ZeroR is a simple classifier which assumes that everything is

the most common class value; in this case that everyone is not in the Hall of Fame. This helped

me to delete options which did not appear to produce reasonably accurate results. I then

narrowed the models to be used for this paper down to three classification models, Naïve Bayes,

J48 decision tree, and logistic regression, in order to keep the scope to a reasonable level.

Naïve Bayes classification

Naïve Bayes is a statistical-based classification method that predicts class for an instance

based upon the combined probability that the values of each individual attribute to indicate

membership in the class. Naïve Bayes assumes that the value of each individual attribute is

independent of the values of the other attributes. This is not always the case, and therefore faith-

based classification normally works better with a reduced attribute set that eliminates redundant
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attributes or minimally contributing attributes. Naïve Bayes also has an advantage in that it

handles missing values by simply omitting them from the calculations that specific instance and

it handles cases of zero on occurrences by using the Laplace estimator which allows for a small

but nonzero likelihood that it could occur in the future (Han & Kamber, 2006) (Witten, Frank, &

Hall, 2011).

J48 Decision tree

The J48 decision tree algorithm is the implementation of the C4.5 decision tree induction

algorithm. These are described as greedy or non-backtracking algorithms which build their

structure based on a divide and conquer strategy and those branch splitting, i.e., which attribute

among those remaining will be used for the next level in the three, is based on greatest

information gain. For decision trees, pruning is used to reduce the risk of overfitting, reduce

complexity and increase computational efficiency. The end result is a set of rules in a tree

structure that can be applied to determine which class to assign a new instance of data (Han &

Kamber, 2006) (Witten, Frank, & Hall, 2011).

Logistic regression

Regression techniques are statistical methods that are easily adaptable for classification

where there is numeric attributes. Regression techniques use the training instances to calculate

the probability of class membership as a function of the value for each attribute. When

evaluating a new instance the probabilities are calculated and the largest is selected as the class

value. Logistic regression is a generalized linear model that avoids some of the problems of

linear regression. It does not assume the data for an attribute is normally distributed, which

figure 1 shows is not the case for several of the attributes in this data set. Second, it does not
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approximate the class values (0 or 1) directly, which can produce out of range probability values,

instead it approximates the values using the logit transformation function (Han & Kamber, 2006)

(Witten, Frank, & Hall, 2011).

Experimental design

In conducting the test there were two objectives. First, to determine the relative

effectiveness of the three different classification systems examined and second to evaluate the

effect of removing the total player ranking (TPR) score from the data set and the benefit of

reducing the number of attributes in the data set. These experiments each model was evaluated

against 4 data sets as shown in Table 3. One immediate impact of the removal of the TPR from

the database was that the number of reduced attributes went from 7 to 10, when the TPR was

removed from the data set. The Weka Explored function, using 10 fold cross validation, was used

to train and evaluate each classification method against each of the data sets. The evaluation

model was saved and then used on the second test data set containing player eligible since 2000.

Weka experimenter function was also used to evaluate the relative utility of the four data sets

free to the classification algorithms. In addition the Weka Experimenter capability was used to

create an experiment to evaluate the 3 models against the four data sets.

Table 4. Data Sets used

Data Set Name Modifications

Base case data was updated to reflect players added to the Hall of Fame after
the cutoff date
Reduced attributes CFS Subset Evaluator (Best First) to select attributes retained:
runs_scored, hits(H), Batting_average(BA), batting_runs(BR),
runs_created(RC), total_player_rating(TPR), and HOF membership
No TPR Base case with TPR attribute removed
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Data Set Name Modifications

Reduced attributes- no CFS Subset Evaluator (Best First) used on No TPR data set.
TPR Attributes retained: runs_scored, hits(H), triples(3B),
home_runs(HR), runs_batted_in(RBI), Batting_average(BA),
batting_runs(BR), adjusted_batting_runs(ABR), runs_created(RC),
fielding_runs(FR), HOF_Member

Analysis and interpretation

Naïve Bayes classification

The summary output, accuracy results and confusion matrix results for the Naïve Bayes

results are shown in table 5. In general the Naïve Bayes classification appears to favor accurately

classifying a high percentage of HOF members at the expense of including a high number of

false positives (classifying non-HOF members as members). This trend was evident in both the

training set and the test set.

