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Clean Energy, 2020, 1–11

doi: 10.1093/ce/zkaa020
Advance Access Publication Date: 24 December 2020

Research Article

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Strategies for reducing the costs of clean-energy
technologies in buildings in Nigeria
Samuel Ekung1,*, Victor Ohama1 and Reginald Ajiero2
Department of Quantity Surveying, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria

Department of Building, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria


*Corresponding author. E-mail:

The costs of clean-energy technologies are currently very high and their adoption in buildings is voluntary. This
study evaluated strategies for improving the cost performance of photovoltaic (PV) electricity applied in buildings
in Nigeria using a questionnaire survey involving 415 targets. The efficacy of each strategy and consensus
in respondents’ perceptions were determined using Fuzzy Set Theory and Kruskal–Wallis tests. The top four
strategies for achieving PV-cost reduction are mandating green buildings, standardization of building designs
and PV components, facilitating import licensing and massive public education. Developing these strategies to
improve the PV value chain will increase the supply capacity of clean energy in emerging markets.

Graphic abstract

Strong government

Low adoption of PV Cost Diffused

in building due to Collaborative PV
reduction Low cost PV adoption of PV
high costs supply chain
policies in buildings

Education, training
and increased

Keywords: buildings; cost reduction; photovoltaic; sustainable energy; sustainable development

Introduction across developing countries is predominantly fossil-based

electricity. The transmission of electricity to point-of-use
Buildings consume a significant proportion of global energy
involves an estimated loss of 6.8% and this proportion
stock [1]. The main source of energy supply to buildings

Received: 2 July 2020; Accepted: 19 October 2020

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, 1
provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
2 | Clean Energy, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX

adds to the quantity of emitted carbon [2]. The environ- energy performance [23]. Other studies, amidst the empir-
mental consequences of fossil-based electricity enhance ical gap, focused on reforms aimed at solving national and
the upsurge in the adoption of point-of-use-generated regional energy problems [5, 19]. The inclination towards
zero-carbon energy. Zero-carbon energy sources are re- regional policies in past studies suggested that the critical
newable and various sources of renewable technologies problems inhibiting adoption require context-based solu-
exist, but solar photovoltaic (PV) energy has gained wide- tions. Efforts to optimize the costs of Building-Integrated
spread approval in developing countries [3]. The expansion Photovoltaic (BIPV) systems [24] and the overall perform-
in renewable energy in Africa is further due to its contribu- ance of the BIPV systems [24–27] also exist, but the adop-
tion to increasing building energy efficiency, carbon reduc- tion of PV technologies is currently very low due to the
tion and aiding sustainable development goals [4–7]. The dearth of strategies to mitigate the perceived high costs.

