UNISA Portfolio Exam

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3.3.1 Introduction

Effective classroom management is key to support learners to learn to their full ability.

Aspects that influence classroom management are:

• Perspectives on teaching and learning

• The student’s perspective

3.3.2 Perspectives on teaching and learning

Your mentor’s perspective on teaching and learning will influence how they manage the class, but
also how they guide you and interprets your observation of activities in the class.

Do you know who your mentor is? Their experience will influence their teaching philosophy and it
will influence the guidance the mentor gives you while observing.

Make an appointment with your mentor and complete the following information after speaking to

Training as mentor (by whom and how much formal/informal training, accredited or not)


What are your expectations of the mentor?


What can the mentor expect from you?


Reflection: How did the mentor(s) contribute to your practical teaching experience?


3.3.3 The student’s perspective

Description of your personal background:

Your own background and teaching philosophy will influence the observation of classroom
management aspects and your interpretation thereof. Complete the following information to gain
insight and awareness of the aspects that contribute to your teaching philosophy.

Are you currently employed? YES/NO

Are you teaching at present? YES/NO

If so, for how long and which grade? …………………………………….

Or is this your first teaching experience? .............................................

Description of your qualifications (where and when did you acquire them).


How do you manage your studies? (Employed full-time or not)


Description of any other appropriate experience/information, which has had an influence on your
teaching practice experience period (observation).



Description of your experience with Unisa’s teaching practice processes, arrangements,

placements, school visits, support, and the like.


What has been your experience of the teaching practice observations? (Both positive and negative



How would you apply the positive things you have observed in your teaching practice observations
and what would you change about the negative aspects you have come across?


Did you conduct yourself in terms of the Code of Conduct of the South African Council for

You can access this document at


(If you are not a South African, it should be in terms of the teachers’ code of conduct for your own
country.) If your answer is yes, then indicate the areas and substantiate your answer.


It should now be clear to you that your personal background influences the way you interpret and
look at the world. The activities you are about to do form part of your observational learning. Get
actively involved to gain as much as possible from the experience.

You have to use the template provided when doing the observation and attach artefacts (proof of
what you have observed).

3.3.4 Policies that influence classroom management Identify policies.


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