Table 5. Naive Bayes classification results

Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data
Base case Summary Summary

Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances

1187 88.5821 % 48 92.3077 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
153 11.4179 % 4 7.6923 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.5368 0.814
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.1157 0.0723
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.3326 0.2618
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
64.9711 % 19.0567 %
Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
111.5997 % 60.4415 %
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Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data

Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg 0 1 Weighted Avg

TP Rate FP 0.889 0.856 0.886 0.897 1 0.923
Rate 0.144 0.111 0.141 0 0.103 0.026
Precision 0.983 0.457 0.931 1 0.765 0.941
Recall 0.889 0.856 0.886 0.897 1 0.923
F-Measure 0.934 0.596 0.9 0.946 0.867 0.926
ROC Area 0.954 0.953 0.954 0.994 0.994 0.994

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1074 134 | a = 0 35 4 | a = 0
19 113 | b = 1 0 13 | b = 1

Reduced Summary Summary

Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances
1226 91.4925 % 44 84.6154 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
114 8.5075 % 8 15.3846 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.6146 0.6596
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.0875 0.1467
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.2729 0.3588
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
49.1213 % 48.961 %
Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
91.5842 % 78.2491 %
Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg 0 1 Weighted

TP Rate FP 0.923 0.841 0.915 0.795 1 0.846
Rate 0.159 0.077 0.151 0 0.205 0.051
Precision 0.982 0.544 0.938 1 0.619 0.905
Recall 0.923 0.841 0.915 0.795 1 0.846
F-Measure 0.951 0.661 0.923 0.886 0.765 0.855
ROC Area 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.99 0.99 0.99
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Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1115 93 | a = 0 31 8 | a = 0
21 111 | b = 1 0 13 | b = 1

TRP Summary Summary

removed Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances
1172 87.4627 % 40 76.9231 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
168 12.5373 % 12 23.0769 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.4975 0.5294
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.1223 0.2235
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.3402 0.4625
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
68.6403 % 74.6158 %
Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
114.1456 % 100.8613 %
Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg 0 1 Weighted Avg.

TP Rate FP 0.881 0.818 0.875 0.692 1 0.769
Rate 0.182 0.119 0.176 0 0.308 0.077
Precision 0.978 0.429 0.924 1 0.52 0.88
Recall 0.881 0.818 0.875 0.692 1 0.769
F-Measure 0.927 0.563 0.891 0.818 0.684 0.785
ROC Area 0.95 0.948 0.95 0.986 0.977 0.984

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1064 144 | a = 0 27 12 | a = 0
24 108 | b = 1 0 13 | b = 1

Reduced Summary Summary

no TRP Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances
1204 89.8507 % 44 84.6154 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
136 10.1493 % 8 15.3846 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
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Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data

0.5594 0.6596
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.1031 0.1494
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.3043 0.3735
Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg. 0 1 Weighted Avg.

TP Rate FP 0.907 0.818 0.899 0.795 1 0.846
Rate 0.182 0.093 0.173 0 0.205 0.051
Precision 0.979 0.491 0.931 1 0.619 0.905
Recall 0.907 0.818 0.899 0.795 1 0.846
F-Measure 0.942 0.614 0.909 0.886 0.765 0.855
ROC Area 0.955 0.955 0.955 0.966 0.966 0.966

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1096 112 | a = 0 31 8 | a = 0
24 108 | b = 1 0 13 | b = 1

Table 6 shows the results the T-test results (.05 level of confidence) for selected measures

of effectiveness (MOE) using the Weka experiment function to determine if the different data

sets had an impact on the quality of the prediction made, The table below shows that the results

achieved with the two reduced attribute data sets were significantly better than performance for

the base case, and that removing the TPR from the data set produced significantly worst results.

