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Narrator: 1996 march 14, Mexico

Pablo, Esterno and Maria Playing on a playground.

Maria:oh pablo you can't catch me
Pablo:I will!
Esterno: You can't catch me bozo!
Narrator: 2006 April 1, Mexico
The trio goes back to the playground now all grown up.
Maria: Wow it's been such a long time since we last played here..
Pablo: Time goes by so fast.
Esterno: The memories are coming back to me now, we were playing tag, and just having the
time of our lives. Those were fun days..
Pablo:*thinks to himself* I’ve got to tell her…
Pablo: Hey Maria I got to tell you something..
Maria: What is it?
Pablo: I love you.
Maria: Wait really?
Pablo: Is there something wrong Esterno?
Maria: Yeah you looked like you freaked out!
Esterno: Oh it's nothing…
Esterno walks away but is still shook and slightly jealous
Pablo: Wait! Ernesto!
*Ernesto already is gone*
Pablo and Maria: I wonder where he’s gone…
Pablo: Well now that we’re alone you wanna well… *Puts hand out*
Maria: Oh well hehe… *Grabs his hand*
*They slow dance with romantic music playing in the background*
Cuts to a date scene with maria and pablo
Pablo: *Still worried about Esterno decides to compliment Maria*
Pablo: Wow you’re so pretty tonight Maria…
Maria: You’re so handsome..
*They lean in for a kiss*
Esterno in the background watching from afar: *Sad music plays* *whispers to himself* at least
they’re happy…
Pablo: Wait I swear I just saw Esterno over there
Maria: Where?
*They turn around and see that he’s gone*
Pablo: I guess I must be seeing things?
Maria: Yeah… lets get right back to our date!
Pablo: Yeah…
Pablo: *I need to talk with Ernesto…*

*Cuts to Esterno crying in his room*

*Sad music plays*
Ernesto: Why…how could he do this!!!
Ernesto: *Cries harder*
Pablo: *Knock Knock* Esterno? You okay buddy?
Ernesto: AHHHH PABLO!! Ummmm yeah *Tries to wipe away tears as quick as possible*
Pablo: I heard you screaming up here! What happened? Were you crying?
Ernesto: No! No! I’ve just been ummm losing in a video game! Yeah…
Pablo: Okay… well I hope you win next time?
Esterno: Well yeah see ya!
Pablo: Okay? *Walks away but catches a glimpse into Esternos messy floor and sees a letter.
And while esterno is not looking he takes it with him*
*The next day*
Pablo: Oh hey Esterno!
Esterno: Oh uh sup Pablo! What are you doing here at the playground?
Pablo: I’ve been meaning to ask you about this? *Pulls out the letter from Esternos messy floor
from before*
Pablo: Calm down! I found it at your place and… I didn’t know you felt this way *dramatic pause
4 secs) about me… *shock sound effect.*
Esterno: Then I must confess for real… I… Have feelings for you…
I’m so sorry! I understand if we can’t be friends anymore! *Tries to run away*
Pablo: Wait! *Grabs his hand* I need to tell you something too… *Kisses him* ( K-drama music
plays) I love you too…
Esterno: Wait really?!?
Pablo: Yeah I’ve never really felt right about being with Maria… And now I know why.
*Esterno and Pablo walk away holdings hands while Maria is in the background flabbergasted)
Maria: I can’t believe he didn’t really love me back… *Runs away sobbing*
*Esterno and Pablo are both walking around the park and doing stuff like feeding each other at
a restaurant while a bunch of romantic music plays and the montage ends with them leaning on
each other on a bench*
*Surgery sound effects as Maria has surgery and is turned into a trans male and*
*Cuts to Pablo and Esterno going to see Maria who is now a drug dealer*
*Car sound effects*
*Slight radio music*
Pablo: Man I can’t believe the same children playing tag at a playground are purchasing drugs
from each other
Esterno: Yeah…
Pablo: We’ve fallen off so hard
Esterno: If only you hadn’t read that letter…
Pablo: What? Are you trying to imply this is my fault?
Esterno: No!!! It’s just Maria wouldn’t have gone off the deep end if we didn’t end up together.
Pablo: Oh!!! So you’re saying we shouldn’t be together?!?!!
Esterno: Why are you getting so angry?!? I was simply stating the truth!
Pablo: The truth?!?!!! You’re saying we shouldn’t be together?!!??
Esterno: You know what!!! Maybe it is!!
Pablo: Then get out of my car!!
Esterno: Fine!!! Wait watch out for that PO-
*Audi RS6 crash sound effect*
*Broken down crashed radio music while fading to black*Maria:
:(Sees the news) Darn it! I spent so much time preparing these drugs! Now I don’t get paid or
reunite with my best friends!!!
Maria is still alive and dedicates the rest of her life making the most of it to honor their memory:
Sad honorable angelic music plays while we solemnly say who worked on what*

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