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Hello, my name is Balla A Diop. I'm here today to talk about IoT.

I chose this
subject because it's an area that really interests me

What is IoT ?
The (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things" integrated with
electronics, software, sensors and network connectivity, that enables these objects
to collect and exchange data.
IoT allows objects to be remotely detected and controlled over existing network
infrastructure, creating a link between the physical world and IT systems.

Why IoT?
We are Lazy
We want to automate everything
We want to control everything remotely
We want to see data at real-time

Definitions of IoT,

Componnent of IoT?
Sensors : First we have the sensors that allow to collect data quickly,
Connectivity: Next, that collected data and sent it to a cloud but it needs a
medium for transport.
Data processing: Once the data is collected and it gets to the cloud, the software
performs processing on the acquired data.
User Interfaces(people): Next, the information made available to the end-user in
some way. This can achieve by triggering alarms on their phones or notifying
through texts or emails.

How IoT work ?

The Internet of Things is not the result of a single new technology; instead,
several complementary technical developments offer capabilities that, taken
together, help to bridge the gap between the virtual and physical worlds.

These capabilities include:

Communication and cooperation
On-board information processing
User Interfaces

Knowledge Management – Turning Data into Wisdom?

this iot evolution pyramid shows the benefits that IoT can bring to humanity by
accepting some constraints
and the more data will be created, the more the human will go from knowledge to

Current Status & Future Prospect of IoT ?

This diagram shows the number of connected devices in the world per year and here
we have the number of connected devices compared to the world population

Diverse Applications ?
Here we have the different application that uses of IoT in daily life First we have
a smart home that makes life easier, everything is connected and we don't need to
put much effort
then we have LIoT in transport, it is easier to park and avoid traffic jam
Medical and Healthcare systemsmakes it possible to manage patients remotely at all
a smart city that brings together all these different applications

When entering the doors, the scanners will identify her clother
when shopping in the market, the good will introduce themselves
When moving the good, the reader will tell the staff to put a new one
When payings for the goods, the microchip of the credit card will communicate with
check out reader

En entrant dans les portes, les scanners identifieront son vêtement

lors de leurs achats au marché, les bons se présenteront
Lors du déplacement du bien, le lecteur dira au personnel d'en mettre un nouveau
Lors du paiement des marchandises, la puce de la carte de crédit communiquera avec
le lecteur de paiement

Scalability : Inovvative ways to sens and deliver information from physical world
to the cloud

Software complexity IoT development needs to be easy for all developers not just

Data volumes and interpretation : IoT applications require end-to-end solutions

including cloud services

Power Supply: many IoT applications need to tun for years over battery and reduce
the ovehall energy consumption

Wireless communication :variety wireless are required to enabkle different

applications neeSecurity: protecting user's privacy

Impact environnemental

Évolutivité : des moyens innovants de détecter et de transmettre des informations

du monde physique au cloud

Complexité logicielle Le développement IoT doit être facile pour tous les
développeurs et pas seulement pour les experts

Volumes de données et interprétation : les applications IoT nécessitent des

solutions de bout en bout, y compris des services cloud

Alimentation : de nombreuses applications IoT doivent fonctionner pendant des

années sur batterie et réduire la consommation d'énergie globale

Communication sans fil : une variété de sans fil est nécessaire pour activer
différentes applications neeSecurity : protection de la vie privée de l'utilisateur

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