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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》

( 第 59 章,附屬法例 AE)
Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation
(Cap. 59 sub. leg. AE)

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

E-1 E-2
第 59AE 章 Cap. 59AE

制定史 Enactment History

本 為 1999 年 第 18 號 法 律 公 告 —— 1999 年 第 17 號 法 律 公 告,2004 Originally L.N. 18 of 1999 — L.N. 17 of 1999, L.N. 29 of 2004, E.R. 3 of
年第 29 號法律公告,2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄,2023 年第 5 號 2021, 5 of 2023

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

T-1 T-2
第 59AE 章 Cap. 59AE

《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined

Spaces) Regulation
( 第 59 章,附屬法例 AE) (Cap. 59 sub. leg. AE)
目錄 Contents

條次 頁次 Section Page
1. ( 已失時效而略去 ) 1 1. (Omitted as spent) 2
2. 釋義 1 2. Interpretation 2
3. 適用範圍 5 3. Application 6
4. 核准工人及合資格人士須完成認可課程 5 4. Certified worker and competent person to 6
complete an approved course
5. 危險評估及建議 5 5. Risk assessment and recommendations 6
6. 危險評估報告的遵從和就此事發出證明書 11 6. Compliance with risk assessment report and 12
issuing of certificate in respect thereof
7. 工作展開前的安全預防措施 11 7. Safety precautions before work begins 12
8. 工作進行期間的安全預防措施 13 8. Safety precautions when work is being 14
9. 個人防護設備的使用 15 9. Use of personal protective equipment 16
10. 緊急程序 15 10. Emergency procedures 16
11. 資料及指導等的提供 17 11. Provision of information, instructions, etc. 18
12. 呼吸器具的認可 17 12. Approval of breathing apparatus 18
13. 核准工人的職責 17 13. Duties of certified workers 18

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

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第 59AE 章 Cap. 59AE

條次 頁次 Section Page
14. 罪行 19 14. Offences 20
15. ( 已失時效而略去 ) 23 15. (Omitted as spent) 24

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

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第 59AE 章 第1條 Section 1 Cap. 59AE

《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined

Spaces) Regulation
( 第 59 章第 7 條 ) (Cap. 59, section 7)
( 略去制定語式條文 ——2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Enacting provision omitted—E.R. 3 of 2021)

[1999 年 11 月 5 日 ] 1999 年第 271 號法律公告 [5 November 1999] L.N. 271 of 1999

( 格式變更 ——2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 3 of 2021)

1. ( 已失時效而略去 ——2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) 1. (Omitted as spent—E.R. 3 of 2021)

2. 釋義 2. Interpretation
在本規例中,除文意另有所指外 —— In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires—
危險評估報告 (risk assessment report) 指由合資格人士按照第 5 approved breathing apparatus (認可呼吸器具) means a breathing
條進行的評估及作出的建議; apparatus of a type approved by the Commissioner under
合資格人士 (competent person) 指符合以下條件的人 —— section 12;
(a) 年滿 18 歲; certified worker (核准工人) means a person—
(b) 具備以下其中一項資格 —— (a) who has attained the age of 18 years; and
(i) 已根據《工廠及工業經營 ( 安全主任及安全督導 (b) who holds a certificate issued by a person whom the
員 ) 規 例》( 第 59 章,附 屬 法 例 Z) 註 冊 為 安 全 Commissioner has authorized to certify workers as being
主任;或 (2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) competent to work in a confined space;
(ii) 持有一份證明書,而發出該證明書的人已獲處 competent person (合資格人士) means a person—
長授權發出該等證明書以證明某人有足夠能力 (a) who has attained the age of 18 years;
擬備危險評估報告;及 (b) who is either—
(c) 於其獲 (b)(i) 或 (ii) 段提述的註冊或證明書後,在對 (i) a safety officer registered under the Factories and
工人於密閉空間工作時的安全及健康作出危險評估 Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety
方面,有至少一年的相關經驗; Supervisors) Regulations (Cap. 59 sub. leg. Z); or
指明危險 (specified risk) —— (E.R. 3 of 2021)

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

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第 59AE 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 59AE