Table 6. Naive Bayes T-Test results

Base Case | Reduced Base case-TPR No TPR

Attributes removed reduced
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Percent_correct 88.53(2.80) | 91.49(2.39) v 87.59(2.97) * 89.79(2.66) v

(v/ /*) | (1/0/0) (0/0/1) (1/0/0)
Area_under_ROC 0.95(0.02) | 0.96(0.02) v 0.95(0.02) * 0.96(0.02)
(v/ /*) | (1/0/0) (0/0/1) (0/1/0)
F_measure 0.93(0.02) | 0.95(0.01) v 0.93(0.02) * 0.94(0.02) v
(v/ /*) | (1/0/0) (0/0/1) (1/0/0)

Weka experiment rank results are shown in table 7. The ranking function showed that

when using the Naïve Bayes classification there was a significant difference in the percent

correct and F-measure results for each of the four data sets. The results show that a reduced

attribute set is most important and that the TPR ranking also provides significant information.

Table 7. Weka rank Naive Bayes

Differenc Result set

e # Significantly # Significantly
>-< > <
3 3 0 Reduced Attributes
1 2 1 Reduced attributes No TPR
-1 1 2 Base Case
-3 0 3 Base case-TPR removed

J48 Decision tree

Table 8 below shows the summary output, accuracy results and confusion matrix results

for the for the J48 decision tree algorithm. The J 48 algorithm produced trees of size 17 to 13

with 9 to 7 leaves. Unlike the Naïve Bayes algorithm, the J 48 decision tree algorithm tended to

produce confusion matrices with a smaller percentage of Hall of Fame members correctly

identified, but also with a significant lower number of false positives (nonmembers identified as

members). When the J48 models for each of the data sets were tested against the test data set. It

tended to do better than the Naïve Bayes by correctly predicting a high percentage of Hall of
MBL HOF selection Page 21 of 37

Fame members with a low number of false positives. The one exception was for the base case

data set with the TPR attribute removed. In that particular instance, the model only identified half

of the Hall of Fame members as members, with no false positives.

Table 8. J48 decision tree classification results

Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data
Base case Summary Summary

Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances

1255 93.6567 % 52 100 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
85 6.3433 % 0 0 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic 1
0.6099 Mean absolute error
Mean absolute error 0
0.0776 Root mean squared error
Root mean squared error 0
0.2342 Relative absolute error
Relative absolute error 0 %
43.5833 % Root relative squared error
Root relative squared error 0 %
78.602 % Total Number of Instances
Total Number of Instances 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class

Detailed Accuracy By Class
0 1 Weighted Avg
Class 0 1 Weighted Avg 1 1 1
TP Rate FP 0.975 0.583 0.937 0 0 0
Rate 0.417 0.025 0.378 1 1 1
Precision 0.955 0.72 0.932 1 1 1
Recall 0.975 0.583 0.937 1 1 1
F-Measure 0.965 0.644 0.934 1 1 1
ROC Area 0.834 0.834 0.834
Confusion Matrix
Confusion Matrix
a b <-- classified as
a b <-- classified as 39 0 | a = 0
1178 30 | a = 0 0 13 | b = 1
55 77 | b = 1
Reduced Summary Summary
Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances
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Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data

1254 93.5821 % 49 94.2308 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
86 6.4179 % 3 5.7692 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.6068 0.85
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.0796 0.1065
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.2272 0.2117
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
44.6969 % 35.5374 %
Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
76.2463 % 46.1752 %
Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg 0 1 Weighted

