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Mathematics: analysis and approaches SL

Course part and topic: Sequences

 The unit on sequences introduces students to arithmetic and geometric sequences,

exploring their properties, patterns, and applications. It covers the basics of sequence
definition, formula derivation, and the use of sequences in real-life contexts, such as finance
and science.
Essential understandings :
Students will know the following content:
 Definition and types of sequences (arithmetic and geometric).
 Formulas for the nth term of arithmetic and geometric sequences.
 Summation of sequences, including the use of sigma notation.
 Real-world applications of sequences.

Students will develop the following skills:

 Analyzing patterns to identify types of sequences.
 Deriving and applying formulas to calculate terms and sums of sequences.
 Critical thinking and problem-solving through application tasks.
 Collaborative learning through group projects and discussions.

Students will grasp the following concepts:

 The concept of infinity and its relation to sequences.

 The role of sequences in various fields such as finance (e.g., interest calculations), physics
(e.g., motion analysis), and computer science (e.g., algorithms).
 Understanding how sequences can model and simplify complex real-world phenomena.

Reflecting on this unit plan, one area for improvement could be the integration of more diverse
assessment methods to capture a wider range of student learning styles and abilities. Including
more formative assessments, like concept maps, could provide insights into students'
understanding over time, not just their ability to perform on traditional tests. Additionally,
incorporating technology-based tools for both teaching and learning could enhance engagement
and offer innovative ways to explore sequences, such as Scratch or Python. This would not only
enrich the learning experience but also prepare students for the digital world.

Garnet, D., & Sinner, A. (Eds.).(2022). Living histories: Global perspectives in art education.
Garnet, D., & Sinner, A. (Eds.).(2019). Art, culture, and pedagogy: Revisiting the work of
F. Graeme Chalmers. Brill.
RESEARCH PAPER (Select a minimum of 5 sources from the following):
Canadian Perspectives: Histories of Art Education
Blaikie, F. (2020). Worlding Danny: Being, becoming, and belonging. Studies in Art Education,
61(4), 330-348.

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