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Official Extract

No. 218
Special Orders
Donald T. Nelson
PRIVATE ASN 35158648
A. P.O. NO. 38


May 2. 1941


No. 48. (E X T R A C T)

4. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2b, Section I,

AR 615-2CD::lated Novomb0r 24, 1939, Private DONALDT. NELSON. 35158648, H0adquo.rters
Battery, 1st Battalion, 150th Field 1:rtillcry (155 mm How) is transferred in grade
to Headquarters Buttery, 150th Field nrtillery, effective this date.

5. In accordance with tho provisions of paragraph 2b, Section I,

AR 615-200 dated November 24, 1939, Pri vute ARTHURLOFTIN, 35158815, Heo.dquo.rters
Battery 1st Batta.lion, is transferred in grade to Headquarters Buttery, 150th Field
1~rtillery (155 mm How) effective this do.te,

6. In o.ccordo.nco with tho provisions of paragraph 2b, Section I,

AR 615-2Q.Odated November 24. 1939, Clb.RLES E. MAVIS, (Jr.). 35176232,
Battery H, is transferred in grade to Hondqunrters Bnttbry, 150th Field hrtillory
(155 mmHow) effective this date.

7. In accordance with tho provisions of po.ragraph 2b, Section I,

AR 615-200dated November 24, 1939, ? JAMES T. NAHER, 35175733, Battery F,
is transferred in grade to Heo.dquo.rters Ba:ttery, 150th Field }.rtillery ( 155 mm How)
effective this

8, In o.ccordo.nco with tho provisions of 2b, Section I~

AR 615-200 dated November 24, 1939, Pri vo.te WALTERR. HORNER, 20538169, Heo.dquo.rters
Buttery, is tro.nsferred in to Headquarters Battery 1st Batto.lion, 150th Field
Lrtillery (155 mm How) effective this

9. In accordc,nco with the prov:i.s ions of paro.graph 2b, Section I.,

AR 615-2C() do.tad November 24., 1939, Priva.te DAVID W. DILL, 20538153, Heo.dquurters
Battery, is tro.nsfcrred in to Hea.dquc.rters Bo.ttery 1st Bo.tto.lion, 150th Field
Artillery (155 mm How) effective this do.te.

10~ In o.ccordo.nce v,ith the provisions of 2b, Section I,

AR 615-200 dated November 24, 1939, Privo.te ROBERT E. J..faDISON, 20538163, Hendquo.rters
Bo.ttery, is tr:J.nsferred in to Bo.ttory H, 150th Field Artillery (155 mm How)
effective this date.

11. In ~ccordo.nce with the provisions of 2b, Section I,

AR 615-200 dated November 24, 1939 1 Privc,tc WILLIAM F. FISHER, 20538174, Hea.dquo.rters
Battery, is tro.nsferrod in to Buttery F, 150th Field Artillery (155 mmHow)
effective this do.te.

12. In o.ccordnnce with the provisions of 2b 1 Section I,

AR 615-200 dated November 24~ 1939, Privo.te OSCARW. LOCK., 35157554 1 Bo.nd, is trans- .
forred in to Battery il, 150th Field Artillery (155 mm How) effective this

13 • In o.ccordance with the provisions of paro.lraph 2b 1 Section I,

AR 615-200 dn.tod November 24, 1939, Pri vc.te NELSON MCC,M]'JION,35156921, Bo.nd, is trans-
f'orrod in to Battery A, 150th Field Artillery ( 155 mm How) effective this

14. In o.ccordc.nco with the provisions of 2b, Section I,

.1.R 615- -~o~o.tod November 24, 1939, Pri ii.EBROSESEMERSHEIM, 35156042, Bo.nd, is
tro.nsforrod in to Bc..ttory D, 150th Field ;.rtillery, (155 mm How) effective

15. In o.ccordunco with tho provisions of 2b, Section I,

AR 615-200do.ted November 24, 1939, JOSEPH E. W.,'.,LDEN,Bci.nd, is trc.nsferrecl
in gro.dc tc Bc.ttory tI, 150th F'iold Lrtillory (155 mm How) effective this

16, In o.cccrdunco with the provisions of 2b, Section I,

AR 615-200 do.tod Novumbor 24, 1939, Privo.te GEOi:?.GE R. CL~RK, 35175786 1 Buttery ii.,
is trc..nsforrod in grade to tho Bc.nd, 150th Fiolc! Artillery (155 mm How) effective

1'7. In c.ccordcmco with tho provisions of 2b, Section I,

i,R 615-200 da.tcd Wovombor 24, 1939, Private. ,JOHNW. VfEBSTER, 35175552, Ba.ttory L.,
is tra...>1.sfcrrocl in to tho Ba.nd, 15/)th Field ,.rtillcry ( 155 mm How) effective
-\;;his date.

18. In e..ccordo.nco with the provisions of 2b, Section I,

ii.R 615-200dn.tod November 24, 1939, Private
E. MOORE, 35175598, Battery D,
is tro.nsforrod in grade to tho Bo.nd, 150th Field ;~rtillory ( 155 mm How) effective

19. In n.ccordD.nco vii th tl1e provisions of 2b, Section I,

J.R 61,5-200dn.ted November 24, 1939, PrivatQ J,OREU L. C.1'lBORli,35158521, Buttery H,
is tro.nsforrod in to tho Band, 150th Field Lrtillory (155 rnm How) effective
this do.te.

By order of Colonel S'.l.'R:",UB

BEN H. 1vlhi.TT
Lt Colonel, FA

) 7
OFFICI;l.1:~. ,,yf J<
,, _)Toscy'phR. Hartz

. Cap', FA
'· Adjutant

j,11 men concerned P0r sec
Hq Btry
Hq Btry 1st Bn
Filo •
Btrys A,H,D ,F
150TE FIELD lill.TILLCTI.Y(155 i.".IiIIOV/)

August 11, 1911


Ho. 94. (L X T H i. C T)

1, Pursuant to ancl iE accorcln.nce vrith,pc..rn.Graph 13, Section II,

Jill G15-5, Corporal JEE01.rri:'N. Fr...;.l'TDERS,20538159, lioo.dqun.rters Battery, 150th
Field i1.rtillery (155 nm IIow) ho.vine been found suilty of ;:iisconduct by proper
o.utr..0rity is hereby reduced to the gro.dc of privo.te, effective this do.·tc.