TP Rate FP 0.974 0.583 0.936 0.949 0.923 0.942
Rate 0.417 0.026 0.378 0.077 0.051 0.071
Precision 0.955 0.713 0.931 0.974 0.857 0.945
Recall 0.974 0.583 0.936 0.949 0.923 0.942
F-Measure 0.965 0.642 0.933 0.961 0.889 0.943
ROC Area 0.871 0.871 0.871 0.978 0.978 0.978

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1177 31 | a = 0 37 2 | a = 0
55 77 | b = 1 1 12 | b = 1

TRP Summary Summary

removed Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances
1254 93.5821 % 45 86.5385 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
86 6.4179 % 7 13.4615 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.598 0.5625
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.0796 0.1232
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.2401 0.282
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
44.6663 % 41.1274 %
Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
80.5629 % 61.5077 %
MBL HOF selection Page 23 of 37

Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data

Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg 0 1 Weighted Avg.

TP Rate FP 0.977 0.561 0.936 1 0.462 0.865
Rate 0.439 0.023 0.398 0.538 0 0.404
Precision 0.953 0.725 0.931 0.848 1 0.886
Recall 0.977 0.561 0.936 1 0.462 0.865
F-Measure 0.965 0.632 0.932 0.918 0.632 0.846
ROC Area 0.832 0.832 0.832 0.915 0.915 0.915

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1180 28 | a = 0 39 0 | a = 0
58 74 | b = 1 7 6| b=1

Reduced Summary Summary

no TRP Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances
1250 93.2836 % 49 94.2308 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
90 6.7164 % 3 5.7692 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.5915 0.8421
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.0832 0.1093
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.2448 0.2287
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
46.7122 % 36.4754 %
Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
82.1546 % 49.8746 %
Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg. 0 1 Weighted Avg.

TP Rate FP 0.972 0.576 0.933 0.974 0.846 0.942
Rate 0.424 0.028 0.385 0.154 0.026 0.122
Precision 0.954 0.691 0.929 0.95 0.917 0.942
Recall 0.972 0.576 0.933 0.974 0.846 0.942
F-Measure 0.963 0.628 0.93 0.962 0.88 0.942
ROC Area 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.957 0.957 0.957
MBL HOF selection Page 24 of 37

Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1174 34 | a = 0 38 1 | a = 0
56 76 | b = 1 2 11 | b = 1

The T-test results, using the Weka experiment function for the J48 decision tree, show

there were no significant differences in the MOEs from the different data sets used in this

experiment. In addition, there was no rank differentiation between the poor data sets for this


Table 9. J48 decision tree T-Test results

Base Case | Reduced Base case-TPR No TPR

Attributes removed reduced
Percent_correct 94.03(1.70)| 94.10(1.67) 93.40(1.81) 93.70(1.76)
(v/ /*) | (0/1/0) (0/1/0) (0/1/0)
Area_under_ROC 0.85(0.09)| 0.88(0.09) 0.83(0.09) 0.87(0.09)
(v/ /*) | (0/1/0) (0/1/0) (0/1/0)
F_measure 0.97(0.01) | 0.97(0.01) 0.96(0.01) 0.97(0.01)
(v/ /*) | (0/1/0) (0/1/0) (0/1/0)

Logistic regression

Logistic regression results are shown in table 10 below. As was the case with the J48

decision tree, for the training data logistic regression classification developed a classification

scheme that tended toward lower false positives at the expense of more false negatives relative to

the Naïve Bayes classification scheme. One run against the test data set, as the confusion

matrices show, logistic regression models had a very high accuracy rate, correctly identifying all
MBL HOF selection Page 25 of 37

our all but one Hall of Fame members, with no false positives with one exception. The

classification model developed from the reduced attributes set when total player rating was not

available had no false positives, but only correctly identified eight out of 13 Hall of Fame


Table 10. Logistic regression classification results

Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data
Base case Summary Summary

Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances

1279 95.4478 % 1280 95.5224 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
61 4.5522 % 60 4.4776 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.7201 0.7277
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.066 0.0708
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.1939 0.1924
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
37.0318 % 39.7378 %
Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
65.0573 % 64.5775 %
Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 1340

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg 0 1 Weighted Avg

TP Rate FP 0.985 0.674 0.954 1 1 1
Rate 0.326 0.015 0.295 0 0 0
Precision 0.965 0.832 0.952 1 1 1
Recall 0.985 0.674 0.954 1 1 1
F-Measure 0.975 0.745 0.952 1 1 1
ROC Area 0.965 0.965 0.965 1 1 1

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1190 18 | a = 0 39 0 | a = 0
43 89 | b = 1 0 13 | b = 1

Reduced Summary Summary

MBL HOF selection Page 26 of 37

Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data

Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances
1280 95.5224 % 51 98.0769 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
60 4.4776 % 1 1.9231 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.7277 0.9474
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.0708 0.1146
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.1924 0.2007
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
39.7378 % 38.2517 %
Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
64.5775 % 43.7717 %
Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg 0 1 Weighted

TP Rate FP 0.984 0.689 0.955 1 0.923 0.981
Rate 0.311 0.016 0.282 0.077 0 0.058
Precision 0.967 0.827 0.953 0.975 1 0.981
Recall 0.984 0.689 0.955 1 0.923 0.981
F-Measure 0.975 0.752 0.953 0.987 0.96 0.981
ROC Area 0.969 0.969 0.969 0.994 0.994 0.994

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1189 19 | a = 0 39 0 | a = 0
41 91 | b = 1 1 12 | b = 1
TRP Summary Summary
removed Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances
1277 95.2985 % 51 98.0769 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
63 4.7015 % 1 1.9231 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.713 0.9474
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.069 0.0559
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.1984 0.1359
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
38.7335 % 18.6586 %
MBL HOF selection Page 27 of 37

Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data

Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
66.5628 % 29.6285 %
Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg 0 1 Weighted Avg.

TP Rate FP 0.983 0.674 0.953 1 0.923 0.981
Rate 0.326 0.017 0.295 0.077 0 0.058
Precision 0.965 0.817 0.95 0.975 1 0.981
Recall 0.983 0.674 0.953 1 0.923 0.981
F-Measure 0.974 0.739 0.951 0.987 0.96 0.981
ROC Area 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.998 0.998 0.998

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1188 20 | a = 0 39 0 | a = 0
43 89 | b = 1 1 12 | b = 1

Reduced Summary Summary

no TRP Correctly Classified Instances Correctly Classified Instances
1265 94.403 % 47 90.3846 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
75 5.597 % 5 9.6154 %
Kappa statistic Kappa statistic
0.6427 0.7059
Mean absolute error Mean absolute error
0.0804 0.1445
Root mean squared error Root mean squared error
0.2053 0.2586
Relative absolute error Relative absolute error
45.1549 % 48.2254 %
Root relative squared error Root relative squared error
68.8919 % 56.3942 %
Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances
1340 52

Detailed Accuracy By Class Detailed Accuracy By Class

Class 0 1 Weighted Avg. 0 1 Weighted Avg.

TP Rate FP 0.983 0.583 0.944 1 0.615 0.904
Rate 0.417 0.017 0.377 0.385 0 0.288
Precision 0.956 0.794 0.94 0.886 1 0.915
Recall 0.983 0.583 0.944 1 0.615 0.904
F-Measure 0.969 0.672 0.94 0.94 0.762 0.895
MBL HOF selection Page 28 of 37

Data Set Test mode:10-fold Test data

ROC Area 0.956 0.956 0.956 0.972 0.972 0.972

Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix

a b <-- classified as a b <-- classified as

1188 20 | a = 0 39 0 | a = 0
55 77 | b = 1 5 8| b=1

The results from the Weka experiment function, in table 11 below, show that there was no

significant difference in the MOE’s from the different data sets when the base case data set was

used as the point of reference. That is the results from the other data sets were not significantly

better or worse than the results achieved with the base case.