(a) 指因發生火警或爆炸而引致任何正在工作的人嚴重 (ii) a person who holds a certificate issued by a

損傷的危險; person whom the Commissioner has authorized to
(b) 指因體溫上升而引致任何正在工作的人喪失知覺的 certify persons as being competent to prepare risk
危險; assessment reports; and
(c) 指因氣體、煙氣、蒸氣或空氣貧氧而引致任何正在 (c) who has at least one year’s relevant experience, after
工作的人喪失知覺或窒息的危險; obtaining the registration or certification referred to in
paragraph (b)(i) or (ii), in assessing risk to the safety
(d) 指因任何液體水平升高引致任何正在工作的人遇溺 and health of workers working in confined spaces;
confined space (密閉空間) means any place in which, by virtue
(e) 指因自由流動的固體而引致任何正在工作的人窒 of its enclosed nature, there arises a reasonably foreseeable
息 的 危 險;或 指 因 陷 入 自 由 流 動 的 固 體 而 引 致 任 specified risk, and without limiting the generality of the
何正在工作的人無力達至可呼吸空氣的環境的危 foregoing, includes any chamber, tank, vat, pit, well, sewer,
險; (1999 年第 17 號法律公告 ) tunnel, pipe, flue, boiler, pressure receiver, hatch, caisson,
核准工人 (certified worker) 指符合以下條件的人 —— shaft or silo in which such risk arises; (L.N. 17 of 1999)
(a) 年滿 18 歲;及 risk assessment report (危險評估報告) means an assessment
(b) 持有獲處長授權的人發出以證明某工人有足夠能力 and recommendations carried out by a competent person in
在密閉空間內工作的證明書; accordance with section 5;
密閉空間 (confined space) 指任何被圍封的地方,而基於其被 specified risk (指明危險) means a risk of—
圍封的性質,會產生可合理預見的指明危險,在不局限 (a) serious injury to any person at work arising from a fire
上文的一般性的原則下,密閉空間 包括任何會產生該等 or explosion;
危 險 的 密 室、貯 槽、下 桶、坑 槽、井、污 水 渠、隧 道、 (b) the loss of consciousness of any person at work arising
喉 管、煙 道、鍋 爐、壓 力 受 器、艙 口、沉 箱、豎 井 或 筒 from an increase in body temperature;
倉; (1999 年第 17 號法律公告 )
(c) the loss of consciousness or asphyxiation of any person
認 可 呼 吸 器 具 (approved breathing apparatus) 指 屬 處 長 根 據 第 at work arising from gas, fume, vapour or the lack of
12 條認可的類型的呼吸器具。 oxygen;
(d) the drowning of any person at work arising from an
increase in the level of liquid; or
(e) the asphyxiation of any person at work arising from a
free flowing solid or the inability to reach a respirable
environment due to entrapment by a free flowing solid.
(L.N. 17 of 1999)

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

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第 59AE 章 第3條 Section 3 Cap. 59AE

3. 適用範圍 3. Application
本規例適用於在任何工業經營內符合以下說明的工作 —— This Regulation applies to work in an industrial undertaking—
(a) 在密閉空間內進行者;及 (a) that takes place within a confined space; and
(b) 按本規例的規定,在緊接密閉空間的附近地方進行, (b) as required by this Regulation, that takes place within
並與在密閉空間內進行的工作有關連者, the immediate vicinity of, and is associated with work
而根據本規例委予某工業經營的東主或承建商的責任,則是 occurring within, a confined space,
就該工業經營內的密閉空間內的工作而委予的。 and the duties imposed on a proprietor or contractor under this
Regulation are in respect of work in confined spaces within the
industrial undertaking for which he is such proprietor or contractor.

4. 核准工人及合資格人士須完成認可課程 4. Certified worker and competent person to complete an

(1) 凡任何人獲處長授權發出發予核准工人的證明書,則除 approved course
非有關的工人已成功地完成一項獲處長認可的關於在密 (1) Where a person has been authorized by the Commissioner
閉空間內工作時的安全及健康的課程,否則首述的人不 to issue certificates to certified workers, he shall not issue
得向該工人發出證明書。 a certificate unless the worker has successfully completed
(2) 凡任何人獲處長授權向某些人士發出證明書以證明他們 a course that has been approved by the Commissioner in
具備擬備危險評估報告的資格,則除非有關的人士已成 respect of safety and health while working in confined spaces.
功地完成一項獲處長認可的關於擬備危險評估報告的課 (2) Where a person has been authorized by the Commissioner to
程,否則首述的人不得向該人士發出證明書。 (1999 年 issue certificates to persons certifying them to be competent to
第 17 號法律公告 ) prepare risk assessment reports, he shall not issue a certificate
unless the person has successfully completed a course that has
been approved by the Commissioner in respect of preparing
risk assessment reports. (L.N. 17 of 1999)