2. In accordance nith tho provisions of, 5, Section I,

LR Gl5-5, d,~tod April 15, 1936, DmT.i:..LD T. l'TELSOH, 35158648, Eco.dquo.rtors
:i3n.ttcry, 150th Field Artillery (155 r.uil :row) is n.ppointod Corporo.l, offocti vo this

3. In o.ccordanc~ ,,-rith the provisions of po.ra ~1·~1.ph5, Section

AR Cl5-5, dn.tcd April 15, 1936, Private liILLLJ: G. 0O<J:i._AN,,Hl., 3515835t,,, IIcn.d-
quartcrs Do.ttory 2nd Do.ttalion, 150t:i. Field ,i.rtillory (155 ;,,1:1. Hoi.:r) is c..ppointod
Corporal, cffcctivothis

11. In G.ccorda.ncc T,ith the ;Jrovisions of po.rD.'.)''-~pl1.5, S;:;ction I,

lJI. 615-5, dc.tod .i.pril Hi, 1936, Priv:1tc ~:.iSS IOUNC, ::i51567Ul, Ewdquc.trtors Do.ttory
2nd I:att:.i.lion, 150th Field Artillery (155 nr.1 Hov,r) is o.ppoiHted Corporn.l, effective
this d::_to.

5. In a.ccorda.nco Hith the provisions of po.rc.craph 5, Section I,

AR Gl5-5, da.tod ;.pril 15, 193G, l' DUJillD K. 1'UT'cPijJ, 35157348, IIc:::i.dqu:::i.rtors
Bo.ttory 2n~: Bo..tto.lion, 150th Field ;,.rtillcry (155 mm Hon) is o.p;_)ointod Corpora.l,
offocti vc this do_to.

G. In 2..ccordo..nco vritlltho provisions of pa.ra.g;r~,ph G, Section I,

LR Cl5-5, da.tocl !1.pril J..S, Hl36, Privette IIOTL\.llDL. EADS, 35158720, Eoo.dquo.rtcrs
BG.ttcry 2nd Batte.lion, 15)th Field ,1.rtillcry (155 nm IIo1:r) is CLJJlJointod C,rporal,
offccti vo this dntc.

7. In a.ccorda.nco uith the provisions of para.trnph 5, Section I,

JJ/. ClS-5, de.tad l~pril 15, 1036, JOI:i?J13~:i:lEn, 35157314, .:co.clquartors Da.ttcry
2nd ilQ.ttc.lion, 150th ~cicld ii.rtillcry (155 nn IIow) is o.p;:iointed Corporo.l, effcctivo

B. In a.ccordo.nco nith tho provisions of po.ra.grn.::ih 5, Section I,

Lil. 61-5-5,d::i.tod i:..pril 15, 193G, Privette LOUIS ·,1. IKZ~, 35156114, Eoa.dqtw.rtors
Do.ttcry 211d Lo.ttalion, 150th Field .'i.rtillory (155 r.m :~0 1,,) is a.ppointcd Corporr:.l,
e,ffccti vc this
- 1 -
- 2 -
9. In n.ccorda.ncc Hi th the i1rovisions of po..ra.i::;raph 5, Section I,
Jill 615-5, dated A;:-iril 15, 1936, I'riv<1te lcl T:I01L1.SR. :Mlill.SH!i.LL,20538837, Hoo.d-
quo.l'ters Eo.ttery 2c1d L.J.tta.lion, 150th Field i1.rtillory (155 mn How) is n.p;::iointod
Corpor:::.l, effective this dn.te.

10. In o.ccordanco ui th tho :1rov1s ions of para.r;ra~1h 5, Section I,

AR Cl5-5, do.tod ii.pril 15, 1936, JOim D. FULTOH, 20538822, Heo.dqun.rters
ilo.ttory 2nd Da.tto.lion., 150th Field :~rtillery (155 mm How) is ap~1ointed Corporo.l,
c.rffc...ctivo this dn.te.

11. In o.ccorda.nce vith the provisions of 5, Section I,

11.R615-5, elated i1.pril 15, 1936, i'rivato Jomr H. CIIBATHAl'.1,35103515, Do.ttcry E,
150tl1 Fi old Lrtillory ~155 rim1 J:ow) is (9poi11tcd Corporo.l, offocti vo fui3

12. In accordance ~ith tho provisions of 5, Section I,

AR Gl5-5, d;,.tcd April 15, 193G, Frivn.te HOY S. ffJTI;ERF0RD, 20539509, Do.ttery E,
15Jth Field 11.rtillory (155 mn IIoH) is appointed Cor~)oral, offocti vo this cbto.

13. In accordance vri th tho provisions of'·o.~1h5, Soctior. I,

i:..ll.Gl5'.':"5, do.tad L.pril 15, 1936, Private DUSTIN E. S'l>.RDUCI:, 35158704:, Dattory E,
150th Field ....rtillorv " \
i'l55 ~Iow) in c.::1·1ointcd Corvoral,
J. • ~
off0ctivo this d

Dy order of Colonul STilAUI3:

DEN H. 1.h.TT
Lt Colonel, 150th FA

.:jQ..nan and. unit concerned
Per Sec

, l

. . . . . ....

• C)

Office of the Co!nnanding General
Ca~p B~auregard, Louisiana

March 28, 1942.

Special Orders)
No. 65 )

L So much of par 7, SO 63, this hq, 26 March 1942 (pertaining

to Private Jack T. Killen, 34022997) as reads, "1942", is amended to
read, 1941.

