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Names: Alisson Cuaical, Léa Gillson, Andrea Martignago, Sara Mendéz y Valery Sofia


-Narrator:Hello everybody, today we’re going to do à play about cupid’s love story.

Narrator:In à wonderful place above the world we know, where the stars are born, and the
clouds, nights and days are created, is olympus, home of the gods who direct, judge and
care for the world.
There are gods for everything, beauty,family,thunder and others. But especially the goddess
of love, Cupid, daughter of Aphrodite, the one in charge of bringing all types of love to the
human kingdom, with her magical arrows.
century after century, Cupid has brought love to the world, but he has never found his true
love, because the gods of love are like that, not very aware of their own love.

-Cupid: This job is very long and exhausting - She says as she runs à hand over her
forehead and sighs- Although i really like to give love whatever its type.

-Aphrodite: Hello darling, how are you doing with those arrows?

-Cupid: Well mom, i was thinking about something though

-Aphrodite: Tell me Cupid. What 's happening?

-Cupid: Lately I've been feeling strange, and my work makes me sad. Don't get me wrong, I
love creating and giving love, but…

-Aphrodite: But what honey? If you don’t tell me, I can't help you.

-Cupid: Okay… Mom, one day I will be the one who falls in love?

-Aphrodite: Ho Honey, of course that you will fall in love, just be patient, for the gods of love
it is more difficult to find your love.

-Okay: Thanks mom.

-Cupid: I will never find love…

-Cupid: How badly am i paying, this job is a à punishment ¡I’ll never find love! because Zeus
punishes me this way. 8the arrow sticks in) cupid falls and oliver finds her passed out)

-Scene: Cupid opens his eyes and begins to feel some sudden emotion and falls in love with
-Cupid: Hey and i… are you an angel?

-Oliver: What? are you ok?

-Cupid: Eh yes yes, à little dizzy

-Oliver: Don’t worry, I'll take you to my village. I’m Oliver (helps she get up). It’s à pleasure to
meet you. What 's your name?

-Cupid: Hey (She remains silent)

-Oliver: I think the blow affected you à little, don’t worry. i’ll help you (He smiles and they
head to the village)

-Narrator: Oliver and Cupid are walking towards the village, while Oliver is telling him about
his village and its customs, cupid alone thinks about Oliver's beauty, and that he seems like
the son of à good, because of his kindness and how precious he is.

-Narrator: When Oliver’s best friend arrives at the village, Alex sees him and goes to receive

-Alex: Hey Oliver! You’re back but who is she?

-Oliver: Ho, she is…

-Cupid: I am Eras

-Narrator:Once there Cupid told them his name was Eras, the weeks passed and between
that Oliver fell more and more in love with Eras one day.

-Oliver: Hello Alex, can I ask you for advice?

-Alex: tell me what the problem is

-Oliver: I'm falling in love with eras but I feel like eras is hiding something from me and I don't
know if I can trust her and tell her what I feel and if she rejects me because she doesn't feel
the same as me and if…

-Alex: Enough about it, if Era likes you, I know it by the way she looks at you and I know that
you like her too. I can't tell you what you have to do, but I do know that you have to listen to
what your heart tells you. For a moment don't think about what will happen, think and enjoy
now because you can miss it

-Oliver: Alex, I really appreciate it, now I know what I have to do, see you, I have to talk to
Eras and tell him how sorry I am, goodbye.
-Narrator: After Oliver had taken courage, he decided to find a right moment to express his
feelings, so he decided to quote Eras to a park, Oliver and Eras were sitting on a bench,
admiring the view.

-Oliver: It was, I need to tell you something important.

-Eras: What's going on?
-Narrator:Oliver summons all his courage to say this

-Oliver: Eras, the truth is... I've been thinking a lot about you and I've realized that what I feel
goes beyond any friendship. I love you, Eras.

Eras: Oliver, me too... I don't know what to say.

-Oliver: You don't need to say anything, just know it and feel the same way.

-Narrator: Oliver was finally able to express his emotions and feelings towards Era, but
destiny was preparing something else for the two of them.

-Eras: Oliver I like you too

-Oliver: I know

-Narrator: What the couple did not know was that Aphrodite, worried about her daughter, had
come down to earth and had heard their entire conversation, so she decided to intervene,
driven by rage and anger, she went crazy.

-Aphrodite: this is impossible, you can't fall in love, what did you do?

-Eras: You were the one who hit me with an arrow so I could feel.

-Aphrodite: You're crazy, I'm not going to allow this.I do it for your own good since you
criticize me so much, tell your friend who you really are

-Oliver: Eras what's up?

-Narrator: Eras at that moment shows him his true self

-Cupid: I'm Cupid, I'm really sorry for not telling you the truth. I tried to tell you the truth
because I didn't want to lie to you because I like

-Aphrodite: you're going to receive punishment.

-Aphrodite: Your punishment will be to be imprisoned on Olympus until Oliver forgets you
and leaves this earth.

-Narrator: suddenly Eras starts to climb Olympus at that moment he gives oliver a hug
-Cupid: I'm not going to forget you goodbye

-Oliver: I'm not going to forget you either, goodbye you were.

-Narrator: This concludes this tragic love story of Cupid, where for once she is not
responsible for making people fall in love but rather she was the one who fell madly in love
with Oliver for all eternity.

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