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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》

( 第 59 章,附屬法例 T)
Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation
(Cap. 59 sub. leg. T)

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

E-1 E-2
第 59T 章 Cap. 59T

制定史 Enactment History

本為 1992 年第 239 號法律公告 —— 1994 年第 43 號法律公告,1995 Originally L.N. 239 of 1992 — L.N. 43 of 1994, L.N. (C) 123 of 1995
年第 (C)123 號法律公告 ( 中文真確本 ),2000 年第 32 號,2022 年第 1 (Chinese authentic version), 32 of 2000, E.R. 1 of 2022, 5 of 2023
號編輯修訂紀錄,2023 年第 5 號

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

T-1 T-2
第 59T 章 Cap. 59T

《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work)

( 第 59 章,附屬法例 T) (Cap. 59 sub. leg. T)
目錄 Contents

條次 頁次 Section Page
1. ( 已失時效而略去 ) 1 1. (Omitted as spent) 2
2. 釋義 1 2. Interpretation 2
3. 噪音暴露量的評估 3 3. Assessment of noise exposure 4
4. 聽覺保護區 5 4. Ear protection zones 6
5. 指明嘈吵機器或工具的距離 5 5. Specification of distance for noisy machines 6
or tools
6. 聽覺保護 7 6. Ear protection 8
7. 聽覺保護器的認可 9 7. Approval of ear protectors 10
8. 減低噪音暴露量 9 8. Reduction of noise exposure 10
9. 設備的維修及使用 9 9. Maintenance and use of equipment 10
10. 向僱員提供資料 9 10. Provision of information to employees 10
11. 豁免 11 11. Exemption 12
12. 罪行 11 12. Offences 12
13. ( 已失時效而略去 ) 13 13. (Omitted as spent) 14
附表 僱員的每日個人噪音暴露量 S-1 Schedule Daily Personal Noise Exposure of S-2

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

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第 59T 章 第1條 Section 1 Cap. 59T

《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work)

( 第 59 章第 7 條 ) (Cap. 59, section 7)
( 略去制定語式條文 ——2022 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Enacting provision omitted—E.R. 1 of 2022)

[1993 年 7 月 15 日 ] 1993 年第 229 號法律公告 [15 July 1993] L.N. 229 of 1993
( 格式變更 ——2022 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2022)

1. ( 已失時效而略去 ——2022 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) 1. (Omitted as spent—E.R. 1 of 2022)

2. 釋義 2. Interpretation
在本規例中,除文意另有所指外 —— In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires—
二 級 措 施 聲 級 (second action level) 指 達 90 分 貝 (A) 的 每 日 個 approved ear protector (認可聽覺保護器) means a type of ear
人噪音暴露量; protector approved by the Commissioner under section 7;
每 日 個 人 噪 音 暴 露 量 (daily personal noise exposure) 指 按 照 附 daily personal noise exposure (每日個人噪音暴露量) means
表確定的僱員每日個人噪音暴露量水平; the level of daily personal noise exposure of an employee
初級措施聲級 (first action level) 指達 85 分貝 (A) 的每日個人噪 ascertained in accordance with the Schedule;
音暴露量; employee (僱員) means a person employed by a proprietor
頂級措施聲級 (peak action level) 指噪音達 140 分貝的峰值聲音 to perform work in or in connection with an industrial
壓力水平或達 200 帕斯卡的峰值聲音壓力; undertaking;
僱員 (employee) 指受東主僱用而在工業經營中工作或從事與 exposed (暴露) and exposure (暴露量) mean exposed or exposure
工業經營有關的工作的人; while at work in an industrial undertaking;
認可聽覺保護器 (approved ear protector) 指類型經處長根據第 7 first action level (初級措施聲級) means a daily personal noise
條認可的聽覺保護器; exposure of 85 dB(A);
暴露 (exposed) 及暴露量 (exposure) 指在工業經營中工作時暴 noise control equipment (噪音控制設備) includes a damping
露或工作時的暴露量; device, silencer, muffler, acoustic enclosure, anti-vibration
mounting and sound-absorbing barrier;

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

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第 59T 章 第3條 Section 3 Cap. 59T

噪音控制設備 (noise control equipment) 包括減弱器、滅聲器、 peak action level (頂級措施聲級) means noise reaching a peak
減音器、隔音圍封、避震裝置及吸音屏障。 sound pressure level of 140 dB or peak sound pressure of 200
(2022 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) Pa;
second action level (二級措施聲級) means a daily personal noise
exposure of 90 dB(A).