2, Par 2, SO 37, 24 Feb 1942; Par 13, SO 43, 4 March 1942, qnd
Par 6, SO 49, 12 March 1942, this hq are rescinded.

3. Under authorit_y contained in par 6, Section II, 1'!ar _Department

Circular No. 48, dated February 19, 1942, a board of officers is appoint-
ed to meet at the cc1.ll of the president thereof, at Cnmp Livingston, .
Louisiana, f_or the purP.ose of examining and repor\ing on the su;i.tability
of such applicants for acceptance as officer candidates, as may be
properly referred to it by this headquarters:


Lt. ·col.
. STED,i:&1 0147006 l.93rd. F.A
Capt EDWARD M. ·SCHULTZ 02952071.fC, 193rd FA
Capt JOHN A. DUNLAP. 0325757 173rd FA
Capt ROBERTRALDND 0250473 Hq 46th FA Brig.

The Conduct of the e~o.mining bonrd v~ill be governed by MR 1-4,

as is modified by Sec. II, War Dept. Circular 48, 1942.
The bo_ard proceedings on e:::>.chcandidate will be submitted, to this

4. 1st Lt. FRANCIS P. PFISTER, 0295222, 367th Inf, Cp Claiborne,

La., 1.'JP-with.out delay fr Cp Claiborne, La., to Cp Beauregard, L_a., re-
porting upon arrival to the CO, Cp Beauregard, La., for temp duty with
the MP Def, o.nd will be ci.tchd to the 46th FA Brig., Camp_Livingston,.
La., for administration during the period of temp duty, and upon com-
pletion of this duty will return to his proper station. Necesse.ry
movement will be effected by govt MT at no expense to the govt.

5. Under the provisions of AR 615-200 Pvt lcl Specl 2nd Cl

ED1nN H. AcC"!..URKEN, Jr., 20317'733, 103rd Engr Bn (C), Cp Livingston,
La., is transferred in grade and ·with Specl rating to th_e 64~th Engr
Top Bn., Cp Claiborne, La., and will proceed thereto by govt MI',
rcportingupon arrival to the CO, 648th Engr Top Bn., for duty and per-
manent sta. No expense. to the govt ,,ill be ircurred pursuant to this
order. •

6. Col WILLIAh F. HEAVEY,052.23, C of E, and Lt. Col '-JILLIAX

H. ARNOLD_, 015558, GSC, this hq, WF by Air or rail 'bn .or -,about March
31, 1942, fr this sta. to Cp Shelby, Miss. on temp duty in connection
1':ith J,n, and upon· completion of this duty wtll return to their proper
sta. TDN. FD 2423 P 5~06 A 0410-2. RCTH. ·rf air travel is performed
a .t:lat per,diell). of $6.00 in l~eu of su'Qsistence is authorized.
~·1 -
S.O. :¥ 65, Hq. IV Army Corps, 3-2f>.-42.

7. .so much of par 8, SO 60, this Hq., 23 Mt:.rch 1942, pertaining

to T/Sgt ·OEO:l.GEW. E. FOSTER JR, 20314852, as reads 1tHq Btry. 1st Bn,
108th FA, 11 is amended tQ read 11Hq Btry 1st Bn, 193rd FA. 11

8. Pursuant to authority contained in WD ltr, TAGO, AG 34? (3-14-42)

MT A-M,. subject: ~uotns for Field Artillery Officer Candidate School,
April, 191.2, dated Feb. 27, 1%2, D.nd WD ltr. Tli.GO, i,G 352 (3-6-42), MT M,
~mbject as above, d2ted Earch ••Ui, 191+2, the following named enlisted men
from organizc.tions and st2,tions as indicated are trr'd in gr.'.'.de and vdth
spoc,l rating to the Field Artillery Officr Cnndido.te School, Fort Sill,
Oklahomn, o.ncl will proceed thereto o.t such time as will enable them to
report to. the Cornnandant, Fie'ld Artillery Officer Candidate School at
thc.t place on lvfarch 31, 1942, for the purpose of pursuing class No. 18:


Sgt. Hilston T. KilcolJ.ins 20146630 Btry. A, 203rd F .1\.

Sgt. i,so. H, Roach __ 20146579 Hq Btry, 1st Bn, 203rd FAr
Sgt. Herbert P. Theobald 20324869 773rd TD Bn.
M/Sgt. Carl .D. Patterson 20538135 Hq & ServtCo, 131st Engrs,
Sgt. Er mil L. Roy 35103624 208th FA.
Corp. Raymond A. Ballweg, Jr. 35158855 2nd Bn, 208th FA.
M/Sgt. Donald T. Nelson 35158648 131st Engrs.
Corp Paul E. Pickett 34118187 Hq Btry, 203rd FA.
1st. Sgt. Ferdinand L. Drabik 20132522 Btry 1tD1t, 203rd FA.


Corp Gordon o. Culver 36209063 Hq Btry, 173rd FA,

S/Sgt. Lestor A. Uren 20653307 Hq Btry, 2nd Bn, 173rd FA,
Skt. George, E, 01:rnth 20656529 Btry A, 17Jrd Fi:.
1st Sgt. George E. Shaver 20656462 Btry A, 173rd FA.

S/Sgt. Terence D. Summers 20716635 634th TD Bn.

Sgt. Donald N. Nibe 20716682 Co B, 634th TD Bn.
Travel by PO conveyance is authorized,
It being impracticable for the govt to furnish cooking fncilities for
rations the FD will pay in advance the monetary travel o.1low2.nces prescribed
in To.ble II, 2 a, :,R 35-4520, .:i.t the rate. of $3.00 per d.:::.yfor
rations for each man for one (1) day. TDN FD 1401 P 7-06 ,\ 0410-2.
The Finance Officer making payment on this order will furnish a
report of cost, together with a copy of this order to The Adjutant General,
(Marked attention.fiscal .Section).

