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1. The most common marketing strategies that people often fall into is the use of
emotional appeals in advertising. Everywhere we go or just browsing in SOCMED
there will always be an advertisement. For example, promoting a product and
pursuing consumers to purchase this stuff or something like a subscription business.
This strategy is widespread because emotions play a significant roles in consumers
decision-making. Emotions can have a strong influence consumers purchasing
behavior. Like for example, a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research in
2007 titled “The Impact of Emotions on Ad Effectiveness and Memory” by Jennifer L.
Aaker and Angela Y. Lee, found that advertisements that recall emotional responses
are more memorable on consumers behavior.

2. Two common spending habits among Filipinos are “Gadgets” and “Clothing”.
Gadgets for example, most Filipinos has a desire to have a brand new phone, laptop
or PC and most people really like their specs and its features. However, these
materials has significant uses and it depends on how we actually use it. Like for
example, we can easily access learning materials through the internet and it is
convenient and reliable but if we use it for unnecessary things, it would be futile.
The second one is “Clothing”, most Filipinos love clothing and do like spending on it
because it enhances our appearance and specially Filipinos love dressing up specially
if there is an occasion. Additionally, people must know the difference between
wants and needs. But first before we buy something we must think that “How much
we need it or is it necessary to buy this kind of stuff?”.

3. I practice mindfulness by meditating but not regularly, it helped me understand my

self better. I also practiced spending wisely and think that what I spend for and
knowing the difference between asset and liability. According to Robert Kiyosaki the
author of the book entitled - Rich Dad Poor Dad “asset puts money in my pocket
while liability takes money out of my pocket”. This practices has made me more
aware of my self and being able to control my emotions and desire but not all the
time I can control it and also handling stress which is common to us.

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