3. 噪音暴露量的評估 3. Assessment of noise exposure

(1) 凡任何東主的僱員相當可能會暴露於初級措施聲級或以 (1) Where a proprietor’s employee is likely to be exposed to a
上或暴露於頂級措施聲級或以上的噪音中,則該東主須 first action level or above or to a peak action level or above,
確保由一名因其訓練及經驗而有足夠能力進行噪音評估 the proprietor shall ensure that a person who by reason of
的人,作出足以用於下列目的之噪音評估 —— his training and experience is competent to carry out a noise
(a) 識別其僱員中何人相當可能會暴露於該等聲級的噪 assessment makes a noise assessment which is adequate for
音中;及 the purposes—
(b) 向東主提供關於其僱員可能會暴露於其中的噪音的 (a) of identifying which of his employees are likely to be so
資料,使東主能履行其根據第 4、6、8 及 9(1) 條而 exposed; and
有的責任。 (b) of providing him with information with regard to the
(2) 凡噪音評估所關乎的工作有顯著改變,或東主有理由相 noise to which his employees may be exposed that will
信該項評估不再足以用於第 (1) 款所提述的目的,則該東 enable him to comply with his duties under sections 4, 6,
主須確保再次作出第 (1) 款所規定的噪音評估。 8 and 9(1).
(3) 進行該項評估的人須擬備評估報告,其格式及所載資料 (2) Where there has been a significant change in the work to
須按處長藉憲報公告所規定者。 which the assessment relates or where the proprietor has
reason to believe that the assessment is no longer adequate
(4) 在評估完成後 28 天內,東主須向處長送交一份評估報告 for the purposes referred to in subsection (1), the proprietor
的副本。 shall ensure that a further noise assessment is made under
(5) 東主須使該評估報告在任何合理時間均可供職業安全主 subsection (1).
任查閱。 (2000 年第 32 號第 48 條 ) (3) The person who carried out the assessment shall prepare an
assessment report in the form, and containing the information,
that the Commissioner may, by notice in the Gazette, require.
(4) Within 28 days after completing an assessment the
proprietor shall send a copy of the assessment report to the

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

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第 59T 章 第4條 Section 4 Cap. 59T

(5) The proprietor shall make the assessment report available at

all reasonable times for inspection by an occupational safety
officer. (32 of 2000 s. 48)

4. 聽覺保護區 4. Ear protection zones

(1) 在 本 條 中,工 業 經 營 (industrial undertaking) 一 詞 並 不 包 (1) In this section, industrial undertaking (工業經營) does not
括第 5 條所提述的工業經營或有建築工程進行的地方。 include an industrial undertaking referred to in section 5 or a
(2) 凡任何東主的僱員相當可能會暴露於二級措施聲級或以 place where construction work is carried out.
上或暴露於頂級措施聲級或以上的噪音中,則該東主須 (2) Where a proprietor’s employee is likely to be exposed to
在切實可行範圍內盡量確保 —— a second action level or above or to a peak action level or
(a) 將工業經營中僱員相當可能會暴露於該等聲級的噪 above, the proprietor shall ensure, as far as is practicable,
音中的範圍以標誌及告示劃定及識別為聽覺保護區, that—
該等標誌及告示須足以顯示 —— (a) the area within the industrial undertaking where the
(i) 該範圍是聽覺保護區;及 employee will likely be so exposed is demarcated and
identified as an ear protection zone by means of signs
(ii) 僱員在該保護區時須配戴適合的認可聽覺保護 and notices sufficient to indicate that—
(i) it is an ear protection zone; and
(b) 在該保護區內多個顯眼位置,張貼與 (a) 段所規定者
相同的標誌及告示或效果與 (a) 段所規定者相同的標 (ii) employees must wear suitable approved ear
誌及告示;及 protectors while in the zone;
(c) 並無僱員進入或逗留在該保護區,除非該僱員戴着 (b) signs and notices that are the same as or to the same
適合的認可聽覺保護器。 effect as those required under paragraph (a) are put up
within the zone in conspicuous positions; and
(c) no employee enters or remains in the zone unless the
employee is wearing a suitable approved ear protector.