9. So much of p2.r 8, SO 60, this hq, 23 March 1942, as reads

"April 2, 1942 11, is 2.mondcd to rcc:-,d March 31, 1942, and so much as
reads "Sgt Normo.n R, HoGft, 20650728, Btry F, 126th FA11, and 11Cpl Malcolm
E. Moloney, 20656646, Btry E, 126th FA, 11 is revoked 2nd the following
substituted therefor:


Corp Richard R. Hurst: 351582/,.9 Co A, 638th 'I'D Bn.

Tech IV Robert D, Brook, 35155938 Co C, 638th TD Bn.

S.O. # 65, Hq. IV Arrey- Corps, 3-28-42.

10. So much of pnr 2, SO M., this hq, 27 March 1942, as reads

"1st Lt. James M. Hwnphries, 0326960", is revoked and the following
substituted therefor:

2nd Lt. Glen M. Sviedlund, 0409127.

By Co. tmand of Mc1.jor General GRIS1:YOLD:

H. J. rh,TCHETT,
Colonel; G. S.C.,
Chief of Staff.

Colonel, A.G.D.,
Adj uto.nt Genernl.

1\ "F" & SPECIAL.

S Y M B O L .S
WP - - Nill proceed RCTJ-i- Report cost to this hq.
TDN- - The travel directed ii, I,lT - - Motor transportation.
necessary in the mili-
tary service
For delivery to Par
------------------------ ------------
Symbols: DP--By direction of The President
TDN--Travel directed is necessary in the mili_tary service
WP--\'iill proceed fr
TPA--If travel is performed. by privately ovme,d automobile for permanent
change of station only, DS authorized ,par lg, AH 605-180
AD--Active duty
TPC--Travel by privately owned conveyance is authorized
PIC--Pursuant to instructions contained in

Field Artillery School
Fort Sill, Oklahoma


NO H2: E X T it A C T

* * *
11. The following named enl men, students Officer~Candidate Class #18, will be
disch the service on June 23, 1942, by reason of convn of the Govt (Section
X, AR 615-360), to accept·appointment as a Second Lieutenant and AD in the
Army of the United States, in.compliance with V:IDCir i/:126, 1942:

Sergeant HOBEHTLOUIS ADLEH, 36019397, FA

Corporal BJ.AULIO ALONSO, 34057892, FA
Corporal DAVID BAND, 34102677, FA
1st Sgt WILLIAM HE1tBEiT BARLOW, 20214494, FA
Corporal JOHN O'KEEFE, 34150299, FA
Corporal iGCHAitD JOIB-JBAHTHOLD, 32153536, FA
Corporal EDWAirn'.YILLIAH BAS'l'IAN, 33023007, FA
Corporal JESSE SPENCEi{ BELL, 34114331, FA
Corporal GEOHGEMOHlULL BLAKE, 310170515, FA
Sergeant AUGUST L. BONGEitS, 6828666, FA
Corporal THOMAS,JOSEPH BHElJNAJ:.r, 20617682, FA
Corporal EAitL JOSEPH B m-m, 3512 5608, FA
St Sgt JOSEPH EMI1:ETTBiWWN, 6260796, FA
Corporal iUCH.iLD LEWIS :.ll{O-.i'l{, 33011099, FA
w/o DEAN BlliWE, 20410334, FA
Corporal HAiWLDi1ATTIIEWCA.irn., 31017063, FA
Corporal CLlFFOHD QUElJTIJ.fCHIUS'I'r~r8EH, 20614349, FA
Corporal LlVIN WILSON COBB, JH, , 34090614, FA
Corporal BAHNEYCOHN, 32182646, FA
Sergeant EUGENE CONi{ADCOIJINE, 6270511, FA
Sergeant JAivIBSLEE COOK, 20327492, FA
Corporal lWBinT I.'iEH~ILL COUHTNEY, 34173604, FA
Corporal STANLEYED~VAirnCi<AWFOHT, 32160390, FA
Sergeant PEAitSOlJ CHUiWHClfIT:IJJ,, Ji • , 20325239, FA
Corporal JAI-1l~SBAl:THOL0!1ErlCUl/JIHlWS, 2041040., FA
Sergeant PA1~IU~1'.
Sergeant WILLIAl1 DONALDDALHYHPLE, 2024,5379, FA
1st Sgt LOUIS OSWALDD'AHICO, 20432867, FA
Special Orders No 142 - 2 - June 16, 1942
(Par 11, contd)


