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Goal and Mission Statement

Our mission is to help the homeless and unsheltered population of Phoenix achieve security in
their life through multiple avenues. We will help provide shelter for the unsheltered by utilizing
unallocated funds given to the city of Phoenix by the US Government for the purpose of building
shelters. We will also work with local businesses and restaurants to disperse food that they
allocate to help provide food security for the homeless. Working with local businesses to get a
percentage of their sales donated once a month to pour back into the unhoused community will
help enrich everyone in the community.

Team Member Tasks

Trevor – Synopsis of Team and cohesion with our Powerpoint presentation.

Alexis - I’m somewhat proficient in both google slides and powerpoint, I’ve given several
presentations throughout my high school career, and one so far throughout my college career.
I’m okay with the technical aspect of Powerpoint, but I lack a lot in terms of making it easy to
read and engageable. As for the synopsis, my strengths lie in questioning and criticism of ideas,
as well as editing statements to be more concise whilst still being complex. As for roles, I think
we should have a roles for: Cohesion, in making sure that the information in the synopsis lines
up with what is conveyed in the powerpoint; General Managers, one for the synopsis and one
for the powerpoint, so that tasks are completed on time and generally take a leadership role
over each; Fact Checkers, who make sure all information is accurate and keep track of works
cited; Meeting Arranger, who works with Cohesion if we hit any bumps in the road, and keeps
track of important deadlines and acts as a general reminder for the group, any other roles? We
can decide upon specific ones for conferences later.

Dejah - I feel comfortable contributing ideas and helping with research to bulk up our
powerpoint. I am also comfortable with proof reading the slides once complete and keeping
track of the information for the works cited page. I am also well versed in powerpoint and am
willing to help in any way with that! I have worked on a similar project like this in the past so
hope I can bring some good input to the table and help clean up the presentation.


Dedicated Work Days (prone to change) - Feb 16 and 19

Synopsis of Team – Feb 22

Complementary Powerpoint – Feb 25

Final Touches/Turn-in date – Feb 27

Ground Rules and Norms of Behavior

Alexis: I think we need to be more consistent in the group chat, letting each other know what
we’re working on, when we work on it, etc. I was also thinking that maybe we could establish
some attitude norms too? Stuff like “Don’t enter this subject with a person-blaming attitude” and
“If you can’t contribute much to the assignment, at least try to edit”?

Trevor: We need some sort of accountability for everybody working on things ahead of time so
that we all have the opportunity to contribute and ensure that our project is completed fully. One
of the three team norms we need could be “We keep the team successful and productive by
contributing to projects in a timely manner.”

Dejah: I agree that being more consistent in our chat will help everyone be on the same page a
little better and we can brainstorm together this way so that we are all contributing our ideas
openly. Being on the same page will also help us dive in more about our individual tasks so I
think our main group norm should be open and effective communication.

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