5. 指明嘈吵機器或工具的距離 5. Specification of distance for noisy machines or tools

凡任何東主的僱員相當可能會暴露於二級措施聲級或以上或 Where a proprietor’s employee is likely to be exposed to a second
暴露於頂級措施聲級或以上的噪音中,而該情況是因在建築 action level or above or to a peak action level or above by reason
工程進行的地方操作機器或工具所致,或純粹因在任何工業 of the operation of a machine or tool at a place where construction
經營中操作輕便型機器或工具所致,則東主須 —— work is carried out or by reason only of the operation of a portable
machine or tool at any industrial undertaking, the proprietor shall—

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

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第 59T 章 第6條 Section 6 Cap. 59T

(a) 指定一名因其訓練及經驗而有足夠能力進行噪音評 (a) appoint a person who by reason of his training and
估的人,由他指明一段距離,在該距離內的僱員除 experience is competent to carry out a noise assessment
非配戴適合的認可聽覺保護器,否則會有聽覺受損 to specify a distance within which an employee is at risk
害的危險; of damage to his hearing unless a suitable approved ear
(b) 在該機器或工具上附上標誌或標籤,規定在指明距 protector is worn;
離內操作或協助操作該機器或工具的每個僱員,須 (b) attach a sign or label to the machine or tool requiring
配戴適合的認可聽覺保護器;及 that a suitable approved ear protector be worn by every
(c) 確保在指明距離內操作或協助操作該機器或工具的 employee who operates or assists in the operation of the
每個僱員,均配戴適合的認可聽覺保護器。 machine or tool within the specified distance; and
(c) ensure that every employee who operates or assists
in the operation of the machine or tool who is within
the specified distance wears a suitable approved ear

6. 聽覺保護 6. Ear protection

(1) 在僱員的每日個人噪音暴露量相當可能會少於 90 分貝 (A) (1) A proprietor shall as far as is practicable ensure that where
的情況下,凡僱員相當可能會暴露於初級措施聲級或以 an employee is likely to be exposed to a first action level
上的噪音中,則在該僱員的要求下,東主須在切實可行 or above in circumstances where the daily personal noise
範圍內盡量確保該僱員獲提供適合的認可聽覺保護器。 exposure of the employee is likely to be less than 90 dB(A),
(2) 如僱員配戴聽覺保護器相當可能會危及該僱員或任何其 the employee shall be provided, at his request, with a suitable
他人的安全,則第 (1) 款並不規定東主須向該僱員提供適 approved ear protector.
合的認可聽覺保護器。 (2) Subsection (1) does not require a proprietor to provide a
(3) 凡僱員相當可能會暴露於二級措施聲級或以上或暴露於 suitable approved ear protector to an employee where the
頂級措施聲級或以上的噪音中,東主須在切實可行範圍 wearing of the protector would likely cause risk to the safety
內盡量確保該僱員獲提供適合的認可聽覺保護器,而妥 of the employee or to any other person.
為配戴該聽覺保護器後,應可合理地預期將該僱員聽覺 (3) A proprietor shall as far as is practicable ensure that where an
受損害的危險程度保持在低於暴露於二級措施聲級或頂 employee is likely to be exposed to a second action level or
級措施聲級的噪音中 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 所產生的危險。 above or to a peak action level or above, the employee shall
be provided with a suitable approved ear protector which,
when properly worn, can reasonably be expected to keep
the risk of damage to that employee’s hearing to below that
arising from exposure to the second action level or, as the
case may be, to the peak action level.
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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

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第 59T 章 第7條 Section 7 Cap. 59T

7. 聽覺保護器的認可 7. Approval of ear protectors

處長可為施行本規例而認可任何類型的聽覺保護器,而凡處 The Commissioner may approve any type of ear protector for the
長作出認可,他須在憲報公布他所認可的聽覺保護器類型的 purposes of this Regulation and where he does so he shall publish
名稱或描述。 in the Gazette the name or description of the type of ear protector
that he has approved.