Corporal GJ~O;tGECtESSWELL Di-1.VISJ J;;4; 33024436, . FA
Corporal ~t0G2J LEE DAVIS, 35047153; . FA
Corporal ;(USSELL. HA~/OLD DAWSON, 36300045, . FA
Corporal WILLIAl':1 DAWSOH, Jii.., 35025161, FA.
1st Sgt .ltOBL:i{T DEAN, 20325088, FA
Corporal GEOHGEAiaJflJJ DICI{, 36212618, FA.
Corporal CLEMON CLIFTON DILLEN, 38058479,. FA
Corporal FlUNK PATi1.ICK DILLON, 32088867, FA
1st Sgt FEJlDINAND LOUIS Dil.ABIK, 20132522,. FA
Corporal JOlliJ LESLIE Di{YBllitGH, 370931 71, FA
1st Sgt iNALTEi.~.DU;(}_•'Oi(, 20327903, FA
Corporal WILFHED iu\.NSOI,1EDDINGER, 34110757, FA
Corporal JAMES G. BL.UNE EWIJJG,. Ji(., 202,16035,. FA
Sergeant CI-L\~(LESKi.JilTZ FETZE:;.:, J]{,, 20245284, FA
Sergeant BILL HATTON FLEET-·VOOD; 38018076,. FA
Corporal DOlfo.LD T1tU1,L\.NFLETCtlE1{, 36013456,. FA
Corporal •'iJILLI.M.f Jsi.i'·!EuFLYEN, ,fa., 32030448, FA
Tech Sgt GEOilGE ~V,SHIN GTON E. FOSTE:,, JR,, 20311852,. FA
1st Sgt H,~~~OLDF;(EDl~~ncK F:nEDAH, 6348474:, FA
Sergeant ,°I.LTONP?ENTISS F:ffl.1UE:, 20-13246'7,, F,\
Sergeant Fi:·w.Nl:LIN KEHT Gii.LLOW11.Y,. J~(., 39154448,. FA
Sere;eant l10i?.Tiiv1Ei{G,1.1;BEH, 32160054, FA
Sergeant Ji1.l/JESC11.1<0TIIEHS G,UHISON, 20432876,. F:1.
Corporal i··!IL'~'ON GIFFLK(, 32178585,. F.\.
Tech Sgt ::r.1.,/0LDL,d'JE GLIDDEH, 20316521, FA
Corporal .,1.LEXi1.NDK·'. WALTK{ GOWi.1rn, 32135998, FA
Corporal HOBEj(T IE,ATHEffGi(EENHOE, 36152602, FA
Tech Sgt Ii.11.IWLDW,1.L'i'OHHi1.LE, 20616022, p;l.
Sergeant CH.,LtLES WELDON lfo.HLEY, 6874900, Fi1.
Corporal GEOicGEMILTON JL\.HNING, 36130650, FA
Sergeant DON O'NE,1.L H.i1.itT, 20421445, FA
Corporal JOHN ADAM 1-fAUTH, :53078833, FA
Sergeant :WBEi.?.T~WDDY llii.VILL, 32113884, Fil.
1st Sgt WALTE1<EidL HENDEi?SHOTT, 20324956, FA
Corporal J11.MBS1-i.OSSFIBNDiGCK, 38066323, FA
Sergeant CfL\HLES Fi1.ULKNEil HEEB, 20324412, FA
Corporal JACi{ PEl:.StUNG HOLT, 36025.423, F.,\.
Corporal IU:CHA:i(D HALPH HUi{ST, 35158249, F.i
Corporal GEOHGED,i.VID J;i.COBS, 33129780, FA
Corporal DUDLEY MITCHELL JONES, Ji{., 33049823, FA
Corporal_ L1.1."fJ.ff~NCE JOSEPH IGI.ISE1{, 36042600, FA
Tech Sgt 1WBEI?.TLEWIS YJi.ISEi.{, 330256'76, FA
Corporal El:NEST LEOTIS IL'1.STO~tFF, 34045051, FA
Corporal lWBEHT ItL\ffiJ KELLEY, 35131645,
Corporal WILLLdff FtL1.NCIS KEHNEY, 310169L11,
Sergeant rn.vrnGI. KKtN, 32072123,
Sergeant_ HILSTON THOI'.!i.S KILCOLLINS, 20146630,
1st Sgt IS,t.ti.C ilE,1.D KIJ.JG, JR., 20424337 FA
Cor'poral THOI.faS JOHN KING, 38040363, Fi1.
Ser~eant JOHJ:J •DIEDEHI-8H KLEClt,:.: _., 3G04459.8, ·F,\.
Corporal THOIJii.S BUTLEH KilESGE, 33113867, F.f1.
Special Orders No 142 June 16, 1942
(Par 11, contd)

Corporal ALBEHT H.idrn.Y L.i1.VElrnOH ! 33129<139 .1 FA·

Corporal PHILLIP BUHHUS 1.LHVHENCE, 34018925) F,·1.
Corporal HENi?.YTIIi1.DDBlJSLESLEYj 36306475; Fii.
Corporal i\.LF:1tED JOSEPH LilJDSEY, 32018048, FA
Corporal C,1.i:?.LV.iWGHIJLOGGidJS, 20215251, Fii.
Corporal PIE~frIB DESIHE LOH.IO, 34153592., FA
St Sg.t WILLLl.rn ,1.LOYSIUS LmVE, 6697552, FA
Corporal LEh,ND EDW,1.HDLUECK, . 36306145, FA
Corporal CH.Ai{LESWILLIAM LYDIAiill, 6147532, F,\.
Corporal JOSEPH WOOD1WW LYONS, 32157989, Fi1.
Corporal LEOH C11.i(LYLEl.faCMULLEN, J1t., 33023185, FA
St Sgt THOH,'1.SFHANCIS l.1ALONE, 32046642, F1\.
Corporal FR,1.HKPECTLE 111.IJNHJG,. 34054276, Fi1.
Corporal t1ACK P.\UL M.hNNIIJG, 36304797, FA
Corporal WILLIAJ;J ANTHO!JYLL1.HSZALEK, 33102429, Fi1.
Tech Sgt JAMES GL.i\.SGOHM,1.:..{T IN, 20450673, .FA
Private. GEOHGE EHVIN M/i.YEH, 17029451, F,·1.
Corporal 1tlCII.11.1tD .dTJHJH 111,·1.YNE, ,hi.., 12031032, Fi1.
Corporal CIL'1.nLESHil.itlC l.1cCiULLIS., 32036753, F.A
Tech Sgt iWBE1tT VINIHG McDOWELL, 6268133, FA
Corporal NEIL STEVENSON McPHi1.IL, 35130429, FA
Corporal PHILIP CH,1.itLES Iv!El1.CfL.1.liI, 36105814, FA
Sergeant lrnLPH HAIN MENGEL, II, 33012819, FA
St Sgt WILLiil.1.1 CALVEHT 1.IBlJNEL, 20514454, FA
Corporal J,i;-.:iESFit.ii.LEY L100HE, 34172130, Fi1.
Sergeant HUPEi?.T EASTMEit M0Ol{E:, Ji?.., 38002124, FA
Tech Sgt JOHlJ 1.VILLIAH U01(Gl1.N, 38050524, FA
Sergeant EOBE'{T lJEIL 1/iOHGii.I-J, 39004447, FA
Mr Sgt DOifoLD THEODOHE NELSON, 35158648, F.i1.
Sergeant DOIJl1.LDHEWTONNIBE, 20716682, FA
Corporal D11.VIDA. NOVli.CK, 32017291, FA
Corporal BE:ia=::iJIJDJ1\.MES OLIVE:i(, 33020254, FA
Corporal H0WA:ill i(, 39012710., F1'i.
Sergeant GEO:i.?.GE EVElIBTT OLSETH, 20656529., Fj_
Corporal JEii.EMfoH D11.1JIELO 1 J\ilE11.iUI., 32185115, Fj\.
St Sgt JAt,iES BL.L\.DEOWINGS, 2032 7912,, FA
Mr Sgt CliliL DE1.YEY PATTEHSOH, Ji-i.., 20538135, F.t\.
Corporal fu1.ImY D.1.VID FEHNEL, 34071899, FA
Pfc Sp 3 HOBEii.T JAl!!ES PETERSEN, 39010266, FA
St Sgt LnffiBitETH ,°1.SHLEYPHIFEi?., 20450604, FA
Corporal F,foJ\iCIS THEODOHE PHILLIPS, Jit., 11033566., FA
Corporal PAUL EDWIN PICKET, 34118187, FA
Corporal JUNIUS LUTHEH PLUNKETT, 20451616., FA
Corporal EDGii.i?.POWELL, 32158745, FA
Sergeant PETEH EG11.I-J Pi{J1.TT, 31002117, FA
Corporal HAi?.OLDSINGEit Hi1.FNEit, 32185391, FA
Sergeant MOi(HIS G;~il.LANDilAWLINGS, 3706295.3, FA
Corporal ALBEHT kl,'.L.U'. HEES, III, 34058408, FA
Corporal WILLIAM TONY JIPLEY, 12009015, Fi1.
Sergeant i1.S.i1.HUDSONI?.Q;i.CH, •2014657~, FA
1st Sgt HEHBEHT SAMUEL i?.OTH, 20652797, FA
Sergeant ERMIL LORES i?.OY, 35103624, FA
Corporal Hii.HHYWALTElt HUSCH, 36218417, FA
Corporal J.,J.i!ES VICTOI<. imSSELL, 34049992, FA
Special Orders No 142 June 16, 1942
(Par 11, contd)