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lack of reliability and non-availability of power supply are This paper argues that the cost of PV is a function of
specific drivers supporting the penchant for the integra- closely related drivers in the different phases of PV uses in
tion of PV technologies in buildings [5]. In Nigeria, power buildings. A plethora of cost-related triggers such as com-
supply to buildings is not only low, but the spread is also ponent quality, low reliability, poor installation procedures
low. The access to electricity by households in Nigeria was and maintenance requirements are a few related con-
60% in 2014 [8], with no significant growth in 2016 [9] and cerns, which, when mitigated, would expedite PV adoption
persistently declining [10]. The building sector in Nigeria [26]. Chen and Riffat [28] reiterated the need for research to
consumes 55–60% of the current electricity output for 4–6 advance PV-cost mitigation to advance the sustainability
hours daily [10–12]. As in other nations, the energy de- of the built environment. This study, therefore, evolved
mand by buildings in Nigeria is high but the efficiency of practical steps to upscale the uptake of PV technologies in
the current output is low. Strategic upscaling of the in- buildings, through empirical authentication of in-country
stalled capacity of PV energy in this region is the desirable perceived cost-mitigation strategies in Nigeria. The devel-
alternative for tackling energy poverty and the associated opment of strategies to enhance point-of-use generation
environmental problems [7, 13]. is capable of stimulating the supply of clean energy in
The potentials for solar energy and the applications of emerging markets [4]. The research also provides desktop
related technologies in buildings in Nigeria are compelling benchmarks for various actors in the PV value chain such
[4, 14], although accessibility and uptake of PV are laggard as policy developers, industry partners and building devel-
based on inferred high costs [15–17]. Despite advances in opers to upscale adoption. The inability to generate data
the dissemination of awareness relating to sustainable- for policymaking in Nigeria is severe [29]; this study, there-
energy development, most developing countries lack fore, contributes to resolving these problems in the energy
strategic policies for driving enabling technologies in the sector. The objective of the study was to evaluate strategies
energy sector [9, 18]. Unlike related development in Asia for reducing the costs of PV technologies towards diffused
[5, 19], the PV policies in Africa remain marginal after sev- integration in buildings in Nigeria.
eral decades [7]. The competition resulting from the niche
created by the vast PV market in Africa seems inadequate
as an incentive to improve the adoption of related tech- 1 The PV system
nologies in the emerging markets. The high costs of PV The origin of the term ‘photovoltaic’ can be traced to
systems continue to hinder the decision-making to adopt Greek, in which ‘photo’ indicates light and ‘Volta’ was an
these technologies, replacing fossil-based electricity and Italian scientist who invented the chemical battery in 1800
fuel-based generators [15, 16, 20, 21]. Therefore, to thrive, [30]. The PV effect is therefore a direct conversion of solar
several international intervention policies promoting PV energy into electricity. The panels are fabricated using ma-
adoption in this region, and clear and effective strategies terial that allows electrons to energize in a free state from
for promoting cost reduction are imperative [7]. their atoms when subjected to light [30]. The current flows
Various studies have appraised renewable-energy pol- in one direction; hence, the electricity is direct current
icies and strategies for improving access in Nigeria [14, 18, (DC). Photovoltaic systems, therefore, convert solar energy
22] and overseas [5–7, 19]. However, these studies focused into electricity using PV cells combined in modules, and
on enablers, drivers, potentials and barriers, mainly using modules combined to form arrays. In developing coun-
literature synthesis. The empirical evidence underlying tries, the most widely used method of deployment is to
the conclusions of these studies, in most cases, does not mount arrays on the roofs of buildings [15, 16, 19]. Solar PV
advance the severity and perceived performance of the is a member of the renewable-energy-technologies family.
relevance strategies for improving access to renewable en- Renewable energy refers to energy obtained from sources
ergy along with regional variations. Therefore, despite the that are replenished at a similar rate as used [28]. Other
number of studies that evaluated the spread of PV tech- renewable sources include solar thermal, wind, biogas and
nologies, the strategic mitigation policies to improving hydroelectric technologies.
critical cost barriers are sketchy. PV-optimization studies There are three types of PV-cell technologies in the market
researched the targeted selection process and building across developing countries, namely mono-crystalline,
Ekung et al. | 3

silicon/polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon and and housing-loan policies are focal drivers [6]. Therefore,
thin-film technology of Copper Indium Diselenide (CIS) market development and the provision of incentives are
[30]. The mono-crystalline silicon is single-crystal silicon fundamental drivers to cost reduction [5].
and has the highest efficiency rating of >26.7% [31]. The Lawton [34] advanced five strategies for achieving eco-
polycrystalline silicon is more expensive than mono- nomic competitiveness in the PV market. The five strategies
crystalline silicon; cells are fabricated from a block of cast focused on new corporate and public reforms and financing
silicon. Polycrystalline silicon has a conversion efficiency options, standardization of designs, streamlining permit
of 22.3% [31]. The amorphous silicon has the lowest con- issues, utility regulation and mandating green buildings.
version efficiency amongst all PV technologies (10–15%). The study also proved that the early conception and in-
However, mono-crystalline technology is readily available corporation of a photovoltaic system in the design stage

