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Patient FG stated that he had a lot of friends since he was in elementary school
until high school. During his high school years, he was very active in joining their
intramurals and being a part of basketball. Also, he claimed to attend Sunday services in
their church before. About the bond of his high school friends, they usually hang out and
drink some alcohol. Moreover, he claimed that his parents went their separated ways, 10
years from now that led him to start using drugs just to soothe all the saddened feelings
he felt.

Upon conducting the nurse-patient interaction, Patient FG was in

normoproductive action, in which he really enjoyed participating during the activities that
we conducted, and this is his favourite activity among all the activities performed.
Moreover, during the NPI, he claimed that he formed a very close friendship with
Roderick and other patients and he added that their closeness started during the time they
are having meals together in their ward. He tries to have conversations with them to build
bond. Patient FG claimed that inside the Mariveles hospital, if there was any trouble
inside their room, he tried to avoid getting involved in it, but he tried to stop them.

About his romantic past, patient FG revealed that he had two ex-girlfriends. Regarding
with his first partner, he was committed to the relationship for a whole year. He said that
having my first girlfriend also tempt me to have my first experience regarding sexual
activity, which led me to be active in sex life. But suddenly, his first girlfriend broke up
with him due to his un-understandable behaviours, as well as his last partner. In his last
partner he doesn’t have any sexual experience.

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