8. 減低噪音暴露量 8. Reduction of noise exposure

凡僱員相當可能會暴露於初級措施聲級或以上或暴露於頂級 A proprietor shall, where an employee is likely to be exposed to
措施聲級或以上的噪音中,東主須在切實可行範圍內盡量 ( 以 a first action level or above or to a peak action level or above,
提供認可聽覺保護器以外的方式 ) 減低該僱員的噪音暴露量。 reduce, as far as is practicable (other than by the provision of
approved ear protectors), the exposure to noise of the employee.

9. 設備的維修及使用 9. Maintenance and use of equipment

(1) 東主須在切實可行範圍內盡量確保 —— (1) A proprietor shall ensure, as far as is practicable, that—
(a) 任何根據第 4、5、6 及 8 條提供給僱員或為僱員的 (a) any approved ear protector or noise control equipment
利益而安裝的認可聽覺保護器或噪音控制設備,獲 provided to or installed for the benefit of an employee
充分及適當使用;及 under sections 4, 5, 6 and 8 is fully and properly used;
(b) (a) 段所提述的認可聽覺保護器及噪音控制設備,均 and
妥為維修。 (b) the approved ear protector and noise control equipment
(2) 僱員須 —— referred to in paragraph (a) are properly maintained.
(a) 在切實可行範圍內盡量充分及適當地使用東主根據 (2) An employee shall—
第 4(2)(c)、5(c) 或 6(3) 條提供的適合的認可聽覺保 (a) as far as is practicable, fully and properly use a suitable
護器;及 approved ear protector provided by the proprietor under
(b) 遇發現認可聽覺保護器有欠妥之處時,立即將欠妥 section 4(2)(c), 5(c) or 6(3); and
之處報告東主。 (b) if he discovers a defect in an approved ear protector,
report the defect immediately to the proprietor.

10. 向僱員提供資料 10. Provision of information to employees

東主須向相當可能會暴露於初級措施聲級或以上或頂級措施 A proprietor shall provide each employee who is likely to be
聲級或以上的噪音中的每個僱員,提供有關下列事項的足夠 exposed to a first action level or above or to a peak action level or
資料、指導及訓練 —— above with adequate information, instruction and training on—
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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

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第 59T 章 第 11 條 Section 11 Cap. 59T

(a) 該暴露量可能對聽覺造成損害的危險; (a) the risk of damage to hearing that the exposure may
(b) 僱員為減輕該危險而應採取的步驟;及 cause;
(c) 第 9(2) 條所規定的僱員義務。 (b) the steps that the employee should take to minimise the
risk; and
(c) the employee’s obligations under section 9(2).

11. 豁免 11. Exemption

(1) 處長可在以下情況下,藉證明書豁免任何工業經營或任 (1) The Commissioner may by certificate in writing exempt the
何種類工業經營的東主 —— proprietor of an industrial undertaking or class of industrial
(a) 如處長認為遵從本規例的某項規定並不合理切實可 undertaking—
行,則可豁免東主受該項規定的規限;及 (a) from a requirement under this Regulation if he considers
(b) 如充分及適當地使用認可聽覺保護器,相當可能會 that compliance with it would not be reasonably
危及使用者的安全或健康,或如遵從第 6 或 4(2)(c) practicable; and
條並不合理切實可行,則可豁免東主受第 6 條須確 (b) from ensuring that suitable approved ear protectors are
保提供適合的認可聽覺保護器的規限或受第 4(2)(c) provided under section 6 or are worn under section
條須確保僱員配戴適合的認可聽覺保護器的規限。 4(2)(c) where the full and proper use of an approved ear
(2) 處長可廢除或修訂任何豁免。 protector would likely cause risk to the safety or health
of the user or compliance with those sections would not
be reasonably practicable.
(2) The Commissioner may repeal or amend an exemption.