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across market segments of the world, including Nigeria. are significant to mitigate the costs of remedial or retrofit
The PV cell (panel) is the most significant component of works to roofs during installations. This study considers
the PV system, and the most significant cost driver [32]. these strategies too generic to address the focal cost trig-
The rooftop integration of PV across buildings accounts for gers predisposing high costs. Accordingly, standardizing
>80% of applications across the globe [19, 33]. Current in- panels, mandating solar homes, massive education and
novations to improve the cost management of PV adoption awareness campaigns can improve the costs of customer
consider crystalline silicon technology to be more expen- acquisition. Developing local technologies to aid the local
sive and other technologies are economically viable sub- manufacturing of PV components represents an enormous
stitutes [20]. opportunity to improve the installed costs. The costs of PV
modules and other components are consistent barriers
to PV adoption across studies [15, 16]. The participants in
2 PV-cost-optimization strategies these studies likewise agreed that interventions aimed at
Global renewable-energy indices suggest a steady growth improving the reliability of PV components are essential
in the uptake of PV technology. Sustaining this growth tra- to direct cost reduction. Similarly, mandating solar homes,
jectory requires reducing the costs (prices) of PV compo- the standardization of panels and relaxed permitting and
nents, as an incentive to promote widespread adoption inspection are strategic to improve installation costs.
[3]. The vast proportion of extant literature links PV-cost Encouraging and providing third-party financing is suit-
mitigation with government actions as well as those of able to manage finance-related problems. Stimulating the
other stakeholders [3, 24, 34]. Yang and Zou [3] observed local production of non-hardware components through the
that strong government policy support and incentives are R&D of local content supports are imperative to lowering
capable of motivating the adoption of PV technologies overall costs. Developing from the premise of innovation-
across sectors. This viewpoint leads to the postulation that system theory, Strupeit [36] revealed seven processes that
effective, consistent and viable government policies are could improve the soft costs in PV systems. The soft-cost-
prerequisites to PV-costs reduction. Developing strategies reduction policies include demand and market growth,
for cost optimization must therefore focus on improving supply-chain-agent interactions, knowledge acquisition
government policies to stimulate market growth. Lawton and dissemination, producing variety and choice, and the
[34] established a relationship between the soft costs of development of institution capacity [36].
PV and regional or local policies, while panel and module Improvement of the framework for supply-chain-based
costs are affected by international trade regimes, the PV-cost governance is also significant to unbundle PV costs
scale of technological development and production eco- [3]. This strategy encompasses collaboration between key
nomics. The analysis of the causes of PV-cost reduction actors in the construction industry, namely government,
over 30 years revealed that enhanced module efficiency, professionals, manufacturers, clients, users and a league
increased research and development (R&D) and economies of others. The collective intervention of these stake-
of scale could sustain the cost economy [35]. However, holders in their relevant sectors can eliminate knowledge
cost-mitigation solutions are pertinent through long-term gaps, provide subsidies, improve efficiencies and enhance
policies and synergy between relevant stakeholders across market uptake. The roles of the identified stakeholders
the value chain. Cost-reduction strategies refer to drivers in PV-market uptake have been documented in past lit-
(policies) that contribute to lower PV costs by eliminating erature [37–39]. The strategies for the long-term cost op-
barriers and cost factors [5]. The effectiveness of cost- timization of BIPV also exist, namely the establishment
reduction strategies depends on the degree of their effect- of BIPV-information services, awareness and capacity-
iveness to decimate cost factors and barriers. A Malaysian building programmes, the development of PV-market
study showed that PV-integration policies must develop enhancement and infrastructure development, and im-
from the contexts of inherent drivers, enablers and barriers provement of policy and financial frameworks supportive
[6]. Enablers are facilitating policies, barriers are inhibitors, for PV-market sustainability [24]. PV-market-development
while drivers are strategies that can eliminate barriers initiatives are needed to resolve technical feasibility
[5]. Finance, incentives, policy, maintenance, promotion and economic viability using demonstration projects, to
4 | Clean Energy, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX

promote a wider level of acceptance and to deepen under- The scope of achievable cost reduction and the validity of
standing of the technology and its benefits [37, 38]. PV pol- the cost-reduction strategies are imminent empirical gaps
icies and financing programmes are adequate to advance in the literature. This study seeks to validate the potency
activities directed at enhancing the ability of policymakers of PV-cost-reduction strategies using empirical data, since
to institute appropriate, proactive and integrated plans, the formative studies in the literature are non-empirical
which can ensure the development and sustenance of a research.
supportive business environment. Enhancing R&D is also
a strategic way to develop, strengthen and organize the
human-resource capacities of stakeholders [5]. Synergy
through partnership with international joint ventures
3 Research methodology

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and companies can upgrade local firms, R&D institutions The research involved a survey research design. A self-
and the provision of technical infrastructures to test and study structured questionnaire was administered to tar-
standardize PV products. In Malaysia, Sopian [24] observed gets drawn from relevant stakeholders associated with PV
that the highlighted strategies improved PV-application marketing, manufacturing, distribution, installation, de-
rates by >300% over a 5-year strategic plan. The review of sign and promotion. The population of the study consisted
related literature in this section has shown that efforts to of respondents from the Nigeria Energy Commission, con-
improve the cost-effectiveness of PV technologies require struction professionals, PV contractors and electrical en-
strategic planning, designed in phases to achieve short-, gineers. Preliminary inquiry data obtained from various
medium- and long-term cost-reduction targets. Table 1 databases of these bodies revealed a total population of
provides a summary of theoretical cost-optimization vari- 1010 targets. The Kish formula for sample-size determin-
ables for PV technologies from the literature. The strat- ation [48] generated a sample of 415 respondents, including
egies are categorized into three major groups, namely applied correction for non-response bias. The study was
design; financing; and education, training and research. conducted in the six geo-political zones of Nigeria in eight
The postulation suggests the relevant policies for PV-cost cities: Abuja, Lagos, Port Harcourt, Dutse, Gombe, Calabar,
reduction to enhance PV-system and building designs, Uyo and Enugu. The choice of survey research design using
financing, research, education and training. However, the the questionnaire followed the trend in past studies [49,
existing PV-cost-reduction strategies are non-empirical 50]. The survey therefore represents a strategic approach
and the product of institutional and technical literature. adapted to improved the existing theoretical data and

