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Q:1) Thank you so much for helping me. I really... it

A:) accept
B:) agree
C:) appreciate
D:) deserve
E:) love
Kunci: C
Q:2) A thousand thanks for all you hard work. I shall never.. it.
A:) forego
B:) forget
C:) foretell
D:) forbid
E:) forgive
Kunci: C
Q:3) Dion: "Hello, Ma. (This is my cousin: Erica) "
Erica: "How do you do? "
Via: "How do you do? "
What kind of expressions the underlined expression is?
A:) greetings
B:) hawking
C:) introducing
D:) leave taking
E:) pleasure
Kunci: C
Q:4) Jaka: "Hi, I’m Jaka. What is your name? "
Hana: "I'm Hana. "
Jaka: "What are you looking for? could "I help you. "
Hana: "I'm looking for a self-help book. "
Jaka: "I would like to recommend you this book. This is my favourite book. "
What do they talk about?
A:) hobby
B:) book interest
C:) Address
D:) profession
E:) passions
Kunci: B
Q:5) Questions No 5 to 6!
Mr. Rudi: "Lina, this is Mrs. Wati, the head of purchasing division. Mrs. Wati, she is Lina. She is your
new assistant. "
Lina: "Pleased to meet you.
Mrs. Wati: "Pleased to meet you too. Are you able to communicate in English!
Lina: "Yes, Ma'am. I am able to speak English fluently. I am an English Language and Literature graduate,
Mrs. Wati: "That's great! I hope we could work together"
Where does the dialog take place?
A:) office
B:) supermarket
C:) classroom
D:) job fair
E:) university
Kunci: A
Q:6) Questions No 5 to 6!
Mr. Rudi: "Lina, this is Mrs. Wati, the head of purchasing division. Mrs. Wati, she is Lina. She is your
new assistant. "
Lina: "Pleased to meet you.
Mrs. Wati: "Pleased to meet you too. Are you able to communicate in English!
Lina: "Yes, Ma'am. I am able to speak English fluently. I am an English Language and Literature graduate,
Mrs. Wati: "That's great! I hope we could work together"
Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E
What does Mrs. Wati like about Lina?
A:) grade
B:) job experience
C:) helpful trait
D:) education background
E:) language skills
Kunci: E
Q:7) Questions No 7 to 8!
Mr Anton: "Good afternoon, Sir. May I introduce myself? My name is Anton. I am a technician of PT
General Automotive. "
The secretary: "What can I do for you, sir
Mr Anton: "I want to see Mr. Rahmat, the mechanic in the workshop. Is he in today? "
The secretary: "I am sorry, Sir. Mr. Rahmat isn't in today"
Mr. Anton: "I see. Well, thank you. Goodbye. "
What are Mr. Anton and the secretary talking about?
A:) a technician of PT General Automotive
B:) a way of greetings
C:) Mr. Anton and the secretary
D:) Mr. Rahmat's hobby
E:) Mr. Rahmat's attendance
Kunci: E
Q:8) Questions No 7 to 8!
Mr Anton: "Good afternoon, Sir. May I introduce myself? My name is Anton. I am a technician of PT
General Automotive. "
The secretary: "What can I do for you, sir
Mr Anton: "I want to see Mr. Rahmat, the mechanic in the workshop. Is he in today? "
The secretary: "I am sorry, Sir. Mr. Rahmat isn't in today"
Mr. Anton: "I see. Well, thank you. Goodbye. "
May I introduce myself? What does the Statement indicate?
A:) greeting
B:) Advice
C:) Introduction of oneself
D:) Complain
E:) Introducing others
Kunci: C
Q:9) Questions to 9 s.d 11!
Read the following dialog
Danny: “Hello, Roy."
Roy: “Hi, Danny. It’s nice to sec you here.”
Danny: ''Nice to see you, too. How are you?
Roy: "Fine, thank you. And you?"
Danny: “I’m quite well, thanks."
Roy: "Have you met my friends?” This is Nani and Tom
Danny: "How do you do, guys? Glad to meet you."
Nani-Tom: "How do you do, Danny? Glad to meet you, too."
Roy: ''Please, take a seat. I'll ask for the menu to the waiters”
Danny: "I am sorry. I am in a hurry."
Roy: “Oh! Are you? That's bad. Hope to see you again. Goodbye, Roy."
Danny: "Goodbye, everybody."
"How do you do, guys? Glad to meet you What does the underlined word mean?
A:) sad
B:) egotistic
C:) pleasant
D:) lazy
E:) uninterested
Kunci: C
Q:10 Questions to 9 s.d 11!
) Read the following dialog
Danny: “Hello, Roy."

Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E

Roy: “Hi, Danny. It’s nice to see you here.”
Danny: ''Nice to see you, too. How are you?
Roy: "Fine, thank you. And you?"
Danny: “I’m quite well, thanks."
Roy: "Have you met my friends?” This is Nani and Tom
Danny: "How do you do, guys? Glad to meet you."
Nani-Tom: "How do you do, Danny? Glad to meet you, too."
Roy: ''Please, take a seat. I'll ask for the menu to the waiters”
Danny: "I am sorry. I am in a hurry."
Roy: “Oh! Are you? That's bad. Hope to see you again. Goodbye, Roy."
Danny: "Goodbye, everybody."
May 1 introduce myself?
" What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A:) present
B:) annoy
C:) deduce
D:) dedicate
E:) contest
Kunci: A
Q:11 Questions to 9 s.d 11!
) Read the following dialog
Danny :"Hello, Roy."
Roy :"Hi, Danny. It’s nice to sec you here.”
Danny : ''Nice to see you, too. How are you?
Roy : "Fine, thank you. And you?"
Danny :"I’m quite well, thanks."
Roy : "Have you met my friends?” This is Nani and Tom
Danny : "How do you do, guys? Glad to meet you."
Nani-Tom : "How do you do, Danny? Glad to meet you, too."
Roy : ''Please, take a seat. I'll ask for the menu to the waiters”
Danny : "I am sorry. I am in a hurry." Roy : “Oh! Are you? That's bad. Hope to see you again. Goodbye,
Danny : "Goodbye, everybody."
Who is the mutual friend between them?
A:) Roy
B:) Tom
C:) Nani
D:) Danny
E:) The waiters
Kunci: D
Q:12 My sister is Dewi.....8 .years old.
A:) He is
B:) I am
C:) She is
D:) We are
E:) He does
Kunci: C
Q:13 Lily : “..... to my friend, Aca?
) Aca : “How do you do?”
Endah : “How do you do?”
A:) I’ll introduce
B:) You are introduced
C:) Let me introduce you
D:) Won’t you introduce
E:) I’m fine thanks
Kunci: C
Q:14 Rafi : “Mira this is my friend, Susan”.
) Mira : “Hi, Susan. Pleased to meet you”.

Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E

Susan :
Rafi : “Mira this is my friend, Susan”.
Mira : “Hi, Susan. Pleased to meet you”.
Susan : “.......”
A:) How are you?
B:) Is it your name?
C:) Well, great your name
D:) Please to meet you too
E:) I have been waiting for you.
Kunci: D
Q:15 Rio : “Hi, Anton. How are you Anton?”
) Anton : “.... I am fine thanks. And you?”
Rio : “I’m fine too.”
A:) Hi, good morning
B:) Please to meet you
C:) How do you do?
D:) Pretty well
E:) Hi, Rio
Kunci: E
Q:16 Andy : Today is your first day in our school. What are you going to do then?
) Siska : “........” What is the most appropriate response to say next?
A:) I want to go to your school
B:) Because I am a new student
C:) I will introduce myself to some student
D:) The reason is that my father moves to this town.
E:) My purpose is to study here.
Kunci: C
Q:17 Question for number 17-19:
) Mr. Agus : “Good morning, Mrs. Alya.”
Mrs. Alya : “(17)..........., Mr. Agus. How are you?”
Mr. Agus : “I’m fine thanks. And you?”
Mrs. Alya : “(18)....... Please to meet you.”
Mr. Agus : “Please to meet you too.”
Mrs. Alya : “Well, Mr. Agus, I am sorry. We want go to Singapore now. See you next time Mr. Agus,
Mrs. Agus : “See you too, (19)....”.
A:) How do you do
B:) Please to meet you
C:) How are you?
D:) Good morning
E:) Good afternoon.
Kunci: D
Q:18 Question for number 17-19:
) Mr. Agus : “Good morning, Mrs. Alya.”
Mrs. Alya : “(17)..........., Mr. Agus. How are you?”
Mr. Agus : “I’m fine thanks. And you?”
Mrs. Alya : “(18)....... Please to meet you.”
Mr. Agus : “Please to meet you too.”
Mrs. Alya : “Well, Mr. Agus, I am sorry. We want go to Singapore now. See you next time Mr. Agus,
Mrs. Agus : “See you too, (19)....”.
A:) I am fine too
B:) Nice to see you
C:) How are you?
D:) What do you do?
E:) It’s alright
Kunci: A
Q:19 Question for number 17-19:
) Mr. Agus : “Good morning, Mrs. Alya.”
Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E
Mrs. Alya : “(17)..........., Mr. Agus. How are you?”
Mr. Agus : “I’m fine thanks. And you?”
Mrs. Alya : “(18)....... Please to meet you.”
Mr. Agus : “Please to meet you too.”
Mrs. Alya : “Well, Mr. Agus, I am sorry. We want go to Singapore now. See you next time Mr. Agus,
Mrs. Agus : “See you too, (19)....”.
A:) Cerio
B:) Bye
C:) Good luck
D:) It’s OK
E:) Never mind
Kunci: B
Q:20 He following is what you say to someone when you leave him/her at night ?
A:) Good evening
B:) Good afternoon
C:) Good night
D:) Good morning
E:) Good day
Kunci: C
Q:21 Smith : “ Hi, Riry. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been?
) Riry : “I have been to Jakarta. I have got a job. I have been working for a logging company.”
Smith : “Really?.....”
A:) Good you are
B:) I’m sorry to hear that
C:) Oh my God
D:) I’m happy to hear that
E:) That’s right
Kunci: D
Q:22 Rio : “John, how was your test result?”
) John : “I got eight score. Thanks for help me to study before.
Rio : “.........”
A:) I am very displeased
B:) I am delighted to hear that
C:) I am very sorry
D:) I am regret
E:) I am ford of
Kunci: B
Q:23 Tania : “What’s wrong with you? You look unhappy today?”
) Siska : “I lost my purse this morning.”
Tania : “Oh how awful. I’m sorry.” The underlined sentence expresses...
A:) Happiness
B:) Sympathy
C:) Gratitude
D:) Compliment
E:) Showing attention
Kunci: B
Q:24 Astrid : I’d like to go on sightseeing in this afternoon. What about you Fan? Will you accompany me?”
) Fani : “.... What time shall we start?”
A:) Yes, sure
B:) Excuse me
C:) See you later
D:) Not at all
E:) Forgive me
Kunci: A
Q:25 Cika : “Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?”
) Eko : My grandfather passed away.”

Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E

Cika : “...” What is the most appropriate response to say next?
A:) What a shame!
B:) How strange it is!
C:) I’m sorry to hear that
D:) That’s terrible news
E:) That’s terribly bad black
Kunci: B
Q:26 Shopkeeper : “Is there anything I can do for you, sir?
) Customer: “I need a pair of Bucheri Shoes.” In the dialogue, the shopkeeper wants to... help
A:) Ask
B:) Get
C:) Offer
D:) Accept
E:) Refuse
Kunci: C
Q:27 Asa : “Would you like me to help you mom?”
) Mother: “Yes, of course. Please check the cake in the oven.”
Ria: “OK. Mom, I’ll check it” The underlined sentence express....
A:) Introduction
B:) Compliment
C:) Offering help
D:) Invitation
E:) Making an appointment
Kunci: A
Q:28 Mr. Smith: “Hello, Mr. Paul. This is Smith. I just want to see you.”
) Mr. Paul: “Hello, yes, I’m Paul. So far, I have no other urgent trip. So, why don’t you stop by tomorrow?”
Mr. Smith: “What time will the office hour end?”
Mr. Paul: “Most of us finish working at 5 p.m. Mr. Smith: “...... (4 o’clock)?”
What is the most appropriate response
A:) Can I see you
B:) Let’s meet at 4 o’clock
C:) I’ll be there
D:) Yes, I think so
E:) Sorry, I don’t think so
Kunci: D
Q:29 Anya: Let’s go now!
) Damian: “You look so cute in the jacket.”
Anya: “..........” What is the most appropriate response to say next?
A:) Don’t worry about it
B:) Thanks for your information
C:) Thank you
D:) You’ve helped me
E:) No, thanks
Kunci: B
Q:30 Would you... return this book to the school library tomorrow?
A:) be able to
B:) could
C:) can
D:) mind
E:) like
Kunci: A
Q:31 You look tired.”
) “Yes, I .... last night.”
A:) can sleep
B:) can’t sleep
C:) could sleeping
Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E
D:) couldn’t sleep
E:) am sleeping
Kunci: D
Q:32 I’m afraid I .... to your party next week
A:) can’t come
B:) came
C:) would come
D:) able to coming
E:) comes
Kunci: A
Q:33 Susan asked Margareth, “Where do you live?”
) He asked her....
A:) to ask gus address
B:) to go
C:) don’t go anywhere
D:) when she go
E:) where she lived
Kunci: E
Q:34 Sorry, we’re late. We missed the bus, so we had to come... foot.
A:) with
B:) on
C:) by
D:) in
E:) at
Kunci: B
Q:35 I .... you when I arrive
A:) will call
B:) never call
C:) am call
D:) have call
E:) called
Kunci: A
Q:36 A dictionary is a book .... gives you the meaning of words
A:) when
B:) where
C:) if
D:) that
E:) who
Kunci: D
Q:37 Rani : “I’m so tired. I’m about to fall asleep.”
) Nian : “I .... you some coffee.”
A:) want
B:) brought
C:) will get
D:) am
E:) wants
Kunci: C

Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E

Q:38 Jack : Are you free on Sunday morning?
) Tom : ...., I have a plan
Jack : It’s ok
A:) I’m awfully sorry
B:) That’s good idea
C:) Tell me that’s not true
D:) Ok, see you there
E:) I’ll come
Kunci: A
Q:39 Ina : “Did you see my wallet? I lost my wallet since last morning’
) Susi : “....”
A:) that’s good idea
B:) Oh, really? I’m sorry to hear that
C:) never mind
D:) wow, how nice it is
E:) OK
Kunci: B
Q:40 She (drive) to work
A:) is driving
B:) is driven
C:) driven
D:) will driving
E:) is drives
Kunci: A
Q:41 Is Suzan (work) this week?
A:) worked
B:) working
C:) been worked
D:) works
E:) will work
Kunci: B
Q:42 We can go out now. It... (not rain) any more.
A:) was rain
B:) raining
C:) will be rain
D:) isn’t raining
E:) wasn’t rain
Kunci: D
Q:43 You’re (work) hard today
A:) is work
B:) be working
C:) working
D:) worked
E:) was work
Kunci: C
Q:44 Lisa is (stand) between Rina and Anne
A:) stand up
Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E
B:) stands
C:) sitting
D:) standing
E:) sit down
Kunci: D
Q:45 I’m tired. I’m (go) to bed now.
A:) gone
B:) goes
C:) go
D:) going
E:) go on
Kunci: D
Q:45 My birthday party will be celebrated .... Sunday .. 07.30 p.m.
A:) in – at
B:) on – at
C:) in – on
D:) on – in
E:) at – on
Kunci: B
Q:46 Do you work...the evening?
A:) In
B:) At
C:) On
D:) Or
E:) With
Kunci: A
Q:47 Ina: “Happy Birthday, Susi.”
) Susi: “Thanks.”
Ina: “It’s a gift for you.”
Susi: …
A:) Of course,
B:) Congratulations
C:) Never mind
D:) Wow, how nice it is
E:) Ok
Kunci: D
Q:48 Ami: “May I see your dress?”
) Icha: “Of course, here it is.”
Ami: “What a nice dress.”
Icha: “ .... “
A:) thanks
B:) I’m sorry
C:) congratulations
D:) not at all
E:) never mind
Kunci: A
Q:49 I don’t like going out...night
A:) in
B:) on
Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E
C:) at
D:) with
E:) or
Kunci: C
Q:50 I’ll see you…Friday
A:) at
B:) in
C:) or
D:) on
E:) with
Kunci: D

Lukman, S.Pd English Teacher Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X A,B,C,D,E

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