5. 危險評估及建議 5. Risk assessment and recommendations

(1) 凡有工作會在某密閉空間內進行,則東主或承建商須委 (1) When work is to be undertaken in a confined space, a
任合資格人士對該密閉空間內的工作環境進行評估,並 proprietor or contractor shall appoint a competent person
對須就工人在該空間內工作時的安全及健康而採取的措 to carry out an assessment of the working conditions in the
施作出建議。 confined space and make recommendations on measures to
(2) 第 (1) 款所指的評估及建議須以書面形式作出,並須指出 be taken in relation to safety and health of workers while
相當可能存在於該密閉空間內的具危害性的事物,就它 working in that space.

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

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第 59AE 章 第5條 Section 5 Cap. 59AE

們所引致的危險評定危險程度,以及在不局限前文的原 (2) The assessment and recommendations under subsection (1)

則下涵蓋以下各項 —— shall be in writing and shall identify the hazards likely to be
(a) 對以下各項的評估 —— present in the confined space, evaluate the extent of the risks
arising from such hazards and, without limiting the foregoing,
(i) 會在工作中採用的工作方法、工業裝置及物料; cover the following—
(ii) 是否有具危害性的氣體、蒸氣、塵埃或煙氣存 (a) assessment of—
(i) the work method to be used and the plant and
(iii) 發生以下情況的可能性 —— materials to be used in work activities;
(A) 具危害性的氣體、蒸氣、塵埃或煙氣的進 (ii) whether or not there is any hazardous gas, vapour,
入; dust or fume present or there is any deficiency in
(B) 可散發具危害性的氣體、蒸氣、塵埃或煙 oxygen;
氣的淤泥或其他沉積物的存在; (1999 年 (iii) the possibility of—
第 17 號法律公告 )
(A) ingress of hazardous gas, vapour, dust or
(C) 自由流動的固體或液體的湧入; (1999 年 fume;
第 17 號法律公告 )
(B) sludge or other deposits being present that are
(D) 在密閉空間內發生火警或爆炸;及 (1999 liable to give off hazardous gas, vapour, dust
年第 17 號法律公告 ) or fume; (L.N. 17 of 1999)
(E) 可引致核准工人因體溫上升而喪失知覺的 (C) in-rush of free flowing solid or liquid;
環境溫度的存在; (1999 年第 17 號法律公 (L.N. 17 of 1999)
(D) a fire or explosion in the confined space; and
(b) 經顧及會在該密閉空間內進行的工作的性質及持續 (L.N. 17 of 1999)
需要的措施作出的建議,包括建議是否需要使用認 (E) loss of consciousness of a certified worker
可呼吸器具;及 arising from an increase in body temperature;
(L.N. 17 of 1999)
(c) 工人可在該密閉空間內安全地逗留的時限。
(b) recommendations on the measures required, including
(3) 就第 (2)(b) 款而言,凡有淤泥或其他沉積物存在,而合資 whether or not the use of approved breathing apparatus
格人士認為它們有可能散發具危害性的氣體、蒸氣、塵 is necessary, to render the space safe for workers,
埃或煙氣,則他須建議使用認可呼吸器具。 having regard to the nature and duration of the work to
(4) 就第 (2) 款而言,凡任何合資格人士在評定於某密閉空間 be performed therein; and
內的危險的程度時,認為在該密閉空間內進行工作的過 (c) the period during which workers may remain safely in
程中,極有可能出現環境改變以致第 (2)(a) 款所提述的具 the confined space.
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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

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第 59AE 章 第5條 Section 5 Cap. 59AE

危害性的事物的危險性提高,則他須建議使用他認為在 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2)(b), where sludge or

