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Holy Spirit School


Homeroom Learning Guide

Date: September 5, 2022

Topic: Faith
Activity Plan: Grade 4
I. Objectives
1. To define faith
2. To suggest ways on how one can develop a life of faith
3. To thank God for the gift of faith and pray for an increase of faith

II. Resources: video, PowerPoint

III. Activities
A. Opening Prayer
B. Ice breaker/ Motivation
A. Unscramble the letters to form words that are associated with faith. Use each definition as a clue.
1. Belief - an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists
2. Conviction – it is a strong belief or opinion
3. Confidence - the state of feeling certain about the truth of something
4. Trust - complete confidence in a person or plan
5. Hope - a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen

B. Models of Faith – Identify the following persons who showed great faith in their lives.
1. Mary – She is a model of faithful love marked by total trust and obedience to God’s will.
2. Abraham – He obeyed God’s command and led the Israelites to the Promised Land.
3. St. Arnold Janssen – He founded three congregations – SSpS, SSpSAP, SVD
4. St. Joseph Freinademetz – He went to China to follow the call of mission.

C. Discussion
1. Pose these questions:
 What is faith?
 How can you strengthen and live out your faith in God?
 Why is faith important in our everyday life?
2. Watch these videos:
3. Answer the guide questions
4. Break Out Room: How can a person develop a life of faith? Give at least five examples through a role
D. Remember
Faith is listening to God and trusting Him that He will help you and lead you where you should go.

E. Closing Prayer

When ____________________
instead of ________________

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