Corporal BEirn&JJ SACHS, 33129783, FA

Sergeant GEO:i~GEFiU\.lfK SAHPSON, 20217054, FA
Mr Sgt LIICP,AEL F1i.ANCIS SAV,OY, 32015716, FA
Hr Sgt LEON TE1:\.DDEUSSCAi61{0UGH,. 6379902, FA
Corporal GEORGECltUSTIAN SCHfuillE, 32156922, FA
Corporal lW,JALD ED~VA.ttDSCHULZ, 370903e1, FA
St Sgt OiiHIN GIPSON SI-IAFFKl, 20327407, FA
Corporal THOi:TASBE1i.NAim SHAi(ICEY, 35122215, FA
1st Sgt GEOHGEEDGAH SHAVEi{,' 20656462, FA
Sergeant LTALCOLMSHAiV, J1L, 20816594, FA
St S~t THQJ:_!AS FHAHKLIN SHEA, 39004282, _ FA
Sergeant AhTElffiS JACKSON S1!ELL, . 20735773, _ FA
Corporal JOHN cTOSEPHSNYDEi(, , 32047415, FA
Corporal JAi/!BS LADD STAPLES, 2044952 ~j, . FA
Corporal PAUL WEST STEPHANI, 33025511,, FA
1st Sgt 1J'f,,IGJITPIGFOi:D S'.i:ILL, 2042395G, F'A
Corporal JDJtdIS HE,tHAN STOLZ, 32058861_, FA
Corporal DOUGLAS i(OBEii.T ST0'.7-8,. :321D3B91, FA
Corporal 1/AYdOND A.:DELL STUEVOLL, 37039859, FA
st sgt TEi\ENCE DOI-JALDsuM1·IB:Ls, 20716t:-S5,. FA
Tech Set ELYSEO JOSE TAYLOi(,. ,n:., 206212:31, FA
Corporal ;wBKt'I' HES3IT TP.Ai,P, 3803-1290, FA
Corporal McKIHNEY LEONAd) THOLAS, 34033654, FA
Corporal WALLACE EDG.llit THOi·'.AS,, 37040884,, FA
Corporal JOSEPH SLOAN TODD, ::\409i.l718, FA
1st Sgt SAM TOHASETTI, 6901510, FA
Corporal Sl'A:.ITLEYLEiJONT T01.:GE~i.S01J, 36216129 ,. FA
!fr Sgt EDVDfoD ISAIAH TYLl~i.i., J"-'.., 6936681, FA
Corporal J. B. 1'.ILLA,:D TYSOH, 33112755, FA
Corporal HUDSOJJHILLS Vc'I.ND:Ci:HOOF, 32136750,_ FA
Corporal WILFOrtD HEt:SCIIEL VAlmEVENDE1{, 36938946, FA
Corporal Hi1.1l.ilYWILLIAH VAH NESS,. 20245725, FA
Corporal KENl'mTH IIA1l.DIHG VAN TASSEL, 20245402, FA
Corporal ANTHONY LOUIS VET;u\,1:JO, Jh., 38058533,.. FA
Pvt lcl MICHAEL C1ULETON VLtE,LK.( 1 32026246, FA
Corporal CLAIH JOHN WAGimlt, 33010519 '· FA
Sergeant JAMES JOSEPH W"BLI3Y, 20215196, FA
Corporal JUSTUS NEFF rvELLS, ,Jl;., 37109854 ,. FA
Sergeant EDEU1JDWENDEL, Ji<., 20515026, FA
Corporal STANAHD TILTON YffiE11.TON, 380lk4958 1 FA
Sergeant ;wBE,tT WILLIAT!f VJRITtfo.N, 35025512t FA
Corporal JOHN iWGEl;. WILLIAI:IS, Ji(., 35034252, FA
Sergeant HE13Ei; G1tEY WHJFIELD, J.(., 20409108, FA
Corporal CHAilLES WILLI.AH WOODWA.i{D,,TI(., 3306607Q, FA
Sergeant At(THUn rm:,;tISOIJ YOUNG, 36159376J FA
- 'I ••