有關情況下屬適當的監察設備,並須指明使用該設備的 other deposits are present and a competent person considers
方式。 (1999 年第 17 號法律公告 ) that there is a possibility that they will give off hazardous
(5) 每當上次評估所關乎的密閉空間的狀況或在其內進行的 gas, vapour, dust or fume, he shall recommend the use of
工作有重大改變時,或有理由懷疑可能發生上述改變時, approved breathing apparatus.
如該改變相當可能影響在該密閉空間內工作的工人的安 (4) For the purposes of subsection (2), where a competent person,
全及健康,則東主或承建商須委任一名合資格人士根據 in evaluating the extent of the risks in a confined space, is of
本條重新進行評估和作出建議。 (1999 年第 17 號法律公 the opinion that there is a substantial likelihood of a change
告) in the environment leading to an increased risk from one of
(6) 任何合資格人士在任何東主或承建商的要求下,須按照 the hazards referred to in subsection (2)(a) during the course
本條的條文 —— of the work in such confined space, he shall recommend the
use of such monitoring equipment as he considers appropriate
(a) 就該東主或承建商提出的要求所關乎的密閉空間內 in the circumstances and shall specify the manner of its use.
會出現的工作環境進行評估;及 (L.N. 17 of 1999)
(b) 就工人在該密閉空間內工作時的安全及健康方面的 (5) A proprietor or contractor shall appoint a competent person
措施作出建議, to carry out a fresh assessment and make recommendations
並須在該要求提出後一段合理期間內,向該東主或承建 under this section whenever there has been a significant
商提交該評估及建議。 (1999 年第 17 號法律公告 ) change in the conditions of the confined space or of the work
activities therein to which the previous assessment relates, or
there is reason to suspect that such change may occur, and
that the change is likely to affect the safety and health of
workers working therein. (L.N. 17 of 1999)
(6) A competent person shall, when requested to do so by a
proprietor or contractor—
(a) carry out an assessment of the working conditions that
will occur in a confined space for which such proprietor
or contractor has made a request; and
(b) make recommendations on measures in relation to safety
and health of workers while working in that space,
in accordance with the provisions of this section, and
shall submit the assessment and recommendations to such

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第 59AE 章 第6條 Section 6 Cap. 59AE

proprietor or contractor within a reasonable period of time

after the request has been made. (L.N. 17 of 1999)

6. 危險評估報告的遵從和就此事發出證明書 6. Compliance with risk assessment report and issuing of

(1) 任何東主或承建商均須確保並無工人 —— certificate in respect thereof
(a) 在以下情況發生之前首次進入某密閉空間 —— (1) A proprietor or contractor shall ensure that no worker—
(i) 該東主或承建商已收到關於該密閉空間的危險 (a) enters a confined space for the first time until the
評估報告; proprietor or contractor—
(ii) 該東主或承建商已核實該危險評估報告涵蓋第 (i) has received, in respect of such confined space, a
5(2) 條所提述的所有事項;及 risk assessment report;
(iii) 該東主或承建商已發出證明書,述明 —— (ii) has verified that such risk assessment report covers
all matters referred to in section 5(2); and
(A) 已就危險評估報告中指出的具危害性的事
物採取所有需要的安全預防措施;及 (iii) has issued a certificate stating—
(B) 工人可安全地逗留在該密閉空間內的時 (A) that all necessary safety precautions in
限;或 relation to the hazards identified in the risk
assessment report have been taken; and
(b) 有危險評估報告內的任何建議未獲遵從的情況下,
進入某密閉空間或在其內逗留。 (B) the period during which workers may remain
safely in the confined space; or
(2) 東主或承建商須於在密閉空間內進行的工作完結後,將
關於該項工作的證明書及危險評估報告保存一年,並在 (b) enters or remains in a confined space unless all
任何職業安全主任提出要求時,將它們提供予該職業安 recommendations in the risk assessment report have
全主任查閱。 been complied with.
(2) A proprietor or contractor shall keep a certificate and risk
assessment report for one year after the work in the confined
space to which they relate has been completed and shall make
them available, on request, to an occupational safety officer.

