Final Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7 Lesson 2 How To Use The Ese

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The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of
Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
a. identified the parts of an electronic search engine homepage;
b. enumerated the steps in using a search engine; and
c. used search engines in finding information and resources.


Topic: Using Search Engines to Locate Information


A. Reference
1. Curriculum guide: (Curriculum guide for English 7, page 156) Use search engine to conduct
a guided search on a given topic. (EN7SS-ІІ-c-1.5.3)
2. Module: English Quarter 2 – Module 2: The Search Engine

A. Materials
 Laptop
 Smart TV
 Smart phone
 Printed materials
 PowerPoint Presentation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries

a. Greetings
Good morning, ma’am.
Good morning, class.
We are fine ma’am.
How are you today?

Good to hear that. With that, I‘m expecting that Yes, ma’am
you will actively participate in our discussion

b. Classroom Management

So, before we formally begin, please pick up the

pieces of papers under your chairs and kindly
arrange your chairs properly. (The students picked up the pieces of paper and
aligned their chairs properly)
Okay, please settle down and keep the things
that are unnecessary on top of your tables. (The students kept the things that aren’t
necessary and they sat properly)

c. Checking of Attendance

May I ask the class secretary to please check the

attendance for today? Yes, ma’am.

May I know who is absent today? Only Allieah ma’am.

Why is she absent? Ahm, she’s sick ma’am and here is her excuse
letter ma’am.

Okay, thank you. Please take note of that in the

attendance sheet Ms. Secretary. Yes ma’am.

d. Motivation

Okay, now let’s have a simple activity. This will

be done by group, please settle down so can
now group you into two. Let’s just count, 1-2-1-
2 then get your illustration boards so you
proceed to your respective groups and form a
circle. You can sit on the floor if you want so
you can perform the activity well, alright? Yes, ma’am.

Everybody listen now to the mechanics of the

game. Each group will be given 5 envelopes one
at a time that contain pieces of jigsaw puzzles.
You need to arrange first the puzzle so you can
name what’s printed in it and then write your
answer in your illustration boards. Did you get Yes, ma’am

I’ll give you 1 minute and 30 seconds to arrange

each puzzle, then after writing your answer, wait
for my cue before you raise your boards, is that Yes, ma’am.

The group who will get all the correct answers

will be receiving a reward from me. Are you all We are very much excited!
excited for this activity?

Okay, choose now your three representatives for

round 1, the remaining members of the group
are not allowed to help the three representatives
each round. I will now distribute the first
envelope, so we can start.
Your 2 minutes start now!

Envelope 1

Are you done? Yes, ma’am.

Okay, everybody boards up!

Congratulations, everybody got the correct
answer, it’s Google.

Let’s now proceed to envelope number 2. You

may now open your envelopes.

Envelope 2

Okay, group 1 is done. How about the other

groups? You still have 30 seconds. Ma’am, wait!

Times up! What’s the answer? Bing, ma’am.

It’s the Bing search engine! So, only group 3 got

the correct answer.

Let’s proceed to envelope number 3.

Envelope 3

Envelope 4

Envelope 5
40 seconds more students, are you done? Not yet, ma’am.
Ma’am, we’re done!

Okay, group 2 is already done, how about the

other groups? We’re almost done ma’am.

Okay you still have 30 seconds to finish the last

set of puzzle. Ma’am, we’re done too!

Well done, students! Group 3 got the highest

score, congratulations to all of you, you’ve done
a great job as a team for this activity, group 3
you may now claim your prize. However, I am
very generous today so, I decided to give you
the entire prize for actively participating in our
activity. Thank you, ma’am.

Arrange your chairs now and go back to your

proper seats.

B. Lesson Proper

a. Presentation of the Lesson

Did you enjoy the activity?

Yes, ma’am we enjoyed a lot!
That’s good to hear, so now from the activity
that we had, what have you noticed or observed
from the pictures in the puzzles you arranged or
from the answers you’ve written in that
Ma’am may I try?
illustration board? Anyone?
Ma’am I think those are the search engines that
Yes, Vanna?
we’ve discussed the last time.

You’re correct, Vanna you have a good

memory, very good! From our discussion last
time what are these search engines again?
We use them in online searching, ma’am.

Yes, you’re right, like what we’ve mentioned

last meeting, electric search engines are
applications or web pages that we use to search
for information online or using our electronic
devices, but how do we use them?

b) Discussion

Do you have any idea on how to use these

search engines? None ma’am.
I only have limited idea about it ma’am.

Okay, at this juncture we are going to delve

deeper or know more about these search
engines. Listen carefully, take down notes and
participate in our discussion, so you can get
many prizes today. Understand, class? Yes, ma’am.

Today, we will only focus on one search engine,

which is the Google application because it is the
most common and used electronic search engine
here in our country. Are you ready to Yes, ma’am we’re ready.

Okay, look at these pictures.

The first picture has many buttons ma’am while

What did you notice between the two pictures?
the second one has only few.

Ma’am I think the first picture is a screenshot

Very good. What else? from a computer and the other one is from a

Yes, you’re right. This is how it looks like when

you open your smartphone and computer’s
Google or chrome homepage.

Now, let us know more about the parts of a

Google search engine homepage for you to be Yes, ma’am.
able to use it correctly. Is that clear, students?
It returns the user to a previously shown
window or web page.

Okay, so we have here the first button of a

Google homepage, which is the backward Yes, ma’am.
button. What’s the use of this? Everybody read.

Yes, from the word “Back” meaning to return or

go back. Jut like when you’re using your
cellphones’ exit button, okay?