Table 11. Logistic regression T-Test results

Base Case | Reduced Base case-TPR No TPR

Attributes removed reduced
Percent_correct 0.97(0.02) | 0.97(0.02) 0.97(0.02) 0.96(0.02)
(v/ /*) | (0/1/0) (0/1/0) (0/1/0)
Area_under_ROC 0.97(0.02) | 0.97(0.02) 0.97(0.02) 0.96(0.02)
(v/ /*) | (0/1/0) (0/1/0) (0/1/0)
F_measure 0.97(0.01) | 0.97(0.01) 0.97(0.01) 0.97(0.01)
(v/ /*) | (0/1/0) (0/1/0) (0/1/0)

However, as table 12 shows, when the t-test was used to rank the four different data sets.

Overall, the reduced attribute data set was ranked first in the base case without the TPR attribute

was ranked last. The reduced attribute data set was significantly better than the base case with the

TPR attribute removed, while there was no significant difference between it and the other two

data sets or between them and the base case with TPR removed. This applies when the data sets

were evaluated on percent correct, F – measure, and area under ROC MOE’s.
MBL HOF selection Page 29 of 37

Table 12. Weka rank logistic regression

Difference # Significantly # Significantly

>-< > < Result set
1 1 0 Reduced Attributes
0 0 0 No TPR reduced attributes
0 0 0 Base Case
-1 0 1 Base case-TPR removed

Comparison of Alternative Solutions

As an initial comparison of the three models I did one comparison using the Weka

experiment environment where I compared to three models with the ZeroR algorithm as a base

case for comparison. The ZeroR algorithm uses a rule that assumes all entities are assigned to the

most common class value, and serves as a minimum standard which any algorithm under

consideration should exceed. Table 13 below shows the ranked results for the four algorithms

with the base case data set, assessed for the F – measure and area under the ROC MOE’s. The

percent cranked ranking was similar except that the positions of J48 decision tree and Naïve

Bayes were reversed. This demonstrates that all three of the algorithms produced significantly

better results than the ZeroR algorithm.

Table 13. Weka classification algorithm ranking with ZeroR base case

Difference # Significantly # Significantly

>-< > < Result set
3 3 0 Logistic regression
1 2 1 Naïve Bayes
-1 1 2 J48 decision tree
-3 0 3 ZeroR

The ROC visual threshold curves for these four algorithms are shown in Figure 2 below.

The ZeroR results were in the upper left and show a straight 45° line reflecting the low quality of
MBL HOF selection Page 30 of 37

its simplistic classification rule. The curves for the Naïve Bayes and the J48 decision tree

functions are almost identical as are there area under ROC values, while that for the logistics

regression is not quite as good, reflecting its tendency for more false negatives in order to

minimize false positives.

Figure 2. ROC curves

The Weka experimenter capability was used to set up a 3 x 4 experiment that compared

the three classification algorithms against each of the four data sets and did a combined

evaluation of the results. All evaluations used the corrected T-test algorithm in Weka at the .05

level of confidence. Focusing on the models first, the results below were developed using the J48

decision tree algorithm is the base for comparison. This was selected in order show maximum

discrimination between the three algorithms. Tables 14, 15, and 16 show the results for the three
MBL HOF selection Page 31 of 37

primary MOE’s percent correct, F – measure, and area under ROC. The results of the ranking

algorithm are shown in tables 17 (percent correct and F – measure) and 18 (area under ROC).

The overall results showed that the logistics regression algorithm performed best, followed by

the J48 decision tree, and then the Naïve Bayes. However when area under ROC is considered

then the Naïve Bayes algorithm performs better than the J48 decision tree algorithm.