11 11
12 • The following named enl men, Btry ;~ , 83rd F'A Bn~ are trfd IN Gii.ADE OF Pi-:IVATE
to the orgns indicated after their respective names and will report to
the CO thereof for duty:

Pvt lcl THOEAS N. id-IL11Ei;, 32034692, Btry A", 18th FA.
Pvt l:cl JASPEi; J. :3~WWN, 6968060, Btry "C", 18th FA.
Private ABIE E .• (ICKETTS, 15042135, Btry "A", 18th FA.
Special Orders No 142 June 16, 1942

13, Lv is granted to nach of the following nar:10d officor.s 9ffective on or

about the dates indicated:

Captain JAEES 11. ASHBAUGH, 0350302, 349th FA, four: (4) days, Jlme 23, 1942.
Captain CALVIN F. FINN, 1)315843, ?A (G), ten (10) days, June 22, 1942. HOiiT~i'.E. ltlILLE:;:, 022227, 71:~t F;l Bn, ton (10) days, June 2,1, 1942.-

14. Private JAEeS HiNDS 1 18002861, 1.ltry C, 349th FA, is trfcl to the 601st
Ordnance Company (AU), this .station.

15, Under authority of the Secretary of War a.s contained in 1st Incl., AG 220.63
(5-6-41) Er-D, Hay c;O, ~.941, to OCAC, OU unclassified, OCAC, l:!ay 6, 1941,
Subject: Issuance o-r T:·avecll Or-d.ers liy the Comr.rii;:tndine;Ge:".1eral, Air Corps
Technical TrD.ininr; Cor.rnand, 11 ::i.nd uncls.ssifiecJ, OCAC, June 25, 1SJL11, Subjecti
Issuance of Travel 01·ders '.ry t',c Commanding General, Air Corps Technical
Traininr; Comr.tand11 , Sorgea:1t 1lN 2cl A~i.THlU.J. FI'.I'ZP,\.TiUCIC, 35033873, 5th
Obsen Squadron (SP), WP this stat7on to Lowry Field, Colorado reporting
upon arrival, thereat, to t'te CO on July 2, 191,2~ for the purposr; of
pursuin[. the A:i.rcraft ;i.rmorers Courso conuncncinG July 6, 19 1L~.
Orders for the rehirn of Sere;oant FITZPAT1tICK ,to his permanent station
vrill 1-Je issued by t]w CG, i,.:·m.y Air Forc;cs Techni0c1.l Training Con1_rnand.
It being im~,racticable for the Govt to furnish cooking facilities for
rations, the Fin Dept will pay in t~dvanc6 thr, monetary tn1vel alws as
prescribed in Table II, par ?,a, .,\.Ji.35-'±S;~o, as amended by C:i.r f/=50, vVD, 1941,
at the rah; of ,;>3.00 per day for one (1) mau for one (1) d.n.y •
The TO vri.11 fui·nish the neces::Etry T.
TDN FD 34 P-02 A 0425-23.

16. The following named enl men, F.,, ,ltchd. unasgd FAS Dot (White), are trfd to
Jackson Barracks, Louisiana, D.nd 'NP station to Jackson J3arracks,
Louisiana reporting upon arrival, ~1oroat, to the CO, thereof, for duty:

Private WILLfoM .J. Bii.NA'I'T, 31059863

Private .
CIL~~tLEST;',., Billl~Li.l'JT
I, 33134152
Private GENE H. BISCHOFF, 31059920

It being impracticable foi· the Govt to :furnish cooking facilities for

rations, the Fin D<1pt '.rvill ray in advance tho monetary travel alws as
prescribed in Table II, par 2o., ,:,r:. 35-4,520, as amended by Cir #SO, vVD, 1941,
at the of ~)3.00 per d.riy for thre,1 (3) men each for one (1) day,
The TO will furnish the necosso.ry T.
TDN FD 31 P-02 A 042S-2J.

17. Pvt lcl JOHN L. P}(ESSLEY, 14008bS~:., Hq Btry, 83rd FA Bn~ now a po.tient in
the station hbspital, this station, is tr.fd to thu custody of his mother,
Mrs. Lesa Prcrn::,ley, s·,ndorson, Soul.,h Carolina, and upon arrival thereat,
will Le disch the service.
Tech 4th ,JO~rnOIJ L. CUTHBKGSUN, %017Z,!J3, De:t Lied Dept, will accompG.ny
him us attendant, and upon completion of this duty, he vrill return to
this station.
The-: TO will furnish the nococsary T.
It being ~npracticablo for thu furnish rations in kind, mauls for
two (2) m(m will be f1H"nishcd on party meal tickuts undor the provisions
of par 2a, j_1t 30-2215, for six (6) meals oo.c}1 p;oing_. and for one (1) ma.11.
Special Orders No 142 June-16, 1942
(Pa.r 17, Contd)

for six (G) mauls returuin~, nt ~ rate not to 0xc0od 31.00 par ncal vor
man when meals; taken in the clinine; car, or not to uxcoed 00. 75 per
moal per man when meals.are taken elsewhere.
The provisions of par 7, AH 600-500 will be complied with.
TDN FD 31 P-02 ii. 0425-23;, and FD 34 P-02 A 0425-23.