Next, if there’s backward, there’s also a forward It allows you to see recent content updates of the
button, where it can moves you forward in your page you’re browsing.
browsing history to a webpage you have already

Next is the refresh button. What’s the purpose of

this, please read, Gab.

Thank you. Or this can also help you to restart

the page you’re browsing in when you’re having
a problem with your internet connection.

Next one is the Home which links you to the It contains information about the location of the
homepage of your Google/browser. webpage.
We also have the web address or the Uniform
Resource Locator (URL). What is the purpose Uniform Resource Locator, ma’am.
of this? Please read.

With this URL, we can easily find the Yes, ma’am.

information that we are looking in just one click.
What’s the meaning of URL again?

Very good, next is the New tab button which

allows us to view more than one web page in
one window. Can you follow? Ma’am!
Okay next we have the Address bar, which
displays the URL of the current webpage. It shrinks the window and places it on the
taskbar while leaving the program running.
Then there’s also what we call the minimize
button. Who wants to read the slide? It is use to enlarge a window to cover the entire
Yes, Bea proceed.
What about the Maximize button?
Yes, ma’am.

Thank you, so we can place the window to the

task bar using the minimize button, and we can Close button, ma’am.
make the window bigger to occupy the entire
monitor of our desktop using the maximize
button. Did you get it?

Next one, what if we want to exit the window,

of course we will use the?
An element that lets users search for anything
Correct. In the Google homepage we can also from the internet.
see the different apps offered by Google by
clicking this rubiks cube-like button.

And the last button of a Google homepage is the

Search Bar. What is a search bar? Please read.

Thank you, so the search bar is where we can We will try our best, ma’am.
paste the URL or type keywords of the
information that we want to find online. Did you
get it, grade 7?
Really, can you name the parts that I’ll be
flashing then? Minimize button, ma’am.

If you wish to answer just raise your hand, do

not answer in chorus. Okay, item number 1, can Ma’am, it’s the Search bar.
you name what part of the Google homepage is
Address bar, ma’am.
Yes, Jay?

Very good. How about this one? Yes Cj, you’re It’s the URL ma’am.
raising your hand.

Exactly. Next item, Josh can you name it?

Nice try Josh, but your answer is wrong, any

other answer.

Yes, very good, Jerlyn. I’m happy to see your We have load, ma’am.
active participation today, grade 7.

Since you can now identify the different parts of

a Google homepage, bring out your cellphones
so we could try this search engine to research
something while following the guidelines that
I’ll be discussing. Do you have mobile data?

That’s good. Okay, so what should we consider

in doing our research?

Step 1. Figure out what you need to know, of Step 2. Combine keywords to focus your search.
course you’ll ask yourself first, “what I need to
know about this topic” for example your topic is
a place, Baguio City. What do you want to know
about Baguio?

Then your next step is, please read number 2.

Combine keywords, for example what I want to

know about Baguio is the tourist spots, so your
keywords here are baguio and tourist spots. Yes, ma’am.
What you’re going to do now is to combine your
keywords “tourist spots in Baguio” or you can Ma’am it shows the Igorot stone kingdom.
type a question like “what are the famous tourist
spots in Baguio?” then you will see the result The strawberry farm, ma’am.
after. Try it, students and let me see what
Google has for you. Can you follow?

Mike can you share what you’ve found?

Okay, how about you Rexa?

Yes, ma’am.

Very good. Next is, we need to double-check Bookmark reliable sources.

the information. Check the source of the
information if it is a trusted author or not,
because not all the information that we can get
from Google are true. Did you get it?

And the last, Janna please read. Yes, ma’am.

What do we mean by this? We use the

bookmark of our computer when we wish to
save the page where we found the credible/legit
information. In adding this to your bookmark,
just click this and then check if it is already
added. Do you understand?
Yes, ma’am.
Very good! You indeed understand our
discussion for today. Since you already know
the parts of Google homepage and the basic Yes, ma’am
steps on how to use this search engine, it’s now
easy for you to research on a certain information
online and criticize if it is legit or not. Am I

Excellent! I guess the activity will just be easy

to all of you. Are you all excited?

C. After the lesson

1. Application

Alright, I prepared activities that will enrich

your knowledge and understanding about the
topic that we have discussed. Again, you’ll do
this with your group. This activity is divided
into two parts. In activity 1: Name me, you need
to identify/name the parts of a Google

And for your activity 2: Search Engine

Challenge, you will research using your Google
search engine and answer the questions
provided. Did you get it?

1. What year did Ferdinand Magellan discover Yes, ma’am.
the Philippines?
2. Who is the first president of our country?
3. What is the oldest city in the Philippines?
4. What is the fullname of Jose Rizal?
5. Where and when did Jose Rizal die?

Okay, I will now distribute your answer sheets

so you can start. We will check it before or after
20 minutes. You may now start.

Are you done?

Very rood. I guess you’re all ready to share your

answers, lets check your papers then. Yes, ma’am we’re done.


Instruction: Find and write down the word/s that are related to Ilocos Norte as many as you can
from the word search puzzle, and then search on Google the meaning/simple description of each word
item. Write your answers in a one
whole sheet of paper.

Direction: Research about the city/place you want to visit one day. Record all the interesting
information you find and write it in a one whole sheet of paper.

Facts about ____________________ (e.g. New York City, Baguio City)

Country: ______________________________
Population: ____________________________
Currency: _____________________________
Language: _______________________________
Someone famous from that city: _________________________
A famous landmark from that city: _______________________

Prepared by:


Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
Student Teacher

Noted by:


Resource Teacher

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