Table 14. T-Test Classification models Percent correct

Dataset J48 Tree | Naïve Bayes Logistic Regression

Base case 94.03(1.70) | 88.53(2.80) * 95.34(1.77) v
Reduced attributes 94.10(1.67) | 91.49(2.39) * 95.34(1.75) v
No TPR 93.40(1.81) | 87.59(2.97) * 95.07(1.75) v
Reduced attributes- no 93.70(1.76) | 89.79(2.66) * 94.54(1.70)
(v/ /*) | (0/0/4) (3/1/0)

Table 15. T-Test Classification models F-Measure

Dataset J48 Tree | Naïve Bayes Logistic Regression

Base case 0.97(0.01) 0.93(0.02) * 0.97(0.01) v
Reduced attributes 0.97(0.01) 0.95(0.01) * 0.97(0.01) v
No TPR 0.96(0.01) 0.93(0.02) * 0.97(0.01) v
Reduced attributes- no 0.97(0.01) 0.94(0.02) * 0.97(0.01)
(v/ /*) | (0/0/4) (3/1/0)

Table 16. T-Test Classification models Area_under_ROC

Dataset J48 Tree | Naïve Bayes Logistic Regression

Base case 0.85(0.09) | 0.95(0.02) v 0.97(0.02) v
Reduced attributes 0.88(0.09) | 0.96(0.02) v 0.97(0.02) v
No TPR 0.83(0.09) | 0.95(0.02) v 0.97(0.02) v
Reduced attributes- no
TPR 0.87(0.09) | 0.96(0.02) v 0.96(0.02) v
(v/ /*) | (0/0/4) (4/0/0)
MBL HOF selection Page 32 of 37

Table 17. Weka classification algorithm ranking F – measure and percent correct

Difference # Significantly # Significantly

>-< > < Result set
7 7 0 Logistic regression
1 4 4 J48 decision tree
-8 0 8 Naïve Bayes

Table 17. Weka classification algorithm ranking area under ROC

Difference # Significantly # Significantly

>-< > < Result set
6 6 0 Logistic regression
2 4 2 Naïve Bayes
-8 0 8 J48 decision tree

The relative utility of the data sets used has been discussed as part of the discussion for

each algorithm. As one would expect the combined results, shown in table 18, are in line with the

individual results. Using the Weka ranking function, with a T-test confidence interval of 0.5,

there was a clear and distinct ranking of the data sets, for each data set was significantly different

from the others. Overall, using a reduced attribute data set was more important than the presence

or absence of the total player ranking, however, having it in a data set was significantly better

than not having it.

Table 18. Weka data set ranking for F – measure (all classification algorithms)

Difference # Significantly # Significantly

>-< > < Result set
4 4 0 Reduced Attributes
0 2 2 No TPR reduced attributes
-1 1 2 Base Case
-3 0 3 Base case-TPR removed
MBL HOF selection Page 33 of 37

Comparison with Similar Studies

Braun, K., Hartz, B., Leyhane, J., & McGee, D (2006) in their paper used data that

included number of times a player was selected as an All-Star and number of awards for leading

in statistical categories that a player received. But they did not consider data on base running and

fielding performance. They also ultimately decided to only consider players in the post-World

War II era since, as they note, some argue that many of the players selected from the earlier are

essentially mistakes that do not deserve to be in the Hall of Fame based on their career statistics

(p. 3). In their initial test, they use Naïve Bayes, JRip, and random forest classifiers. However,

they dropped Naïve Bayes and used the other two both individually and with meta-classifiers,

AdaBoost with JRip and GainRatio with random forest. Their results used the F measure as their

primary measure of effectiveness and produced values of 0.72 for JRip and 0.75 for random

forest, which were comparable to my results using J48 and the full attribute data set.

