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Our site is used to be a gathering area for the society. And most of the community in that area life is depended on farming and the society bond is
strong, this strong bond is come because of they live in rural area.
the fact or state of being unified or whole through comprised of two or more parts.

In this situation there is life that makes them all the In the life every person has their own path
common and life is a constant loop. People are constantly
born and constantly dying, in this idea that the end of one’s
existence is one necessarily the end of life altogether.

In their life path there is a social life that makes them unified

Reception Gathering place

The society unity have that unity gives them strength. Warka in the society used us gathering place and gathering under
warka gives a good ventilation and shade. The tree has irregulars shape.

strength unity


Herdsman were sleep in kote house to protect them self’s from wild animal.
And the society farming work together

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