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Name: Manalo, Jan Gabriel B.

Date: March 21, 2023

Group: BSN 3f-d Submitted to:

I. TITLE:Factors related to teamwork performance and stress of operating room


SOURCE: Factors related to teamwork performance and ... - Wiley Online Library.
(n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2023, from


To evaluate operating room nurses' perception of teamwork performance and their
level of mental stress and to identify related factors. Little is known about the factors
affecting teamwork and the mental stress of surgical nurses, although the
performance of the surgical team is essential for patient safety.
The questionnaire survey for operation room nurses consisted of simple questions
about teamwork performance and mental stress. Multivariate analyses were used to
identify factors causing a sense of teamwork performance or mental stress.
A large number of surgical nurses had a sense of teamwork performance, but 30–
40% of operation room nurses were mentally stressed during surgery. Neither the
patient nor the operation factors were related to the sense of teamwork performance
in both types of nurses. Among scrub nurses, endoscopic and abdominal surgery,
body mass index, blood loss and the American Society of Anesthesiologists physical
status class were related to their mental stress. Conversely, circulating nurses were
stressed about teamwork performance.The factors related to teamwork performance
and mental stress during surgery differed between scrub and circulating
nurses.Implications for nursing management Increased support for operation room
nurses is necessary. The increased support leads to safer surgical procedures and
better patient outcomes.


A. To Nursing Practice

Team work is one of the most essential part of a surgery, without proper team work a
surgery can cause complications, problems, and will make the work harder. A good
team work will increase patient safety during the procedure.
B. To Nursing Education

This journal can help us student nurses in preparing for the future. It provides data
and additional knowledge in providing care in patients that will undergo surgeries. It
shows us what are the current factors that affect the team work and stress inside an
operating theatre.

C. To Nursing Research

We recommend that future researchers must re conduct this study with a larger
population to have more data on the factors that affects the team work and stress
factors inside the operating room


I think the best way to describe my experience on the operating room is that it was a
very stressful and fast-paced environment. The pressure to perform well can be
overwhelming, especially if you're in the middle of an operation and there is a lot of
pressure on you to finish it quickly. It's hard to keep your cool when everyone else is
stressed out and rushing around trying to get things done.

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