7. 工作展開前的安全預防措施 7. Safety precautions before work begins

東主或承建商須確保並無工人在以下任何條件未獲符合的情 A proprietor or contractor shall ensure that no worker enters a
況下,首次進入某密閉空間 —— confined space for the first time unless—
(a) 在該密閉空間內可造成危險的每項機械設備已被截 (a) every piece of mechanical equipment in the confined
斷電源,而其電源電制亦被鎖好; space, which is liable to cause danger, has been

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第 59AE 章 第8條 Section 8 Cap. 59AE

(b) 內有可造成具危害性的事物的內含物的每一喉管或 disconnected from its power source, with its power
供應管已妥為封閉; source locked out;
(c) 已對該密閉空間進行測試以確保沒有任何具危害性 (b) every pipe or supply line whose contents are liable to
的氣體存在以及並無空氣貧氧情況; create a hazard has been properly blanked off;
(d) 經顧及該密閉空間的情況後,該密閉空間已得到足 (c) the confined space has been tested to ensure the absence
夠的清洗以及充分的散熱和通風,以確保該密閉空 of any hazardous gas and no deficiency of oxygen;
間是一個安全的工作場所; (d) the confined space has been adequately purged and
(e) 已在該密閉空間內提供足夠的可供呼吸的空氣及有 sufficiently cooled and ventilated, having regard to the
效的強制通風;及 circumstances of the particular confined space, to ensure
(f) 已採取有效的步驟以防止 —— that it is a safe workplace;
(i) 具危害性的氣體、蒸氣、塵埃或煙氣進入該密 (e) an adequate supply of respirable air and an effective
閉空間;及 forced ventilation have been provided inside the
confined space; and
(ii) 自由流動的固體或液體湧入該密閉空間。 (1999
年第 17 號法律公告 ) (f) effective steps have been taken to prevent—
(i) an ingress to the confined space of hazardous gas,
vapour, dust or fume; and
(ii) an in-rush into the confined space of free flowing
solid or liquid. (L.N. 17 of 1999)

8. 工作進行期間的安全預防措施 8. Safety precautions when work is being undertaken

當有工作在某密閉空間內進行時,東主或承建商須確保 —— When work is being carried out in a confined space, a proprietor or
(a) 除核准工人外,並無其他工人進入該密閉空間或在 contractor shall ensure that—
其內工作; (a) no workers enter or work in the confined space other
(b) 有人駐於該密閉空間外,以與密閉空間內的工人保 than certified workers;
持聯絡; (b) a person is stationed outside the confined space to
(c) 根據第 6(1)(a)(iii) 條發出的危險評估報告及有關的 maintain communication with the workers inside;
證明書展示在該密閉空間的入口的顯眼地方;及 (c) the risk assessment report and the related certificate
(d) 根據第 7 條所採取的安全預防措施持續有效。 issued under section 6(1)(a)(iii) are displayed in a
conspicuous place at the entrance of the confined space;

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

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第 59AE 章 第9條 Section 9 Cap. 59AE

(d) the safety precautions undertaken under section 7

continue to be effective. (L.N. 29 of 2004)

9. 個人防護設備的使用 9. Use of personal protective equipment

凡 —— Where—
(a) 危險評估報告建議使用認可呼吸器具;或 (a) a risk assessment report recommends the use of an
(b) 有人須進入某密閉空間進行地底喉管工作, approved breathing apparatus; or
則東主或承建商除須採取第 7 及 8 條所列的安全預防措施外, (b) a person has to enter a confined space for underground
尚須確保 —— pipework,
(i) 任何進入該密閉空間或在其內逗留的人已妥當地配 a proprietor or contractor shall, in addition to the safety precautions
戴認可呼吸器具,而就該密閉空間的性質而言,該 listed in sections 7 and 8, ensure that—
認可呼吸器具的類型屬可給予適當保護者;及 (i) a person entering or remaining in that particular confined
(ii) 第 (i) 段所提述的人已配戴適當的安全吊帶,該安全 space is properly wearing an approved breathing
吊帶是與一條堅固程度足以讓該人被拉出的救生繩 apparatus of a type that gives appropriate protection
連接的,而該救生繩的另一端則是由一個身處該密 given the nature of the confined space; and
閉空間外並具足夠體能將該人從該密閉空間拉出的 (ii) a person referred to in paragraph (i) is wearing a suitable
人拿着的。 safety harness connected to a lifeline that is strong
enough to enable him to be pulled out, and that the free
end is held by a person outside the confined space who
has sufficient physical strength to be capable of pulling
the person out of the confined space.

