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Cells Surface area must allow for adequate

exchange of materials.
have distinct phases of growth,
reproduction, and normal functions. • Cell growth is coordinated with
THE CELL CYCLE HAS FOUR MAIN • Cells that must be large have unique
STAGES. shapes.
The cell cycle is a regular pattern of
growth, DNA replication, and cell division. Mitosis & Cytokinesis
Chromosomes condense at the start of
-DNA wraps around proteins (histones)
that condense it.

• DNA plus proteins is called

• One half of a duplicated
chromosome is a chromatid.
• Sister chromatids are held together
• The main stages of the cell cycle are at the centromere.
gap 1, synthesis, gap 2, and mitosis. • Telomeres protect DNA and do not
• Gap 1 (G1): cell growth and normal include genes.
• Mitosis occurs only if the cell is large
enough and the DNA undamaged. Mitosis and cytokinesis produce two
• DNA synthesis (S): copies DNA genetically identical daughter cells.
• Gap 2 (G2): additional growth • Interphase prepares the cell to
• Mitosis (M): includes division of the cell
nucleus (mitosis) and division of the cell
• During interphase, the DNA is
cytoplasm (cytokinesis)
Mitosis divides the cell’s nucleus in four
The rate of cell division varies with the phases.
need for those types of cells.
• During prophase, chromosomes
condense and spindle fibers
• During anaphase, sister
chromatids separate to opposite
sides of the cell.
• During telophase, the new nuclei
form and chromosomes begin to
Some cells are unlikely to divide (G0).
Cytokinesis differs in animal and plant
Cell size is limited cells.
Volume increases faster than surface area. • In animal cells, the membrane
pinches closed.
• In plant cells, a cell plate forms.
Regulation of the Cell Cycle Binary fission is similar in function
to mitosis.
Cell cycle regulation is necessary for
healthy growth. Asexual reproduction is the creation of
offspring from a single parent.
Internal and external factors regulate cell
division. -Binary fission produces two
daughter cells genetically Identical
• External factors include physical to the parent cell.
and chemical signals.
• Growth factors are proteins that -Binary fission occurs in
stimulate cell division. Prokaryotes.
• Most mammal cells form a single Environment determines what form of
layer in a culture dish and stop reproduction is most advantageous.
dividing once they touch other cells.
• Two of the most important internal -Asexual reproduction is an advantage
factors are kinases and cyclins. in consistently favorable conditions.
• External factors trigger internal -Sexual reproduction is an advantage in
factors, which affect the cell cycle. changing conditions.
Apoptosis is programmed cell death.
Some eukaryotes reproduce through
• a normal feature of healthy mitosis.
• Budding forms a new organism from
• caused by a cell’s production of
a small projection growing on the
self-destructive enzymes
surface of the parent.
• occurs in development of infants
• Fragmentation is the splitting of the
Cell division is uncontrolled in cancer. parent into pieces that each grow
into a new organism.
• Cancer cells form disorganized • Vegetative reproduction forms a new
clumps called tumors. plant from the modification of a
• Benign tumors remain clustered stem or underground structure on
and can be removed. the parent plant.
• Malignant tumors metastasize,
or break away, and can form KEY CONCEPT
more tumors.
Cells work together to carry out
• Cancer cells do not carry out complex functions.
necessary functions.
• Cancer cells come from normal Multicellular Life
cells with damage to genes
involved in cell-cycle regulation. Multicellular organisms depend on
• Carcinogens are substances interactions among different cell types.
known to promote cancer. • Tissues are groups of cells that
• Standard cancer treatments perform a similar function.
typically kill both cancerous and • Organs are groups of tissues that
healthy cells. perform a specific or related
Asexual Reproduction • Organ systems are groups of organs
Many organisms reproduce by cell that carry out similar functions.
Specialized cells perform specific
• Cells develop into their mature
forms through the process of cell
• Cells differ because different
combinations of genes are
• A cell’s location in an embryo helps
determine how it will differentiate.
Stem cells are unique body cells.
Stem cells have the ability to
• divide and renew themselves
• remain undifferentiated in form
• develop into a variety of specialized
cell types
Stem cells are classified into three
• totipotent, or growing into any other
cell type
• pluripotent, or growing into any cell
type but a totipotent cell
• multipotent, or growing into cells of
a closely related cell family
Stem cells come from adults and
• Adult stem cells can be hard to
isolate and grow.
• The use of adult stem cells may
prevent transplant rejection.
• The use of embryonic stem cells
raises ethical issues
• Embryonic stem cells are
pluripotent and can be grown
indefinitely in culture.
The use of stem cells offers many
currently realized and potential
• Stem cells are used to treat
leukemia and lymphoma.
• Stem cells may cure disease or
replace damaged organs.
• Stem cells may revolutionize the
drug development process.
Cells: Eukaryotic Cells:

The Basic Units of Life • Have a nucleus

• Have a membrane – covered
The Cell Theory organelles
• All organisms are made of cells. • Have linear DNA
• The cell is the basic unit of life inall
living things.
• All cells come from existing cells. Organelles

THIS IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT Organelles are structures that enable

SHOWS the cell to live, grow and reproduce.


