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CSC /2019 / 179
Question 1:
The aim of this course is to discuss the computing processes(isiro) and the abstraction, specification,
formulation, design, implementation and evaluation of computing processes and systems. This is
done through the symbolic rendering and formulation of the instances of state and transition in the
abstraction of a computing process otherwise known as automata. Automata finds expression
through valid structure and the logic applied to an automata instruction is then implemented
through a material agency.

Question 2:
Language is formed by a combination of transition and mental state. Transition involves the
change of a computational system in response to an input and Mental State is the internal
state of a computational system at a particular time. Language defines the sets of strings a
computational device can accept and mental state holds that definition as the internal
configuration. Transition defines what changes in state are made depending on the input

Question 3:
A process is a sequence of actions or events that can be performed by an abstract
machine, such as a finite automaton or a Turing machine. A process can be seen as
a description of how a computation is carried out, step by step, according to some
rules or instructions. A process can also be seen as a representation of the state of a
computation at any given point in time. While an agency is a set of processes that
can interact with each other or with an external environment, such as an input or
output device. An agency can be seen as a model of a distributed or concurrent
system, where multiple processes can run in parallel or communicate with each

Question 4:
Question 5:
i.) Knowable events are events that exist within the ambit of the sensory organs. i.e.
it can be seen, felt, smelt etc. an example of a knowable event is how a cut from a
knife feels. While an Unknowable event is one which doesn’t exist within the
ambit of sensory function. An example is the thought process of another person.
ii.) Knowable events are divided into known events(knowable events that have been
experienced by the sense organs) and unknown events(knowable events that have
not been experienced by the sense organs). Unknown events are then divided into
problems and Mystery. A problem is a knowable unknown instance that can be
expressed within the ambit of the language of instrument for example while a
Mystery is a knowable unknown instance that can’t be expressed within the ambit
of the language of instrument e.g.
iii.) Computable events are problems that are expressed within the ambit of symbolic
rendering e.g. while Uncomputable events are problems expressed outside the
ambit of symbolic rendering.

Question 6:

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