Table 1: Theoretical variables of PV-cost-reduction strategies

Code Strategies Sources

Design strategies
PCS1 Early conception and incorporation of photovoltaic system in the design stage [3, 40]
PCS2 Mandate Green buildings [41]
PCS3 Standardization of designs [34, 40]
PCS4 Promotion of new business practices and developers [42]
PCS5 Encourage PV supply chain cost framework collaboration of actors in the building sector, [37, 43]
professionals, manufacturers, vendors, clients, users and community
PCS6 Simplifying permits and inspections [34]
PCS7 Mandating solar power [3]
PCS8 Relax level of inspection, permits and regulations policies [25]
Financing strategies
PCS9 Provide financing incentives [34, 42]
PCS10 Develop and provide local content through research [26]
PCS11 Facilitate import licensing to check & improve purchasing power benefits [39, 44]
PCS12 Favourable tax policies [40, 45]
Education, training and research
PCS13 Massive public education and awareness campaign [24, 34]
PCS14 Promote research to encourage local production of non-hardware components [35, 46, 47]
PCS15 Provide real-time experiences for development in training and skills of stakeholders [26]
PCS16 Institute relevant standards and update as at when required [26]
PCS17 Set new guidelines for providing technical assistances to the industry [26, 38]
PCS18 Detailed and document barriers and opportunities to cost efficiency to maximized shared [26]
PCS19 Promote installers licensing and certification [45]
Ekung et al. | 5

knowledge of PV-cost-reduction strategies using key stake- based on a 0.85 cut-off point [46] and scores in the range
holder experiences. of 0.85–1.00 indicate full membership and a very high level
The research instrument, the PV Cost Optimisation of effectiveness. FST has diffused application in the de-
Strategies Questionnaire, was implemented to collect the termination of critical-performance indices within the re-
study’s data. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: search environment [54]. Overall, the research involved the
the first part contained questions relating to respondents’ five stages depicted in Fig. 1.
background information including the role of respond-
ents in the PV value chain, years of experience and educa-
tional qualifications; the second part elicited respondents’ 4 Results
perceived level of the effectiveness of identified PV-cost-
4.1 Characteristics of respondents

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mitigation strategies (Table 1). The respondents ranked
their perceived level of effectiveness of the listed strategies The descriptive analysis of respondents’ characteris-
on a five-point Likert scale. The five-point Likert scale was tics validated the quality of the field data. The result in
defined as 1 indicates that the strategy is not effective, the Table 2 shows that the lowest educational qualification of
method has no potential to reduce costs; 2 indicates low the respondents is Higher National Diploma (HND). The
effectiveness, the method has low potential to reduce cost; population of first- and higher-degree holders is also sig-
while 3 means medium effectiveness, a moderate effect nificant. The population of degree holders in the sample
on costs reduction; 4 indicates a high level of effective- is 73%, while the combined population of degree holders
ness, strategy is highly effective to mitigate PV cost; and and those with an HND is 90%. The composition of the
5 means very high effectiveness, the perceived level of the sample with a valid academic qualification is therefore ad-
cost reduction of the strategy is very high. The adminis- equate to accept their perceptions about the effectiveness
tration of the research instrument involved a face-to-face of identified PV-cost-reduction strategies. The majority of
survey and e-mails. The questionnaire-administration ap- the respondents (57%) are design consultants, construc-
proaches yielded a response rate of 70% and an efficiency tion professionals and stakeholders in the PV-supply
rate of 65% [51]. The study also determined the quality of chain. The remaining 43% consists of vendors/distributors,
the research design and measurement variables by con- building contractors and project managers. Fifty-one per
ducting reliability tests because the literature review cent operate in southern Nigeria and another 21% are in
showed that the formative studies were non-empirical re- the northern part. Another 28% operate in Nigeria’s former
search. The result of the Cronbach’s alpha test indicated and current capital cities (Lagos and Abuja). The sample is
that the variables were indicative of optimization strat- homogenous; 33% of respondents are in northern Nigeria,
egies for improving PV cost (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.78–0.92). while 67% are in the southern part.
Other data analysis involved Fuzzy Set Theory (FST) and
the Kruskal–Wallis test. The Kruskal–Wallis test evaluated
4.2 Critical performance of PV-cost-reduction
variance in the respondents’ perceptions of the effective-
ness of PV-cost-reduction strategies, while FST determined
the critical performance of each strategy following similar The level of effectiveness of the cost-mitigation strategies
adoption in related studies [52, 53]. The effectiveness of was analysed using FST. The result (Table 3) shows that 15
each optimization strategy was therefore based on the strategies (81%) out of 19 strategies evaluated are signifi-
critical-performance score obtained using FST. Studies [52] cant and effective to improve PV-cost performance. These
and [53] provide inclusive discussion about the theoret- strategies obtained λ-cut (Lambda Cut) values greater than
ical dimensions of FST and its application in determining the 0.85 benchmark adopted in the study (see the ‘Research
critical performance. The tool addresses fuzziness in the methodology’ section). Further detail indicates that, overall,
qualitative ranking and the analysis involves four steps: mandating green buildings emerged as the most effective
calculations of mean and standard deviation (SD), deter- strategy to improve PV-cost performance with a degree of
mination of Z score (Mean-3/Standard Deviation) and de- association of 0.97. This strategy would ensure that newly
termination of the degree of membership using the Excel built homes and major retrofitted homes adopt solar power
NORMDIST function. The degree of association forms the and other passive design strategies towards energy effi-
basis for setting a benchmark to select an effective strategy ciency. The spread of solar homes is capable of promoting