Young et al. (2008) investigated the use of neural networks to forecast Hall of Fame

selection for position players. The attributes considered included player position, basic career

batting totals, base running totals and fielding totals plus total performance and character awards

received by the player. They also excluded designated hitters due to their lack of fielding

statistics. They used under supervised K means algorithm, which initially produced 10 clusters

approximately half a which contained Hall of Fame players. They reported after considerable

testing that they were able to achieve approximately a 98% accuracy rate for classifying players

as to whether they were in the Hall of Fame or not. This was something that I only managed with
MBL HOF selection Page 34 of 37

the test data set for the J 48 decision tree and logistic regression models, but did not meet with

the training set.

Mills and Salaga (2011) use the random forest classification algorithm to forecast

probability of Hall of Fame induction for current and recently retired players who have played

for at least 10 years. They used data available from baseball’s subscription

database to extract what they consider to be the traditional batting and baserunning career totals

and averages along with the total number of times a player was selected as an All-Star. The

players were divided into two data sets, first, a training data set of all players who retired after

1950 and were eligible for or in the Hall of Fame, and second, a test data set consisting of all

players who retired after 1989 and were not in the Hall of Fame, as of 2009. They observed that

home runs in total All-Star selections were two of the most important attributes in forecasting

Hall of Fame selection. They ran multiple models, all of which had a very low misclassification

rate for identifying non-Hall of Fame players. However, the models misclassified between 10%

and 23% of the Hall of Fame players as Non-Hall of Fame, with an overall OOP rate of 1% to

2.6%. These were similar to the results achieved with the J48 decision tree in the logistic

regression models.

Observations and conclusions

The analysis conducted as part of this project as well as the other related studies show

that selecting a Hall of Fame quality player is not a clear-cut statistical based system, however I

accuracy’s can be achieved. The experiment and analysis showed that the logistics regression

algorithm performed better than the other two algorithms over the full range of cases. In general,

the J48 decision tree performed better than the Naïve Bayes algorithm, however, under some
MBL HOF selection Page 35 of 37

measures naïve Bayes performed better. One issue for consideration in deciding whether Naïve

Bayes or J48 decision tree would be preferred could depend upon which standard one might wish

to apply. Specifically, is it more important to capture a high percentage of Hall of Fame members

correctly, while accepting a high number of false positives which could be equated to identifying

people not in the Hall of Fame who should be considered, which reflects the Naïve Bayes

classification process. Alternatively, as reflected by the J48 decision tree, would it be better to

have a more restrictive process which perhaps identifies Hall of Fame members who could be

considered mistakes as suggested by Braun et al. (2006) in their paper.

In addition to addressing the advantage of reducing the number of attributes, the paper

also looked at the value of TPR, as an example of a more complex sabermetrics score. The neck

conclusion is that a reduced attributes set is more important for improving accuracy; however

complex sabermetrics such as TPR provide significant information.

The database that was used for this study did not address metrics that some of the other

studies did such as number of achievement awards which play a significant role in the selection

process (Mills and Salaga, 2011), (Young et al., 2008). If that data were available. It would be

worthwhile to include it in the analysis.

The conduct of this project proved to be a good experience in learning the capabilities of

the Weka data mining system and several the algorithms that uses. One area where I would like

to devote more time is working with the clustering algorithm. I did some initial work with it but

could not extract the statistical data I wanted to use to more fully understand the results. I need to

work more with Weka to determine if was simply my lack of knowledge of Weka’s capabilities,

or if it’s simply something that it does not support.

MBL HOF selection Page 36 of 37


Albert, J. (2010). Sabermetrics: The Past, the Present, and the Future. Mathematics and Sports,

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Baseball Encyclopedia of Players. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

Birnbaum, P. (n.d.). A Guide to Sabermetrics. Society for American Baseball Research. Retrieved


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Cochran, J. "Career records for all modern position players eligible for the major league baseball

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Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 7(4). DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1367 . Retrieved from:

MBL HOF selection Page 37 of 37


Witten, I., Frank, E., & Hall, M. (2011). Data Mining : Practical Machine Learning Tools and

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