12. 罪行 12. Offences

(1) 任何人沒有遵從第 3(1) 或 (2)、4、5、6(1) 或 (3)、8、9(1) (1) A person who fails to comply with section 3(1) or (2), 4, 5,
或 10 條,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第 6 級罰款。 (1994 6(1) or (3), 8, 9(1) or 10 commits an offence and is liable on
年第 43 號法律公告; 2022 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄; 2023 conviction to a fine at level 6. (L.N. 43 of 1994; E.R. 1 of
年第 5 號第 47 條 ) 2022; 5 of 2023 s. 47)
(2) 任何人 —— (2) A person who—
(a) 沒有遵守第 3(3) 條,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第 (a) fails to comply with section 3(3) commits an offence
3 級罰款; and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 3;
(b) 沒有遵守第 3(4) 或 (5) 條,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可 (b) fails to comply with section 3(4) or (5) commits an
處第 4 級罰款;或 offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 4; or

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

13 14
第 59T 章 第 13 條 Section 13 Cap. 59T

(c) 沒有遵守第 9(2) 條,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第 (c) fails to comply with section 9(2) commits an offence
5 級罰款。 (2023 年第 5 號第 47 條 ) and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 5. (5 of
(3) 就沒有遵從第 4(2)(c) 條而提出的控罪,如東主證明有關 2023 s. 47)
的僱員並未獲東主准許進入或逗留在劃定的聽覺保護區, (3) It is a defence to a charge of failing to comply with section
或證明有關的僱員在指稱的罪行發生時,並非暴露於二 4(2)(c) if the proprietor proves that the employee is not
級措施聲級或以上及並非暴露於頂級措施聲級或以上的 permitted by the proprietor to enter or remain within the
噪音中,即可作為對該控罪的免責辯護。 demarcated ear protection zone or that the employee was not
(4) 就沒有遵從第 5(c) 條而提出的控罪,如東主證明有關的 at the time of the alleged offence exposed to a second action
僱員在指稱的罪行發生時,並非暴露於二級措施聲級或 level or above and to a peak action level or above.
以上及並非暴露於頂級措施聲級或以上的噪音中,即可 (4) It is a defence to a charge of failing to comply with section
作為對該控罪的免責辯護。 5(c) if the proprietor proves that the employee was not at the
time of the alleged offence exposed to a second action level
or above and to a peak action level or above.

13. ( 已失時效而略去 ——2022 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) 13. (Omitted as spent—E.R. 1 of 2022)

最後更新日期 Last updated date

28.4.2023 經核證文本 Verified Copy 28.4.2023
《工廠及工業經營 ( 工作噪音 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation

S-1 附表 Schedule S-2

第 59T 章 Cap. 59T

附表 Schedule
[第2條] [s. 2]

僱員的每日個人噪音暴露量 Daily Personal Noise Exposure of Employees

每日個人噪音暴露量 ( 不計算使用聽覺保護器的效果 ) 以分貝 (A) 為 The daily personal noise exposure (taking no account of the effect of
單位,並用下列方程式確定 —— using an ear protector) is expressed in dB(A) and is ascertained using the

在此方程式中 ——
LEP,d = 每日個人噪音暴露量水平; where—
To = 8 小時或 28 800 秒; LEP,d = level of daily personal noise exposure;

Te = 個人暴露於聲音的持續期 ( 如 To 以小時為單位, To = 8 hours or 28 800 seconds;

則以小時為單位,如 To 以秒為單位,則以秒為單 Te = the duration (expressed in hours if To is expressed in
位 ); hours, and in seconds if To is expressed in seconds) of
Po = 20 微帕斯卡;及 the person’s personal to sound;

PA(t) = A 加權瞬時聲壓的隨時間轉變值,以帕斯卡為單 Po = 20 μPa; and

位,而以個人 ( 在有關工作日所處位置 ) 在大氣壓 PA(t) = the time-varying value of A-weighted instantaneous
力下空氣不受干擾場地中所受的聲壓為準,或以 sound pressure in pascals in the undisturbed field in
鄰近該人頭部的受干擾場地的聲壓為準,而該聲 air at the atmospheric pressure to which the person is
壓是經調整以提供名義上相等的不受干擾場地的 exposed (in the locations occupied during the work
聲壓者。 day), or the pressure of the disturbed field adjacent
to the person’s head adjusted to provide a notional
equivalent undisturbed field pressure.

最後更新日期 Last updated date

10.3.2022 經核證文本 Verified Copy 10.3.2022

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