Survey the adoption of

PV in real-life, Develop variables for Analyze field data,
investigate low PCR and validate with report findings and
adoption PV cost focus group publish results
perception Preliminary literature
search on PV cost Construct instrument,
reduction (PCR) and pilot and collect filed
formulate research data

Fig. 1: Adopted research processes

6 | Clean Energy, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX

Table 2: Respondent characteristics

Educational qualifications Professional qualifications Years in related business

Variables N % Variables N % Variables N %

HND 24 13 Vendor/distributor 36 19 0–5 years 160 85

First degree 80 43 Design consultant 108 57 5–10 years 28 15
MSc and above 56 30 Project manager 24 13 10–15 – –
Other qualifications 28 15 Building contractor 20 11 – –
Total 188 100 Total 224 100 Total 188 100

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South N % South N % Cosmopolitan N %
Calabar 22 12 Jos 10 5 Abuja 23 12
Port Harcourt 38 20 Gombe 5 3 Lagos 30 16
Uyo 20 11 Dutse 10 5 - –
Enugu 15 8 Kano 15 8 - -

Table 3: Effectiveness of PV-cost-reduction strategies

Code Strategies SD Z M(xi) Decision

PCS1 Early conception and incorporation of photovoltaic system in the design 0.92 1.22 0.89 ✓
PCS2 Mandate green buildings 1.32 1.79 0.97 ✓
PCS3 Standardization of designs 0.98 1.35 0.93 ✓
PCS4 Promotion of new business practices and developers 0.77 0.57 0.74 –
PCS5 Encourage PV supply chain cost framework collaboration of actors in the 1.01 1.10 0.87 ✓
building sector, professionals, manufacturers, vendors, clients, users
and community
PCS6 Simplifying permits and inspections 0.94 1.11 0.88 ✓
PCS7 Mandating solar power 1.11 1.42 0.93 ✓
PCS8 Relax level of inspection, permits and regulations policies 0.92 1.24 0.90 ✓
PCS9 Provide financing incentives 0.84 1.06 0.88 ✓
PCS10 Develop and provide local content through research 0.82 0.89 0.89 ✓
PCS11 Facilitate import licensing to check & improve purchasing power benefits 1.01 1.46 0.95 ✓
PCS12 Favourable tax policies 0.99 1.29 0.91 ✓
PCS13 Massive public education and awareness campaign 1.01 1.49 0.94 ✓
PCS14 Promote research to encourage local production of non-hardware 0.89 0.98 0.86 ✓
PCS15 Provide real-time experiences for development in training and skills of 1.04 1.32 0.93 ✓
PCS16 Institute relevant standards and update as at when required 0.89 0.36 0.67 –
PCS17 Set new guidelines for providing technical assistances to the industry 0.87 0.77 0.25 –
PCS18 Detail and document barriers and opportunities to cost-efficiency to 1.04 1.25 0.88 ✓
maximize shared experiences
PCS19 Promote installers licensing and certification 0.95 1.42 0.91 ✓

✓ = Effective; – = Not effective; MIS, mean item score; M(xi), degree of association to a set/critical performance.