18. PIC Ltr, Hq B'Cii., AG 220.33 (Clearing; F. F.) 201 (Enl), dated Jun,_, 10, 1942,
tho following named enl mrm, 'FAS Det (r>D:1ito), aro trfd IN GiUIDE to DEl.:IL,
Eighth Corps .Area }-.ieadquarters Dutacl1w:mt, (C,\SC), Fort Sam Houston, Texas,
imd '.TP this stn.iiion to Fort Sam Houston, Texas reporting upon arrival,
thereat, to tho CO, DEHL, E:i.1)1th Corps Arrm IIea'1quartors Detachment, (CA.SC),
for duty:

Sergeant VfaGIL 'l'. HA'l'IOHS, 20746540

Sergeant WILL.turn F. WYJ:L1.H, 20112956

It be inc impracticable, for th0 Govt to furnish cooking tics for
rations, tho Fin Dc:pt vrill pa, in ::tdvu.nco the monetary travul alws as
proscribed in Ta'::lle II, par 2u, AH 35-45;20, as amended by Cir #50, ·:;n,
1941, at the rate of' ~)3.00 r,cr day for two (2) men each for two-thirds
(2/3) of one (1.) duy if tho trav•.~l is p0rformed by rail n.nd ut the rate
o.f )2.25 per day for two (2) me:1 each for two-thirds (2/3) of ono (1) day
if the tnwel is perfor:med by priv-i.tuly ovm•3d convoyanco. TPC,
Tho TO will furnish tho nocnssury T.
TDN FD 31 P-02 A 0425-23.

19. The following rn:mod enl 1aen ar,:i placed on SD 18th FA, for the pt,rposo
of pursuinE n. special course of instructions for a pariod of one (1)
month, effective June 18, u1,12.
Upon completion of the coursu, or, if sooner rcld, each enl man ,-.rill
report to the CO of the orgn .i.ncl.~catod after his respective no.Jno for duty:

Corporal AN'i'HONYJ. VIGNOLA, 320G8868, Serv Bt-ry, '71st FA Bn.

Sergeant 1.VILLIAl'I L. lIENDE~WON, 708 11200, Btry B, 71st FA Bn.
Tech 4th BUi:TON J. KLEINSMITH, 32037637, . Btry B, 71st Fii. Bn.
Private JOHt"IJS. CH.i;.NDLEi(, 18011813~ Sorv l3try, 1st Bn 349th FA
Private LOYCE E. ALLEN, Hl030128, Hq Btry, 3119th FA.
Corporal JOHN E. IIcCODE, Hl009181, Hq Btry, 349th FA.
Priva.te GILBEicT 1i.. NAVY, 3306-1499, Ji',-1.SDet (1'Vhite).
Sergeant BEirn.1..~mJ. BAGLEY, 61:iG7247, FAS Dot (White) ..
St Sgt rHLLIS T. IULLE;t, 6:~5?186, FAS Det (White).
St Sgt THEODOi,ES. Ifo.Y, 32154606, Btry A, 3rd F,'~ Obsen Bn.
Corporal E,1.itL l~UTh~II.F01rn, 31317~S95, 5th Obsen Sq.
Sergeant .Aiti10NDT. CJii.(ISTOPREi(, 20245875, Btry D, 112th FA.
St Sgt LEONli.m E. GHEEN, 20246124, Btry F, 112th F11..
Corporal JOSEPH G. TOTH, 20245539, Btry l3, 112th FA.
Corporal iWSSELL C. JOHNSON, 32H.5679, Btry B, 112th F,\.
Sergeant I,'1Ul(TF. KELTY, 2024,5880, Btry D, 112th F11..
Tho above named enl men will report to tho CO, l~h FA, at 8:00 AH,
June 18, 1942, and thereafter us directed by the CO, 18th FA.
They will be rationed with tho 18th F,1. for tho noon meal only,
Special Orders No. 142 - 7 June 16• 1942

* * *
By comnand of Bricadier General ALLIN:

H. McK. HOPEi{,
Lt Col., F. A.

I I_,..
, .,{
ii'.. A. PIKE,
- , • /4// C,.
c -

Co.ptain, F. A.


1 to each Dept ••.... ~ ..........••••••• 8 CO, F.AS Det (Yihi te) ................ 15
Gunnery, ............................•• 3 CO, 71st F1\ Bn...... o ••••••••••••••• 2
Surgeon~ . .-...........................• 1 CO, 349th FA........... , ............ 4
Library, FAS.,., ................... , •. 2 CO, 3rd FA Obsn Bn •....•............ 2
Personnel, FAS ••..... ~ ... ~ .....•...•• 20 CO, 112th FA ........••.............. 2
Personnel, Ft Sill •...•.....•..•••.••• 2 Sgt Hender son, OCC••............... 10
Signal Officer,~ .......... , ......... , .2 Sgt Stanley .......... ., .............. 2
Files,, ..... , ........................ 10 Mr Mason, OCC....................... 4
Post Office, Ft Sill ••..•.•.....•..••• 2 Finance Officer, Ft Sill ..... ., ..... 4
Post Office, AD...............•.....•• 2 Finance Officer, 8 1CA•.•............ 2
Post Directory Service •...•.....•.•••• 2 Q.M (Hr Ballew) .....••.............. 10
Post Exchange,, .................... •• ,2
CG, R&SC, Army Ground Forceq,
Birmingham, Alabana ••••.....•..••••• 2
FA Section Personnel, Hci Ground
Forces, Washington, D.c •••...•.•.••• 2
Adjutant General •..•...•.•.....•••.•••• 3
CO, 83rd FA Bn •....................••• 3
CO, 18th FA••..•...................•• 10
Capt J. H. Ashbu.ugh, 349th F;\.. ••...•.. 2
Capt c. F. Finn (G) ................•.• 2
Capt H. E. Miller, 71st F'.A Bn ......... 2
CO, 601st Ordm ...nce, Ft Sill. ......... .2
2 copies to eu 8nl man in par fll ..• 375
CG, AA.FTTC, Enollwood Fiold, N.C •..••• 3
CG, AAFTS, Lo'.'!ry Field, Colorado ... , .• 2
Secretary, .'I..XF'TS, Lo:vry Field, 2
CO, 5th Obsn Sc;_ ....................... 8
Jackson oles, l..,01 1isic..w:t. ........•.....• 2
CO, 83rdFA~n .....................•• 10
Det Med Dept, Ft Sill. ................ 2 •
DEML, Hq 8 1CA Det, (C11.SC), Fort Sam
Houston, Texas ...•. 2
Established 26 February 1920

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