Outer layer of cell

Two Types of Cells Allows nutrients into the cell and

wastes outside of the cell
Cytoplasm a jelly-like fluid contained in
the cell that holds the organelles.
The Nucleus
• The control center of the cell
• Contains the Cell’s DNA
All cells, whether they are prokaryotic • “Mayor’s office”
or eukaryotic, have some common Mitochondria
• Power center of cell
• Provides the energy the cell needs
Organelles to move, divide, etc.
• “Electric company of the cell”
Organelles are structures that enable
the cell to live, grow and reproduce. Ribosomes
• Site where proteins are made
• Cell parts are made of proteins
Two Types of Cells • “Factories of the cell”
Prokaryotic Cells: Endoplasmic Reticulum
• Have no membrane covered nucleus • Transportation system of cell
• Have no membrane - covered • Rough ER- ribosome's attached
organelles • Smooth ER- no ribosome's
• Have circular DNA • “Roadways of the cell”
• Are bacteria
• Packaging house of cell Cell Modification
• Packages, processes, and ships out
• Cell modification is a process that
the stuff the cell makes
• “UPS of the cell”
• after cell division where the newly
Lysosomes formed cells are structurally
modified so that they can perform
• Digests food particles and cell
their function efficiently and
• “Garbage men”
• Multicellular organisms begin as
• Protects cell by digesting foreign
just one
• single cell—a fertilized egg. Growing
• “Police men
Vacuole • one single cell to trillions of
specialized cells that perform
• Stores water, food & wastes
different functions is a process that
• Vacuole is largest organelle in plant
happens with the regulation of DNA
and RNA.
Cell Wall
Specialized Plant Cells
• Found only in plant cells
Root Cells
• Protects and supports the cell
Root cells are specialized plant cells
that absorb dissolved minerals and
• Found only in plant cells water from the ground. Root cells grow
• Contains chlorophyll (makes plants in long lengths called root hairs in
green) order to increase the surface area of
• Where photosynthesis takes place the root system. This also helps anchor
the plant.
Plant or Animal Cell?
Xylem and Phloem Cells
Found in Plant and Animal cells:
• Xylem cells transport water from
• Nucleus the roots in the upward direction.
• Golgi Complex • Phloem cells transport nutrients in
• Mitochondrion both directions to reach all parts of
• Lysosomes the plant.
• Endoplasmic
• Reticulum Guard Cells
• Cell Membrane Along the bottom of the leaf, guard cells
• Ribosomes open and close to allow the transfer of
• Vacuoles gases with the atmosphere as well as
Found only in Plant Cells: the transpiration of water.

• Chloroplasts
• Cell Wall
Specialized Animal Cells Stereocilia
Red Blood Cells Stereocilia form single "finger-like"
projections that may be branched, and
Red blood cells are specialized cells
have more of the characteristics of the
found in animals that transport oxygen
cellular membrane proper. Like
throughout the body. Since transport is
microvilli, they contain actin filaments
their primary function, they do not need
and lack an axoneme, distinguishing
a nucleus.
them from cilia.
Muscle Cells
Muscle cells are long, fibrous cells that
have the ability to contract. They allow
animals to move and allow their organs
to function in circulation as well as
Epithelial Cells
Epithelial cells are the cells that line
the outside, as well as the inside, of
your body. They are the cells that make
up your skin. Skin epithelium is actually
located just below the surface of your
skin. The epithelial cells are responsible
for making new cells.
Apical Modifications
Cilia are membrane-covered extensions
of the entire apical surface. They beat in
waves, often moving a surface coat of
mucus and trapped materials.
Flagella are also concerned with
movement. Spermatozoa, derived from
seminiferous epithelia, are the only
flagellated human cells.
Microvilli are plasma membrane-
covered extensions of the cell surface.
Their cores are composed of parallel
actin microfilaments; these are
anchored in a dense mat of filaments in
the apical cytoplasm called the terminal

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