the mass production of components to meet demand; the improve purchasing-power benefits (λ-cut, 0.95). A massive
economies of scale would instruct cost reduction. The solar public education and awareness campaign obtained a λ-
mandate would reduce costs by guaranteeing a customer cut score of 0.94 and emerged as the third most effective
base and promoting the benefit of economies of scale and strategy to improve PV costs. Strategies with a low level
design standardization. The second most effective strategy of effectiveness represent 16% of the surveyed PV-cost-
to optimize PV is to facilitate import licensing to check and optimization strategies. This band of PV-cost-mitigation
Ekung et al. | 7

strategies obtained λ-cut values less than the 0.85 bench- valorization of academic research related to PV technolo-
mark adopted by the study. The conclusion portrays their gies in practice within the study area. It also indicates a lack
level of effectiveness to decimate the costs of PV tech- of synergy between academia and industry in solving chal-
nologies as low. Strategies in this category include PCS4 lenges associated with the diffusion of the PV market in
(the promoting of new business practices and developers), the critical building sector. The study also draws attention
PCS16 (instituting relevant standards and updating them to the high level of effectiveness of PCS18, PCS9, PCS6 and
as and when required) and PCS17 (setting new guidelines PCS5 (Table 3). The result of PCS18 (detail and document
for providing technical assistance to the industry). Growth barriers and opportunities to cost-efficiency to maximize
drivers of PV-technologies adoption in the building sector shared experiences) is not a surprise; it is therefore con-
are therefore unconnected to new business culture, new sistent with the perception of respondents about PCS14.

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standards and guidelines based on the results of the study. Lack of academia–industry collaboration and the dearth
Current and existing business practices, standards and of strategic research to promote PV technology underpin
guidelines are therefore adequate to support enabling pol- PCS18. The implication is that the barriers to achieving
icies towards adoption. cost economy in the use of PV technology are less priori-
tized in research. Therefore, the PV-market policy towards
improving cost performance in Nigeria must prioritize
4.3 Test of variation in respondents’ perceptions R&D. Lack of collaborative supply-chain practices in de-
of the significant cost-reduction strategies sign, manufacturing, marketing and distribution are also
Data analysis also determined the consensus in respond- insignificant, based on the result of PCS5. The PV market
ents’ perception of the critical performance of cost- in Nigeria is largely fragmented, and dominated by traders
reduction strategies. The study assessed variance using and vendors instead of by professionals. The dearth of the
the sectors of the respondents based on the Kruskal– capacity to undertake design, installation, maintenance
Wallis test. The statistic determined the hypothesis which and performance monitoring is significant [7]. Design con-
states that there is no significant variation in respond- sultants in the building sector must improve skills in these
ents’ perceptions about the efficacies of identified PV-cost- areas to benefit the cost and quality of PV systems towards
reduction strategies. The result presented in Table 4 improving adoption. In addition, strategies focusing on
indicates a lack of significant variance in the aggregated mitigating low access to finance, cumbersome permits and
perceptions of respondents about the efficacies of the sig- inspection regimes are focal international trade barriers in
nificant and insignificant PV-cost-reduction strategies (p, most places including Nigeria. The low effectiveness rating
0.323 > 0.05). The null hypothesis was accepted. The con- of PCS6 (simplifying permits and inspections) and PCS9
clusion shows consensus in respondents’ perception and (provide financing incentives) are therefore consistent.
the inference means that tested strategies are imperative
to PV-cost reduction.
5.1 Promote strong government intervention

5 Discussion The mitigation of PV costs revolves around strong govern-

ment policy and programmes. This is missing, however, in
The significant strategies for mitigating the cost of PV most developing countries. Lawton [34] corroborated this
technologies in the building sector are summarized as position, noting that strong government support was es-
promoting strong government incentives, a collaborative sential to achieving a common level of economic competi-
PV-supply chain and the provision of incentives and edu- tiveness in the PV market in the USA [34]. Eleri et al. [22]
cation, training and research. The level of effectiveness of also observed that a strong national agenda on renewable
PCS14 (to promote research to encourage local production energy is a prerequisite to achieving efficiency. Government
of non-hardware components) is low, despite exceeding intervention is important to stimulate competition locally,
the targeted benchmark (0.85). The implication is that the as well as to galvanize funding for commercializing re-
impact of R&D relating to PV manufacturing using local search in renewable technologies. A study interpreted this
resources is low. The result of PCS14 also indicates low strategy as developing a renewable-energy industry to-
wards achieving overall sustainable development [14]. Past
studies including Hwang et al. [47] agreed concerning the
Table 4: Result of the Kruskal–Wallis test
role of government and its supporting agencies in ensuring
Respondents’ Mean Chi Asymp. cost-effective sustainable building features. As observed
group rank square df Sig. Decision by Lawton [34], the costs of non-hardware (soft costs) are
significant drivers of PV costs, accounting for >50% of the
Public authority 45.87
installed cost of PV systems. Eighty per cent of the drivers
Construction 43.90 60.460 2 0.323 Accepted
of soft costs are concerns that are solvable using local or
national policies; examples include customer acquisition,
PV contractors 15.67
permitting, inspection and interconnection, financing,
8 | Clean Energy, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX

installation costs, affiliated non-module hardware, and application are dependent on three fundamental goals.
taxes [34]. Soft-cost reduction requires sectoral or re- The three strategies were defined as prioritizing rooftop
gional innovation strategies [36]. Pertinent strategies for technologies, developing clear PV-integration policies
soft-cost reduction require demand and market growth, and enforcing renewable-energy deployment mandates.
interactions between supply-chain agents, education and The government can also provide incentives as the best
training, careful selection of systems and the production strategy to enhance the spread of solar homes [15]. Fina
of varieties, and institutional-capacity development [36]. et al. [57] concluded that government subsidies and finan-
The seven strategies align the philosophies of PCS4, PCS5, cial incentives are imperative to promoting active building
PCS10, PCS13 and PCS17-19 in Table 3. designs.
The strongest links to reducing the soft costs of PV tech-

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nologies are the local manufacturing of non-hardware ac-
cessories and human-capacity development. The study 5.2 Encourage a collaborative PV-supply-chain
by Bizzarri et al. [55], judging from the sharp decrease management framework
in the price of PV systems over the years, posited that a The first level of collaboration and integration must target
cost-effective PV regime is possible through production multiple parties’ roles within the construction industry,
efficiency and technology improvement. A related study including government, professionals, client, end-users
by Bachellerie [41] also found that the extent of PV adop- (community) and manufacturers. The government role is
tion depends on the extent to which technologies become to promote policies and generate funding, education and
affordable and readily efficient. The first mechanism to R&D, and increase awareness towards sustainable-energy
achieving affordability is to increase the level of tech- uses [37]. Manufacturers must invest in R&D to upscale ef-
nology adaptation and acquisition of related expertise by ficiency in order to reduce costs [3]. Azadian and Radzi [38]
local manufacturers and scientists. This would mean cre- also considered skills and knowledge as being imperative
ating requisite knowledge and skills as fundamental re- to reducing the delays and costs associated with custom-
quirements of technological competences in the industrial ized design. The client’s duty is to stimulate an environ-
development pathway. The second aspect deals with pro- mentally friendly energy system by seeking knowledge
moting the fitness and cost-efficiency of PV technology to about its benefits [43]. However, the quest for knowledge
local conditions, increasing R&D and initiating demonstra- advocated by the literature also requires a commitment to
tion projects in order to create niches for the technology investing in PV adoption [3].
in the region. Supply-chain collaboration would also ensure that
The primary cost driver of PV costs, namely mod- shared experiences are fertilized across regional levels be-
ules, remains an imported component in emerging mar- tween project developers, PV contractors, policymakers
kets. Government incentives/subsidies, low-interest and regulators. This level of collaboration would assist in
loans, the design of customized financing schemes for the supply chain to examine cost structures and the in-
sustainable-energy development, subsidizing research fluence of in-country circumstances on cost. Supply-chain
in support of hardware development and tax relief are collaboration would also enhance in-country strategy
important to achieving cost economy in hardware com- development based on applied lessons from unique ex-
ponents. Government intervention can also take the periences. However, the effectual analysis of the PV-cost
form of designed learning in renewable-energy educa- structure would also require detailed documentation of
tional courses and technical information. This dimen- barriers to and opportunities for efficient cost structures
sion would improve the knowledge and skills essential to in the market. The use of regional dialogue through joint
mitigating the cost of hardware in PV systems. A study by projects and workshops is also proficient to benefit cost-
Eleri et al. [22] maintained that related information em- related learning [44]. This could also support shared per-
powers communities, companies and civil-liberty society spectives and the identification of the responsibilities of
groups to make choices. Retzlaff [46] found that federal- each stakeholder in contributing to efficient implementa-
government guidance, building a strong research agenda tion of cost-mitigation trails.
for renewable-energy policy, was significant to spur innov-
ation and increase the adoption of PV. Access to informa-
tion on available technologies, costs, benefits, government
programmes and international support mechanisms in
6 Education, training and increased
Nigeria are, however, inadequate. There is need for active awareness
engagement of the local media such as radio, TV, news- Appropriate information services, awareness and capacity-
paper and the internet as part of environmental education. building programmes can be beneficial in a number of
Festus and Ogoegbunam [56] recommended environ- ways. They will improve the level of understanding and
mental education to enlighten the public on the benefits raise awareness for understanding the technology, its
and the need to adopt renewable technologies to protect benefits and ecological significance. The results of PCS13
the environment. The pertinent viewpoints emerging (massive public education and awareness campaign) and
from the Indian experience that can promote large-scale PCS15 (provide real-time experiences for development in
Ekung et al. | 9

