Alcohol FNCP

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Family health Family nursing Goal of Care Objectives of Care Interventions Resources Mode of contact Evaluation

problem problem
Unhealthy Inability to After Nursing After 2hrs of  Teach the Brochure about Home visit Goal fully met if :
lifestyle: excessive recognize the Interventions the nursing family about excessive alcohol the family
alcohol intake presence of the Family must know intervention the the effects of intake recognized the
problem due to the possible health family will be able excessive risks that may
attitude in life problems that can to verbalize the alcohol Non alcoholic beer occur in excessive
which hinders cause by excessive effects of intake alcohol intake, and
recognition alcohol intake excessive alcohol demonstrated
intake  Educate the changes in alcohol
family about consumption.
After 3 days of the health
home visits the risks and Goal partially met
family will be able complications if: the family
to demonstrate related to recognized the
changes in alcohol excessive risks that may
consumption alcohol occur in excessive
intake alcohol intake but
there is no change
 Teach the in alcohol
family on consumption
ways how to within 3 days.
alcohol Goal not met if:
intake like non of the
using non indicators are met

 Discuss the
benefits of
less alcohol

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