10. 緊急程序 10. Emergency procedures

(1) 東主或承建商須制訂和實施適當的程序,以處理密閉空 (1) A proprietor or contractor shall formulate and implement
間內可危及工人的任何嚴重和逼切的危險。 appropriate procedures to deal with any serious and imminent
(2) 東主或承建商須提供足夠而狀況令人滿意的以下器具, danger to workers inside a confined space.
並須保持該等器具隨時可供取用 —— (2) A proprietor or contractor shall provide and keep readily
(a) 認可呼吸器具; available in a satisfactory condition a sufficient supply of—
(b) 使失去知覺的工人復甦的適當器具; (a) approved breathing apparatus;
(c) 貯存氧氣或空氣的容器; (b) suitable apparatus for reviving an unconscious worker;
(c) vessels containing oxygen or air;

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

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第 59AE 章 第 11 條 Section 11 Cap. 59AE

(d) 安全吊帶及繩索;及 (d) safety harnesses and ropes; and

(e) 使密閉空間內的工人能向身在密閉空間外的人示警 (e) an audio and visual alarm by which the workers inside
的音響及視覺警報器。 the confined space can alert those outside.
(3) 當密閉空間內正在有工作進行時,東主或承建商須確保 (3) When work is taking place in a confined space, a proprietor
有足夠數目 ( 與該項工作的規模相稱者 ) 而懂得如何使用 or contractor shall ensure that a sufficient number of persons,
第 (2) 款所提述的安全設備的人在場。 commensurate with the scale of the job, are present who know
how to use the safety equipment referred to in subsection (2).

11. 資料及指導等的提供 11. Provision of information, instructions, etc.

(1) 東主或承建商須向所有在密閉空間內工作或在緊接密閉 (1) A proprietor or contractor shall provide, to all workers
空間的外面協助進行該工作的工人,提供為確保在密閉 working within a confined space or assisting with such
空間內工作的所有工人的安全及健康而需要的指導、訓 work from immediately outside the confined space, such
練及意見。 instructions, training and advice as are necessary to ensure
(2) 東主或承建商須提供一切所需設備以確保密閉空間內的 the safety and health of all workers in the confined space.
工人的安全及健康。 (2) A proprietor or contractor shall provide all necessary
equipment to ensure the safety and health of workers in a
confined space.

12. 呼吸器具的認可 12. Approval of breathing apparatus

處長可為本規例的施行而認可任何類型的呼吸器具,而凡處 The Commissioner may approve any type of breathing apparatus
長給予該等認可,他須在憲報刊登他已認可的呼吸器具的類 for the purposes of this Regulation and, where he does so, he
型的名稱或描述。 shall publish in the Gazette the name or description of the type of
breathing apparatus that he has approved.

13. 核准工人的職責 13. Duties of certified workers

當核准工人在密閉空間工作時,他須 —— A certified worker, while working in a confined space, shall—
(a) 遵循東主或承建商根據第 10 條所實施的程序; (a) observe such procedures as may be implemented by a
(b) 遵從東主或承建商根據第 11 條所提供的指導及意見 proprietor or contractor under section 10;
和參加他們根據該條所提供的訓練; (b) observe such instructions and advice and attend such
training as may be provided by a proprietor or contractor
under section 11;

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 密閉空間 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation

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第 59AE 章 第 14 條 Section 14 Cap. 59AE

(c) 充分而適當地使用任何根據本規例所提供的安全設 (c) make full and proper use of, and forthwith report to the
備及緊急設施,並須將該等安全設備及緊急設施的 proprietor or contractor any fault or defect in, any safety
任何故障或欠妥之處,立即向東主或承建商報告。 equipment or emergency facilities provided under this