training and skills of stakeholders) validate the import- The cost of PV systems is important for their selection
ance of this dimension. Deep awareness relies on exten- and integration into building-project development. Cost
sive education campaigns and capacity building. Studies determines the duration, quality of projects, profitability
have found seminars, workshops and information re- and the overall building costs [13]. This understanding
source databases to be significant practices in achieving places a premium on the need to achieve cost economy
an appropriate level of penetration. Sopian et al. [24] sup- in the application of PV technologies to optimize project
ported these tools to improve stakeholders’ level of com- duration, quality, profitability and building costs. The sig-
petence and the quality of work of the service providers. nificance of efficient regulatory apparatuses for PV-cost
Information services will further situate decision-makers reduction is consistent with the norms established across
to gain market opportunities towards enhanced policy ini- previous studies [14, 28]. The three framings of strong gov-

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tiatives. Exemplar projects are also important to entrench ernment policy, collaborative supply chain and education,
deep learning and awareness in providing real-time ex- and training and increased awareness are veritable di-
periences and increased efforts in R&D activities. Market- mensions of cost-reduction applications in the PV market.
development policies are also important education and Some policy dimensions advanced in this paper corrob-
awareness-dissemination practices for ensuring that rele- orate the positions in Shukla [5]. Shukla [5] posited that
vant standards are in place and are updated in a timely the mitigation of implementation barriers, deployment of
manner as a set of new guidelines for providing technical incentives and advanced R&D are pertinent drivers of PV
assistance to the industry. Market-development policies adoption. Therefore, R&D, appropriate regulatory govern-
include appropriate legal, institutional, financial and fiscal ance and the mitigation of cost factors are coherent cost-
measures for PV-market development. Education, training, reduction strategies for PV integration into buildings [14,
research and increased awareness have benefited related 28].
market development in Asian countries [24]. The benefits Even though these cost-reduction policies are im-
of R&D would therefore stimulate an increase in installed portant, other critical cost factors and barriers impeding
capacity and a long-term cost reduction of technology PV adoption in buildings must be mitigated. The under-
through an increase in demand, economies of scale and standing is that the incorporation of PV systems into
competitive local manufacturing. buildings is conditioned to face cost barriers until policies
Education, awareness, knowledge and skills improve- and reforms become more effective, technologies become
ment are also strategies for mitigating labour costs. The more affordable, awareness, education and training are
creation and dissemination of prerequisite knowledge re- upscaled, and every stakeholder is oriented to pursue en-
lating to PV are drivers of soft costs within the PV system ergy efficiency as a part of sustainable development goals.
[36]. The study by Bachellerie [41] agreed that the PV la- Therefore, policymakers in developing markets must judi-
bour market requires nationalization in order to regu- ciously plan their future energy policies around strategies
late and mitigate the cost of labour. This understanding that optimize government intervention, education and
places PV-market development, for instance, with the training, supply-chain collaboration and awareness of en-
development of national capital or local contents. Non- ergy efficiency, including how PV adoption can fast track
professionals dominate the existing market structure in sustainable development goals. The important strategies
most developing countries and these entrepreneurs lack outlined above emphasize cooperation and a more active
the prerequisite expertise on the design and integration of involvement of the public/private sector, professionals,
PV systems into the building system. The drive to improve professional bodies, regulatory agencies and households
the labour costs of PV is unconnected with loss of jobs, and contextualized as a component of long-term strategic
rather with promoting the efficiency, effectiveness and policies.
standardization of the work [34]. A study by Hwang et al.
[47] also showed that improving the skills and experience
of contractors and professionals is a strong driver of cost 7 Conclusion
reduction towards the wider adoption of green-building Policies in the building sector to incorporate sustainable-
technologies in Singapore. In addition to the education, energy systems in buildings in most developing countries
awareness and skills development, past study identified have not been able to balance costs with the need to en-
technological innovation systems as one of the most im- sure diffused adoption. This study evaluated strategies for
portant realms to unravel the institutional barriers bedev- mitigating the costs of PV technologies applied in build-
illing PV diffusion in Africa [7]. The issues of technology ings in the typical context of a developing country: Nigeria.
innovation within the context of education policy advo- The results showed that strong government intervention,
cated in this research and in line with past studies concern a collaborative PV-supply chain, and education, training
the appropriate use of R&D [19]. The scope of R&D has no and increased awareness are strategic to PV-cost reduc-
significant consequence on renewable-energy innovation tion. These strategies are significant to drive mandatory
[58]; therefore, research promotes growth in PV expansion green-building policies, the standardization of building
in varying ways. designs/PV components, import-licensing facilitation,
10 | Clean Energy, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX

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