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Tentu, berikut adalah contoh soal pilihan ganda ABCD bahasa Inggris untuk siswa SMP kelas 1 beserta


1. **Choose the correct answer.**

What is your name?

A. My name is Sam.

B. I am Sam.

C. Sam am I.

D. Me name is Sam.

**Answer: A.. I am Sam.**

2. **Choose the correct answer.**

What is this? It is a __________.

A. bag

B. chair

C. book

D. table

**Answer: C. book**

3. **Choose the correct answer.**

How many eyes do you have?

A. I has two eyes.

B. I have two eyes.

C. I is have two eyes.

D. I eye two.

**Answer: B. I have two eyes.**

4. **Choose the correct answer.**

What color is the sky?

A. The sky am blue.

B. The sky is blue.

C. The sky blue.

D. Sky color blue.

**Answer: B. The sky is blue.**

5. **Choose the correct answer.**

_______ is my brother.

A. She

B. He

C. It

D. They

**Answer: B. He**

6. **Choose the correct answer.**

How many legs does a cat have?

A. A cat have four legs.

B. A cat has four legs.

C. A cat is four legs.

D. A cat having four legs.

**Answer: B. A cat has four legs.**

7. **Choose the correct answer.**

What day is it today?

A. Today is Monday.

B. Today Monday.

C. Today is Monday.

D. Today on Monday.

**Answer: A. Today is Monday.**

8. **Choose the correct answer.**

What time do you go to bed?

A. I go to bed at seven.

B. I go to bed in seven.

C. I go to bed on seven.

D. I go to bed to seven.

**Answer: A. I go to bed at seven.**

9. **Choose the correct answer.**

Where do you live?

A. I live in a house.

B. I live at a house.

C. I live on a house.

D. I living in a house.

**Answer: A. I live in a house.**

10. **Choose the correct answer.**

_______ are my friends.

A. She

B. He

C. It

D. They

**Answer: D. They**

11. **Choose the correct answer.**

What is your favorite color?

A. My favorite color is blue.

B. I favorite color is blue.

C. I like blue.

D. Blue is like.

**Answer: A. My favorite color is blue.**

12. **Choose the correct answer.**

How do you go to school?

A. I go to school by car.

B. I go to school on car.

C. I go to school with car.

D. I go to school at car.

**Answer: A. I go to school by car.**

13. **Choose the correct answer.**

What do you have for breakfast?

A. I have bread for breakfast.

B. I have breads for breakfast.

C. I have a bread for breakfast.

D. I having bread for breakfast.

**Answer: A. I have bread for breakfast.**

14. **Choose the correct answer.**

_______ is my mother.

A. She

B. He

C. It

D. They
**Answer: A. She**

15. **Choose the correct answer.**

Where is the cat?

A. The cat is on the table.

B. The cat is in the table.

C. The cat is under the table.

D. The cat is above the table.

**Answer: A. The cat is on the table.**

16. **Choose the correct answer.**

What do you like to do?

A. I like swim.

B. I like swimming.

C. I like to swimming.

D. I likes swim.

**Answer: B. I like swimming.**

17. **Choose the correct answer.**

What is your favorite fruit?

A. My favorite fruit is apple.

B. I like apple.
C. I apple.

D. Apple is favorite.

**Answer: A. My favorite fruit is apple.**

18. **Choose the correct answer.**

How many fingers do you have?

A. I have five fingers.

B. I has five fingers.

C. I have five finger.

D. I having five fingers.

**Answer: A. I have five fingers.**

19. **Choose the correct answer.**

What is your father's job?

A. My father is a teacher.

B. My father teacher.

C. My father is teacher.

D. My father are teacher.

**Answer: A. My father is a teacher.**

20. **Choose the correct answer.**

_______ is my sister.
A. She

B. He

C. It

D. They

**Answer: A. She**

21. **Choose the correct answer.**

What do you like to eat?

A. I like banana.

B. I like to banana.

C. I like eating banana.

D. I likes banana.

**Answer: A. I like banana.**

22. **Choose the correct answer.**

What is this? It is a __________.

A. bag

B. chair

C. book

D. table

**Answer: C. book**
23. **Choose the correct answer.**

How many eyes do you have?

A. I has two eyes.

B. I have two eyes.

C. I is have two eyes.

D. I eye two.

**Answer: B. I have two eyes.**

24. **Choose the correct answer.**

What color is the sky?

A. The sky am blue.

B. The sky is blue.

C. The sky blue.

D. Sky color blue.

**Answer: B. The sky is blue.**

25. **Choose the correct answer.**

_______ is my brother.

A. She

B. He

C. It

D. They
**Answer: B. He**

26. **Choose the correct answer.**

How many legs does a cat have?

A. A cat have four legs.

B. A cat has four legs.

C. A cat is four legs.

D. A cat having four legs.

**Answer: B. A cat has four legs.**

Berikut adalah contoh soal pilihan ganda bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas 1 SMP beserta jawabannya:

1. What is the opposite of "big"?

A) Small

B) Tall

C) Large

D) Huge

**Jawaban: A) Small**

2. She ___ a student.

A) am

B) is

C) are

D) be

**Jawaban: B) is**
3. What ___ your name?

A) am

B) is

C) are

D) be

**Jawaban: B) is**

4. We ___ football every Saturday.

A) playing

B) play

C) plays

D) played

**Jawaban: B) play**

5. I ___ a book now.

A) read

B) reads

C) reading

D) is reading

**Jawaban: D) is reading**

6. My father is a doctor. He ___ at the hospital.

A) works

B) work
C) working

D) worked

**Jawaban: A) works**

7. ___ you hungry?

A) Is

B) Are

C) Am

D) Do

**Jawaban: B) Are**

8. They ___ to the zoo last week.

A) go

B) goes

C) went

D) going

**Jawaban: C) went**

9. My sister ___ English every day.

A) study

B) studies

C) studying

D) studied

**Jawaban: B) studies**
10. There ___ some milk in the fridge.

A) is

B) are

C) has

D) have

**Jawaban: A) is**

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