14. 罪行 14. Offences

(1) 任何東主或承建商 —— (1) A proprietor or contractor who—
(a) 違 反 第 7、8(b) 或 (d)、9、10(2) 或 (3) 或 11(2) 條, (a) contravenes section 7, 8(b) or (d), 9, 10(2) or (3) or
即屬犯罪,一經定罪 —— (2023 年第 5 號第 61 條 ) 11(2) commits an offence and is liable, on conviction—
(i) ( 如屬無合理辯解而犯該罪行 ) 可處罰款 (5 of 2023 s. 61)
$400,000 及監禁 6 個月;及 (i) where the offence was committed without
(ii) ( 如屬任何其他情況 ) 可處罰款 $400,000; reasonable excuse, to a fine of $400,000 and to
imprisonment for 6 months; and
(b) 違 反 第 5(1) 或 (5)、6(1) 或 10(1) 條,即 屬 犯 罪,一
經定罪 —— (ii) in any other case, to a fine of $400,000;
(i) ( 如屬無合理辯解而犯該罪行 ) 可處罰款 (b) contravenes section 5(1) or (5), 6(1) or 10(1) commits
$400,000 及監禁 12 個月;及 an offence and is liable, on conviction—
(ii) ( 如屬任何其他情況 ) 可處罰款 $400,000; (i) where the offence was committed without
reasonable excuse, to a fine of $400,000 and to
(c) 違反第 6(2) 條,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第 4 級 imprisonment for 12 months; and
罰款;或 (1999 年第 17 號法律公告 )
(ii) in any other case, to a fine of $400,000;
(d) 違 反 第 8(a) 或 (c) 或 11(1) 條,即 屬 犯 罪,一 經 定
罪 —— (c) contravenes section 6(2) commits an offence and is
liable, on conviction, to a fine at level 4; or (L.N. 17 of
(i) 如無合理辯解而犯該罪行 —— 可處第 6 級罰款 1999)
及監禁 6 個月;及
(d) contravenes section 8(a) or (c) or 11(1) commits an
(ii) 在任何其他情況下 —— 可處第 6 級罰款。 (2023 offence and is liable, on conviction—
年第 5 號第 61 條 )
(i) if the offence was committed without reasonable
(2) 任何合資格人士 —— excuse, to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for
(a) 被東主或承建商要求根據第 5(6) 條的規定對某密閉 6 months; and
空間的工作環境進行評估,並根據該條規定就工人 (ii) in any other case, to a fine at level 6. (5 of 2023
在該密閉空間內工作時的安全及健康方面的措施作 s. 61)

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第 59AE 章 第 14 條 Section 14 Cap. 59AE

間內進行該項評估和作出該等建議; (1999 年第 17 (2) A competent person who—

號法律公告 ) (a) when requested to do so by a proprietor or contractor,
(b) 無合理辯解而沒有在其危險評估報告中處理第 5(2) without reasonable excuse fails or refuses within a
條指明的所有事項;或 reasonable period of time to carry out an assessment of
(c) 作出該合資格人士知道在任何要項上屬虛假的危險 the working conditions of a confined space and make
評估報告, recommendations on measures in relation to safety
and health of workers while working in that space as
即屬犯罪,一經定罪 ——
required under section 5(6); (L.N. 17 of 1999)
(i) 如屬違反 (a) 段,可處第 3 級罰款; (b) without reasonable excuse, fails in the person’s risk
(ii) 如屬違反 (b) 段,可處罰款 $150,000; (1999 年第 17 assessment report to deal with all matters specified in
號法律公告 ) section 5(2); or
(iii) 如 屬 違 反 (c) 段,可 處 罰 款 $200,000 及 監 禁 12 個 (c) makes a risk assessment report which is to the person’s
月。 (1999 年第 17 號法律公告 ) knowledge false as to a material particular,
(3) 任何核准工人 —— commits an offence and is liable, on conviction, in respect of
(a) 違反第 13(a) 或 (c) 條,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處 a contravention of—
罰款 $150,000; (i) paragraph (a), to a fine at level 3;
(b) 違反第 13(b) 條,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第 5 級 (ii) paragraph (b), to a fine of $150,000; (L.N. 17 of 1999)
罰款;或 (iii) paragraph (c), to a fine of $200,000 and to imprisonment
(c) 當在密閉空間工作時,無合理因由而故意作出任何 for 12 months. (L.N. 17 of 1999)
相當可能危害其本人或他人的事情,即屬犯罪,一 (3) A certified worker who—
經 定 罪,可 處 第 5 級 罰 款 及 監 禁 6 個 月。 (2023 年
第 5 號第 61 條 ) (a) contravenes section 13(a) or (c) commits an offence and
is liable on conviction to a fine of $150,000;
(2023 年第 5 號第 61 條 )
(b) contravenes section 13(b) commits an offence and is
liable on conviction to a fine at level 5; or
(c) willfully and without reasonable cause does anything
likely to endanger the certified worker or others, while
working in a confined space, commits an offence
and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 5 and to
imprisonment for 6 months. (5 of 2023 s. 61)
(5 of 2023 s. 61)

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第 59AE 章 第 15 條 Section 15 Cap. 59AE

15. ( 已失時效而略去 ——2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) 15. (Omitted as spent—E.R. 3 of 2021)

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